@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ mod constants;
mod integration;
pub mod primitives;
mod runtime_api;
-mod weights;
-// #[cfg(test)]
-// mod tests; // Runtime integration tests
+mod tests;
+mod weights; // Runtime integration tests
use frame_support::traits::{Currency, KeyOwnerProofSystem, OnUnbalanced};
use frame_support::weights::{
@@ -48,29 +48,29 @@ pub use constants::*;
pub use primitives::*;
pub use runtime_api::*;
-// use integration::proposals::{CouncilManager, ExtrinsicProposalEncoder, MembershipOriginValidator};
-// use governance::{council, election};
-// use storage::data_object_storage_registry;
-// // Node dependencies
-// pub use common;
-// pub use content_working_group as content_wg;
-// pub use forum;
-// pub use governance::election_params::ElectionParameters;
-// pub use membership;
-// #[cfg(any(feature = "std", test))]
-// pub use pallet_balances::Call as BalancesCall;
-// pub use pallet_staking::StakerStatus;
-// pub use proposals_codex::ProposalsConfigParameters;
-// pub use storage::{data_directory, data_object_type_registry};
-// pub use versioned_store;
-// pub use versioned_store_permissions;
-// pub use working_group;
-// pub use content_directory;
-// pub use content_directory::{
-// HashedTextMaxLength, InputValidationLengthConstraint, MaxNumber, TextMaxLength, VecMaxLength,
-// };
+use integration::proposals::{CouncilManager, ExtrinsicProposalEncoder, MembershipOriginValidator};
+use governance::{council, election};
+use storage::data_object_storage_registry;
+// Node dependencies
+pub use common;
+pub use content_directory;
+pub use content_directory::{
+ HashedTextMaxLength, InputValidationLengthConstraint, MaxNumber, TextMaxLength, VecMaxLength,
+pub use content_working_group as content_wg;
+pub use forum;
+pub use governance::election_params::ElectionParameters;
+pub use membership;
+#[cfg(any(feature = "std", test))]
+pub use pallet_balances::Call as BalancesCall;
+pub use pallet_staking::StakerStatus;
+pub use proposals_codex::ProposalsConfigParameters;
+pub use storage::{data_directory, data_object_type_registry};
+pub use versioned_store;
+pub use versioned_store_permissions;
+pub use working_group;
/// This runtime version.
pub const VERSION: RuntimeVersion = RuntimeVersion {
@@ -446,240 +446,240 @@ impl pallet_finality_tracker::Trait for Runtime {
type ReportLatency = ReportLatency;
-// impl versioned_store::Trait for Runtime {
-// type Event = Event;
-// }
-// impl versioned_store_permissions::Trait for Runtime {
-// type Credential = Credential;
-// type CredentialChecker = (
-// integration::content_working_group::ContentWorkingGroupCredentials,
-// integration::versioned_store_permissions::SudoKeyHasAllCredentials,
-// );
-// type CreateClassPermissionsChecker =
-// integration::versioned_store_permissions::ContentLeadOrSudoKeyCanCreateClasses;
-// }
-// type EntityId = <Runtime as content_directory::Trait>::EntityId;
-// parameter_types! {
-// pub const PropertyNameLengthConstraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint = InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(1, 49);
-// pub const PropertyDescriptionLengthConstraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint = InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(1, 500);
-// pub const ClassNameLengthConstraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint = InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(1, 49);
-// pub const ClassDescriptionLengthConstraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint = InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(1, 500);
-// pub const MaxNumberOfClasses: MaxNumber = 100;
-// pub const MaxNumberOfMaintainersPerClass: MaxNumber = 10;
-// pub const MaxNumberOfSchemasPerClass: MaxNumber = 20;
-// pub const MaxNumberOfPropertiesPerSchema: MaxNumber = 40;
-// pub const MaxNumberOfEntitiesPerClass: MaxNumber = 5000;
-// pub const MaxNumberOfCuratorsPerGroup: MaxNumber = 50;
-// pub const MaxNumberOfOperationsDuringAtomicBatching: MaxNumber = 500;
-// pub const VecMaxLengthConstraint: VecMaxLength = 200;
-// pub const TextMaxLengthConstraint: TextMaxLength = 5000;
-// pub const HashedTextMaxLengthConstraint: HashedTextMaxLength = Some(25000);
-// pub const IndividualEntitiesCreationLimit: EntityId = 500;
-// }
-// impl content_directory::Trait for Runtime {
-// type Event = Event;
-// type Nonce = u64;
-// type ClassId = u64;
-// type EntityId = u64;
-// type PropertyNameLengthConstraint = PropertyNameLengthConstraint;
-// type PropertyDescriptionLengthConstraint = PropertyDescriptionLengthConstraint;
-// type ClassNameLengthConstraint = ClassNameLengthConstraint;
-// type ClassDescriptionLengthConstraint = ClassDescriptionLengthConstraint;
-// type MaxNumberOfClasses = MaxNumberOfClasses;
-// type MaxNumberOfMaintainersPerClass = MaxNumberOfMaintainersPerClass;
-// type MaxNumberOfSchemasPerClass = MaxNumberOfSchemasPerClass;
-// type MaxNumberOfPropertiesPerSchema = MaxNumberOfPropertiesPerSchema;
-// type MaxNumberOfEntitiesPerClass = MaxNumberOfEntitiesPerClass;
-// type MaxNumberOfCuratorsPerGroup = MaxNumberOfCuratorsPerGroup;
-// type MaxNumberOfOperationsDuringAtomicBatching = MaxNumberOfOperationsDuringAtomicBatching;
-// type VecMaxLengthConstraint = VecMaxLengthConstraint;
-// type TextMaxLengthConstraint = TextMaxLengthConstraint;
-// type HashedTextMaxLengthConstraint = HashedTextMaxLengthConstraint;
-// type IndividualEntitiesCreationLimit = IndividualEntitiesCreationLimit;
-// }
-// impl hiring::Trait for Runtime {
-// type OpeningId = u64;
-// type ApplicationId = u64;
-// type ApplicationDeactivatedHandler = (); // TODO - what needs to happen?
-// type StakeHandlerProvider = hiring::Module<Self>;
-// }
-// impl minting::Trait for Runtime {
-// type Currency = <Self as common::currency::GovernanceCurrency>::Currency;
-// type MintId = u64;
-// }
-// impl recurring_rewards::Trait for Runtime {
-// type PayoutStatusHandler = (); // TODO - deal with successful and failed payouts
-// type RecipientId = u64;
-// type RewardRelationshipId = u64;
-// }
-// parameter_types! {
-// pub const StakePoolId: [u8; 8] = *b"joystake";
-// }
-// impl stake::Trait for Runtime {
-// type Currency = <Self as common::currency::GovernanceCurrency>::Currency;
-// type StakePoolId = StakePoolId;
-// type StakingEventsHandler = (
-// crate::integration::proposals::StakingEventsHandler<Self>,
-// (
-// crate::integration::working_group::ContentDirectoryWGStakingEventsHandler<Self>,
-// crate::integration::working_group::StorageWgStakingEventsHandler<Self>,
-// ),
-// );
-// type StakeId = u64;
-// type SlashId = u64;
-// }
-// impl content_wg::Trait for Runtime {
-// type Event = Event;
-// }
-// impl common::currency::GovernanceCurrency for Runtime {
-// type Currency = pallet_balances::Module<Self>;
-// }
-// impl governance::election::Trait for Runtime {
-// type Event = Event;
-// type CouncilElected = (Council, integration::proposals::CouncilElectedHandler);
-// }
-// impl governance::council::Trait for Runtime {
-// type Event = Event;
-// type CouncilTermEnded = (CouncilElection,);
-// }
-// impl memo::Trait for Runtime {
-// type Event = Event;
-// }
-// parameter_types! {
-// pub const MaxObjectsPerInjection: u32 = 100;
-// }
-// impl storage::data_object_type_registry::Trait for Runtime {
-// type Event = Event;
-// type DataObjectTypeId = u64;
-// }
-// impl storage::data_directory::Trait for Runtime {
-// type Event = Event;
-// type ContentId = ContentId;
-// type StorageProviderHelper = integration::storage::StorageProviderHelper;
-// type IsActiveDataObjectType = DataObjectTypeRegistry;
-// type MemberOriginValidator = MembershipOriginValidator<Self>;
-// type MaxObjectsPerInjection = MaxObjectsPerInjection;
-// }
-// impl storage::data_object_storage_registry::Trait for Runtime {
-// type Event = Event;
-// type DataObjectStorageRelationshipId = u64;
-// type ContentIdExists = DataDirectory;
-// }
-// impl membership::Trait for Runtime {
-// type Event = Event;
-// type MemberId = MemberId;
-// type PaidTermId = u64;
-// type SubscriptionId = u64;
-// type ActorId = ActorId;
-// }
-// impl forum::Trait for Runtime {
-// type Event = Event;
-// type MembershipRegistry = integration::forum::ShimMembershipRegistry;
-// type ThreadId = ThreadId;
-// type PostId = PostId;
-// }
-// // The storage working group instance alias.
-// pub type StorageWorkingGroupInstance = working_group::Instance2;
-// // The content directory working group instance alias.
-// pub type ContentDirectoryWorkingGroupInstance = working_group::Instance3;
-// parameter_types! {
-// pub const MaxWorkerNumberLimit: u32 = 100;
-// }
-// impl working_group::Trait<StorageWorkingGroupInstance> for Runtime {
-// type Event = Event;
-// type MaxWorkerNumberLimit = MaxWorkerNumberLimit;
-// }
-// impl working_group::Trait<ContentDirectoryWorkingGroupInstance> for Runtime {
-// type Event = Event;
-// type MaxWorkerNumberLimit = MaxWorkerNumberLimit;
-// }
-// impl service_discovery::Trait for Runtime {
-// type Event = Event;
-// }
-// parameter_types! {
-// pub const ProposalCancellationFee: u64 = 10000;
-// pub const ProposalRejectionFee: u64 = 5000;
-// pub const ProposalTitleMaxLength: u32 = 40;
-// pub const ProposalDescriptionMaxLength: u32 = 3000;
-// pub const ProposalMaxActiveProposalLimit: u32 = 20;
-// }
-// impl proposals_engine::Trait for Runtime {
-// type Event = Event;
-// type ProposerOriginValidator = MembershipOriginValidator<Self>;
-// type VoterOriginValidator = CouncilManager<Self>;
-// type TotalVotersCounter = CouncilManager<Self>;
-// type ProposalId = u32;
-// type StakeHandlerProvider = proposals_engine::DefaultStakeHandlerProvider;
-// type CancellationFee = ProposalCancellationFee;
-// type RejectionFee = ProposalRejectionFee;
-// type TitleMaxLength = ProposalTitleMaxLength;
-// type DescriptionMaxLength = ProposalDescriptionMaxLength;
-// type MaxActiveProposalLimit = ProposalMaxActiveProposalLimit;
-// type DispatchableCallCode = Call;
-// }
-// impl Default for Call {
-// fn default() -> Self {
-// panic!("shouldn't call default for Call");
-// }
-// }
-// parameter_types! {
-// pub const ProposalMaxPostEditionNumber: u32 = 0; // post update is disabled
-// pub const ProposalMaxThreadInARowNumber: u32 = 100_000; // will not be used
-// pub const ProposalThreadTitleLengthLimit: u32 = 40;
-// pub const ProposalPostLengthLimit: u32 = 1000;
-// }
-// impl proposals_discussion::Trait for Runtime {
-// type Event = Event;
-// type PostAuthorOriginValidator = MembershipOriginValidator<Self>;
-// type ThreadId = ThreadId;
-// type PostId = PostId;
-// type MaxPostEditionNumber = ProposalMaxPostEditionNumber;
-// type ThreadTitleLengthLimit = ProposalThreadTitleLengthLimit;
-// type PostLengthLimit = ProposalPostLengthLimit;
-// type MaxThreadInARowNumber = ProposalMaxThreadInARowNumber;
-// }
-// parameter_types! {
-// pub const TextProposalMaxLength: u32 = 5_000;
-// pub const RuntimeUpgradeWasmProposalMaxLength: u32 = 3_000_000;
-// }
-// impl proposals_codex::Trait for Runtime {
-// type MembershipOriginValidator = MembershipOriginValidator<Self>;
-// type TextProposalMaxLength = TextProposalMaxLength;
-// type RuntimeUpgradeWasmProposalMaxLength = RuntimeUpgradeWasmProposalMaxLength;
-// type ProposalEncoder = ExtrinsicProposalEncoder;
-// }
+impl versioned_store::Trait for Runtime {
+ type Event = Event;
+impl versioned_store_permissions::Trait for Runtime {
+ type Credential = Credential;
+ type CredentialChecker = (
+ integration::content_working_group::ContentWorkingGroupCredentials,
+ integration::versioned_store_permissions::SudoKeyHasAllCredentials,
+ );
+ type CreateClassPermissionsChecker =
+ integration::versioned_store_permissions::ContentLeadOrSudoKeyCanCreateClasses;
+type EntityId = <Runtime as content_directory::Trait>::EntityId;
+parameter_types! {
+ pub const PropertyNameLengthConstraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint = InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(1, 49);
+ pub const PropertyDescriptionLengthConstraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint = InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(1, 500);
+ pub const ClassNameLengthConstraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint = InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(1, 49);
+ pub const ClassDescriptionLengthConstraint: InputValidationLengthConstraint = InputValidationLengthConstraint::new(1, 500);
+ pub const MaxNumberOfClasses: MaxNumber = 100;
+ pub const MaxNumberOfMaintainersPerClass: MaxNumber = 10;
+ pub const MaxNumberOfSchemasPerClass: MaxNumber = 20;
+ pub const MaxNumberOfPropertiesPerSchema: MaxNumber = 40;
+ pub const MaxNumberOfEntitiesPerClass: MaxNumber = 5000;
+ pub const MaxNumberOfCuratorsPerGroup: MaxNumber = 50;
+ pub const MaxNumberOfOperationsDuringAtomicBatching: MaxNumber = 500;
+ pub const VecMaxLengthConstraint: VecMaxLength = 200;
+ pub const TextMaxLengthConstraint: TextMaxLength = 5000;
+ pub const HashedTextMaxLengthConstraint: HashedTextMaxLength = Some(25000);
+ pub const IndividualEntitiesCreationLimit: EntityId = 500;
+impl content_directory::Trait for Runtime {
+ type Event = Event;
+ type Nonce = u64;
+ type ClassId = u64;
+ type EntityId = u64;
+ type PropertyNameLengthConstraint = PropertyNameLengthConstraint;
+ type PropertyDescriptionLengthConstraint = PropertyDescriptionLengthConstraint;
+ type ClassNameLengthConstraint = ClassNameLengthConstraint;
+ type ClassDescriptionLengthConstraint = ClassDescriptionLengthConstraint;
+ type MaxNumberOfClasses = MaxNumberOfClasses;
+ type MaxNumberOfMaintainersPerClass = MaxNumberOfMaintainersPerClass;
+ type MaxNumberOfSchemasPerClass = MaxNumberOfSchemasPerClass;
+ type MaxNumberOfPropertiesPerSchema = MaxNumberOfPropertiesPerSchema;
+ type MaxNumberOfEntitiesPerClass = MaxNumberOfEntitiesPerClass;
+ type MaxNumberOfCuratorsPerGroup = MaxNumberOfCuratorsPerGroup;
+ type MaxNumberOfOperationsDuringAtomicBatching = MaxNumberOfOperationsDuringAtomicBatching;
+ type VecMaxLengthConstraint = VecMaxLengthConstraint;
+ type TextMaxLengthConstraint = TextMaxLengthConstraint;
+ type HashedTextMaxLengthConstraint = HashedTextMaxLengthConstraint;
+ type IndividualEntitiesCreationLimit = IndividualEntitiesCreationLimit;
+impl hiring::Trait for Runtime {
+ type OpeningId = u64;
+ type ApplicationId = u64;
+ type ApplicationDeactivatedHandler = (); // TODO - what needs to happen?
+ type StakeHandlerProvider = hiring::Module<Self>;
+impl minting::Trait for Runtime {
+ type Currency = <Self as common::currency::GovernanceCurrency>::Currency;
+ type MintId = u64;
+impl recurring_rewards::Trait for Runtime {
+ type PayoutStatusHandler = (); // TODO - deal with successful and failed payouts
+ type RecipientId = u64;
+ type RewardRelationshipId = u64;
+parameter_types! {
+ pub const StakePoolId: [u8; 8] = *b"joystake";
+impl stake::Trait for Runtime {
+ type Currency = <Self as common::currency::GovernanceCurrency>::Currency;
+ type StakePoolId = StakePoolId;
+ type StakingEventsHandler = (
+ crate::integration::proposals::StakingEventsHandler<Self>,
+ (
+ crate::integration::working_group::ContentDirectoryWGStakingEventsHandler<Self>,
+ crate::integration::working_group::StorageWgStakingEventsHandler<Self>,
+ ),
+ );
+ type StakeId = u64;
+ type SlashId = u64;
+impl content_wg::Trait for Runtime {
+ type Event = Event;
+impl common::currency::GovernanceCurrency for Runtime {
+ type Currency = pallet_balances::Module<Self>;
+impl governance::election::Trait for Runtime {
+ type Event = Event;
+ type CouncilElected = (Council, integration::proposals::CouncilElectedHandler);
+impl governance::council::Trait for Runtime {
+ type Event = Event;
+ type CouncilTermEnded = (CouncilElection,);
+impl memo::Trait for Runtime {
+ type Event = Event;
+parameter_types! {
+ pub const MaxObjectsPerInjection: u32 = 100;
+impl storage::data_object_type_registry::Trait for Runtime {
+ type Event = Event;
+ type DataObjectTypeId = u64;
+impl storage::data_directory::Trait for Runtime {
+ type Event = Event;
+ type ContentId = ContentId;
+ type StorageProviderHelper = integration::storage::StorageProviderHelper;
+ type IsActiveDataObjectType = DataObjectTypeRegistry;
+ type MemberOriginValidator = MembershipOriginValidator<Self>;
+ type MaxObjectsPerInjection = MaxObjectsPerInjection;
+impl storage::data_object_storage_registry::Trait for Runtime {
+ type Event = Event;
+ type DataObjectStorageRelationshipId = u64;
+ type ContentIdExists = DataDirectory;
+impl membership::Trait for Runtime {
+ type Event = Event;
+ type MemberId = MemberId;
+ type PaidTermId = u64;
+ type SubscriptionId = u64;
+ type ActorId = ActorId;
+impl forum::Trait for Runtime {
+ type Event = Event;
+ type MembershipRegistry = integration::forum::ShimMembershipRegistry;
+ type ThreadId = ThreadId;
+ type PostId = PostId;
+// The storage working group instance alias.
+pub type StorageWorkingGroupInstance = working_group::Instance2;
+// The content directory working group instance alias.
+pub type ContentDirectoryWorkingGroupInstance = working_group::Instance3;
+parameter_types! {
+ pub const MaxWorkerNumberLimit: u32 = 100;
+impl working_group::Trait<StorageWorkingGroupInstance> for Runtime {
+ type Event = Event;
+ type MaxWorkerNumberLimit = MaxWorkerNumberLimit;
+impl working_group::Trait<ContentDirectoryWorkingGroupInstance> for Runtime {
+ type Event = Event;
+ type MaxWorkerNumberLimit = MaxWorkerNumberLimit;
+impl service_discovery::Trait for Runtime {
+ type Event = Event;
+parameter_types! {
+ pub const ProposalCancellationFee: u64 = 10000;
+ pub const ProposalRejectionFee: u64 = 5000;
+ pub const ProposalTitleMaxLength: u32 = 40;
+ pub const ProposalDescriptionMaxLength: u32 = 3000;
+ pub const ProposalMaxActiveProposalLimit: u32 = 20;
+impl proposals_engine::Trait for Runtime {
+ type Event = Event;
+ type ProposerOriginValidator = MembershipOriginValidator<Self>;
+ type VoterOriginValidator = CouncilManager<Self>;
+ type TotalVotersCounter = CouncilManager<Self>;
+ type ProposalId = u32;
+ type StakeHandlerProvider = proposals_engine::DefaultStakeHandlerProvider;
+ type CancellationFee = ProposalCancellationFee;
+ type RejectionFee = ProposalRejectionFee;
+ type TitleMaxLength = ProposalTitleMaxLength;
+ type DescriptionMaxLength = ProposalDescriptionMaxLength;
+ type MaxActiveProposalLimit = ProposalMaxActiveProposalLimit;
+ type DispatchableCallCode = Call;
+impl Default for Call {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ panic!("shouldn't call default for Call");
+ }
+parameter_types! {
+ pub const ProposalMaxPostEditionNumber: u32 = 0; // post update is disabled
+ pub const ProposalMaxThreadInARowNumber: u32 = 100_000; // will not be used
+ pub const ProposalThreadTitleLengthLimit: u32 = 40;
+ pub const ProposalPostLengthLimit: u32 = 1000;
+impl proposals_discussion::Trait for Runtime {
+ type Event = Event;
+ type PostAuthorOriginValidator = MembershipOriginValidator<Self>;
+ type ThreadId = ThreadId;
+ type PostId = PostId;
+ type MaxPostEditionNumber = ProposalMaxPostEditionNumber;
+ type ThreadTitleLengthLimit = ProposalThreadTitleLengthLimit;
+ type PostLengthLimit = ProposalPostLengthLimit;
+ type MaxThreadInARowNumber = ProposalMaxThreadInARowNumber;
+parameter_types! {
+ pub const TextProposalMaxLength: u32 = 5_000;
+ pub const RuntimeUpgradeWasmProposalMaxLength: u32 = 3_000_000;
+impl proposals_codex::Trait for Runtime {
+ type MembershipOriginValidator = MembershipOriginValidator<Self>;
+ type TextProposalMaxLength = TextProposalMaxLength;
+ type RuntimeUpgradeWasmProposalMaxLength = RuntimeUpgradeWasmProposalMaxLength;
+ type ProposalEncoder = ExtrinsicProposalEncoder;
parameter_types! {
pub const TombstoneDeposit: Balance = 1; // TODO: adjust fee
@@ -729,32 +729,32 @@ construct_runtime!(
Offences: pallet_offences::{Module, Call, Storage, Event},
RandomnessCollectiveFlip: pallet_randomness_collective_flip::{Module, Call, Storage},
Sudo: pallet_sudo::{Module, Call, Config<T>, Storage, Event<T>},
- // // Joystream
- // CouncilElection: election::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>, Config<T>},
- // Council: council::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>, Config<T>},
- // Memo: memo::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>},
- // Members: membership::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>, Config<T>},
- // Forum: forum::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>, Config<T>},
- // VersionedStore: versioned_store::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>, Config},
- // VersionedStorePermissions: versioned_store_permissions::{Module, Call, Storage, Config<T>},
- // Stake: stake::{Module, Call, Storage},
- // Minting: minting::{Module, Call, Storage},
- // RecurringRewards: recurring_rewards::{Module, Call, Storage},
- // Hiring: hiring::{Module, Call, Storage},
- // ContentWorkingGroup: content_wg::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>, Config<T>},
- // ContentDirectory: content_directory::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>, Config<T>},
- // // --- Storage
- // DataObjectTypeRegistry: data_object_type_registry::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>, Config<T>},
- // DataDirectory: data_directory::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>, Config<T>},
- // DataObjectStorageRegistry: data_object_storage_registry::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>, Config<T>},
- // Discovery: service_discovery::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>},
- // // --- Proposals
- // ProposalsEngine: proposals_engine::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>},
- // ProposalsDiscussion: proposals_discussion::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>},
- // ProposalsCodex: proposals_codex::{Module, Call, Storage, Config<T>},
- // // --- Working groups
- // // reserved for the future use: ForumWorkingGroup: working_group::<Instance1>::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>},
- // StorageWorkingGroup: working_group::<Instance2>::{Module, Call, Storage, Config<T>, Event<T>},
- // ContentDirectoryWorkingGroup: working_group::<Instance3>::{Module, Call, Storage, Config<T>, Event<T>},
+ // Joystream
+ CouncilElection: election::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>, Config<T>},
+ Council: council::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>, Config<T>},
+ Memo: memo::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>},
+ Members: membership::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>, Config<T>},
+ Forum: forum::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>, Config<T>},
+ VersionedStore: versioned_store::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>, Config},
+ VersionedStorePermissions: versioned_store_permissions::{Module, Call, Storage, Config<T>},
+ Stake: stake::{Module, Call, Storage},
+ Minting: minting::{Module, Call, Storage},
+ RecurringRewards: recurring_rewards::{Module, Call, Storage},
+ Hiring: hiring::{Module, Call, Storage},
+ ContentWorkingGroup: content_wg::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>, Config<T>},
+ ContentDirectory: content_directory::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>, Config<T>},
+ // --- Storage
+ DataObjectTypeRegistry: data_object_type_registry::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>, Config<T>},
+ DataDirectory: data_directory::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>, Config<T>},
+ DataObjectStorageRegistry: data_object_storage_registry::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>, Config<T>},
+ Discovery: service_discovery::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>},
+ // --- Proposals
+ ProposalsEngine: proposals_engine::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>},
+ ProposalsDiscussion: proposals_discussion::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>},
+ ProposalsCodex: proposals_codex::{Module, Call, Storage, Config<T>},
+ // --- Working groups
+ // reserved for the future use: ForumWorkingGroup: working_group::<Instance1>::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>},
+ StorageWorkingGroup: working_group::<Instance2>::{Module, Call, Storage, Config<T>, Event<T>},
+ ContentDirectoryWorkingGroup: working_group::<Instance3>::{Module, Call, Storage, Config<T>, Event<T>},