@@ -99,29 +99,29 @@ class StorageWriteStream extends Transform {
chunk = Buffer.from(chunk)
- this.temp.write(chunk)
- // Try to detect file type during streaming.
- if (!this.fileInfo && this.buf.byteLength <= fileType.minimumBytes) {
- this.buf = Buffer.concat([this.buf, chunk])
- if (this.buf >= fileType.minimumBytes) {
- const info = fileType(this.buf)
- // No info? We will try again at the end of the stream.
- if (info) {
- this.fileInfo = fixFileInfo(info)
- this.emit('fileInfo', this.fileInfo)
+ this.temp.write(chunk, (err) => {
+ // Try to detect file type during streaming.
+ if (!this.fileInfo && this.buf.byteLength <= fileType.minimumBytes) {
+ this.buf = Buffer.concat([this.buf, chunk])
+ if (this.buf >= fileType.minimumBytes) {
+ const info = fileType(this.buf)
+ // No info? We will try again at the end of the stream.
+ if (info) {
+ this.fileInfo = fixFileInfo(info)
+ this.emit('fileInfo', this.fileInfo)
+ }
- }
- callback(null)
+ callback(err)
+ })
_flush(callback) {
debug('Flushing temporary stream:', this.temp.path)
- this.temp.end()
- callback(null)
+ this.temp.end(() => {
+ callback(null)
+ })