@@ -1,69 +1,67 @@
-import BN from 'bn.js'
import { ApiPromise } from '@polkadot/api'
import { SubmittableExtrinsic } from '@polkadot/api/types'
-import { AccountInfo } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces'
+import { ISubmittableResult } from '@polkadot/types/types/'
import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
-import { DbService } from './DbService'
+import Debugger from 'debug'
+import AsyncLock from 'async-lock'
+const debug = Debugger('sender')
export class Sender {
private readonly api: ApiPromise
- private db: DbService = DbService.getInstance()
+ private readonly asyncLock: AsyncLock
+ // TODO: add a keyring that is shared here so no need to pass around keys
constructor(api: ApiPromise) {
this.api = api
+ this.asyncLock = new AsyncLock()
- private async getNonce(address: string): Promise<BN> {
- const oncahinNonce: BN = (await this.api.query.system.account<AccountInfo>(address)).nonce
- let nonce: BN
- if (!this.db.hasNonce(address)) {
- nonce = oncahinNonce
- } else {
- nonce = this.db.getNonce(address)
- }
- if (oncahinNonce.gt(nonce)) {
- nonce = oncahinNonce
- }
- const nextNonce: BN = nonce.addn(1)
- this.db.setNonce(address, nextNonce)
- return nonce
- }
- private clearNonce(address: string): void {
- this.db.removeNonce(address)
- }
+ // Synchronize all sending of transactions into mempool, so we can always safely read
+ // the next account nonce taking mempool into account. This is safe as long as all sending of transactions
+ // from same account occurs in the same process.
+ // Returns a promise that resolves or rejects only after the extrinsic is finalized into a block.
public async signAndSend(
tx: SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'>,
account: KeyringPair,
- expectFailure = false
- ): Promise<void> {
- return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
- const nonce: BN = await this.getNonce(account.address)
- const signedTx = tx.sign(account, { nonce })
- await signedTx
- .send(async (result) => {
- if (result.status.isInBlock && result.events !== undefined) {
- result.events.forEach((event) => {
- if (event.event.method === 'ExtrinsicFailed') {
- if (expectFailure) {
- resolve()
- } else {
- reject(new Error('Extrinsic failed unexpectedly'))
- }
- }
- })
- resolve()
- }
- if (result.status.isFuture) {
- console.log('nonce ' + nonce + ' for account ' + account.address + ' is in future')
- this.clearNonce(account.address)
- reject(new Error('Extrinsic nonce is in future'))
+ shouldFail = false
+ ): Promise<any> {
+ let finalizedResolve: { (): void; (value?: any): void }
+ let finalizedReject: { (arg0: Error): void; (reason?: any): void }
+ const finalized = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
+ finalizedResolve = resolve
+ finalizedReject = reject
+ })
+ const handleEvents = (result: ISubmittableResult) => {
+ if (result.status.isInBlock && result.events !== undefined) {
+ result.events.forEach((event) => {
+ if (event.event.method === 'ExtrinsicFailed') {
+ if (shouldFail) {
+ finalizedResolve()
+ } else {
+ finalizedReject(new Error('Extrinsic failed unexpectedly'))
+ }
- .catch((error) => {
- reject(error)
- })
+ finalizedResolve()
+ }
+ if (result.status.isFuture) {
+ // Its virtually impossible for use to continue with tests
+ // when this occurs and we don't expect the tests to handle this correctly
+ // so just abort!
+ process.exit(-1)
+ }
+ }
+ await this.asyncLock.acquire(`${account.address}`, async () => {
+ const nonce = await this.api.rpc.system.accountNextIndex(account.address)
+ const signedTx = tx.sign(account, { nonce })
+ await signedTx.send(handleEvents)
+ return finalized