@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+use frame_support::dispatch::DispatchResult;
+// Type alias for member id.
+pub type MemberId<T> = <T as membership::Trait>::MemberId;
+/// Balance alias for `balances` module.
+pub type BalanceOf<T> = <T as balances::Trait>::Balance;
+/// Defines abstract staking handler to manage user stakes for different activities
+/// like adding a proposal. Implementation should use built-in LockableCurrency
+/// and LockIdentifier to lock balance consistently with pallet_staking.
+pub trait StakingHandler<T: frame_system::Trait + membership::Trait + balances::Trait> {
+ /// Locks the specified balance on the account using specific lock identifier.
+ fn lock(account_id: &T::AccountId, amount: BalanceOf<T>);
+ /// Removes the specified lock on the account.
+ fn unlock(account_id: &T::AccountId);
+ /// Slash the specified balance on the account using specific lock identifier.
+ /// No limits, no actions on zero stake.
+ /// If slashing balance greater than the existing stake - stake is slashed to zero.
+ /// Returns actually slashed balance.
+ fn slash(account_id: &T::AccountId, amount: Option<BalanceOf<T>>) -> BalanceOf<T>;
+ /// Sets the new stake to a given amount.
+ fn set_stake(account_id: &T::AccountId, new_stake: BalanceOf<T>) -> DispatchResult;
+ /// Verifies that staking account bound to the member.
+ fn is_member_staking_account(member_id: &MemberId<T>, account_id: &T::AccountId) -> bool;
+ /// Verifies that there no conflicting stakes on the staking account.
+ fn is_account_free_of_conflicting_stakes(account_id: &T::AccountId) -> bool;
+ /// Verifies that staking account balance is sufficient for staking.
+ /// During the balance check we should consider already locked stake. Effective balance to check
+ /// is 'already locked funds' + 'usable funds'.
+ fn is_enough_balance_for_stake(account_id: &T::AccountId, amount: BalanceOf<T>) -> bool;
+ /// Returns the current stake on the account.
+ fn current_stake(account_id: &T::AccountId) -> BalanceOf<T>;