@@ -58,9 +58,6 @@ input BaseWhereInput {
"""GraphQL representation of BigInt"""
scalar BigInt
-"""GraphQL representation of Bytes"""
-scalar Bytes
The javascript `Date` as string. Type represents date and time as the ISO Date string.
@@ -79,10 +76,16 @@ type DistributionBucket implements BaseGraphQLObject {
deletedAt: DateTime
deletedById: String
version: Int!
- distributedBags: [StorageBag!]!
+ family: DistributionBucketFamily!
+ familyId: String!
+ operators: [DistributionBucketOperator!]!
+ """Whether the bucket is accepting any new bags"""
+ acceptingNewBags: Boolean!
- """Distribution bucket operator metadata"""
- operatorMetadata: Bytes
+ """Whether the bucket is currently distributing content"""
+ distributing: Boolean!
+ distributedBags: [StorageBag!]!
type DistributionBucketConnection {
@@ -92,7 +95,9 @@ type DistributionBucketConnection {
input DistributionBucketCreateInput {
- operatorMetadata: Bytes
+ family: ID!
+ acceptingNewBags: Boolean!
+ distributing: Boolean!
type DistributionBucketEdge {
@@ -100,6 +105,415 @@ type DistributionBucketEdge {
cursor: String!
+type DistributionBucketFamily implements BaseGraphQLObject {
+ id: ID!
+ createdAt: DateTime!
+ createdById: String!
+ updatedAt: DateTime
+ updatedById: String
+ deletedAt: DateTime
+ deletedById: String
+ version: Int!
+ metadata: DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata
+ metadataId: String
+ buckets: [DistributionBucket!]!
+type DistributionBucketFamilyConnection {
+ totalCount: Int!
+ edges: [DistributionBucketFamilyEdge!]!
+ pageInfo: PageInfo!
+input DistributionBucketFamilyCreateInput {
+ metadata: ID
+type DistributionBucketFamilyEdge {
+ node: DistributionBucketFamily!
+ cursor: String!
+type DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata implements BaseGraphQLObject {
+ id: ID!
+ createdAt: DateTime!
+ createdById: String!
+ updatedAt: DateTime
+ updatedById: String
+ deletedAt: DateTime
+ deletedById: String
+ version: Int!
+ """Name of the geographical region covered by the family (ie.: us-east-1)"""
+ region: String
+ """
+ Optional, more specific description of the region covered by the family
+ """
+ description: String
+ boundary: [GeoCoordinates!]!
+ distributionbucketfamilymetadata: [DistributionBucketFamily!]
+type DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataConnection {
+ totalCount: Int!
+ edges: [DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataEdge!]!
+ pageInfo: PageInfo!
+input DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataCreateInput {
+ region: String
+ description: String
+type DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataEdge {
+ node: DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata!
+ cursor: String!
+enum DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataOrderByInput {
+ createdAt_ASC
+ createdAt_DESC
+ updatedAt_ASC
+ updatedAt_DESC
+ deletedAt_ASC
+ deletedAt_DESC
+ region_ASC
+ region_DESC
+ description_ASC
+ description_DESC
+input DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataUpdateInput {
+ region: String
+ description: String
+input DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataWhereInput {
+ id_eq: ID
+ id_in: [ID!]
+ createdAt_eq: DateTime
+ createdAt_lt: DateTime
+ createdAt_lte: DateTime
+ createdAt_gt: DateTime
+ createdAt_gte: DateTime
+ createdById_eq: ID
+ createdById_in: [ID!]
+ updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+ updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+ updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+ updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+ updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+ updatedById_eq: ID
+ updatedById_in: [ID!]
+ deletedAt_all: Boolean
+ deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+ deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+ deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+ deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+ deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+ deletedById_eq: ID
+ deletedById_in: [ID!]
+ region_eq: String
+ region_contains: String
+ region_startsWith: String
+ region_endsWith: String
+ region_in: [String!]
+ description_eq: String
+ description_contains: String
+ description_startsWith: String
+ description_endsWith: String
+ description_in: [String!]
+ boundary_none: GeoCoordinatesWhereInput
+ boundary_some: GeoCoordinatesWhereInput
+ boundary_every: GeoCoordinatesWhereInput
+ distributionbucketfamilymetadata_none: DistributionBucketFamilyWhereInput
+ distributionbucketfamilymetadata_some: DistributionBucketFamilyWhereInput
+ distributionbucketfamilymetadata_every: DistributionBucketFamilyWhereInput
+ AND: [DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataWhereInput!]
+ OR: [DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataWhereInput!]
+input DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataWhereUniqueInput {
+ id: ID!
+enum DistributionBucketFamilyOrderByInput {
+ createdAt_ASC
+ createdAt_DESC
+ updatedAt_ASC
+ updatedAt_DESC
+ deletedAt_ASC
+ deletedAt_DESC
+ metadata_ASC
+ metadata_DESC
+input DistributionBucketFamilyUpdateInput {
+ metadata: ID
+input DistributionBucketFamilyWhereInput {
+ id_eq: ID
+ id_in: [ID!]
+ createdAt_eq: DateTime
+ createdAt_lt: DateTime
+ createdAt_lte: DateTime
+ createdAt_gt: DateTime
+ createdAt_gte: DateTime
+ createdById_eq: ID
+ createdById_in: [ID!]
+ updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+ updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+ updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+ updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+ updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+ updatedById_eq: ID
+ updatedById_in: [ID!]
+ deletedAt_all: Boolean
+ deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+ deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+ deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+ deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+ deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+ deletedById_eq: ID
+ deletedById_in: [ID!]
+ metadata_eq: ID
+ metadata_in: [ID!]
+ metadata: DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataWhereInput
+ buckets_none: DistributionBucketWhereInput
+ buckets_some: DistributionBucketWhereInput
+ buckets_every: DistributionBucketWhereInput
+ AND: [DistributionBucketFamilyWhereInput!]
+ OR: [DistributionBucketFamilyWhereInput!]
+input DistributionBucketFamilyWhereUniqueInput {
+ id: ID!
+type DistributionBucketOperator implements BaseGraphQLObject {
+ id: ID!
+ createdAt: DateTime!
+ createdById: String!
+ updatedAt: DateTime
+ updatedById: String
+ deletedAt: DateTime
+ deletedById: String
+ version: Int!
+ distributionBucket: DistributionBucket!
+ distributionBucketId: String!
+ """ID of the distribution group worker"""
+ workerId: Int!
+ """Current operator status"""
+ status: DistributionBucketOperatorStatus!
+ metadata: DistributionBucketOperatorMetadata
+ metadataId: String
+type DistributionBucketOperatorConnection {
+ totalCount: Int!
+ edges: [DistributionBucketOperatorEdge!]!
+ pageInfo: PageInfo!
+input DistributionBucketOperatorCreateInput {
+ distributionBucket: ID!
+ workerId: Float!
+ status: DistributionBucketOperatorStatus!
+ metadata: ID
+type DistributionBucketOperatorEdge {
+ node: DistributionBucketOperator!
+ cursor: String!
+type DistributionBucketOperatorMetadata implements BaseGraphQLObject {
+ id: ID!
+ createdAt: DateTime!
+ createdById: String!
+ updatedAt: DateTime
+ updatedById: String
+ deletedAt: DateTime
+ deletedById: String
+ version: Int!
+ """Root distributor node api endpoint"""
+ nodeEndpoint: String
+ nodeLocation: NodeLocationMetadata
+ nodeLocationId: String
+ """Additional information about the node/operator"""
+ extra: String
+ distributionbucketoperatormetadata: [DistributionBucketOperator!]
+type DistributionBucketOperatorMetadataConnection {
+ totalCount: Int!
+ edges: [DistributionBucketOperatorMetadataEdge!]!
+ pageInfo: PageInfo!
+input DistributionBucketOperatorMetadataCreateInput {
+ nodeEndpoint: String
+ nodeLocation: ID
+ extra: String
+type DistributionBucketOperatorMetadataEdge {
+ node: DistributionBucketOperatorMetadata!
+ cursor: String!
+enum DistributionBucketOperatorMetadataOrderByInput {
+ createdAt_ASC
+ createdAt_DESC
+ updatedAt_ASC
+ updatedAt_DESC
+ deletedAt_ASC
+ deletedAt_DESC
+ nodeEndpoint_ASC
+ nodeEndpoint_DESC
+ nodeLocation_ASC
+ nodeLocation_DESC
+ extra_ASC
+ extra_DESC
+input DistributionBucketOperatorMetadataUpdateInput {
+ nodeEndpoint: String
+ nodeLocation: ID
+ extra: String
+input DistributionBucketOperatorMetadataWhereInput {
+ id_eq: ID
+ id_in: [ID!]
+ createdAt_eq: DateTime
+ createdAt_lt: DateTime
+ createdAt_lte: DateTime
+ createdAt_gt: DateTime
+ createdAt_gte: DateTime
+ createdById_eq: ID
+ createdById_in: [ID!]
+ updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+ updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+ updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+ updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+ updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+ updatedById_eq: ID
+ updatedById_in: [ID!]
+ deletedAt_all: Boolean
+ deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+ deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+ deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+ deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+ deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+ deletedById_eq: ID
+ deletedById_in: [ID!]
+ nodeEndpoint_eq: String
+ nodeEndpoint_contains: String
+ nodeEndpoint_startsWith: String
+ nodeEndpoint_endsWith: String
+ nodeEndpoint_in: [String!]
+ nodeLocation_eq: ID
+ nodeLocation_in: [ID!]
+ extra_eq: String
+ extra_contains: String
+ extra_startsWith: String
+ extra_endsWith: String
+ extra_in: [String!]
+ nodeLocation: NodeLocationMetadataWhereInput
+ distributionbucketoperatormetadata_none: DistributionBucketOperatorWhereInput
+ distributionbucketoperatormetadata_some: DistributionBucketOperatorWhereInput
+ distributionbucketoperatormetadata_every: DistributionBucketOperatorWhereInput
+ AND: [DistributionBucketOperatorMetadataWhereInput!]
+ OR: [DistributionBucketOperatorMetadataWhereInput!]
+input DistributionBucketOperatorMetadataWhereUniqueInput {
+ id: ID!
+enum DistributionBucketOperatorOrderByInput {
+ createdAt_ASC
+ createdAt_DESC
+ updatedAt_ASC
+ updatedAt_DESC
+ deletedAt_ASC
+ deletedAt_DESC
+ distributionBucket_ASC
+ distributionBucket_DESC
+ workerId_ASC
+ workerId_DESC
+ status_ASC
+ status_DESC
+ metadata_ASC
+ metadata_DESC
+enum DistributionBucketOperatorStatus {
+input DistributionBucketOperatorUpdateInput {
+ distributionBucket: ID
+ workerId: Float
+ status: DistributionBucketOperatorStatus
+ metadata: ID
+input DistributionBucketOperatorWhereInput {
+ id_eq: ID
+ id_in: [ID!]
+ createdAt_eq: DateTime
+ createdAt_lt: DateTime
+ createdAt_lte: DateTime
+ createdAt_gt: DateTime
+ createdAt_gte: DateTime
+ createdById_eq: ID
+ createdById_in: [ID!]
+ updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+ updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+ updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+ updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+ updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+ updatedById_eq: ID
+ updatedById_in: [ID!]
+ deletedAt_all: Boolean
+ deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+ deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+ deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+ deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+ deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+ deletedById_eq: ID
+ deletedById_in: [ID!]
+ distributionBucket_eq: ID
+ distributionBucket_in: [ID!]
+ workerId_eq: Int
+ workerId_gt: Int
+ workerId_gte: Int
+ workerId_lt: Int
+ workerId_lte: Int
+ workerId_in: [Int!]
+ status_eq: DistributionBucketOperatorStatus
+ status_in: [DistributionBucketOperatorStatus!]
+ metadata_eq: ID
+ metadata_in: [ID!]
+ distributionBucket: DistributionBucketWhereInput
+ metadata: DistributionBucketOperatorMetadataWhereInput
+ AND: [DistributionBucketOperatorWhereInput!]
+ OR: [DistributionBucketOperatorWhereInput!]
+input DistributionBucketOperatorWhereUniqueInput {
+ id: ID!
enum DistributionBucketOrderByInput {
@@ -107,12 +521,18 @@ enum DistributionBucketOrderByInput {
- operatorMetadata_ASC
- operatorMetadata_DESC
+ family_ASC
+ family_DESC
+ acceptingNewBags_ASC
+ acceptingNewBags_DESC
+ distributing_ASC
+ distributing_DESC
input DistributionBucketUpdateInput {
- operatorMetadata: Bytes
+ family: ID
+ acceptingNewBags: Boolean
+ distributing: Boolean
input DistributionBucketWhereInput {
@@ -140,8 +560,16 @@ input DistributionBucketWhereInput {
deletedAt_gte: DateTime
deletedById_eq: ID
deletedById_in: [ID!]
- operatorMetadata_eq: Bytes
- operatorMetadata_in: [Bytes!]
+ family_eq: ID
+ family_in: [ID!]
+ acceptingNewBags_eq: Boolean
+ acceptingNewBags_in: [Boolean!]
+ distributing_eq: Boolean
+ distributing_in: [Boolean!]
+ family: DistributionBucketFamilyWhereInput
+ operators_none: DistributionBucketOperatorWhereInput
+ operators_some: DistributionBucketOperatorWhereInput
+ operators_every: DistributionBucketOperatorWhereInput
distributedBags_none: StorageBagWhereInput
distributedBags_some: StorageBagWhereInput
distributedBags_every: StorageBagWhereInput
@@ -153,11 +581,227 @@ input DistributionBucketWhereUniqueInput {
id: ID!
+type GeoCoordinates implements BaseGraphQLObject {
+ id: ID!
+ createdAt: DateTime!
+ createdById: String!
+ updatedAt: DateTime
+ updatedById: String
+ deletedAt: DateTime
+ deletedById: String
+ version: Int!
+ latitude: Float!
+ longitude: Float!
+ boundarySourceBucketFamilyMeta: DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata
+ boundarySourceBucketFamilyMetaId: String
+ nodelocationmetadatacoordinates: [NodeLocationMetadata!]
+type GeoCoordinatesConnection {
+ totalCount: Int!
+ edges: [GeoCoordinatesEdge!]!
+ pageInfo: PageInfo!
+input GeoCoordinatesCreateInput {
+ latitude: Float!
+ longitude: Float!
+ boundarySourceBucketFamilyMeta: ID
+type GeoCoordinatesEdge {
+ node: GeoCoordinates!
+ cursor: String!
+enum GeoCoordinatesOrderByInput {
+ createdAt_ASC
+ createdAt_DESC
+ updatedAt_ASC
+ updatedAt_DESC
+ deletedAt_ASC
+ deletedAt_DESC
+ latitude_ASC
+ latitude_DESC
+ longitude_ASC
+ longitude_DESC
+ boundarySourceBucketFamilyMeta_ASC
+ boundarySourceBucketFamilyMeta_DESC
+input GeoCoordinatesUpdateInput {
+ latitude: Float
+ longitude: Float
+ boundarySourceBucketFamilyMeta: ID
+input GeoCoordinatesWhereInput {
+ id_eq: ID
+ id_in: [ID!]
+ createdAt_eq: DateTime
+ createdAt_lt: DateTime
+ createdAt_lte: DateTime
+ createdAt_gt: DateTime
+ createdAt_gte: DateTime
+ createdById_eq: ID
+ createdById_in: [ID!]
+ updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+ updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+ updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+ updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+ updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+ updatedById_eq: ID
+ updatedById_in: [ID!]
+ deletedAt_all: Boolean
+ deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+ deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+ deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+ deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+ deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+ deletedById_eq: ID
+ deletedById_in: [ID!]
+ latitude_eq: Float
+ latitude_gt: Float
+ latitude_gte: Float
+ latitude_lt: Float
+ latitude_lte: Float
+ latitude_in: [Float!]
+ longitude_eq: Float
+ longitude_gt: Float
+ longitude_gte: Float
+ longitude_lt: Float
+ longitude_lte: Float
+ longitude_in: [Float!]
+ boundarySourceBucketFamilyMeta_eq: ID
+ boundarySourceBucketFamilyMeta_in: [ID!]
+ boundarySourceBucketFamilyMeta: DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataWhereInput
+ nodelocationmetadatacoordinates_none: NodeLocationMetadataWhereInput
+ nodelocationmetadatacoordinates_some: NodeLocationMetadataWhereInput
+ nodelocationmetadatacoordinates_every: NodeLocationMetadataWhereInput
+ AND: [GeoCoordinatesWhereInput!]
+ OR: [GeoCoordinatesWhereInput!]
+input GeoCoordinatesWhereUniqueInput {
+ id: ID!
The `JSONObject` scalar type represents JSON objects as specified by [ECMA-404](http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-404.pdf).
scalar JSONObject
+type NodeLocationMetadata implements BaseGraphQLObject {
+ id: ID!
+ createdAt: DateTime!
+ createdById: String!
+ updatedAt: DateTime
+ updatedById: String
+ deletedAt: DateTime
+ deletedById: String
+ version: Int!
+ """ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (2 letters)"""
+ countryCode: String
+ """City name"""
+ city: String
+ coordinates: GeoCoordinates
+ coordinatesId: String
+ distributionbucketoperatormetadatanodeLocation: [DistributionBucketOperatorMetadata!]
+ storagebucketoperatormetadatanodeLocation: [StorageBucketOperatorMetadata!]
+type NodeLocationMetadataConnection {
+ totalCount: Int!
+ edges: [NodeLocationMetadataEdge!]!
+ pageInfo: PageInfo!
+input NodeLocationMetadataCreateInput {
+ countryCode: String
+ city: String
+ coordinates: ID
+type NodeLocationMetadataEdge {
+ node: NodeLocationMetadata!
+ cursor: String!
+enum NodeLocationMetadataOrderByInput {
+ createdAt_ASC
+ createdAt_DESC
+ updatedAt_ASC
+ updatedAt_DESC
+ deletedAt_ASC
+ deletedAt_DESC
+ countryCode_ASC
+ countryCode_DESC
+ city_ASC
+ city_DESC
+ coordinates_ASC
+ coordinates_DESC
+input NodeLocationMetadataUpdateInput {
+ countryCode: String
+ city: String
+ coordinates: ID
+input NodeLocationMetadataWhereInput {
+ id_eq: ID
+ id_in: [ID!]
+ createdAt_eq: DateTime
+ createdAt_lt: DateTime
+ createdAt_lte: DateTime
+ createdAt_gt: DateTime
+ createdAt_gte: DateTime
+ createdById_eq: ID
+ createdById_in: [ID!]
+ updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+ updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+ updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+ updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+ updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+ updatedById_eq: ID
+ updatedById_in: [ID!]
+ deletedAt_all: Boolean
+ deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+ deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+ deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+ deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+ deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+ deletedById_eq: ID
+ deletedById_in: [ID!]
+ countryCode_eq: String
+ countryCode_contains: String
+ countryCode_startsWith: String
+ countryCode_endsWith: String
+ countryCode_in: [String!]
+ city_eq: String
+ city_contains: String
+ city_startsWith: String
+ city_endsWith: String
+ city_in: [String!]
+ coordinates_eq: ID
+ coordinates_in: [ID!]
+ coordinates: GeoCoordinatesWhereInput
+ distributionbucketoperatormetadatanodeLocation_none: DistributionBucketOperatorMetadataWhereInput
+ distributionbucketoperatormetadatanodeLocation_some: DistributionBucketOperatorMetadataWhereInput
+ distributionbucketoperatormetadatanodeLocation_every: DistributionBucketOperatorMetadataWhereInput
+ storagebucketoperatormetadatanodeLocation_none: StorageBucketOperatorMetadataWhereInput
+ storagebucketoperatormetadatanodeLocation_some: StorageBucketOperatorMetadataWhereInput
+ storagebucketoperatormetadatanodeLocation_every: StorageBucketOperatorMetadataWhereInput
+ AND: [NodeLocationMetadataWhereInput!]
+ OR: [NodeLocationMetadataWhereInput!]
+input NodeLocationMetadataWhereUniqueInput {
+ id: ID!
type PageInfo {
hasNextPage: Boolean!
hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
@@ -173,12 +817,33 @@ type ProcessorState {
type Query {
+ distributionBucketFamilyMetadata(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataWhereInput, orderBy: [DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataOrderByInput!]): [DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata!]!
+ distributionBucketFamilyMetadataByUniqueInput(where: DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataWhereUniqueInput!): DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata
+ distributionBucketFamilyMetadataConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataWhereInput, orderBy: [DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataOrderByInput!]): DistributionBucketFamilyMetadataConnection!
+ distributionBucketFamilies(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: DistributionBucketFamilyWhereInput, orderBy: [DistributionBucketFamilyOrderByInput!]): [DistributionBucketFamily!]!
+ distributionBucketFamilyByUniqueInput(where: DistributionBucketFamilyWhereUniqueInput!): DistributionBucketFamily
+ distributionBucketFamiliesConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: DistributionBucketFamilyWhereInput, orderBy: [DistributionBucketFamilyOrderByInput!]): DistributionBucketFamilyConnection!
+ distributionBucketOperatorMetadata(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: DistributionBucketOperatorMetadataWhereInput, orderBy: [DistributionBucketOperatorMetadataOrderByInput!]): [DistributionBucketOperatorMetadata!]!
+ distributionBucketOperatorMetadataByUniqueInput(where: DistributionBucketOperatorMetadataWhereUniqueInput!): DistributionBucketOperatorMetadata
+ distributionBucketOperatorMetadataConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: DistributionBucketOperatorMetadataWhereInput, orderBy: [DistributionBucketOperatorMetadataOrderByInput!]): DistributionBucketOperatorMetadataConnection!
+ distributionBucketOperators(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: DistributionBucketOperatorWhereInput, orderBy: [DistributionBucketOperatorOrderByInput!]): [DistributionBucketOperator!]!
+ distributionBucketOperatorByUniqueInput(where: DistributionBucketOperatorWhereUniqueInput!): DistributionBucketOperator
+ distributionBucketOperatorsConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: DistributionBucketOperatorWhereInput, orderBy: [DistributionBucketOperatorOrderByInput!]): DistributionBucketOperatorConnection!
distributionBuckets(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: DistributionBucketWhereInput, orderBy: [DistributionBucketOrderByInput!]): [DistributionBucket!]!
distributionBucketByUniqueInput(where: DistributionBucketWhereUniqueInput!): DistributionBucket
distributionBucketsConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: DistributionBucketWhereInput, orderBy: [DistributionBucketOrderByInput!]): DistributionBucketConnection!
+ geoCoordinates(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: GeoCoordinatesWhereInput, orderBy: [GeoCoordinatesOrderByInput!]): [GeoCoordinates!]!
+ geoCoordinatesByUniqueInput(where: GeoCoordinatesWhereUniqueInput!): GeoCoordinates
+ geoCoordinatesConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: GeoCoordinatesWhereInput, orderBy: [GeoCoordinatesOrderByInput!]): GeoCoordinatesConnection!
+ nodeLocationMetadata(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: NodeLocationMetadataWhereInput, orderBy: [NodeLocationMetadataOrderByInput!]): [NodeLocationMetadata!]!
+ nodeLocationMetadataByUniqueInput(where: NodeLocationMetadataWhereUniqueInput!): NodeLocationMetadata
+ nodeLocationMetadataConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: NodeLocationMetadataWhereInput, orderBy: [NodeLocationMetadataOrderByInput!]): NodeLocationMetadataConnection!
storageBags(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: StorageBagWhereInput, orderBy: [StorageBagOrderByInput!]): [StorageBag!]!
storageBagByUniqueInput(where: StorageBagWhereUniqueInput!): StorageBag
storageBagsConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: StorageBagWhereInput, orderBy: [StorageBagOrderByInput!]): StorageBagConnection!
+ storageBucketOperatorMetadata(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: StorageBucketOperatorMetadataWhereInput, orderBy: [StorageBucketOperatorMetadataOrderByInput!]): [StorageBucketOperatorMetadata!]!
+ storageBucketOperatorMetadataByUniqueInput(where: StorageBucketOperatorMetadataWhereUniqueInput!): StorageBucketOperatorMetadata
+ storageBucketOperatorMetadataConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: StorageBucketOperatorMetadataWhereInput, orderBy: [StorageBucketOperatorMetadataOrderByInput!]): StorageBucketOperatorMetadataConnection!
storageBuckets(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: StorageBucketWhereInput, orderBy: [StorageBucketOrderByInput!]): [StorageBucket!]!
storageBucketByUniqueInput(where: StorageBucketWhereUniqueInput!): StorageBucket
storageBucketsConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: StorageBucketWhereInput, orderBy: [StorageBucketOrderByInput!]): StorageBucketConnection!
@@ -203,9 +868,6 @@ type StorageBag implements BaseGraphQLObject {
deletedAt: DateTime
deletedById: String
version: Int!
- """Last time the bag contents (data objects) was updated"""
- contentsUpdatedAt: DateTime
objects: [StorageDataObject!]!
storedBy: [StorageBucket!]!
distributedBy: [DistributionBucket!]!
@@ -221,7 +883,6 @@ type StorageBagConnection {
input StorageBagCreateInput {
- contentsUpdatedAt: DateTime
owner: JSONObject!
@@ -237,8 +898,6 @@ enum StorageBagOrderByInput {
- contentsUpdatedAt_ASC
- contentsUpdatedAt_DESC
union StorageBagOwner = StorageBagOwnerCouncil | StorageBagOwnerWorkingGroup | StorageBagOwnerMember | StorageBagOwnerChannel | StorageBagOwnerDAO
@@ -498,7 +1157,6 @@ input StorageBagOwnerWorkingGroupWhereUniqueInput {
input StorageBagUpdateInput {
- contentsUpdatedAt: DateTime
owner: JSONObject
@@ -527,11 +1185,6 @@ input StorageBagWhereInput {
deletedAt_gte: DateTime
deletedById_eq: ID
deletedById_in: [ID!]
- contentsUpdatedAt_eq: DateTime
- contentsUpdatedAt_lt: DateTime
- contentsUpdatedAt_lte: DateTime
- contentsUpdatedAt_gt: DateTime
- contentsUpdatedAt_gte: DateTime
owner_json: JSONObject
objects_none: StorageDataObjectWhereInput
objects_some: StorageDataObjectWhereInput
@@ -562,9 +1215,8 @@ type StorageBucket implements BaseGraphQLObject {
"""Current bucket operator status"""
operatorStatus: StorageBucketOperatorStatus!
- """Storage bucket operator metadata"""
- operatorMetadata: Bytes
+ operatorMetadata: StorageBucketOperatorMetadata
+ operatorMetadataId: String
"""Whether the bucket is accepting any new storage bags"""
acceptingNewBags: Boolean!
@@ -585,7 +1237,7 @@ type StorageBucketConnection {
input StorageBucketCreateInput {
operatorStatus: JSONObject!
- operatorMetadata: Bytes
+ operatorMetadata: ID
acceptingNewBags: Boolean!
dataObjectsSizeLimit: BigInt!
dataObjectCountLimit: BigInt!
@@ -596,6 +1248,113 @@ type StorageBucketEdge {
cursor: String!
+type StorageBucketOperatorMetadata implements BaseGraphQLObject {
+ id: ID!
+ createdAt: DateTime!
+ createdById: String!
+ updatedAt: DateTime
+ updatedById: String
+ deletedAt: DateTime
+ deletedById: String
+ version: Int!
+ """Root node endpoint"""
+ nodeEndpoint: String
+ nodeLocation: NodeLocationMetadata
+ nodeLocationId: String
+ """Additional information about the node/operator"""
+ extra: String
+ storagebucketoperatorMetadata: [StorageBucket!]
+type StorageBucketOperatorMetadataConnection {
+ totalCount: Int!
+ edges: [StorageBucketOperatorMetadataEdge!]!
+ pageInfo: PageInfo!
+input StorageBucketOperatorMetadataCreateInput {
+ nodeEndpoint: String
+ nodeLocation: ID
+ extra: String
+type StorageBucketOperatorMetadataEdge {
+ node: StorageBucketOperatorMetadata!
+ cursor: String!
+enum StorageBucketOperatorMetadataOrderByInput {
+ createdAt_ASC
+ createdAt_DESC
+ updatedAt_ASC
+ updatedAt_DESC
+ deletedAt_ASC
+ deletedAt_DESC
+ nodeEndpoint_ASC
+ nodeEndpoint_DESC
+ nodeLocation_ASC
+ nodeLocation_DESC
+ extra_ASC
+ extra_DESC
+input StorageBucketOperatorMetadataUpdateInput {
+ nodeEndpoint: String
+ nodeLocation: ID
+ extra: String
+input StorageBucketOperatorMetadataWhereInput {
+ id_eq: ID
+ id_in: [ID!]
+ createdAt_eq: DateTime
+ createdAt_lt: DateTime
+ createdAt_lte: DateTime
+ createdAt_gt: DateTime
+ createdAt_gte: DateTime
+ createdById_eq: ID
+ createdById_in: [ID!]
+ updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+ updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+ updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+ updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+ updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+ updatedById_eq: ID
+ updatedById_in: [ID!]
+ deletedAt_all: Boolean
+ deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+ deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+ deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+ deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+ deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+ deletedById_eq: ID
+ deletedById_in: [ID!]
+ nodeEndpoint_eq: String
+ nodeEndpoint_contains: String
+ nodeEndpoint_startsWith: String
+ nodeEndpoint_endsWith: String
+ nodeEndpoint_in: [String!]
+ nodeLocation_eq: ID
+ nodeLocation_in: [ID!]
+ extra_eq: String
+ extra_contains: String
+ extra_startsWith: String
+ extra_endsWith: String
+ extra_in: [String!]
+ nodeLocation: NodeLocationMetadataWhereInput
+ storagebucketoperatorMetadata_none: StorageBucketWhereInput
+ storagebucketoperatorMetadata_some: StorageBucketWhereInput
+ storagebucketoperatorMetadata_every: StorageBucketWhereInput
+ AND: [StorageBucketOperatorMetadataWhereInput!]
+ OR: [StorageBucketOperatorMetadataWhereInput!]
+input StorageBucketOperatorMetadataWhereUniqueInput {
+ id: ID!
union StorageBucketOperatorStatus = StorageBucketOperatorStatusMissing | StorageBucketOperatorStatusInvited | StorageBucketOperatorStatusActive
type StorageBucketOperatorStatusActive {
@@ -770,7 +1529,7 @@ enum StorageBucketOrderByInput {
input StorageBucketUpdateInput {
operatorStatus: JSONObject
- operatorMetadata: Bytes
+ operatorMetadata: ID
acceptingNewBags: Boolean
dataObjectsSizeLimit: BigInt
dataObjectCountLimit: BigInt
@@ -802,8 +1561,8 @@ input StorageBucketWhereInput {
deletedById_eq: ID
deletedById_in: [ID!]
operatorStatus_json: JSONObject
- operatorMetadata_eq: Bytes
- operatorMetadata_in: [Bytes!]
+ operatorMetadata_eq: ID
+ operatorMetadata_in: [ID!]
acceptingNewBags_eq: Boolean
acceptingNewBags_in: [Boolean!]
dataObjectsSizeLimit_eq: BigInt
@@ -818,6 +1577,7 @@ input StorageBucketWhereInput {
dataObjectCountLimit_lt: BigInt
dataObjectCountLimit_lte: BigInt
dataObjectCountLimit_in: [BigInt!]
+ operatorMetadata: StorageBucketOperatorMetadataWhereInput
storedBags_none: StorageBagWhereInput
storedBags_some: StorageBagWhereInput
storedBags_every: StorageBagWhereInput