@@ -6,65 +6,74 @@ import {
} from '../../fixtures/workingGroups'
+import { WorkingGroupModuleName } from '../../types'
import { extendDebug } from '../../Debugger'
import { FixtureRunner } from '../../Fixture'
import { AddStakingAccountsHappyCaseFixture, BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture } from '../../fixtures/membership'
import { workingGroups } from '../../consts'
-export default async function leadOpening({ api, query, env }: FlowProps): Promise<void> {
- await Promise.all(
- workingGroups.map(async (group) => {
- const debug = extendDebug(`flow:lead-opening:${group}`)
- debug('Started')
- api.enableDebugTxLogs()
+export default (skipIfAlreadySet = false, groups: WorkingGroupModuleName[] = workingGroups) =>
+ async function leadOpening({ api, query }: FlowProps): Promise<void> {
+ await Promise.all(
+ groups.map(async (group) => {
+ const debug = extendDebug(`flow:lead-opening:${group}`)
+ debug('Started')
+ api.enableDebugTxLogs()
+ const leadId = await api.query[group].currentLead()
+ if (leadId.isSome) {
+ if (skipIfAlreadySet) {
+ debug('Leader already set, skipping...')
+ return
+ }
+ throw new Error('Cannot hire lead - lead already set!')
+ }
- const createOpeningFixture = new CreateOpeningsFixture(api, query, group, undefined, true)
- const openingRunner = new FixtureRunner(createOpeningFixture)
- await openingRunner.run()
- const [openingId] = createOpeningFixture.getCreatedOpeningIds()
- const { stake: openingStake, metadata: openingMetadata } = DEFAULT_OPENING_PARAMS
+ const createOpeningFixture = new CreateOpeningsFixture(api, query, group, undefined, true)
+ const openingRunner = new FixtureRunner(createOpeningFixture)
+ await openingRunner.run()
+ const [openingId] = createOpeningFixture.getCreatedOpeningIds()
+ const { stake: openingStake, metadata: openingMetadata } = DEFAULT_OPENING_PARAMS
- const [roleAccount, stakingAccount, rewardAccount] = (await api.createKeyPairs(3)).map(({ key }) => key.address)
- const buyMembershipFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(api, query, [roleAccount])
- await new FixtureRunner(buyMembershipFixture).run()
- const [memberId] = buyMembershipFixture.getCreatedMembers()
+ const [roleAccount, stakingAccount, rewardAccount] = (await api.createKeyPairs(3)).map(({ key }) => key.address)
+ const buyMembershipFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(api, query, [roleAccount])
+ await new FixtureRunner(buyMembershipFixture).run()
+ const [memberId] = buyMembershipFixture.getCreatedMembers()
- const addStakingAccFixture = new AddStakingAccountsHappyCaseFixture(api, query, [
- {
- asMember: memberId,
- account: stakingAccount,
- },
- ])
- await new FixtureRunner(addStakingAccFixture).run()
- await api.treasuryTransferBalance(stakingAccount, openingStake)
+ const addStakingAccFixture = new AddStakingAccountsHappyCaseFixture(api, query, [
+ {
+ asMember: memberId,
+ account: stakingAccount,
+ },
+ ])
+ await new FixtureRunner(addStakingAccFixture).run()
+ await api.treasuryTransferBalance(stakingAccount, openingStake)
- const applicantDetails: ApplicantDetails = {
- memberId,
- roleAccount,
- rewardAccount,
- stakingAccount,
- }
+ const applicantDetails: ApplicantDetails = {
+ memberId,
+ roleAccount,
+ rewardAccount,
+ stakingAccount,
+ }
- const applyOnOpeningFixture = new ApplyOnOpeningsHappyCaseFixture(api, query, group, [
- {
- openingId,
- openingMetadata,
- applicants: [applicantDetails],
- },
- ])
- const applicationRunner = new FixtureRunner(applyOnOpeningFixture)
- await applicationRunner.run()
- const [applicationId] = applyOnOpeningFixture.getCreatedApplicationsByOpeningId(openingId)
+ const applyOnOpeningFixture = new ApplyOnOpeningsHappyCaseFixture(api, query, group, [
+ {
+ openingId,
+ openingMetadata,
+ applicants: [applicantDetails],
+ },
+ ])
+ const applicationRunner = new FixtureRunner(applyOnOpeningFixture)
+ await applicationRunner.run()
+ const [applicationId] = applyOnOpeningFixture.getCreatedApplicationsByOpeningId(openingId)
- // Run query node checks once this part of the flow is done
- await Promise.all([openingRunner.runQueryNodeChecks(), applicationRunner.runQueryNodeChecks()])
+ // Run query node checks once this part of the flow is done
+ await Promise.all([openingRunner.runQueryNodeChecks(), applicationRunner.runQueryNodeChecks()])
- // Fill opening
- const fillOpeningFixture = new FillOpeningsFixture(api, query, group, [openingId], [[applicationId]], true)
- await new FixtureRunner(fillOpeningFixture).runWithQueryNodeChecks()
+ // Fill opening
+ const fillOpeningFixture = new FillOpeningsFixture(api, query, group, [openingId], [[applicationId]], true)
+ await new FixtureRunner(fillOpeningFixture).runWithQueryNodeChecks()
- debug('Done')
- })
- )
+ debug('Done')
+ })
+ )
+ }