@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+import { assert } from 'chai'
+import { ApolloQueryResult } from '@apollo/client'
+import { Api } from '../../Api'
+import { WorkingGroups } from '../../WorkingGroups'
+import { BaseQueryNodeFixture, FixtureRunner } from '../../Fixture'
+import { BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture } from '../membershipModule'
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { Bytes } from '@polkadot/types'
+import { QueryNodeApi } from '../../QueryNodeApi'
+import { CliApi, ICreatedVideoData } from '../../CliApi'
+import { PaidTermId, MemberId } from '@joystream/types/members'
+import { Debugger, extendDebug } from '../../Debugger'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import { addWorkerToGroup } from './addWorkerToGroup'
+import { Worker, WorkerId } from '@joystream/types/working-group'
+import { DataObjectId } from '@joystream/types/storage'
+import {
+ getMemberDefaults,
+ getChannelCategoryDefaults,
+ getChannelDefaults,
+ getVideoDefaults,
+ getVideoCategoryDefaults,
+} from './contentTemplates'
+interface IMember {
+ keyringPair: KeyringPair
+ account: string
+ memberId: MemberId
+// QN connection paramaters
+const qnConnection = {
+ numberOfRepeats: 20, // QN can take some time to catch up with node - repeat until then
+ repeatDelay: 3000, // delay between failed QN requests
+// settings
+const contentDirectoryWorkingGroupId = 1 // TODO: retrieve group id programmatically
+const sufficientTopupAmount = new BN(1000000) // some very big number to cover fees of all transactions
+ Fixture that test Joystream content can be created, is reflected in query node,
+ and channel and categories counts their active videos properly.
+export class ActiveVideoCountersFixture extends BaseQueryNodeFixture {
+ private paidTerms: PaidTermId
+ private debug: Debugger.Debugger
+ private env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv
+ constructor(api: Api, query: QueryNodeApi, cli: CliApi, env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv, paidTerms: PaidTermId) {
+ super(api, query, cli)
+ this.paidTerms = paidTerms
+ this.env = env
+ this.debug = extendDebug('fixture:ActiveVideoCountersFixture')
+ }
+ // this could be used by other modules in some shared fixture or whatnot; membership creation is common to many flows
+ private async createMembers(numberOfMembers: number): Promise<IMember[]> {
+ const keyringPairs = (await this.api.createKeyPairs(numberOfMembers)).map((kp) => kp.key)
+ const accounts = keyringPairs.map((item) => item.address)
+ const buyMembershipsFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(this.api, accounts, this.paidTerms)
+ await new FixtureRunner(buyMembershipsFixture).run()
+ const memberIds = buyMembershipsFixture.getCreatedMembers()
+ return keyringPairs.map((item, index) => ({
+ keyringPair: item,
+ account: accounts[index],
+ memberId: memberIds[index],
+ }))
+ }
+ /*
+ Topup a bunch of accounts by specified amount.
+ */
+ private async topupAddresses(accounts: string[], amount: BN) {
+ await this.api.treasuryTransferBalanceToAccounts(accounts, amount)
+ }
+ /*
+ Execute this Fixture.
+ */
+ public async execute(): Promise<void> {
+ const videoCount = 2
+ const videoCategoryCount = 2
+ const channelCount = 2
+ const channelCategoryCount = 2
+ // prepare accounts for group leads, storage worker, and content author
+ this.debug('Loading working group leaders')
+ const { contentLeader, storageLeader } = await this.retrieveWorkingGroupLeaders()
+ // prepare memberships
+ this.debug('Creating members')
+ const members = await this.createMembers(1)
+ const authorMemberIndex = 0
+ const author = members[authorMemberIndex]
+ author.keyringPair.setMeta({
+ ...author.keyringPair.meta,
+ ...getMemberDefaults(authorMemberIndex),
+ })
+ const storageGroupWorker = author
+ this.debug('Top-uping accounts')
+ await this.topupAddresses(
+ [
+ ...members.map((item) => item.keyringPair.address),
+ contentLeader.role_account_id.toString(),
+ storageLeader.role_account_id.toString(),
+ ],
+ sufficientTopupAmount
+ )
+ // switch to lead and create category structure as lead
+ this.debug(`Choosing content working group lead's account`)
+ // this expects lead account to be already imported into CLI
+ await this.cli.chooseMemberAccount(contentLeader.role_account_id.toString())
+ this.debug('Creating channel categories')
+ const channelCategoryIds = await this.createChannelCategories(channelCategoryCount)
+ this.debug('Creating video categories')
+ const videoCategoryIds = await this.createVideoCategories(videoCategoryCount)
+ // switch to authors account
+ this.debug(`Importing author's account`)
+ await this.cli.importAccount(author.keyringPair)
+ await this.cli.chooseMemberAccount(author.keyringPair.address)
+ // create content entities
+ this.debug('Creating channels')
+ const channelIds = await this.createChannels(channelCount, channelCategoryIds[0], author.account)
+ this.debug('Creating videos')
+ const videosData = await this.createVideos(videoCount, channelIds[0], videoCategoryIds[0])
+ // add `storageGroupWorker` to storage group, storage bucket and accept all storage content
+ const {workerId: storageGroupWorkerId, storageBucketId} = await this.prepareAssetStorage(storageLeader, storageGroupWorker)
+ this.debug('Adding storage bag to bucket')
+ await this.api.updateStorageBucketsForBag(
+ storageLeader.role_account_id.toString(),
+ channelIds[0].toString(),
+ [storageBucketId],
+ )
+ this.debug('Accepting content to storage bag')
+ //const bagId = `dynamic:channel:${channelIds[0]}`
+ const allAssetIds = videosData.map((item) => item.assetContentIds).flat()
+ await this.api.acceptPendingDataObjects(
+ storageGroupWorker.keyringPair.address,
+ storageGroupWorkerId,
+ storageBucketId,
+ //bagId,
+ channelIds[0].toString(),
+ allAssetIds,
+ )
+ // check channel and categories con are counted as active
+ this.debug('Checking channels active video counters')
+ await this.assertCounterMatch('channels', channelIds[0], videoCount)
+ this.debug('Checking channel categories active video counters')
+ await this.assertCounterMatch('channelCategories', channelCategoryIds[0], videoCount)
+ this.debug('Checking video categories active video counters')
+ await this.assertCounterMatch('videoCategories', videoCategoryIds[0], videoCount)
+ // move channel to different channel category and video to different videoCategory
+ const oneMovedVideoCount = 1
+ this.debug('Move channel to different channel category')
+ await this.cli.updateChannel(channelIds[0], {
+ category: channelCategoryIds[1], // move from category 1 to category 2
+ })
+ this.debug('Move video to different video category')
+ await this.cli.updateVideo(videosData[0].videoId, {
+ category: videoCategoryIds[1], // move from category 1 to category 2
+ })
+ // check counters of channel category and video category with newly moved in video/channel
+ this.debug('Checking channel categories active video counters (2)')
+ await this.assertCounterMatch('channelCategories', channelCategoryIds[1], videoCount)
+ this.debug('Checking video categories active video counters (2)')
+ await this.assertCounterMatch('videoCategories', videoCategoryIds[1], oneMovedVideoCount)
+ /** Giza doesn't support changing channels - uncoment this on later releases where it's \\\
+ // move one video to another channel
+ this.debug('Move video to different channel')
+ await this.cli.updateVideo(videosData[0].videoId, {
+ channel: channelIds[1], // move from channel 1 to channel 2
+ })
+ // check counter of channel with newly moved video
+ this.debug('Checking channels active video counters (2)')
+ await this.assertCounterMatch('channels', channelIds[0], videoCount - oneMovedVideoCount)
+ await this.assertCounterMatch('channels', channelIds[1], oneMovedVideoCount)
+ // end
+ */
+ this.debug('Done')
+ }
+ /**
+ Prepares storage requisites.
+ */
+ private async prepareAssetStorage(storageLeader: Worker, storageGroupWorker: IMember) {
+ const noLimit = 10000000 // virtually no limit
+ const bucketSettings = {
+ sizeLimit: noLimit,
+ objectsLimit: noLimit,
+ }
+ const storageBucketsPerBag = 10 // something in boundaries of StorageBucketsPerBagValueConstraint (see runtime)
+ this.debug('Setting up storage buckets per bag limit')
+ await this.api.updateStorageBucketsPerBagLimit(storageLeader.role_account_id.toString(), storageBucketsPerBag)
+ this.debug('Setting up storage buckets voucher limits')
+ await this.api.updateStorageBucketsVoucherMaxLimits(
+ storageLeader.role_account_id.toString(),
+ bucketSettings.sizeLimit,
+ bucketSettings.objectsLimit,
+ )
+ this.debug('Adding worker to content directory group')
+ const workerId = await addWorkerToGroup(
+ this.api,
+ this.env,
+ WorkingGroups.Storage,
+ storageGroupWorker.keyringPair.address
+ )
+ this.debug('Creating storage bucket')
+ const createBucketResult = await this.api.createStorageBucket(
+ storageLeader.role_account_id.toString(),
+ bucketSettings.sizeLimit,
+ bucketSettings.objectsLimit,
+ workerId,
+ )
+ const storageBucketId = this.api.findStorageBucketCreated(createBucketResult.events) as DataObjectId
+ this.debug('Accepting storage bucket invitation')
+ await this.api.acceptStorageBucketInvitation(
+ storageGroupWorker.keyringPair.address,
+ workerId,
+ storageBucketId,
+ )
+ return {workerId, storageBucketId}
+ }
+ /**
+ Asserts a channel, or a video/channel categories have their active videos counter set properly
+ in Query node.
+ */
+ private async assertCounterMatch(
+ entityName: 'channels' | 'channelCategories' | 'videoCategories',
+ entityId: number,
+ expectedCount: number
+ ) {
+ const qnConnectionNumberOfRepeats = 10
+ const getterName = `get${entityName[0].toUpperCase()}${entityName.slice(1)}`
+ await this.query.tryQueryWithTimeout(
+ () => (this.query as any)[getterName](),
+ (tmpEntity) => {
+ const entities = (tmpEntity as any).data[entityName]
+ assert(entities.length > 0) // some entities were loaded
+ const entity = entities.find((item: any) => item.id === entityId.toString())
+ // all videos created in this fixture should be active and belong to first entity
+ assert(entity.activeVideosCounter === expectedCount)
+ },
+ qnConnection.repeatDelay,
+ qnConnection.numberOfRepeats
+ )
+ }
+ /**
+ Retrieves information about accounts of group leads for content and storage working groups.
+ */
+ private async retrieveWorkingGroupLeaders(): Promise<{ contentLeader: Worker; storageLeader: Worker }> {
+ const retrieveGroupLeader = async (group: WorkingGroups) => {
+ const leader = await this.api.getGroupLead(group)
+ if (!leader) {
+ throw new Error(`Working group leader for "${group}" is missing!`)
+ }
+ return leader
+ }
+ return {
+ contentLeader: await retrieveGroupLeader(WorkingGroups.Content),
+ storageLeader: await retrieveGroupLeader(WorkingGroups.Storage),
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ Creates a new video.
+ Note: Assets have to be accepted later on for videos to be counted as active.
+ */
+ private async createVideos(count: number, channelId: number, videoCategoryId: number): Promise<ICreatedVideoData[]> {
+ const createVideo = async (index: number) => {
+ return await this.cli.createVideo(channelId, {
+ ...getVideoDefaults(index, this.cli.cliExamplesFolderPath),
+ category: videoCategoryId,
+ })
+ }
+ const newVideosData = (await this.createCommonEntities(count, createVideo)) as ICreatedVideoData[]
+ return newVideosData
+ }
+ /**
+ Creates a new video category. Can only be executed as content group leader.
+ */
+ private async createVideoCategories(count: number): Promise<number[]> {
+ const createdIds = (await this.createCommonEntities(count, (index) =>
+ this.cli.createVideoCategory({
+ ...getVideoCategoryDefaults(index),
+ })
+ )) as number[]
+ return createdIds
+ }
+ /**
+ Creates a new channel.
+ */
+ private async createChannels(count: number, channelCategoryId: number, authorAddress: string): Promise<number[]> {
+ const createdIds = (await this.createCommonEntities(count, (index) =>
+ this.cli.createChannel({
+ ...getChannelDefaults(index, authorAddress),
+ category: channelCategoryId,
+ })
+ )) as number[]
+ return createdIds
+ }
+ /**
+ Creates a new channel category. Can only be executed as content group leader.
+ */
+ private async createChannelCategories(count: number): Promise<number[]> {
+ const createdIds = (await this.createCommonEntities(count, (index) =>
+ this.cli.createChannelCategory({
+ ...getChannelCategoryDefaults(index),
+ })
+ )) as number[]
+ return createdIds
+ }
+ /**
+ Creates a bunch of content entities.
+ */
+ private async createCommonEntities<T>(count: number, createPromise: (index: number) => Promise<T>): Promise<T[]> {
+ const createdIds = await Array.from(Array(count).keys()).reduce(async (accPromise, index: number) => {
+ const acc = await accPromise
+ const createdId = await createPromise(index)
+ return [...acc, createdId]
+ }, Promise.resolve([]) as Promise<T[]>)
+ return createdIds
+ }