@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-import { initConfig } from '../../utils/config';
+import { initConfig } from './utils/config';
import { Keyring, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
import { Bytes } from '@polkadot/types';
import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types';
-import { membershipTest } from '../membershipCreationTest';
-import { councilTest } from '../electingCouncilTest';
+import { membershipTest } from './membershipCreationTest';
+import { councilTest } from './electingCouncilTest';
import { registerJoystreamTypes } from '@rome/types';
import { ApiWrapper } from './utils/apiWrapper';
import BN = require('bn.js');
@@ -37,13 +37,9 @@ describe('Runtime upgrade integration tests', () => {
it('Upgrading the runtime test', async () => {
// Setup
- console.log('7');
sudo = keyring.addFromUri(sudoUri);
// const runtime: Bytes = await apiWrapper.getRuntime();
const runtime: string = Utils.readRuntimeFromFile('joystream_node_runtime.wasm');
- console.log('runtime length ' + runtime.length);
- console.log('runtime strart ' + runtime.slice(0, 10));
- console.log('runtime end ' + runtime.slice(runtime.length - 10));
const description: string = 'runtime upgrade proposal which is used for API integration testing';
const runtimeProposalFee: BN = apiWrapper.estimateRomeProposeRuntimeUpgradeFee(
@@ -59,7 +55,6 @@ describe('Runtime upgrade integration tests', () => {
// Proposal creation
const proposalPromise = apiWrapper.expectProposalCreated();
- console.log('proposal will be sent');
await apiWrapper.proposeRuntimeRome(
@@ -67,16 +62,15 @@ describe('Runtime upgrade integration tests', () => {
'runtime to test proposal functionality',
- console.log('proposal sent');
const proposalNumber = await proposalPromise;
- console.log('proposal created');
// Approving runtime update proposal
const runtimePromise = apiWrapper.expectRomeRuntimeUpgraded();
- console.log('voting');
await apiWrapper.batchApproveRomeProposal(m2KeyPairs, proposalNumber);
// apiWrapper = await ApiWrapper.create(provider);
await runtimePromise;
+ await Utils.wait(apiWrapper.getBlockDuration().muln(2.5).toNumber());
//membershipTest(new Array<KeyringPair>());