@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+//! # Blog Module
+//! The Blog module provides functionality for handling blogs
+//! - [`timestamp::Trait`](./trait.Trait.html)
+//! - [`Call`](./enum.Call.html)
+//! - [`Module`](./struct.Module.html)
+//! ## Overview
+//! The blog module provides functions for:
+//! - Creation and editing of posts, associated with given blog
+//! - Posts locking/unlocking
+//! - Creation and editing of replies, associated with given post
+//! ### Terminology
+//! - **Lock:** A forbiddance of mutation of any associated information related to a given post.
+//! ## Interface
+//! The posts creation/edition/locking/unlocking are done through proposals
+//! To reply to posts you need to be a member
+//! ## Supported extrinsics
+//! - [create_post](./struct.Module.html#method.create_post)
+//! - [lock_post](./struct.Module.html#method.lock_post)
+//! - [unlock_post](./struct.Module.html#method.unlock_post)
+//! - [edit_post](./struct.Module.html#method.edit_post)
+//! - [create_reply](./struct.Module.html#method.create_reply)
+//! - [edit_reply](./struct.Module.html#method.create_reply)
+#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
+use codec::{Codec, Decode, Encode};
+use common::origin::MemberOriginValidator;
+use errors::Error;
+pub use frame_support::dispatch::{DispatchError, DispatchResult};
+use frame_support::weights::Weight;
+use frame_support::{
+ decl_event, decl_module, decl_storage, ensure, traits::Get, Parameter, StorageDoubleMap,
+use sp_arithmetic::traits::{BaseArithmetic, One};
+use sp_runtime::traits::{Hash, MaybeSerialize, Member};
+use sp_runtime::SaturatedConversion;
+use sp_std::prelude::*;
+mod benchmarking;
+mod errors;
+mod mock;
+mod tests;
+// Type for maximum number of posts/replies
+type MaxNumber = u64;
+/// Type for post IDs
+pub type PostId = u64;
+/// Blogger participant ID alias for the member of the system.
+pub type ParticipantId<T> = common::MemberId<T>;
+/// blog WeightInfo.
+/// Note: This was auto generated through the benchmark CLI using the `--weight-trait` flag
+pub trait WeightInfo {
+ fn create_post(t: u32, b: u32) -> Weight;
+ fn lock_post() -> Weight;
+ fn unlock_post() -> Weight;
+ fn edit_post(t: u32, b: u32) -> Weight;
+ fn create_reply_to_post(t: u32) -> Weight;
+ fn create_reply_to_reply(t: u32) -> Weight;
+ fn edit_reply(t: u32) -> Weight;
+// The pallet's configuration trait.
+pub trait Trait<I: Instance = DefaultInstance>: frame_system::Trait + common::Trait {
+ /// Origin from which participant must come.
+ type ParticipantEnsureOrigin: MemberOriginValidator<
+ Self::Origin,
+ ParticipantId<Self>,
+ Self::AccountId,
+ >;
+ /// The overarching event type.
+ type Event: From<Event<Self, I>> + Into<<Self as frame_system::Trait>::Event>;
+ /// The maximum number of posts in a blog.
+ type PostsMaxNumber: Get<MaxNumber>;
+ /// The maximum number of replies to a post.
+ type RepliesMaxNumber: Get<MaxNumber>;
+ /// Type of identifier for replies.
+ type ReplyId: Parameter
+ + Member
+ + BaseArithmetic
+ + Codec
+ + Default
+ + Copy
+ + MaybeSerialize
+ + PartialEq
+ + From<u64>
+ + Into<u64>;
+ /// Weight information for extrinsics in this pallet.
+ type WeightInfo: WeightInfo;
+/// Type, representing blog related post structure
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone)]
+pub struct Post<T: Trait<I>, I: Instance> {
+ /// Locking status
+ locked: bool,
+ title_hash: T::Hash,
+ body_hash: T::Hash,
+ /// Overall replies counter, associated with post
+ replies_count: T::ReplyId,
+// Note: we derive it by hand because the derive isn't working because of a Rust problem
+// where the generic parameters need to comply with the bounds instead of the associated traits
+// see: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/26925
+impl<T: Trait<I>, I: Instance> sp_std::fmt::Debug for Post<T, I> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut sp_std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> sp_std::fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("Post")
+ .field("locked", &self.locked)
+ .field("title_hash", &self.title_hash)
+ .field("body_hash", &self.body_hash)
+ .field("replies_count", &self.replies_count)
+ .finish()
+ }
+// Note: we derive it by hand because the derive isn't working because of a Rust problem
+// where the generic parameters need to comply with the bounds instead of the associated traits
+// see: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/26925
+impl<T: Trait<I>, I: Instance> PartialEq for Post<T, I> {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &Post<T, I>) -> bool {
+ self.locked == other.locked
+ && self.title_hash == other.title_hash
+ && self.body_hash == other.body_hash
+ && self.replies_count == other.replies_count
+ }
+/// Default Post
+// Note: we derive it by hand because the derive isn't working because of a Rust problem
+// where the generic parameters need to comply with the bounds instead of the associated traits
+// see: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/26925
+impl<T: Trait<I>, I: Instance> Default for Post<T, I> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Post {
+ locked: Default::default(),
+ title_hash: Default::default(),
+ body_hash: Default::default(),
+ replies_count: Default::default(),
+ }
+ }
+impl<T: Trait<I>, I: Instance> Post<T, I> {
+ /// Create a new post with given title and body
+ pub fn new(title: &[u8], body: &[u8]) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ // Post default locking status
+ locked: false,
+ title_hash: T::Hashing::hash(title),
+ body_hash: T::Hashing::hash(body),
+ // Set replies count of newly created post to zero
+ replies_count: T::ReplyId::default(),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Make all data, associated with this post immutable
+ fn lock(&mut self) {
+ self.locked = true;
+ }
+ /// Inverse to lock
+ fn unlock(&mut self) {
+ self.locked = false;
+ }
+ /// Get current locking status
+ pub fn is_locked(&self) -> bool {
+ self.locked
+ }
+ /// Get overall replies count, associated with this post
+ fn replies_count(&self) -> T::ReplyId {
+ self.replies_count
+ }
+ /// Increase replies counter, associated with given post by 1
+ fn increment_replies_counter(&mut self) {
+ self.replies_count += T::ReplyId::one()
+ }
+ /// Update post title and body, if Option::Some(_)
+ fn update(&mut self, new_title: &Option<Vec<u8>>, new_body: &Option<Vec<u8>>) {
+ if let Some(ref new_title) = new_title {
+ self.title_hash = T::Hashing::hash(new_title)
+ }
+ if let Some(ref new_body) = new_body {
+ self.body_hash = T::Hashing::hash(new_body)
+ }
+ }
+/// Enum variant, representing either reply or post id
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
+pub enum ParentId<ReplyId, PostId: Default> {
+ Reply(ReplyId),
+ Post(PostId),
+/// Default parent representation
+impl<ReplyId, PostId: Default> Default for ParentId<ReplyId, PostId> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ ParentId::Post(PostId::default())
+ }
+/// Type, representing either root post reply or direct reply to reply
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone)]
+pub struct Reply<T: Trait<I>, I: Instance> {
+ /// Reply text hash
+ text_hash: T::Hash,
+ /// Participant id, associated with a reply owner
+ owner: ParticipantId<T>,
+ /// Reply`s parent id
+ parent_id: ParentId<T::ReplyId, PostId>,
+// Note: we derive it by hand because the derive isn't working because of a Rust problem
+// where the generic parameters need to comply with the bounds instead of the associated traits
+// see: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/26925
+impl<T: Trait<I>, I: Instance> sp_std::fmt::Debug for Reply<T, I> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut sp_std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> sp_std::fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_struct("Reply")
+ .field("text_hash", &self.text_hash)
+ .field("owner", &self.owner)
+ .field("parent_id", &self.parent_id)
+ .finish()
+ }
+/// Reply comparator
+// Note: we derive it by hand because the derive isn't working because of a Rust problem
+// where the generic parameters need to comply with the bounds instead of the associated traits
+// see: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/26925
+impl<T: Trait<I>, I: Instance> PartialEq for Reply<T, I> {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &Reply<T, I>) -> bool {
+ self.text_hash == other.text_hash
+ && self.owner == other.owner
+ && self.parent_id == other.parent_id
+ }
+/// Default Reply
+// Note: we derive it by hand because the derive isn't working because of a Rust problem
+// where the generic parameters need to comply with the bounds instead of the associated traits
+// see: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/26925
+impl<T: Trait<I>, I: Instance> Default for Reply<T, I> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Reply {
+ text_hash: Default::default(),
+ owner: Default::default(),
+ parent_id: Default::default(),
+ }
+ }
+impl<T: Trait<I>, I: Instance> Reply<T, I> {
+ /// Create new reply with given text and owner id
+ fn new(
+ text: Vec<u8>,
+ owner: ParticipantId<T>,
+ parent_id: ParentId<T::ReplyId, PostId>,
+ ) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ text_hash: T::Hashing::hash(&text),
+ owner,
+ parent_id,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Check if account_id is reply owner
+ fn is_owner(&self, account_id: &ParticipantId<T>) -> bool {
+ self.owner == *account_id
+ }
+ /// Update reply`s text
+ fn update(&mut self, new_text: Vec<u8>) {
+ self.text_hash = T::Hashing::hash(&new_text)
+ }
+// Blog`s pallet storage items.
+decl_storage! {
+ trait Store for Module<T: Trait<I>, I: Instance=DefaultInstance> as BlogModule {
+ /// Maps, representing id => item relationship for blogs, posts and replies related structures
+ /// Post count
+ PostCount get(fn post_count): PostId;
+ /// Post by unique blog and post identificators
+ PostById get(fn post_by_id): map hasher(blake2_128_concat) PostId => Post<T, I>;
+ /// Reply by unique blog, post and reply identificators
+ ReplyById get (fn reply_by_id): double_map hasher(blake2_128_concat) PostId, hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::ReplyId => Reply<T, I>;
+ }
+// Blog`s pallet dispatchable functions.
+decl_module! {
+ pub struct Module<T: Trait<I>, I: Instance=DefaultInstance> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
+ /// Setup events
+ fn deposit_event() = default;
+ /// Predefined errors
+ type Error = Error<T, I>;
+ /// Blog owner can create posts, related to a given blog, if related blog is unlocked
+ ///
+ /// <weight>
+ ///
+ /// ## Weight
+ /// `O (T + B)` where:
+ /// - `T` is the length of the title
+ /// - `B` is the length of the body
+ /// - DB:
+ /// - O(1) doesn't depend on the state or parameters
+ /// # </weight>
+ #[weight = T::WeightInfo::create_post(
+ title.len().saturated_into(),
+ body.len().saturated_into()
+ )]
+ pub fn create_post(origin, title: Vec<u8>, body: Vec<u8>) -> DispatchResult {
+ // Ensure blog -> owner relation exists
+ Self::ensure_blog_ownership(origin)?;
+ // Check security/configuration constraints
+ let posts_count = Self::ensure_posts_limit_not_reached()?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ let post_count = <PostCount<I>>::get();
+ <PostCount<I>>::put(post_count + 1);
+ // New post creation
+ let post = Post::new(&title, &body);
+ <PostById<T, I>>::insert(posts_count, post);
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::PostCreated(posts_count, title, body));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Blog owner can lock posts, related to a given blog,
+ /// making post immutable to any actions (replies creation, post editing, etc.)
+ ///
+ /// <weight>
+ ///
+ /// ## Weight
+ /// `O (1)` doesn't depends on the state or parameters
+ /// - DB:
+ /// - O(1) doesn't depend on the state or parameters
+ /// # </weight>
+ #[weight = T::WeightInfo::lock_post()]
+ pub fn lock_post(origin, post_id: PostId) -> DispatchResult {
+ // Ensure blog -> owner relation exists
+ Self::ensure_blog_ownership(origin)?;
+ // Ensure post with given id exists
+ Self::ensure_post_exists(post_id)?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Update post lock status, associated with given id
+ <PostById<T, I>>::mutate(post_id, |inner_post| inner_post.lock());
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::PostLocked(post_id));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Blog owner can unlock posts, related to a given blog,
+ /// making post accesible to previously forbidden actions
+ ///
+ /// <weight>
+ ///
+ /// ## Weight
+ /// `O (1)` doesn't depends on the state or parameters
+ /// - DB:
+ /// - O(1) doesn't depend on the state or parameters
+ /// # </weight>
+ #[weight = T::WeightInfo::unlock_post()]
+ pub fn unlock_post(origin, post_id: PostId) -> DispatchResult {
+ // Ensure blog -> owner relation exists
+ Self::ensure_blog_ownership(origin)?;
+ // Ensure post with given id exists
+ Self::ensure_post_exists(post_id)?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Update post lock status, associated with given id
+ <PostById<T, I>>::mutate(post_id, |inner_post| inner_post.unlock());
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::PostUnlocked(post_id));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Blog owner can edit post, related to a given blog (if unlocked)
+ /// with a new title and/or body
+ /// <weight>
+ ///
+ /// ## Weight
+ /// `O (T + B)` where:
+ /// - `T` is the length of the `new_title`
+ /// - `B` is the length of the `new_body`
+ /// - DB:
+ /// - O(1) doesn't depend on the state or parameters
+ /// # </weight>
+ #[weight = Module::<T, I>::edit_post_weight(&new_title, &new_body)]
+ pub fn edit_post(
+ origin,
+ post_id: PostId,
+ new_title: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+ new_body: Option<Vec<u8>>
+ ) -> DispatchResult {
+ // Ensure blog -> owner relation exists
+ Self::ensure_blog_ownership(origin)?;
+ // Ensure post with given id exists
+ let post = Self::ensure_post_exists(post_id)?;
+ // Ensure post unlocked, so mutations can be performed
+ Self::ensure_post_unlocked(&post)?;
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Update post with new text
+ <PostById<T, I>>::mutate(
+ post_id,
+ |inner_post| inner_post.update(&new_title, &new_body)
+ );
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::PostEdited(post_id, new_title, new_body));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Create either root post reply or direct reply to reply
+ /// (Only accessible, if related blog and post are unlocked)
+ /// <weight>
+ ///
+ /// ## Weight
+ /// `O (T)` where:
+ /// - `T` is the length of the `text`
+ /// - DB:
+ /// - O(1) doesn't depend on the state or parameters
+ /// # </weight>
+ #[weight = Module::<T, I>::create_reply_weight(text.len())]
+ pub fn create_reply(
+ origin,
+ participant_id: ParticipantId<T>,
+ post_id: PostId,
+ reply_id: Option<T::ReplyId>,
+ text: Vec<u8>
+ ) -> DispatchResult {
+ Self::ensure_valid_participant(origin, participant_id)?;
+ // Ensure post with given id exists
+ let post = Self::ensure_post_exists(post_id)?;
+ // Ensure post unlocked, so mutations can be performed
+ Self::ensure_post_unlocked(&post)?;
+ // Ensure root replies limit not reached
+ Self::ensure_replies_limit_not_reached(&post)?;
+ // New reply creation
+ let reply = if let Some(reply_id) = reply_id {
+ // Check parent reply existance in case of direct reply
+ Self::ensure_reply_exists(post_id, reply_id)?;
+ Reply::<T, I>::new(text.clone(), participant_id, ParentId::Reply(reply_id))
+ } else {
+ Reply::<T, I>::new(text.clone(), participant_id, ParentId::Post(post_id))
+ };
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Update runtime storage with new reply
+ let post_replies_count = post.replies_count();
+ <ReplyById<T, I>>::insert(post_id, post_replies_count, reply);
+ // Increment replies counter, associated with given post
+ <PostById<T, I>>::mutate(post_id, |inner_post| inner_post.increment_replies_counter());
+ if let Some(reply_id) = reply_id {
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::DirectReplyCreated(participant_id, post_id, reply_id, post_replies_count, text));
+ } else {
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ReplyCreated(participant_id, post_id, post_replies_count, text));
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Reply owner can edit reply with a new text
+ /// (Only accessible, if related blog and post are unlocked)
+ ///
+ /// <weight>
+ ///
+ /// ## Weight
+ /// `O (T)` where:
+ /// - `T` is the length of the `new_text`
+ /// - DB:
+ /// - O(1) doesn't depend on the state or parameters
+ /// # </weight>
+ #[weight = T::WeightInfo::edit_reply(new_text.len().saturated_into())]
+ pub fn edit_reply(
+ origin,
+ participant_id: ParticipantId<T>,
+ post_id: PostId,
+ reply_id: T::ReplyId,
+ new_text: Vec<u8>
+ ) -> DispatchResult {
+ Self::ensure_valid_participant(origin, participant_id)?;
+ // Ensure post with given id exists
+ let post = Self::ensure_post_exists(post_id)?;
+ // Ensure post unlocked, so mutations can be performed
+ Self::ensure_post_unlocked(&post)?;
+ // Ensure reply with given id exists
+ let reply = Self::ensure_reply_exists(post_id, reply_id)?;
+ // Ensure reply -> owner relation exists
+ Self::ensure_reply_ownership(&reply, &participant_id)?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Update reply with new text
+ <ReplyById<T, I>>::mutate(
+ post_id,
+ reply_id,
+ |inner_reply| inner_reply.update(new_text.clone())
+ );
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ReplyEdited(participant_id, post_id, reply_id, new_text));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+impl<T: Trait<I>, I: Instance> Module<T, I> {
+ // edit_post_weight
+ fn edit_post_weight(title: &Option<Vec<u8>>, body: &Option<Vec<u8>>) -> Weight {
+ let title_len: u32 = title.as_ref().map_or(0, |t| t.len().saturated_into());
+ let body_len: u32 = body.as_ref().map_or(0, |b| b.len().saturated_into());
+ T::WeightInfo::edit_post(title_len, body_len)
+ }
+ // calculate create_reply weight
+ fn create_reply_weight(text_len: usize) -> Weight {
+ let text_len: u32 = text_len.saturated_into();
+ T::WeightInfo::create_reply_to_post(text_len)
+ .max(T::WeightInfo::create_reply_to_reply(text_len))
+ }
+ // Get participant id from origin
+ fn ensure_valid_participant(
+ origin: T::Origin,
+ participant_id: ParticipantId<T>,
+ ) -> Result<(), DispatchError> {
+ let account_id = frame_system::ensure_signed(origin)?;
+ ensure!(
+ T::ParticipantEnsureOrigin::is_member_controller_account(&participant_id, &account_id),
+ Error::<T, I>::MembershipError
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn ensure_post_exists(post_id: PostId) -> Result<Post<T, I>, DispatchError> {
+ ensure!(
+ <PostById<T, I>>::contains_key(post_id),
+ Error::<T, I>::PostNotFound
+ );
+ Ok(Self::post_by_id(post_id))
+ }
+ fn ensure_reply_exists(
+ post_id: PostId,
+ reply_id: T::ReplyId,
+ ) -> Result<Reply<T, I>, DispatchError> {
+ ensure!(
+ <ReplyById<T, I>>::contains_key(post_id, reply_id),
+ Error::<T, I>::ReplyNotFound
+ );
+ Ok(Self::reply_by_id(post_id, reply_id))
+ }
+ fn ensure_blog_ownership(blog_owner: T::Origin) -> Result<(), DispatchError> {
+ ensure!(
+ frame_system::ensure_root(blog_owner).is_ok(),
+ Error::<T, I>::BlogOwnershipError
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn ensure_reply_ownership(
+ reply: &Reply<T, I>,
+ reply_owner: &ParticipantId<T>,
+ ) -> Result<(), DispatchError> {
+ ensure!(
+ reply.is_owner(reply_owner),
+ Error::<T, I>::ReplyOwnershipError
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn ensure_post_unlocked(post: &Post<T, I>) -> Result<(), DispatchError> {
+ ensure!(!post.is_locked(), Error::<T, I>::PostLockedError);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn ensure_posts_limit_not_reached() -> Result<PostId, DispatchError> {
+ // Get posts count, associated with given blog
+ let posts_count = Self::post_count();
+ ensure!(
+ posts_count < T::PostsMaxNumber::get(),
+ Error::<T, I>::PostLimitReached
+ );
+ Ok(posts_count)
+ }
+ fn ensure_replies_limit_not_reached(post: &Post<T, I>) -> Result<(), DispatchError> {
+ // Get replies count, associated with given post
+ let root_replies_count = post.replies_count();
+ ensure!(
+ root_replies_count < T::RepliesMaxNumber::get().into(),
+ Error::<T, I>::RepliesLimitReached
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub enum Event<T, I = DefaultInstance>
+ where
+ ParticipantId = ParticipantId<T>,
+ PostId = PostId,
+ ReplyId = <T as Trait<I>>::ReplyId,
+ Title = Vec<u8>,
+ Text = Vec<u8>,
+ UpdatedTitle = Option<Vec<u8>>,
+ UpdatedBody = Option<Vec<u8>>,
+ {
+ /// A post was created
+ PostCreated(PostId, Title, Text),
+ /// A post was locked
+ PostLocked(PostId),
+ /// A post was unlocked
+ PostUnlocked(PostId),
+ /// A post was edited
+ PostEdited(PostId, UpdatedTitle, UpdatedBody),
+ /// A reply to a post was created
+ ReplyCreated(ParticipantId, PostId, ReplyId, Text),
+ /// A reply to a reply was created
+ DirectReplyCreated(ParticipantId, PostId, ReplyId, ReplyId, Text),
+ /// A reply was edited
+ ReplyEdited(ParticipantId, PostId, ReplyId, Text),
+ }