@@ -22,10 +22,48 @@
enabled: yes
become: yes
+- name: Build required packages
+ shell: yarn build:packages
+ args:
+ chdir: '{{ remote_code_path }}'
+ # Run in async fashion for max duration of 1 hr
+ async: 3600
+ poll: 0
+ register: build_result
+- name: Check on build async task
+ async_status:
+ jid: '{{ build_result.ansible_job_id }}'
+ register: job_result
+ until: job_result.finished
+ # Max number of times to check for status
+ retries: 36
+ # Check for the status every 100s
+ delay: 100
+- name: Run query node containers
+ command: yarn workspace query-node-root start:dev
+ args:
+ chdir: '{{ remote_code_path }}'
+ async: 1800
+ poll: 0
+ register: compose_result
+- name: Check on yarn start task
+ async_status:
+ jid: '{{ compose_result.ansible_job_id }}'
+ register: job_result
+ until: job_result.finished
+ # Max number of times to check for status
+ retries: 18
+ # Check for the status every 100s
+ delay: 100
- name: Set websocket and http endpoint variables
ws_rpc: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.nip.io/ws-rpc"
http_rpc: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.nip.io/http-rpc"
+ nip_domain: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.nip.io"
run_once: yes
- name: Install and configure Caddy