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query node + cli + tests - active video counters improvements III

ondratra 3 years ago

+ 0 - 3

@@ -1,5 +1,2 @@

+ 11 - 6

@@ -139,18 +139,23 @@ export class ApiFactory {
     return keys
-  private createKeyPair(suriPath: string, isCustom = false): KeyringPair {
+  private createKeyPair(suriPath: string, isCustom = false, isFinalPath = false): KeyringPair {
     if (isCustom) {
-    const uri = `${this.miniSecret}//testing//${suriPath}//${uuid().substring(0, 8)}`
+    const uri = isFinalPath ? suriPath : `${this.miniSecret}//testing//${suriPath}//${uuid().substring(0, 8)}`
     const pair = this.keyring.addFromUri(uri)
     this.addressesToSuri.set(pair.address, uri)
     return pair
-  public createCustomKeyPair(customPath: string): KeyringPair {
-    return this.createKeyPair(customPath, true)
+  public createCustomKeyPair(customPath: string, isFinalPath: boolean): KeyringPair {
+    return this.createKeyPair(customPath, true, isFinalPath)
+  }
+  public createRawKeyPair(customPath: string): KeyringPair {
+    const pair = this.keyring.addFromUri(customPath)
+    return pair
   public keyGenInfo(): KeyGenInfo {
@@ -244,8 +249,8 @@ export class Api {
     return this.factory.createKeyPairs(n)
-  public createCustomKeyPair(path: string): KeyringPair {
-    return this.factory.createCustomKeyPair(path)
+  public createCustomKeyPair(path: string, finalPath = false): KeyringPair {
+    return this.factory.createCustomKeyPair(path, finalPath)
   public keyGenInfo(): KeyGenInfo {

+ 0 - 252

@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-import * as path from 'path'
-import { spawnSync } from 'child_process'
-import * as fs from 'fs'
-import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
-import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'
-import { MemberId } from '@joystream/types/members'
-export interface ICreatedVideoData {
-  videoId: number
-  assetContentIds: string[]
-const jsonEndodeIndent = 2
-  Adapter for calling CLI commands from integration tests.
-export class CliApi {
-  private tmpFilePath: string // filepath for temporary file needed to transfer data from and to cli
-  readonly cliExamplesFolderPath: string
-  public constructor() {
-    this.tmpFilePath = path.join(__dirname, '/__CliApi_tempfile.json')
-    this.cliExamplesFolderPath = path.dirname(require.resolve('@joystream/cli/package.json')) + '/examples/content'
-  }
-  /**
-    Runs CLI command with specified arguments.
-  */
-  private runCommand(
-    parameters: string[],
-    env: Record<string, string> = {}
-  ): { error: boolean; stdout: string; stderr: string } {
-    // use sync spawn if that works without issues
-    const output = spawnSync('yarn', ['joystream-cli', ...parameters], {
-      env: {
-        ...env,
-        PATH: process.env.PATH,
-        APPDATA: path.join(__dirname, '/__CliApi_appdata/'),
-      },
-    })
-    return {
-      error: !!output.error,
-      stdout: (output.stdout || '').toString(),
-      stderr: (output.stderr || '').toString(),
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-    Saves data to temporary file that can be passed to CLI as data input.
-  */
-  private saveToTempFile(content: string) {
-    try {
-      fs.writeFileSync(this.tmpFilePath, content + '\n')
-    } catch (e) {
-      throw new Error(`Can't write to temporary file "${this.tmpFilePath}"`)
-    }
-  }
-  private saveToTempFileEncode(content: unknown) {
-    const encodedContent = JSON.stringify(content, null, jsonEndodeIndent)
-    this.saveToTempFile(encodedContent)
-  }
-  /**
-    Parses `id` of newly created content entity from CLI's stdout.
-  */
-  private parseCreatedIdFromStdout(stdout: string): number {
-    return parseInt((stdout.match(/with id (\d+) successfully created/) as RegExpMatchArray)[1])
-  }
-  /**
-    Checks if CLI's stderr contains warning about no storage provider available.
-  */
-  private containsWarningNoStorage(text: string): boolean {
-    return !!text.match(/^\s*\S\s*Warning: No storage provider is currently available!/m)
-  }
-  /**
-    Checks if CLI's stderr contains warning about no password used when importing account.
-  */
-  private containsWarningEmptyPassword(text: string): boolean {
-    return !!text.match(/^\s*\S\s*Warning: Using empty password is not recommended!/)
-  }
-  /**
-    Setups API URI for the CLI.
-  */
-  async setApiUri(uri = 'ws://localhost:9944') {
-    const { stderr } = this.runCommand(['api:setUri', uri])
-    if (stderr) {
-      throw new Error(`Unexpected CLI failure on setting API URI: "${stderr}"`)
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-    Setups QN URI for the CLI.
-  */
-  async setQueryNodeUri(uri = 'http://localhost:8081/graphql') {
-    const { stderr } = this.runCommand(['api:setQueryNodeEndpoint', uri])
-    if (stderr) {
-      throw new Error(`Unexpected CLI failure on setting QN URI: "${stderr}"`)
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-    Imports an account from Polkadot's keyring keypair to CLI.
-  */
-  async importAccount(keyringPair: KeyringPair, password = ''): Promise<void> {
-    this.saveToTempFileEncode(keyringPair.toJson(password))
-    const { stderr } = this.runCommand([
-      'account:import',
-      '--name',
-      ( as string) || uuid().substring(0, 8),
-      '--password',
-      password,
-      '--backupFilePath',
-      this.tmpFilePath,
-    ])
-    if (stderr && !this.containsWarningEmptyPassword(stderr)) {
-      throw new Error(`Unexpected CLI failure on importing account: "${stderr}"`)
-    }
-  }
-  async chooseMemberAccount(memberId: MemberId) {
-    const { stderr } = this.runCommand(['account:chooseMember', '--memberId', memberId.toString()])
-    if (stderr) {
-      throw new Error(`Unexpected CLI failure on choosing account: "${stderr}"`)
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-    Creates a new channel.
-  */
-  async createChannel(channel: unknown): Promise<number> {
-    this.saveToTempFileEncode(channel)
-    const { stdout, stderr } = this.runCommand(
-      ['content:createChannel', '--input', this.tmpFilePath, '--context', 'Member'],
-      { AUTO_CONFIRM: 'true' }
-    )
-    if (stderr && !this.containsWarningNoStorage(stderr)) {
-      // ignore warnings
-      throw new Error(`Unexpected CLI failure on creating channel: "${stderr}"`)
-    }
-    return this.parseCreatedIdFromStdout(stdout)
-  }
-  /**
-    Creates a new channel category.
-  */
-  async createChannelCategory(channelCategory: unknown): Promise<number> {
-    this.saveToTempFileEncode(channelCategory)
-    const { stdout, stderr } = this.runCommand(
-      ['content:createChannelCategory', '--input', this.tmpFilePath, '--context', 'Lead'],
-      { AUTO_CONFIRM: 'true' }
-    )
-    if (stderr) {
-      throw new Error(`Unexpected CLI failure on creating channel category: "${stderr}"`)
-    }
-    return this.parseCreatedIdFromStdout(stdout)
-  }
-  /**
-    Creates a new video.
-  */
-  async createVideo(channelId: number, video: unknown): Promise<ICreatedVideoData> {
-    this.saveToTempFileEncode(video)
-    const { stdout, stderr } = this.runCommand(
-      ['content:createVideo', '--input', this.tmpFilePath, '--channelId', channelId.toString()],
-      { AUTO_CONFIRM: 'true' }
-    )
-    if (stderr && !this.containsWarningNoStorage(stderr)) {
-      // ignore warnings
-      throw new Error(`Unexpected CLI failure on creating video: "${stderr}"`)
-    }
-    const videoId = this.parseCreatedIdFromStdout(stdout)
-    const assetContentIds = Array.from(stdout.matchAll(/ objectId: '([a-z0-9]+)'/g)).map((item) => item[1])
-    return {
-      videoId,
-      assetContentIds,
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-    Creates a new video category.
-  */
-  async createVideoCategory(videoCategory: unknown): Promise<number> {
-    this.saveToTempFileEncode(videoCategory)
-    const { stdout, stderr } = this.runCommand(
-      ['content:createVideoCategory', '--input', this.tmpFilePath, '--context', 'Lead'],
-      { AUTO_CONFIRM: 'true' }
-    )
-    if (stderr) {
-      throw new Error(`Unexpected CLI failure on creating video category: "${stderr}"`)
-    }
-    return this.parseCreatedIdFromStdout(stdout)
-  }
-  /**
-    Updates an existing video.
-  */
-  async updateVideo(videoId: number, video: unknown): Promise<void> {
-    this.saveToTempFileEncode(video)
-    const { stdout, stderr } = this.runCommand(
-      ['content:updateVideo', '--input', this.tmpFilePath, videoId.toString()],
-      { AUTO_CONFIRM: 'true' }
-    )
-    if (stderr && !this.containsWarningNoStorage(stderr)) {
-      // ignore warnings
-      throw new Error(`Unexpected CLI failure on creating video category: "${stderr}"`)
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-    Updates a channel.
-  */
-  async updateChannel(channelId: number, channel: unknown): Promise<void> {
-    this.saveToTempFileEncode(channel)
-    const { stdout, stderr } = this.runCommand(
-      ['content:updateChannel', '--input', this.tmpFilePath, channelId.toString()],
-      { AUTO_CONFIRM: 'true' }
-    )
-    if (stderr && !this.containsWarningNoStorage(stderr)) {
-      // ignore warnings
-      throw new Error(`Unexpected CLI failure on creating video category: "${stderr}"`)
-    }
-  }

+ 1 - 4

@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import { assert } from 'chai'
 import { ISubmittableResult } from '@polkadot/types/types/'
 import { DispatchResult } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/system'
 import { QueryNodeApi } from './QueryNodeApi'
-import { CliApi } from './CliApi'
 export abstract class BaseFixture {
   protected readonly api: Api
@@ -87,12 +86,10 @@ export abstract class BaseFixture {
 export abstract class BaseQueryNodeFixture extends BaseFixture {
   protected readonly query: QueryNodeApi
-  protected readonly cli: CliApi
-  constructor(api: Api, query: QueryNodeApi, cli: CliApi) {
+  constructor(api: Api, query: QueryNodeApi) {
     this.query = query
-    this.cli = cli

+ 0 - 2

@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
 import { Api } from './Api'
 import { QueryNodeApi } from './QueryNodeApi'
 import { ResourceLocker } from './Resources'
-import { CliApi } from './CliApi'
 export type FlowProps = {
   api: Api
   env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv
   query: QueryNodeApi
-  cli: CliApi
   lock: ResourceLocker
 export type Flow = (args: FlowProps) => Promise<void>

+ 0 - 3

@@ -5,13 +5,11 @@ import { QueryNodeApi } from './QueryNodeApi'
 import { Flow } from './Flow'
 import { InvertedPromise } from './InvertedPromise'
 import { ResourceManager } from './Resources'
-import { CliApi } from './CliApi'
 export type JobProps = {
   apiFactory: ApiFactory
   env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv
   query: QueryNodeApi
-  cli: CliApi
 export enum JobOutcome {
@@ -106,7 +104,6 @@ export class Job {
             api: jobProps.apiFactory.getApi(`${this.label}:${}-${index}`),
             env: jobProps.env,
             query: jobProps.query,
-            cli: jobProps.cli,
             lock: locker.lock,
         } catch (err) {

+ 1 - 15

@@ -4,31 +4,18 @@ import { Job, JobOutcome, JobProps } from './Job'
 import { ApiFactory } from './Api'
 import { QueryNodeApi } from './QueryNodeApi'
 import { ResourceManager } from './Resources'
-import { CliApi } from './CliApi'
 export class JobManager extends EventEmitter {
   private _jobs: Job[] = []
   private readonly _apiFactory: ApiFactory
   private readonly _env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv
   private readonly _query: QueryNodeApi
-  private readonly _cli: CliApi
-  constructor({
-    apiFactory,
-    env,
-    query,
-    cli,
-  }: {
-    apiFactory: ApiFactory
-    env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv
-    query: QueryNodeApi
-    cli: CliApi
-  }) {
+  constructor({ apiFactory, env, query }: { apiFactory: ApiFactory; env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv; query: QueryNodeApi }) {
     this._apiFactory = apiFactory
     this._env = env
     this._query = query
-    this._cli = cli
   public createJob(label: string, flows: Flow[] | Flow): Job {
@@ -45,7 +32,6 @@ export class JobManager extends EventEmitter {
       env: this._env,
       query: this._query,
       apiFactory: this._apiFactory,
-      cli: this._cli,

+ 1 - 4

@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import { JobManager } from './JobManager'
 import { ResourceManager } from './Resources'
 import fetch from 'cross-fetch'
 import fs from 'fs'
-import { CliApi } from './CliApi'
 export type ScenarioProps = {
   env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv
@@ -86,11 +85,9 @@ export async function scenario(scene: (props: ScenarioProps) => Promise<void>):
   const query = new QueryNodeApi(queryNodeProvider)
-  const cli = new CliApi()
   const debug = extendDebug('scenario')
-  const jobs = new JobManager({ apiFactory, query, env, cli })
+  const jobs = new JobManager({ apiFactory, query, env })
   await scene({ env, debug, job: jobs.createJob.bind(jobs) })

+ 51 - 10

@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
 import path from 'path'
-import { execFile } from 'child_process'
+import { execFile, ChildProcess, PromiseWithChild, ExecFileException, ExecException } from 'child_process'
 import { promisify } from 'util'
 import { Sender } from '../sender'
-export type CommandResult = { stdout: string; stderr: string; out: string }
+export type CommandResult = {
+  exitCode: number
+  stdout: string
+  stderr: string
+  out: string
 export abstract class CLI {
   protected env: Record<string, string>
@@ -38,17 +43,53 @@ export abstract class CLI {
     return nextArg
-  async run(command: string, customArgs: string[] = [], lockKeys: string[] = []): Promise<CommandResult> {
+  async run(
+    command: string,
+    customArgs: string[] = [],
+    lockKeys: string[] = [],
+    requireSuccess = true
+  ): Promise<CommandResult> {
+    const defaultError = 1
     const pExecFile = promisify(execFile)
     const { env } = this
-    const { stdout, stderr } = await Sender.asyncLock.acquire(
+    const { stdout, stderr, exitCode } = await Sender.asyncLock.acquire( => `nonce-${k}`),
-      () =>
-        pExecFile(this.binPath, [command, ...this.getArgs(customArgs)], {
-          env,
-          cwd: this.rootPath,
-        })
+      async () => {
+        try {
+          // execute command and wait for std outputs (or error)
+          const execOutputs = await pExecFile(this.binPath, [command, ...this.getArgs(customArgs)], {
+            env,
+            cwd: this.rootPath,
+          })
+          // return outputs and exit code
+          return {
+            ...execOutputs,
+            exitCode: 0,
+          }
+        } catch (error: unknown) {
+          const errorTyped = error as ExecFileException & { stdout: string; stderr: string }
+          // escape if command's success is required
+          if (requireSuccess) {
+            throw error
+          }
+          return {
+            exitCode: errorTyped.code || defaultError,
+            stdout: errorTyped.stdout || '',
+            stderr: errorTyped.stderr || '',
+          }
+        }
+      }
-    return { stdout, stderr, out: stdout.trim() }
+    return {
+      exitCode,
+      stdout,
+      stderr,
+      out: stdout.trim(),
+    }

+ 174 - 5

@@ -3,9 +3,15 @@ import path from 'path'
 import { CLI, CommandResult } from './base'
 import { TmpFileManager } from './utils'
 import { ChannelInputParameters } from '@joystream/cli/src/Types'
+import { MemberId } from '@joystream/types/members'
 const CLI_ROOT_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../../cli')
+export interface ICreatedVideoData {
+  videoId: number
+  assetContentIds: string[]
 export class JoystreamCLI extends CLI {
   protected keys: string[] = []
   protected tmpFileManager: TmpFileManager
@@ -14,16 +20,24 @@ export class JoystreamCLI extends CLI {
     const defaultEnv = {
       HOME: tmpFileManager.tmpDataDir,
     super(CLI_ROOT_PATH, defaultEnv)
     this.tmpFileManager = tmpFileManager
+  /**
+    Inits all required connections, etc.
+  */
   async init(): Promise<void> {
     await'api:setUri', [process.env.NODE_URL || 'ws://'])
     await'api:setQueryNodeEndpoint', [process.env.QUERY_NODE_URL || ''])
-  async importKey(pair: KeyringPair): Promise<void> {
+  /**
+    Imports accounts key to CLI.
+  */
+  async importAccount(pair: KeyringPair): Promise<void> {
+    const password = ''
     const jsonFile = this.tmpFileManager.jsonFile(pair.toJson())
     await'account:import', [
@@ -31,17 +45,172 @@ export class JoystreamCLI extends CLI {
-      '',
+      password,
-  async run(command: string, customArgs: string[] = [], keyLocks?: string[]): Promise<CommandResult> {
-    return, customArgs, keyLocks || this.keys)
+  /**
+    Runs Joystream CLI command.
+  */
+  async run(
+    command: string,
+    customArgs: string[] = [],
+    keyLocks?: string[],
+    requireSuccess = true
+  ): Promise<CommandResult> {
+    return, customArgs, keyLocks || this.keys, requireSuccess)
-  async createChannel(inputData: ChannelInputParameters, args: string[]): Promise<CommandResult> {
+  // TODO: remove
+  async createChannelOoooriginal(inputData: ChannelInputParameters, args: string[]): Promise<CommandResult> {
     const jsonFile = this.tmpFileManager.jsonFile(inputData)
     return'content:createChannel', ['--input', jsonFile, ...args])
+  /**
+    Getter for temporary-file manager.
+  */
+  public getTmpFileManager(): TmpFileManager {
+    return this.tmpFileManager
+  }
+  /**
+    Parses `id` of newly created content entity from CLI's stdout.
+  */
+  private parseCreatedIdFromStdout(stdout: string): number {
+    return parseInt((stdout.match(/with id (\d+) successfully created/) as RegExpMatchArray)[1])
+  }
+  /**
+    Checks if CLI's stderr contains warning about no storage provider available.
+  */
+  private containsWarningNoStorage(stderr: string): boolean {
+    return !!stderr.match(/^\s*\S\s*Warning: No storage provider is currently available!/m)
+  }
+  /**
+    Checks if CLI's stderr contains warning about no password used when importing account.
+  */
+  private containsWarningEmptyPassword(text: string): boolean {
+    return !!text.match(/^\s*\S\s*Warning: Using empty password is not recommended!/)
+  }
+  /**
+    Selects active member for CLI commands.
+  */
+  async chooseMemberAccount(memberId: MemberId) {
+    const { stderr } = await'account:chooseMember', ['--memberId', memberId.toString()])
+    if (stderr) {
+      throw new Error(`Unexpected CLI failure on choosing account: "${stderr}"`)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+    Creates a new channel.
+  */
+  async createChannel(channel: unknown): Promise<number> {
+    const jsonFile = this.tmpFileManager.jsonFile(channel)
+    const { stdout, stderr } = await'content:createChannel', ['--input', jsonFile, '--context', 'Member'])
+    if (stderr && !this.containsWarningNoStorage(stderr)) {
+      // ignore warnings
+      throw new Error(`Unexpected CLI failure on creating channel: "${stderr}"`)
+    }
+    return this.parseCreatedIdFromStdout(stdout)
+  }
+  /**
+    Creates a new channel category.
+  */
+  async createChannelCategory(channelCategory: unknown): Promise<number> {
+    const jsonFile = this.tmpFileManager.jsonFile(channelCategory)
+    const { stdout, stderr } = await'content:createChannelCategory', [
+      '--input',
+      jsonFile,
+      '--context',
+      'Lead',
+    ])
+    if (stderr) {
+      throw new Error(`Unexpected CLI failure on creating channel category: "${stderr}"`)
+    }
+    return this.parseCreatedIdFromStdout(stdout)
+  }
+  /**
+    Creates a new video.
+  */
+  async createVideo(channelId: number, video: unknown, canOmitUpload = true): Promise<ICreatedVideoData> {
+    const jsonFile = this.tmpFileManager.jsonFile(video)
+    const { stdout, stderr, exitCode } = await
+      'content:createVideo',
+      ['--input', jsonFile, '--channelId', channelId.toString()],
+      undefined,
+      !canOmitUpload
+    )
+    // prevent error from CLI that create
+    if (canOmitUpload && exitCode > 0 && !this.containsWarningNoStorage(stderr)) {
+      // ignore warnings
+      throw new Error(`Unexpected CLI failure on creating video: "${stderr}"`)
+    }
+    const videoId = this.parseCreatedIdFromStdout(stdout)
+    const assetContentIds = Array.from(stdout.matchAll(/ objectId: '([a-z0-9]+)'/g)).map((item) => item[1])
+    return {
+      videoId,
+      assetContentIds,
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+    Creates a new video category.
+  */
+  async createVideoCategory(videoCategory: unknown): Promise<number> {
+    const jsonFile = this.tmpFileManager.jsonFile(videoCategory)
+    const { stdout, stderr } = await'content:createVideoCategory', ['--input', jsonFile, '--context', 'Lead'])
+    if (stderr) {
+      throw new Error(`Unexpected CLI failure on creating video category: "${stderr}"`)
+    }
+    return this.parseCreatedIdFromStdout(stdout)
+  }
+  /**
+    Updates an existing video.
+  */
+  async updateVideo(videoId: number, video: unknown): Promise<void> {
+    const jsonFile = this.tmpFileManager.jsonFile(video)
+    const { stdout, stderr } = await'content:updateVideo', ['--input', jsonFile, videoId.toString()])
+    if (stderr && !this.containsWarningNoStorage(stderr)) {
+      // ignore warnings
+      throw new Error(`Unexpected CLI failure on creating video category: "${stderr}"`)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+    Updates a channel.
+  */
+  async updateChannel(channelId: number, channel: unknown): Promise<void> {
+    const jsonFile = this.tmpFileManager.jsonFile(channel)
+    const { stdout, stderr } = await'content:updateChannel', ['--input', jsonFile, channelId.toString()])
+    if (stderr && !this.containsWarningNoStorage(stderr)) {
+      // ignore warnings
+      throw new Error(`Unexpected CLI failure on creating video category: "${stderr}"`)
+    }
+  }

+ 49 - 270

@@ -7,13 +7,11 @@ import { BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture } from '../membershipModule'
 import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
 import { Bytes } from '@polkadot/types'
 import { QueryNodeApi } from '../../QueryNodeApi'
-import { CliApi, ICreatedVideoData } from '../../CliApi'
 import { PaidTermId, MemberId } from '@joystream/types/members'
 import { Debugger, extendDebug } from '../../Debugger'
 import BN from 'bn.js'
-import { addWorkerToGroup } from './addWorkerToGroup'
 import { Worker, WorkerId } from '@joystream/types/working-group'
-import { DataObjectId } from '@joystream/types/storage'
 import {
@@ -21,172 +19,84 @@ import {
 } from './contentTemplates'
-interface IMember {
-  keyringPair: KeyringPair
-  account: string
-  memberId: MemberId
-// settings
-const sufficientTopupAmount = new BN(1000000) // some very big number to cover fees of all transactions
+import { JoystreamCLI, ICreatedVideoData } from '../../cli/joystream'
+import * as path from 'path'
   Fixture that test Joystream content can be created, is reflected in query node,
   and channel and categories counts their active videos properly.
+  Assuming all videos start in channel, video category, and channel category respectively
+  `channelIds[0]`, `channelCategoryIds[0]`, and `videoCategoryIds[0]`.
 export class ActiveVideoCountersFixture extends BaseQueryNodeFixture {
-  private paidTerms: PaidTermId
   private debug: Debugger.Debugger
-  private env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv
-  constructor(api: Api, query: QueryNodeApi, cli: CliApi, env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv, paidTerms: PaidTermId) {
-    super(api, query, cli)
-    this.paidTerms = paidTerms
-    this.env = env
+  private cli: JoystreamCLI
+  private channelIds: number[]
+  private videosData: ICreatedVideoData[]
+  private channelCategoryIds: number[]
+  private videoCategoryIds: number[]
+  constructor(
+    api: Api,
+    query: QueryNodeApi,
+    cli: JoystreamCLI,
+    channelIds: number[],
+    videosData: ICreatedVideoData[],
+    channelCategoryIds: number[],
+    videoCategoryIds: number[]
+  ) {
+    super(api, query)
+    this.cli = cli
+    this.channelIds = channelIds
+    this.videosData = videosData
+    this.channelCategoryIds = channelCategoryIds
+    this.videoCategoryIds = videoCategoryIds
     this.debug = extendDebug('fixture:ActiveVideoCountersFixture')
-  // this could be used by other modules in some shared fixture or whatnot; membership creation is common to many flows
-  private async createMembers(numberOfMembers: number): Promise<IMember[]> {
-    const keyringPairs = (await this.api.createKeyPairs(numberOfMembers)).map((kp) => kp.key)
-    const accounts = => item.address)
-    const buyMembershipsFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(this.api, accounts, this.paidTerms)
-    await new FixtureRunner(buyMembershipsFixture).run()
-    const memberIds = buyMembershipsFixture.getCreatedMembers()
-    return, index) => ({
-      keyringPair: item,
-      account: accounts[index],
-      memberId: memberIds[index],
-    }))
-  }
-  /*
-    Topup a bunch of accounts by specified amount.
-  */
-  private async topupAddresses(accounts: string[], amount: BN) {
-    await this.api.treasuryTransferBalanceToAccounts(accounts, amount)
-  }
     Execute this Fixture.
   public async execute(): Promise<void> {
-    const videoCount = 2
-    const videoCategoryCount = 2
-    const channelCount = 2
-    const channelCategoryCount = 2
-    // prepare accounts for group leads, storage worker, and content author
-    this.debug('Loading working group leaders')
-    const { contentLeader, storageLeader } = await this.retrieveWorkingGroupLeaders()
-    // prepare memberships
-    this.debug('Creating members')
-    const members = await this.createMembers(1)
-    const authorMemberIndex = 0
-    const author = members[authorMemberIndex]
-    author.keyringPair.setMeta({
-      ...getMemberDefaults(authorMemberIndex),
-    })
-    const storageGroupWorker = author
-    this.debug('Top-uping accounts')
-    await this.topupAddresses(
-      [
- => item.keyringPair.address),
-        contentLeader.role_account_id.toString(),
-        storageLeader.role_account_id.toString(),
-      ],
-      sufficientTopupAmount
-    )
-    // switch to lead and create category structure as lead
-    this.debug(`Choosing content working group lead's account`)
-    // this expects lead account to be already imported into CLI
-    await this.cli.chooseMemberAccount(contentLeader.member_id)
-    this.debug('Creating channel categories')
-    const channelCategoryIds = await this.createChannelCategories(channelCategoryCount)
-    this.debug('Creating video categories')
-    const videoCategoryIds = await this.createVideoCategories(videoCategoryCount)
-    // switch to authors account
-    this.debug(`Importing author's account`)
-    await this.cli.importAccount(author.keyringPair)
-    await this.cli.chooseMemberAccount(author.memberId)
-    // create content entities
-    this.debug('Creating channels')
-    const channelIds = await this.createChannels(channelCount, channelCategoryIds[0], author.account)
-    this.debug('Creating videos')
-    const videosData = await this.createVideos(videoCount, channelIds[0], videoCategoryIds[0])
-    // add `storageGroupWorker` to storage group, storage bucket and accept all storage content
-    const { workerId: storageGroupWorkerId, storageBucketId } = await this.prepareAssetStorage(
-      storageLeader,
-      storageGroupWorker
-    )
-    this.debug('Adding storage bag to bucket')
-    await this.api.updateStorageBucketsForBag(storageLeader.role_account_id.toString(), channelIds[0].toString(), [
-      storageBucketId,
-    ])
-    this.debug('Accepting content to storage bag')
-    const allAssetIds = => item.assetContentIds).flat()
-    await this.api.acceptPendingDataObjects(
-      storageGroupWorker.keyringPair.address,
-      storageGroupWorkerId,
-      storageBucketId,
-      channelIds[0].toString(),
-      allAssetIds
-    )
+    const videoCount = this.videosData.length
+    const videoCategoryCount = this.videoCategoryIds.length
+    const channelCount = this.channelIds.length
+    const channelCategoryCount = this.channelCategoryIds.length
     // check channel and categories con are counted as active
     this.debug('Checking channels active video counters')
-    await this.assertCounterMatch('channels', channelIds[0], videoCount)
+    await this.assertCounterMatch('channels', this.channelIds[0], videoCount)
     this.debug('Checking channel categories active video counters')
-    await this.assertCounterMatch('channelCategories', channelCategoryIds[0], videoCount)
+    await this.assertCounterMatch('channelCategories', this.channelCategoryIds[0], videoCount)
     this.debug('Checking video categories active video counters')
-    await this.assertCounterMatch('videoCategories', videoCategoryIds[0], videoCount)
+    await this.assertCounterMatch('videoCategories', this.videoCategoryIds[0], videoCount)
     // move channel to different channel category and video to different videoCategory
-    const oneMovedVideoCount = 1
+    const oneMovedItemCount = 1
     this.debug('Move channel to different channel category')
-    await this.cli.updateChannel(channelIds[0], {
-      category: channelCategoryIds[1], // move from category 1 to category 2
+    await this.cli.updateChannel(this.channelIds[0], {
+      category: this.channelCategoryIds[1], // move from category 1 to category 2
     this.debug('Move video to different video category')
-    await this.cli.updateVideo(videosData[0].videoId, {
-      category: videoCategoryIds[1], // move from category 1 to category 2
+    await this.cli.updateVideo(this.videosData[0].videoId, {
+      category: this.videoCategoryIds[1], // move from category 1 to category 2
     // check counters of channel category and video category with newly moved in video/channel
     this.debug('Checking channel categories active video counters (2)')
-    await this.assertCounterMatch('channelCategories', channelCategoryIds[1], videoCount)
+    await this.assertCounterMatch('channelCategories', this.channelCategoryIds[1], videoCount)
     this.debug('Checking video categories active video counters (2)')
-    await this.assertCounterMatch('videoCategories', videoCategoryIds[1], oneMovedVideoCount)
+    await this.assertCounterMatch('videoCategories', this.videoCategoryIds[1], oneMovedItemCount)
-    /** Giza doesn't support changing channels - uncoment this on later releases where it's supported
+    /** Giza doesn't support changing channels - uncomment this on later releases where it's supported
     // move one video to another channel
@@ -198,8 +108,8 @@ export class ActiveVideoCountersFixture extends BaseQueryNodeFixture {
     // check counter of channel with newly moved video
     this.debug('Checking channels active video counters (2)')
-    await this.assertCounterMatch('channels', channelIds[0], videoCount - oneMovedVideoCount)
-    await this.assertCounterMatch('channels', channelIds[1], oneMovedVideoCount)
+    await this.assertCounterMatch('channels', channelIds[0], videoCount - oneMovedItemCount)
+    await this.assertCounterMatch('channels', channelIds[1], oneMovedItemCount)
     // end
@@ -207,51 +117,6 @@ export class ActiveVideoCountersFixture extends BaseQueryNodeFixture {
-  /**
-    Prepares storage requisites.
-  */
-  private async prepareAssetStorage(storageLeader: Worker, storageGroupWorker: IMember) {
-    const noLimit = 10000000 // virtually no limit
-    const bucketSettings = {
-      sizeLimit: noLimit,
-      objectsLimit: noLimit,
-    }
-    const storageBucketsPerBag = 10 // something in boundaries of StorageBucketsPerBagValueConstraint (see runtime)
-    this.debug('Setting up storage buckets per bag limit')
-    await this.api.updateStorageBucketsPerBagLimit(storageLeader.role_account_id.toString(), storageBucketsPerBag)
-    this.debug('Setting up storage buckets voucher limits')
-    await this.api.updateStorageBucketsVoucherMaxLimits(
-      storageLeader.role_account_id.toString(),
-      bucketSettings.sizeLimit,
-      bucketSettings.objectsLimit
-    )
-    this.debug('Adding worker to content directory group')
-    const workerId = await addWorkerToGroup(
-      this.api,
-      this.env,
-      WorkingGroups.Storage,
-      storageGroupWorker.keyringPair.address
-    )
-    this.debug('Creating storage bucket')
-    const createBucketResult = await this.api.createStorageBucket(
-      storageLeader.role_account_id.toString(),
-      bucketSettings.sizeLimit,
-      bucketSettings.objectsLimit,
-      workerId
-    )
-    const storageBucketId = this.api.getEvent(, 'storage', 'StorageBucketCreated').data[0]
-    this.debug('Accepting storage bucket invitation')
-    await this.api.acceptStorageBucketInvitation(storageGroupWorker.keyringPair.address, workerId, storageBucketId)
-    return { workerId, storageBucketId }
-  }
     Asserts a channel, or a video/channel categories have their active videos counter set properly
     in Query node.
@@ -261,7 +126,10 @@ export class ActiveVideoCountersFixture extends BaseQueryNodeFixture {
     entityId: number,
     expectedCount: number
   ) {
-    const getterName = `get${entityName[0].toUpperCase()}${entityName.slice(1)}` as 'getChannels' | 'getChannelCategories' | 'getVideoCategories'
+    const getterName = `get${entityName[0].toUpperCase()}${entityName.slice(1)}` as
+      | 'getChannels'
+      | 'getChannelCategories'
+      | 'getVideoCategories'
     await this.query.tryQueryWithTimeout(
       () => this.query[getterName](),
       (tmpEntity) => {
@@ -272,96 +140,7 @@ export class ActiveVideoCountersFixture extends BaseQueryNodeFixture {
         // all videos created in this fixture should be active and belong to first entity
         assert(entity.activeVideosCounter === expectedCount)
-      },
-    )
-  }
-  /**
-    Retrieves information about accounts of group leads for content and storage working groups.
-  */
-  private async retrieveWorkingGroupLeaders(): Promise<{ contentLeader: Worker; storageLeader: Worker }> {
-    const retrieveGroupLeader = async (group: WorkingGroups) => {
-      const leader = await this.api.getGroupLead(group)
-      if (!leader) {
-        throw new Error(`Working group leader for "${group}" is missing!`)
-      return leader
-    }
-    return {
-      contentLeader: await retrieveGroupLeader(WorkingGroups.Content),
-      storageLeader: await retrieveGroupLeader(WorkingGroups.Storage),
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-    Creates a new video.
-    Note: Assets have to be accepted later on for videos to be counted as active.
-  */
-  private async createVideos(count: number, channelId: number, videoCategoryId: number): Promise<ICreatedVideoData[]> {
-    const createVideo = async (index: number) => {
-      return await this.cli.createVideo(channelId, {
-        ...getVideoDefaults(index, this.cli.cliExamplesFolderPath),
-        category: videoCategoryId,
-      })
-    }
-    const newVideosData = (await this.createCommonEntities(count, createVideo)) as ICreatedVideoData[]
-    return newVideosData
-  }
-  /**
-    Creates a new video category. Can only be executed as content group leader.
-  */
-  private async createVideoCategories(count: number): Promise<number[]> {
-    const createdIds = (await this.createCommonEntities(count, (index) =>
-      this.cli.createVideoCategory({
-        ...getVideoCategoryDefaults(index),
-      })
-    )) as number[]
-    return createdIds
-  }
-  /**
-    Creates a new channel.
-  */
-  private async createChannels(count: number, channelCategoryId: number, authorAddress: string): Promise<number[]> {
-    const createdIds = (await this.createCommonEntities(count, (index) =>
-      this.cli.createChannel({
-        ...getChannelDefaults(index, authorAddress),
-        category: channelCategoryId,
-      })
-    )) as number[]
-    return createdIds
-  }
-  /**
-    Creates a new channel category. Can only be executed as content group leader.
-  */
-  private async createChannelCategories(count: number): Promise<number[]> {
-    const createdIds = (await this.createCommonEntities(count, (index) =>
-      this.cli.createChannelCategory({
-        ...getChannelCategoryDefaults(index),
-      })
-    )) as number[]
-    return createdIds
-  }
-  /**
-    Creates a bunch of content entities.
-  */
-  private async createCommonEntities<T>(count: number, createPromise: (index: number) => Promise<T>): Promise<T[]> {
-    const createdIds = await Array.from(Array(count).keys()).reduce(async (accPromise, index: number) => {
-      const acc = await accPromise
-      const createdId = await createPromise(index)
-      return [...acc, createdId]
-    }, Promise.resolve([]) as Promise<T[]>)
-    return createdIds
+    )

+ 0 - 77

@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// this file could be used by more fixtures - adding worker to group is quite common
-import {
-  AddWorkerOpeningFixture,
-  ApplyForOpeningFixture,
-  BeginApplicationReviewFixture,
-  FillOpeningFixture,
-  IncreaseStakeFixture,
-  UpdateRewardAccountFixture,
-} from '../../fixtures/workingGroupModule'
-import { FixtureRunner } from '../../Fixture'
-import { OpeningId } from '@joystream/types/hiring'
-import { Api } from '../../Api'
-import { WorkingGroups } from '../../WorkingGroups'
-import BN from 'bn.js'
-import { WorkerId } from '@joystream/types/working-group'
-export async function addWorkerToGroup(
-  api: Api,
-  env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv,
-  group: WorkingGroups,
-  applicant: string
-): Promise<WorkerId> {
-  const applicationStake: BN = new BN(env.WORKING_GROUP_APPLICATION_STAKE!)
-  const roleStake: BN = new BN(env.WORKING_GROUP_ROLE_STAKE!)
-  const firstRewardInterval: BN = new BN(env.LONG_REWARD_INTERVAL!)
-  const rewardInterval: BN = new BN(env.LONG_REWARD_INTERVAL!)
-  const payoutAmount: BN = new BN(env.PAYOUT_AMOUNT!)
-  const unstakingPeriod: BN = new BN(env.STORAGE_WORKING_GROUP_UNSTAKING_PERIOD!)
-  const openingActivationDelay: BN = new BN(0)
-  const paidTerms = api.createPaidTermId(new BN(+env.MEMBERSHIP_PAID_TERMS!))
-  const addWorkerOpeningFixture = new AddWorkerOpeningFixture(
-    api,
-    applicationStake,
-    roleStake,
-    openingActivationDelay,
-    unstakingPeriod,
-    group
-  )
-  // Add worker opening
-  await new FixtureRunner(addWorkerOpeningFixture).run()
-  // First apply for worker opening
-  const applyForWorkerOpeningFixture = new ApplyForOpeningFixture(
-    api,
-    [applicant],
-    applicationStake,
-    roleStake,
-    addWorkerOpeningFixture.getCreatedOpeningId() as OpeningId,
-    group
-  )
-  await new FixtureRunner(applyForWorkerOpeningFixture).run()
-  const applicationIdToHire = applyForWorkerOpeningFixture.getApplicationIds()[0]
-  // Begin application review
-  const beginApplicationReviewFixture = new BeginApplicationReviewFixture(
-    api,
-    addWorkerOpeningFixture.getCreatedOpeningId() as OpeningId,
-    group
-  )
-  await new FixtureRunner(beginApplicationReviewFixture).run()
-  // Fill worker opening
-  const fillOpeningFixture = new FillOpeningFixture(
-    api,
-    [applicationIdToHire],
-    addWorkerOpeningFixture.getCreatedOpeningId() as OpeningId,
-    firstRewardInterval,
-    rewardInterval,
-    payoutAmount,
-    group
-  )
-  await new FixtureRunner(fillOpeningFixture).run()
-  return fillOpeningFixture.getWorkerIds()[0]

+ 222 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+import { BaseQueryNodeFixture, FixtureRunner } from '../../Fixture'
+import { Debugger, extendDebug } from '../../Debugger'
+import { JoystreamCLI, ICreatedVideoData } from '../../cli/joystream'
+import { PaidTermId, MemberId } from '@joystream/types/members'
+import { QueryNodeApi } from '../../QueryNodeApi'
+import { Api } from '../../Api'
+import * as path from 'path'
+import { getMemberDefaults, getVideoDefaults, getChannelDefaults } from './contentTemplates'
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import { BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture } from '../membershipModule'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import { DataObjectId, StorageBucketId } from '@joystream/types/storage'
+import { Worker, WorkerId } from '@joystream/types/working-group'
+import { createType } from '@joystream/types'
+import { singleBucketConfig } from '../../flows/storagev2/initStorage'
+interface IMember {
+  keyringPair: KeyringPair
+  account: string
+  memberId: MemberId
+// settings
+const sufficientTopupAmount = new BN(1000000) // some very big number to cover fees of all transactions
+const cliExamplesFolderPath = path.dirname(require.resolve('@joystream/cli/package.json')) + '/examples/content'
+export class CreateChannelsAndVideosFixture extends BaseQueryNodeFixture {
+  private paidTerms: PaidTermId
+  private debug: Debugger.Debugger
+  private cli: JoystreamCLI
+  private channelCount: number
+  private videoCount: number
+  private channelCategoryId: number
+  private videoCategoryId: number
+  private createdItems: {
+    channelIds: number[]
+    videosData: ICreatedVideoData[]
+  }
+  constructor(
+    api: Api,
+    query: QueryNodeApi,
+    cli: JoystreamCLI,
+    paidTerms: PaidTermId,
+    channelCount: number,
+    videoCount: number,
+    channelCategoryId: number,
+    videoCategoryId: number
+  ) {
+    super(api, query)
+    this.paidTerms = paidTerms
+    this.cli = cli
+    this.channelCount = channelCount
+    this.videoCount = videoCount
+    this.channelCategoryId = channelCategoryId
+    this.videoCategoryId = videoCategoryId
+    this.debug = extendDebug('fixture:CreateChannelsAndVideosFixture')
+    this.createdItems = {
+      channelIds: [],
+      videosData: [],
+    }
+  }
+  public getCreatedItems() {
+    return this.createdItems
+  }
+  /*
+    Execute this Fixture.
+  */
+  public async execute(): Promise<void> {
+    this.debug('Creating members')
+    const author = await this.prepareAuthor()
+    this.debug('Creating channels')
+    this.createdItems.channelIds = await this.createChannels(this.channelCount, this.channelCategoryId, author.account)
+    this.debug('Creating videos')
+    this.createdItems.videosData = await this.createVideos(
+      this.videoCount,
+      this.createdItems.channelIds[0],
+      this.videoCategoryId
+    )
+    const { storageBucketId, storageGroupWorkerId, storageGroupWorkerAccount } = await this.retrieveBucket()
+    this.debug('Accepting content to storage bag')
+    const allAssetIds = => item.assetContentIds).flat()
+    await this.api.acceptPendingDataObjects(
+      // storageGroupWorker.keyringPair.address,
+      storageGroupWorkerAccount,
+      storageGroupWorkerId,
+      storageBucketId,
+      this.createdItems.channelIds[0].toString(),
+      allAssetIds
+    )
+  }
+  /**
+    Prepares author for the content to be created.
+  */
+  private async prepareAuthor(): Promise<IMember> {
+    // prepare memberships
+    const members = await this.createMembers(1)
+    const authorMemberIndex = 0
+    const author = members[authorMemberIndex]
+    author.keyringPair.setMeta({
+      ...getMemberDefaults(authorMemberIndex),
+    })
+    this.debug('Top-uping accounts')
+    await this.api.treasuryTransferBalanceToAccounts([author.keyringPair.address], sufficientTopupAmount)
+    return author
+  }
+  /**
+    Creates new accounts and registers memberships for them.
+  */
+  private async createMembers(numberOfMembers: number): Promise<IMember[]> {
+    const keyringPairs = (await this.api.createKeyPairs(numberOfMembers)).map((kp) => kp.key)
+    const accounts = => item.address)
+    const buyMembershipsFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(this.api, accounts, this.paidTerms)
+    await new FixtureRunner(buyMembershipsFixture).run()
+    const memberIds = buyMembershipsFixture.getCreatedMembers()
+    return, index) => ({
+      keyringPair: item,
+      account: accounts[index],
+      memberId: memberIds[index],
+    }))
+  }
+  /**
+    Retrieves storage bucket info.
+  */
+  private async retrieveBucket(): Promise<{
+    storageBucketId: StorageBucketId
+    storageGroupWorkerId: WorkerId
+    storageGroupWorkerAccount: string
+  }> {
+    // read existing storage buckets from runtime
+    const bucketEntries = await
+    // create WorkerId object
+    const storageGroupWorkerId = createType('WorkerId', singleBucketConfig.buckets[0].operatorId)
+    // find some bucket created by worker
+    const bucketTuple = bucketEntries.find(
+      ([, /* storageBucketId */ storageBucket]) =>
+        (storageBucket.operator_status as any).isStorageWorker &&
+        (storageBucket.operator_status as any).asStorageWorker[0].toString() === storageGroupWorkerId.toString()
+    )
+    if (!bucketTuple) {
+      throw new Error('Storage bucket not initialized')
+    }
+    // retrieve worker address
+    const storageGroupWorkerAccount = this.api.createCustomKeyPair(singleBucketConfig.buckets[0].transactorUri, true)
+      .address
+    // create StorageBucketId object
+    const storageBucketId = createType('StorageBucketId', bucketTuple[0].args[0])
+    return {
+      storageBucketId,
+      storageGroupWorkerId,
+      storageGroupWorkerAccount,
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+    Creates a new channel.
+  */
+  private async createChannels(count: number, channelCategoryId: number, authorAddress: string): Promise<number[]> {
+    const createdIds = (await this.createCommonEntities(count, (index) =>
+      this.cli.createChannel({
+        ...getChannelDefaults(index, authorAddress),
+        category: channelCategoryId,
+      })
+    )) as number[]
+    return createdIds
+  }
+  /**
+    Creates a new video.
+    Note: Assets have to be accepted later on for videos to be counted as active.
+  */
+  private async createVideos(count: number, channelId: number, videoCategoryId: number): Promise<ICreatedVideoData[]> {
+    const createVideo = async (index: number) => {
+      return await this.cli.createVideo(channelId, {
+        ...getVideoDefaults(index, cliExamplesFolderPath),
+        category: videoCategoryId,
+      })
+    }
+    const newVideosData = (await this.createCommonEntities(count, createVideo)) as ICreatedVideoData[]
+    return newVideosData
+  }
+  /**
+    Creates a bunch of content entities.
+  */
+  private async createCommonEntities<T>(count: number, createPromise: (index: number) => Promise<T>): Promise<T[]> {
+    const createdIds = await Array.from(Array(count).keys()).reduce(async (accPromise, index: number) => {
+      const acc = await accPromise
+      const createdId = await createPromise(index)
+      return [...acc, createdId]
+    }, Promise.resolve([]) as Promise<T[]>)
+    return createdIds
+  }

+ 125 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+import { BaseQueryNodeFixture, FixtureRunner } from '../../Fixture'
+import { JoystreamCLI } from '../../cli/joystream'
+import { QueryNodeApi } from '../../QueryNodeApi'
+import { PaidTermId, MemberId } from '@joystream/types/members'
+import { Debugger, extendDebug } from '../../Debugger'
+import { Api } from '../../Api'
+import { WorkingGroups } from '../../WorkingGroups'
+import { Worker, WorkerId } from '@joystream/types/working-group'
+import { getVideoCategoryDefaults, getChannelCategoryDefaults } from './contentTemplates'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+export class CreateContentStructureFixture extends BaseQueryNodeFixture {
+  private debug: Debugger.Debugger
+  private cli: JoystreamCLI
+  private channelCategoryCount: number
+  private videoCategoryCount: number
+  private createdItems: {
+    channelCategoryIds: number[]
+    videoCategoryIds: number[]
+  }
+  constructor(
+    api: Api,
+    query: QueryNodeApi,
+    cli: JoystreamCLI,
+    channelCategoryCount: number,
+    videoCategoryCount: number
+  ) {
+    super(api, query)
+    this.cli = cli
+    this.channelCategoryCount = channelCategoryCount
+    this.videoCategoryCount = videoCategoryCount
+    this.debug = extendDebug('fixture:CreateContentStructureFixture')
+    this.createdItems = {
+      channelCategoryIds: [],
+      videoCategoryIds: [],
+    }
+  }
+  public getCreatedItems() {
+    return this.createdItems
+  }
+  /*
+    Execute this Fixture.
+  */
+  public async execute(): Promise<void> {
+    // prepare accounts for working group leads
+    this.debug('Loading working group leaders')
+    const { contentLeader, storageLeader } = await this.retrieveWorkingGroupLeaders()
+    // switch to lead and create category structure as lead
+    this.debug(`Choosing content working group lead's account`)
+    const contentLeaderKeyPair = this.api.getKeypair(contentLeader.role_account_id.toString())
+    await this.cli.importAccount(contentLeaderKeyPair)
+    await this.cli.chooseMemberAccount(contentLeader.member_id)
+    this.debug('Creating channel categories')
+    this.createdItems.channelCategoryIds = await this.createChannelCategories(this.channelCategoryCount)
+    this.debug('Creating video categories')
+    this.createdItems.videoCategoryIds = await this.createVideoCategories(this.videoCategoryCount)
+  }
+  /**
+    Retrieves information about accounts of group leads for content and storage working groups.
+  */
+  private async retrieveWorkingGroupLeaders(): Promise<{ contentLeader: Worker; storageLeader: Worker }> {
+    const retrieveGroupLeader = async (group: WorkingGroups) => {
+      const leader = await this.api.getGroupLead(group)
+      if (!leader) {
+        throw new Error(`Working group leader for "${group}" is missing!`)
+      }
+      return leader
+    }
+    return {
+      contentLeader: await retrieveGroupLeader(WorkingGroups.Content),
+      storageLeader: await retrieveGroupLeader(WorkingGroups.Storage),
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+    Creates a new channel category. Can only be executed as content group leader.
+  */
+  private async createChannelCategories(count: number): Promise<number[]> {
+    const createdIds = (await this.createCommonEntities(count, (index) =>
+      this.cli.createChannelCategory({
+        ...getChannelCategoryDefaults(index),
+      })
+    )) as number[]
+    return createdIds
+  }
+  /**
+    Creates a new video category. Can only be executed as content group leader.
+  */
+  private async createVideoCategories(count: number): Promise<number[]> {
+    const createdIds = (await this.createCommonEntities(count, (index) =>
+      this.cli.createVideoCategory({
+        ...getVideoCategoryDefaults(index),
+      })
+    )) as number[]
+    return createdIds
+  }
+  /**
+    Creates a bunch of content entities.
+  */
+  private async createCommonEntities<T>(count: number, createPromise: (index: number) => Promise<T>): Promise<T[]> {
+    const createdIds = await Array.from(Array(count).keys()).reduce(async (accPromise, index: number) => {
+      const acc = await accPromise
+      const createdId = await createPromise(index)
+      return [...acc, createdId]
+    }, Promise.resolve([]) as Promise<T[]>)
+    return createdIds
+  }

+ 2 - 0

@@ -1 +1,3 @@
 export * from './activeVideoCounters'
+export * from './createChannelsAndVideos'
+export * from './createContentStructure'

+ 8 - 8

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import { TmpFileManager } from '../../cli/utils'
 import { assert } from 'chai'
 import { Utils } from '../../utils'
 import { statSync } from 'fs'
+import { createJoystreamCli } from '../utils'
 export default async function createChannel({ api, env, query }: FlowProps): Promise<void> {
   const debug = extendDebug('flow:createChannel')
@@ -23,17 +24,16 @@ export default async function createChannel({ api, env, query }: FlowProps): Pro
   const channelOwnerBalance =
   await api.treasuryTransferBalance(channelOwnerKeypair.key.address, channelOwnerBalance)
-  // Create Joystream CLI
-  const tmpFileManager = new TmpFileManager()
-  const joystreamCli = new JoystreamCLI(tmpFileManager)
+  // Create and init Joystream CLI
+  const joystreamCli = await createJoystreamCli()
-  // Init CLI, import & select channel owner key
+  // Import & select channel owner key
   await joystreamCli.init()
-  await joystreamCli.importKey(channelOwnerKeypair.key)
+  await joystreamCli.importAccount(channelOwnerKeypair.key)
   // Create channel
-  const avatarPhotoPath = tmpFileManager.randomImgFile(300, 300)
-  const coverPhotoPath = tmpFileManager.randomImgFile(1920, 500)
+  const avatarPhotoPath = joystreamCli.getTmpFileManager().randomImgFile(300, 300)
+  const coverPhotoPath = joystreamCli.getTmpFileManager().randomImgFile(1920, 500)
   const channelInput = {
     title: 'Test channel',
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ export default async function createChannel({ api, env, query }: FlowProps): Pro
     language: 'en',
     rewardAccount: channelOwnerKeypair.key.address,
-  const { out: createChannelOut } = await joystreamCli.createChannel(channelInput, ['--context', 'Member'])
+  const { out: createChannelOut } = await joystreamCli.createChannelOoooriginal(channelInput, ['--context', 'Member'])
   const channelIdMatch = /Channel with id ([0-9]+) successfully created/.exec(createChannelOut)
   if (!channelIdMatch) {

+ 52 - 3

@@ -1,18 +1,67 @@
 import { FlowProps } from '../../Flow'
 import { extendDebug } from '../../Debugger'
 import { FixtureRunner } from '../../Fixture'
-import { ActiveVideoCountersFixture } from '../../fixtures/content'
+import {
+  ActiveVideoCountersFixture,
+  CreateChannelsAndVideosFixture,
+  CreateContentStructureFixture,
+} from '../../fixtures/content'
 import { PaidTermId } from '@joystream/types/members'
 import BN from 'bn.js'
+import { createJoystreamCli } from '../utils'
-export default async function activeVideoCounters({ api, query, cli, env }: FlowProps): Promise<void> {
+export default async function activeVideoCounters({ api, query, env }: FlowProps): Promise<void> {
   const debug = extendDebug('flow:active-video-counters')
+  // create Joystream CLI
+  const joystreamCli = await createJoystreamCli()
+  // settings
+  const videoCount = 2
+  const videoCategoryCount = 2
+  const channelCount = 2
+  const channelCategoryCount = 2
   const paidTerms: PaidTermId = api.createPaidTermId(new BN(+env.MEMBERSHIP_PAID_TERMS!))
-  const activeVideoCountersFixture = new ActiveVideoCountersFixture(api, query, cli, env, paidTerms)
+  // flow itself
+  const createContentStructureFixture = new CreateContentStructureFixture(
+    api,
+    query,
+    joystreamCli,
+    videoCategoryCount,
+    channelCategoryCount
+  )
+  await new FixtureRunner(createContentStructureFixture).run()
+  const { channelCategoryIds, videoCategoryIds } = createContentStructureFixture.getCreatedItems()
+  const createChannelsAndVideos = new CreateChannelsAndVideosFixture(
+    api,
+    query,
+    joystreamCli,
+    paidTerms,
+    videoCount,
+    channelCount,
+    channelCategoryIds[0],
+    videoCategoryIds[0]
+  )
+  await new FixtureRunner(createChannelsAndVideos).run()
+  const { channelIds, videosData } = createChannelsAndVideos.getCreatedItems()
+  const activeVideoCountersFixture = new ActiveVideoCountersFixture(
+    api,
+    query,
+    joystreamCli,
+    channelCategoryIds,
+    videosData,
+    channelIds,
+    videoCategoryIds
+  )
   await new FixtureRunner(activeVideoCountersFixture).run()

+ 5 - 1

@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ type StorageBucketConfig = {
   objectsLimit: number
   operatorId: number
   transactorKey: string
+  transactorUri: string
 type InitStorageConfig = {
@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ export const singleBucketConfig: InitStorageConfig = {
       storageLimit: new BN(1_000_000_000_000),
       objectsLimit: 1000000000,
       transactorKey: process.env.COLOSSUS_1_TRANSACTOR_KEY || '5DkE5YD8m5Yzno6EH2RTBnH268TDnnibZMEMjxwYemU4XevU', // //Colossus1
+      transactorUri: process.env.COLOSSUS_1_TRANSACTOR_URI || '//Colossus1',
@@ -65,6 +67,7 @@ export const doubleBucketConfig: InitStorageConfig = {
       storageLimit: new BN(1_000_000_000_000),
       objectsLimit: 1000000000,
       transactorKey: process.env.COLOSSUS_1_TRANSACTOR_KEY || '5DkE5YD8m5Yzno6EH2RTBnH268TDnnibZMEMjxwYemU4XevU', // //Colossus1
+      transactorUri: process.env.COLOSSUS_1_TRANSACTOR_URI || '//Colossus1',
       metadata: { endpoint: process.env.STORAGE_2_URL || 'http://localhost:3335' },
@@ -73,12 +76,13 @@ export const doubleBucketConfig: InitStorageConfig = {
       storageLimit: new BN(1_000_000_000_000),
       objectsLimit: 1000000000,
       transactorKey: process.env.COLOSSUS_2_TRANSACTOR_KEY || '5FbzYmQ3HogiEEDSXPYJe58yCcmSh3vsZLodTdBB6YuLDAj7', // //Colossus2
+      transactorUri: process.env.COLOSSUS_2_TRANSACTOR_URI || '//Colossus2',
 export default function createFlow({ buckets, dynamicBagPolicy }: InitStorageConfig) {
-  return async function initDistribution({ api }: FlowProps): Promise<void> {
+  return async function initStorage({ api }: FlowProps): Promise<void> {
     const debug = extendDebug('flow:initStorage')

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import { JoystreamCLI } from '../cli/joystream'
+import { TmpFileManager } from '../cli/utils'
+import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'
+export async function createJoystreamCli(): Promise<JoystreamCLI> {
+  const tmpFileManager = new TmpFileManager()
+  // create Joystream CLI
+  const joystreamCli = new JoystreamCLI(tmpFileManager)
+  // init CLI
+  await joystreamCli.init()
+  return joystreamCli

+ 3 - 13

@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ import { assert } from 'chai'
 // import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
 import { FixtureRunner } from '../../Fixture'
 import { extendDebug } from '../../Debugger'
-import { CliApi } from '../../CliApi'
+import { createJoystreamCli } from '../utils'
 export default function (group: WorkingGroups, canSkip = false) {
-  return async function ({ api, env, cli }: FlowProps): Promise<void> {
-    return leaderSetup(api, env, cli, group, canSkip)
+  return async function ({ api, env }: FlowProps): Promise<void> {
+    return leaderSetup(api, env, group, canSkip)
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ export default function (group: WorkingGroups, canSkip = false) {
 async function leaderSetup(
   api: Api,
   env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv,
-  cli: CliApi,
   group: WorkingGroups,
   skipIfAlreadySet = false
 ): Promise<void> {
@@ -63,15 +62,6 @@ async function leaderSetup(
   assert.notEqual(hiredLead, undefined, `${group} group Lead was not hired!`)
-  // setup (ensure) CLI connection to node and query node
-  await cli.setApiUri()
-  await cli.setQueryNodeUri()
-  debug(`Importing leader's account to CLI`)
-  await cli.importAccount(leadKeyPair)
   // Who ever needs it will need to get it from the Api layer

+ 9 - 5

@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
 import leaderSetup from '../flows/workingGroup/leaderSetup'
 import activeVideoCounters from '../flows/content/activeVideoCounters'
+import initStorageBucket from '../flows/clis/initStorageBucket'
+import initStorage, { singleBucketConfig as storageConfig } from '../flows/storagev2/initStorage'
 import { WorkingGroups } from '../WorkingGroups'
 import { scenario } from '../Scenario'
 scenario(async ({ job }) => {
-  const setupContentLeaderSetup = job('setup content lead', leaderSetup(WorkingGroups.Content))
-  const setupStorageLeaderSetup = job('setup storage lead', leaderSetup(WorkingGroups.Storage))
+  const leadSetupJob = job('setup working group leads', [
+    leaderSetup(WorkingGroups.Content, true),
+    leaderSetup(WorkingGroups.Storage, true),
+  ])
-  job('check active video counters', activeVideoCounters)
-    .requires(setupContentLeaderSetup)
-    .requires(setupStorageLeaderSetup)
+  const initStorageJob = job('initialize storage system', initStorage(storageConfig)).requires(leadSetupJob)
+  job('check active video counters', activeVideoCounters).requires(initStorageJob)