@@ -127,53 +127,47 @@ type ViewThreadProps = ApiProps & InnerViewThreadProps & {
const POSTS_THREAD_MAP_CACHE_KEY = 'postsThreadMap';
-async function refreshPostsInThreadCache (nextPostId: PostId, api: ApiPromise) {
+async function refreshPostsInThreadCache(nextPostId: PostId, api: ApiPromise) {
const newId = (id: number | BN) => api.createType('PostId', id);
const apiCalls: Promise<Post>[] = [];
- let id = newId(1);
+ let idToFetch = newId(1);
- let mapPostToThread = getPostsIdsInThreadCache();
- const nextTreadId = await api.query.forum.nextThreadId() as ThreadId;
+ let postsToThread = getPostsIdsInThreadCache();
+ const nextThreadId = await api.query.forum.nextThreadId() as ThreadId;
- if (mapPostToThread.size >= Number(nextTreadId.toString())) { // invalid cache
- mapPostToThread = new Map<number, number[]>();
+ if (postsToThread.size >= Number(nextThreadId.toString())) { // invalid cache
+ postsToThread = new Map<number, number[]>();
- if (mapPostToThread.size > 0) {
- let lastPostIdInCache = 0;
+ if (postsToThread.size > 0) {
+ const lastPostIdInCache = Math.max(...Array.from(postsToThread.values()).flat());
- for (const postIds of mapPostToThread.values()) {
- const maxPostIdInThread = postIds.reduce((a, b) => a > b ? a : b);
- if (maxPostIdInThread > lastPostIdInCache) {
- lastPostIdInCache = maxPostIdInThread;
- }
- }
- id = newId(lastPostIdInCache);
+ idToFetch = newId(lastPostIdInCache + 1);
const lastPost = await api.query.forum.postById(lastPostIdInCache) as Post;
if (lastPost) {
- const postsInThread = mapPostToThread.get(Number(lastPost.thread_id.toString()));
+ const postsInThread = postsToThread.get(lastPost.thread_id.toNumber());
if (!postsInThread || !postsInThread.includes(lastPostIdInCache)) { // cache doesn't match the data in chain
- mapPostToThread = new Map<number, number[]>();
+ postsToThread = new Map<number, number[]>();
} else {
- mapPostToThread = new Map<number, number[]>();
+ postsToThread = new Map<number, number[]>();
- while (nextPostId.gt(id)) {
- apiCalls.push(api.query.forum.postById(id) as Promise<Post>);
- id = newId(id.add(newId(1)));
+ const lastPostId = nextPostId.sub(new BN(1));
+ while (lastPostId.gte(idToFetch)) {
+ apiCalls.push(api.query.forum.postById(idToFetch) as Promise<Post>);
+ idToFetch = newId(idToFetch.add(newId(1)));
const newPosts = await Promise.all<Post>(apiCalls);
for (const post of newPosts) {
- let posts = mapPostToThread.get(Number(post.thread_id.toString())) as number[];
- const postId = Number(post.id.toString());
+ let posts = postsToThread.get(post.thread_id.toNumber()) as number[];
+ const postId = post.id.toNumber();
if (!posts) {
posts = [postId];
@@ -181,10 +175,10 @@ async function refreshPostsInThreadCache (nextPostId: PostId, api: ApiPromise) {
- mapPostToThread.set(Number(post.thread_id.toString()), posts);
+ postsToThread.set(post.thread_id.toNumber(), posts);
- localStorage.setItem(POSTS_THREAD_MAP_CACHE_KEY, JSON.stringify([...mapPostToThread]));
+ localStorage.setItem(POSTS_THREAD_MAP_CACHE_KEY, JSON.stringify([...postsToThread]));
function getPostsIdsInThreadCache (): Map<number, number[]> {
@@ -229,15 +223,9 @@ function InnerViewThread (props: ViewThreadProps) {
await refreshPostsInThreadCache(nextPostId, api);
const mapPostToThread = getPostsIdsInThreadCache();
- const postIdsInThread = mapPostToThread.get(Number(thread.id.toString())) as number[];
- const postsInThisThreadCalls: Promise<Post>[] = [];
- for (const postId of postIdsInThread) {
- postsInThisThreadCalls.push(api.query.forum.postById(postId) as Promise<Post>);
- }
- const postsInThisThread = await Promise.all(postsInThisThreadCalls);
+ const postIdsInThread = mapPostToThread.get(thread.id.toNumber()) as number[];
+ const postsInThisThread = await Promise.all(postIdsInThread
+ ? postIdsInThread.map((postId: number) => api.query.forum.postById(postId)) : []) as Post[];
const sortedPosts = orderBy(