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Merge pull request #2820 from mnaamani/giza_staging_k8_support_kind_ingress

Devops: Howto, kind and ingress config
Mokhtar Naamani преди 3 години

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+### Requirements (in addition to nodejs and npm)
+- kind     - https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/quick-start/#installation
+- minikube - https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/
+- pulumi   - https://www.pulumi.com/docs/get-started/install/
+- kubectl  - https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/#kubectl 
+Note that minikube works better in Mac Docker Desktop. Linux is recommended for best results.
+# Minikube
+### create a minikube cluster
+minikube start
+### deploy nginx ingress controller
+minikube addons enable ingress
+### check deployment succeeded
+kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -l app=ingress-nginx
+### load required docker images
+minikube load image joystream/node:giza --daemon 
+### deploy node-network or query-node pulumi stack..
+pulumi up ...
+# get the namespace name of the deployed stack
+NAMESPACE_NAME=$(pulumi stack output namespaceName)
+### deploy ingress for query-node
+kubectl apply -f query-node/ingress.yaml --namespace $NAMESPACE_NAME
+### deploy ingress for node-network
+kubectl apply -f node-network/ingress.yaml --namespace $NAMESPACE_NAME
+In a separate terminal run the tunnel service, which will attempt to listen on port 80:
+minikube tunnel
+You could run it in the background with the "&" ampersand
+minikube tunnel &
+With ingress deployed you will be able to access the exposed services on:
+kill the background job by its given number (assuming job number 1)
+kill %1
+### Destroying stack and cluster
+pulumi destroy
+minikube stop
+minikube delete
+# Kind
+### Create a 'kind' cluster
+Our cluster configuration will try to listen on port 80 so there cannot be another service running on that port.
+# optionally save cluster config in specific location,
+# remember to set this again when using kubectl command to access the cluster.
+export KUBECONFIG=$(PWD)/kubeconfig
+# create the cluster with custom configuration
+kind create cluster --config ./kind-cluster.yaml --name joystream
+# confirm current context is set to newly created cluster
+kubectl config current-context
+# you should see:
+# if you have switched to a different context you can switch back to the cluster with:
+kubectl config set current-context kind-joystream
+# list cluster nodes
+kubectl get nodes
+# get cluster details
+kubectl cluster-info
+### Deploy nginx ingress controller
+kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/main/deploy/static/provider/kind/deploy.yaml
+### Wait for controller to be ready
+kubectl wait --namespace ingress-nginx \
+  --for=condition=ready pod \
+  --selector=app.kubernetes.io/component=controller \
+  --timeout=90s
+### Load the required docker images
+Load docker images for the stacks. Do not use `:latest` tag otherwise it will be pulled from docker hub.
+kind load docker-image joystream/node:giza 
+kind load docker-image joystream/apps:giza
+### Deploy a pulumi stack..
+For more details see the README files for each stack.
+pulumi up  ...
+# get the namespace name for the stack that was deployed
+NAMESPACE_NAME=$(pulumi stack output namespaceName)
+### Deploy ingress (node network)
+kubectl apply -f node-network/ingress.yaml --namespace $NAMESPACE_NAME
+### Deploy ingress (query node)
+kubectl apply -f query-node/ingress.yaml --namespace $NAMESPACE_NAME
+With ingress deployed you will be able to access the exposed services on:
+### Destroy the stack and cluster
+pulumi destroy
+kind delete cluster

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+# single node kind cluster mapping port 80 to an ingress controller
+# that is deployed separately
+kind: Cluster
+apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
+- role: control-plane
+  kubeadmConfigPatches:
+  - |
+    kind: InitConfiguration
+    nodeRegistration:
+      kubeletExtraArgs:
+        node-labels: "ingress-ready=true"
+  extraPortMappings:
+  - containerPort: 80
+    hostPort: 80
+    protocol: TCP

+ 2 - 43

@@ -60,50 +60,9 @@ const nodeImage = config.get('nodeImage') || 'joystream/node:latest'
 const encryptKey = config.get('encryptionKey') || '1234'
 const subkeyContainers = getSubkeyContainers(numberOfValidators, chainDataPath)
-let pvcClaimName: pulumi.Output<any>
-if (isMinikube) {
-  const pvc = new k8s.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaim(
-    `${name}-pvc`,
-    {
-      metadata: {
-        labels: appLabels,
-        namespace: namespaceName,
-        name: `${name}-pvc`,
-      },
-      spec: {
-        accessModes: ['ReadWriteMany'],
-        resources: {
-          requests: {
-            storage: `1Gi`,
-          },
-        },
-      },
-    },
-    resourceOptions
-  )
-  const pv = new k8s.core.v1.PersistentVolume(`${name}-pv`, {
-    metadata: {
-      labels: { ...appLabels, type: 'local' },
-      namespace: namespaceName,
-      name: `${name}-pv`,
-    },
-    spec: {
-      accessModes: ['ReadWriteMany'],
-      capacity: {
-        storage: `1Gi`,
-      },
-      hostPath: {
-        path: '/mnt/data/',
-      },
-    },
-  })
-  pvcClaimName = pvc.metadata.apply((m) => m.name)
-} else {
-  const nfsVolume = new NFSServiceDeployment('nfs-server', { namespace: namespaceName }, resourceOptions)
-  pvcClaimName = nfsVolume.pvc.metadata.apply((m) => m.name)
+const nfsVolume = new NFSServiceDeployment('nfs-server', { namespace: namespaceName }, resourceOptions)
+const pvcClaimName = nfsVolume.pvc.metadata.apply((m) => m.name)
 const jsonModifyConfig = new configMapFromFile(

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+# deploy this ingress with kubectl:
+# kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml --namespace NAMESPACE_NAME
+apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
+kind: Ingress
+  name: ws-rpc-ingress
+  rules:
+  - http:
+      paths:
+      # rpc node websocket endpoint
+      - pathType: Prefix
+        path: /ws-rpc
+        backend:
+          service:
+            name: node-network
+            port:
+              name: port-1

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+# deploy this ingress with kubectl:
+# kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml --namespace NAMESPACE_NAME
+apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
+kind: Ingress
+  name: graphql-ingress
+  # From example at: https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/examples/rewrite/
+  annotations:
+    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /$2
+  rules:
+  - http:
+      paths:
+      - pathType: Prefix
+        path: /server(/|$)(.*)
+        backend:
+          service:
+            name: graphql-server
+            port:
+              name: port-1
+      - pathType: Prefix
+        path: /indexer(/|$)(.*)
+        backend:
+          service:
+            name: indexer
+            port:
+              name: port-1