@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+#![cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
+use super::*;
+use frame_benchmarking::{benchmarks_instance, Zero};
+use frame_system::Module as System;
+use frame_system::{EventRecord, RawOrigin};
+use sp_std::convert::TryInto;
+use Module as Blog;
+const MAX_BYTES: u32 = 16384;
+fn assert_last_event<T: Trait<I>, I: Instance>(generic_event: <T as Trait<I>>::Event) {
+ let events = System::<T>::events();
+ let system_event: <T as frame_system::Trait>::Event = generic_event.into();
+ assert!(!events.is_empty(), "There are no events in event queue");
+ // compare to the last event record
+ let EventRecord { event, .. } = &events[events.len() - 1];
+ assert_eq!(event, &system_event);
+fn get_blog_owner<T: Trait<I>, I: Instance>() -> T::AccountId {
+ T::AccountId::default()
+fn generate_post<T: Trait<I>, I: Instance>() -> (T::AccountId, T::PostId) {
+ let caller_id = get_blog_owner::<T, I>();
+ assert_eq!(Blog::<T, I>::post_count(), Zero::zero());
+ Blog::<T, I>::create_post(
+ RawOrigin::Signed(caller_id.clone()).into(),
+ vec![0u8],
+ vec![0u8],
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let post_id = T::PostId::zero();
+ assert_eq!(Blog::<T, I>::post_count(), One::one());
+ assert!(Blog::<T, I>::post_by_id(post_id) == Post::<T, I>::new(vec![0u8], vec![0u8]));
+ (caller_id, post_id)
+fn generate_reply<T: Trait<I>, I: Instance>(
+ creator_id: T::AccountId,
+ post_id: T::PostId,
+) -> T::ReplyId {
+ let creator_origin = RawOrigin::Signed(creator_id);
+ let participant_id = Blog::<T, I>::get_participant(creator_origin.clone().into()).unwrap();
+ Blog::<T, I>::create_reply(creator_origin.clone().into(), post_id, None, vec![0u8]).unwrap();
+ assert!(
+ Blog::<T, I>::reply_by_id(post_id, T::ReplyId::zero())
+ == Reply::<T, I>::new(vec![0u8], participant_id, ParentId::Post(post_id))
+ );
+ T::ReplyId::zero()
+benchmarks_instance! {
+ _ {}
+ create_post {
+ let t in 0 .. MAX_BYTES;
+ let b in 0 .. MAX_BYTES;
+ let caller_id = get_blog_owner::<T, I>();
+ assert_eq!(Blog::<T, I>::post_count(), Zero::zero());
+ }:_(RawOrigin::Signed(caller_id), vec![0u8; t.try_into().unwrap()], vec![0u8; b.try_into().unwrap()])
+ verify {
+ assert_eq!(Blog::<T, I>::post_count(), One::one());
+ assert!(
+ Blog::<T, I>::post_by_id(T::PostId::zero()) ==
+ Post::<T, I>::new(vec![0u8; t.try_into().unwrap()], vec![0u8; b.try_into().unwrap()])
+ );
+ assert_last_event::<T, I>(RawEvent::PostCreated(T::PostId::zero()).into());
+ }
+ lock_post {
+ let (creator_id, post_id) = generate_post::<T, I>();
+ }: _(RawOrigin::Signed(creator_id), post_id)
+ verify {
+ assert!(Blog::<T, I>::post_by_id(post_id).is_locked());
+ assert_last_event::<T, I>(RawEvent::PostLocked(post_id).into());
+ }
+ unlock_post {
+ let (creator_id, post_id) = generate_post::<T, I>();
+ Blog::<T, I>::lock_post(RawOrigin::Signed(creator_id.clone()).into(), post_id).unwrap();
+ assert!(Blog::<T, I>::post_by_id(post_id).is_locked());
+ }: _(RawOrigin::Signed(creator_id), post_id)
+ verify {
+ assert!(!Blog::<T, I>::post_by_id(post_id).is_locked());
+ assert_last_event::<T, I>(RawEvent::PostUnlocked(post_id).into());
+ }
+ edit_post {
+ let t in 0 .. MAX_BYTES;
+ let b in 0 .. MAX_BYTES;
+ let (creator_id, post_id) = generate_post::<T, I>();
+ }: _(
+ RawOrigin::Signed(creator_id),
+ post_id,
+ Some(vec![1u8; t.try_into().unwrap()]),
+ Some(vec![1u8; b.try_into().unwrap()])
+ )
+ verify {
+ assert!(
+ Blog::<T, I>::post_by_id(post_id) ==
+ Post::<T, I>::new(vec![1u8; t.try_into().unwrap()], vec![1u8; b.try_into().unwrap()])
+ );
+ assert_last_event::<T, I>(RawEvent::PostEdited(post_id).into());
+ }
+ create_reply_to_post {
+ let t in 0 .. MAX_BYTES;
+ let (creator_id, post_id) = generate_post::<T, I>();
+ let creator_origin = RawOrigin::Signed(creator_id);
+ }: create_reply(
+ creator_origin.clone(),
+ post_id,
+ None,
+ vec![0u8; t.try_into().unwrap()]
+ )
+ verify {
+ let mut expected_post = Post::<T, I>::new(vec![0u8], vec![0u8]);
+ let participant_id = Blog::<T, I>::get_participant(creator_origin.into()).unwrap();
+ expected_post.increment_replies_counter();
+ assert!(Blog::<T, I>::post_by_id(post_id) == expected_post);
+ assert!(
+ Blog::<T, I>::reply_by_id(post_id, T::ReplyId::zero()) ==
+ Reply::<T, I>::new(
+ vec![0u8; t.try_into().unwrap()],
+ participant_id,
+ ParentId::Post(post_id)
+ )
+ );
+ assert_last_event::<T, I>(RawEvent::ReplyCreated(participant_id, post_id, Zero::zero()).into());
+ }
+ create_reply_to_reply {
+ let t in 0 .. MAX_BYTES;
+ let (creator_id, post_id) = generate_post::<T, I>();
+ let reply_id = generate_reply::<T, I>(creator_id.clone(), post_id.clone());
+ let creator_origin = RawOrigin::Signed(creator_id);
+ let mut expected_post = Post::<T, I>::new(vec![0u8], vec![0u8]);
+ expected_post.increment_replies_counter();
+ assert!(Blog::<T, I>::post_by_id(post_id) == expected_post);
+ }: create_reply(
+ creator_origin.clone(),
+ post_id,
+ Some(reply_id),
+ vec![0u8; t.try_into().unwrap()]
+ )
+ verify {
+ let participant_id = Blog::<T, I>::get_participant(
+ creator_origin.clone().into()
+ ).unwrap();
+ expected_post.increment_replies_counter();
+ assert!(Blog::<T, I>::post_by_id(post_id) == expected_post);
+ assert!(
+ Blog::<T, I>::reply_by_id(post_id, T::ReplyId::one()) ==
+ Reply::<T, I>::new(
+ vec![0u8; t.try_into().unwrap()],
+ participant_id,
+ ParentId::Reply(reply_id)
+ )
+ );
+ assert_last_event::<T, I>(
+ RawEvent::DirectReplyCreated(participant_id, post_id, reply_id, One::one()).into()
+ );
+ }
+ edit_reply {
+ let t in 0 .. MAX_BYTES;
+ let (creator_id, post_id) = generate_post::<T, I>();
+ let reply_id = generate_reply::<T, I>(creator_id.clone(), post_id.clone());
+ let creator_origin = RawOrigin::Signed(creator_id);
+ }: _(
+ creator_origin.clone(),
+ post_id,
+ reply_id,
+ vec![1u8; t.try_into().unwrap()]
+ )
+ verify {
+ let participant_id = Blog::<T, I>::get_participant(
+ creator_origin.clone().into()
+ ).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(
+ Blog::<T, I>::reply_by_id(post_id, reply_id).text_hash,
+ T::Hashing::hash(&vec![1u8; t.try_into().unwrap()])
+ );
+ assert!(
+ Blog::<T, I>::reply_by_id(post_id, reply_id) ==
+ Reply::<T, I>::new(
+ vec![1u8; t.try_into().unwrap()],
+ participant_id,
+ ParentId::Post(post_id)
+ )
+ );
+ assert_last_event::<T, I>(RawEvent::ReplyEdited(post_id, reply_id).into());
+ }
+ react_to_post {
+ let (creator_id, post_id) = generate_post::<T, I>();
+ let creator_origin = RawOrigin::Signed(creator_id);
+ }: react(
+ creator_origin.clone(),
+ 0,
+ post_id,
+ None
+ )
+ verify {
+ let owner = Blog::<T, I>::get_participant(
+ creator_origin.clone().into()
+ ).unwrap();
+ assert_last_event::<T, I>(RawEvent::PostReactionsUpdated(owner, post_id, 0).into());
+ }
+ react_to_reply {
+ let (creator_id, post_id) = generate_post::<T, I>();
+ let reply_id = generate_reply::<T, I>(creator_id.clone(), post_id.clone());
+ let creator_origin = RawOrigin::Signed(creator_id);
+ }: react(
+ creator_origin.clone(),
+ 0,
+ post_id,
+ Some(reply_id)
+ )
+ verify {
+ let owner = Blog::<T, I>::get_participant(
+ creator_origin.clone().into()
+ ).unwrap();
+ assert_last_event::<T, I>(
+ RawEvent::ReplyReactionsUpdated(owner, post_id, reply_id, 0).into()
+ );
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use crate::mock::{ExtBuilder, Runtime};
+ use frame_support::assert_ok;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_create_post() {
+ ExtBuilder::default().build().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_create_post::<Runtime>());
+ })
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_lock_post() {
+ ExtBuilder::default().build().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_lock_post::<Runtime>());
+ })
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_unlock_post() {
+ ExtBuilder::default().build().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_unlock_post::<Runtime>());
+ })
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_edit_post() {
+ ExtBuilder::default().build().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_edit_post::<Runtime>());
+ })
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_create_reply_to_post() {
+ ExtBuilder::default().build().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_create_reply_to_post::<Runtime>());
+ })
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_create_reply_to_reply() {
+ ExtBuilder::default().build().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_create_reply_to_reply::<Runtime>());
+ })
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_edit_reply() {
+ ExtBuilder::default().build().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_edit_reply::<Runtime>());
+ })
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_react_to_post() {
+ ExtBuilder::default().build().execute_with(|| {
+ assert_ok!(test_benchmark_react_to_post::<Runtime>());
+ })
+ }