@@ -69,7 +69,11 @@ export async function dataDirectory_ContentRemoved(db: DatabaseManager, event: S
// remove assets from database
for (let item of dataObjects) {
- await db.remove<DataObject>(item)
+ // ensure dataObject is nowhere used to prevent db constraint error
+ await disconnectDataObjectRelations(db, item)
+ // remove data object
+ await db.remove<DataObject>(item)
// emit log event
@@ -161,6 +165,46 @@ async function updateSingleConnectedAsset<T extends Channel | Video>(db: Databas
+// removes connection between dataObject and other entities
+async function disconnectDataObjectRelations(db: DatabaseManager, dataObject: DataObject) {
+ await disconnectSingleDataObjectRelation(db, new Channel(), 'avatarPhoto', dataObject)
+ await disconnectSingleDataObjectRelation(db, new Channel(), 'coverPhoto', dataObject)
+ await disconnectSingleDataObjectRelation(db, new Video(), 'thumbnailPhoto', dataObject)
+ await disconnectSingleDataObjectRelation(db, new Video(), 'media', dataObject)
+async function disconnectSingleDataObjectRelation<T extends Channel | Video>(db: DatabaseManager, type: T, propertyName: string, dataObject: DataObject) {
+ // prepare lookup condition
+ const condition = {
+ where: {
+ [propertyName + 'DataObject']: dataObject
+ }
+ } // as FindConditions<T>
+ // in therory the following condition(s) can be generalized `... db.get(type, ...` but in practice it doesn't work :-\
+ const items = type instanceof Channel
+ ? await db.getMany(Channel, condition)
+ : await db.getMany(Video, condition)
+ for (const item of items) {
+ item[propertyName + 'Availability'] = AssetAvailability.INVALID
+ item[propertyName + 'DataObject'] = null
+ if (type instanceof Channel) {
+ await db.save<Channel>(item)
+ // emit log event
+ logger.info("Content has been disconnected from Channel", {channelId: item.id.toString(), joystreamContentId: dataObject.joystreamContentId})
+ } else {
+ await db.save<Video>(item)
+ // emit log event
+ logger.info("Content has been disconnected from Channel", {videoId: item.id.toString(), joystreamContentId: dataObject.joystreamContentId})
+ }
+ }
/////////////////// Helpers ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function convertStorageObjectOwner(objectOwner: StorageObjectOwner): typeof DataObjectOwner {