@@ -2,18 +2,22 @@
-use crate::{ProposalCancellationFee, Runtime};
+use crate::{BlockNumber, ElectionParameters, ProposalCancellationFee, Runtime};
use codec::Encode;
use governance::election::CouncilElected;
use membership::members;
+use membership::role_types::Role;
use proposals_engine::{
- ActiveStake, BalanceOf, Error, FinalizationData, Proposal, ProposalDecisionStatus,
- ProposalParameters, ProposalStatus, VoteKind, VotersParameters, VotingResults,
+ ActiveStake, ApprovedProposalStatus, BalanceOf, Error, FinalizationData, Proposal,
+ ProposalDecisionStatus, ProposalParameters, ProposalStatus, VoteKind, VotersParameters,
+ VotingResults,
-use sr_primitives::traits::DispatchResult;
+use roles::actors::RoleParameters;
+use sr_primitives::traits::{DispatchResult, OnFinalize, OnInitialize};
use sr_primitives::AccountId32;
use srml_support::traits::Currency;
-use srml_support::StorageLinkedMap;
+use srml_support::{StorageLinkedMap, StorageMap, StorageValue};
use system::RawOrigin;
use crate::CouncilManager;
@@ -26,9 +30,14 @@ fn initial_test_ext() -> runtime_io::TestExternalities {
+type Balances = balances::Module<Runtime>;
+type System = system::Module<Runtime>;
type Membership = membership::members::Module<Runtime>;
type ProposalsEngine = proposals_engine::Module<Runtime>;
type Council = governance::council::Module<Runtime>;
+type Election = governance::election::Module<Runtime>;
+type ProposalCodex = proposals_codex::Module<Runtime>;
+type Mint = minting::Module<Runtime>;
fn setup_members(count: u8) {
let authority_account_id = <Runtime as system::Trait>::AccountId::default();
@@ -71,6 +80,30 @@ fn setup_council() {
+pub(crate) fn increase_total_balance_issuance_using_account_id(
+ account_id: AccountId32,
+ balance: u128,
+) {
+ type Balances = balances::Module<Runtime>;
+ let initial_balance = Balances::total_issuance();
+ {
+ let _ = <Runtime as stake::Trait>::Currency::deposit_creating(&account_id, balance);
+ }
+ assert_eq!(Balances::total_issuance(), initial_balance + balance);
+// Recommendation from Parity on testing on_finalize
+// https://substrate.dev/docs/en/next/development/module/tests
+fn run_to_block(n: BlockNumber) {
+ while System::block_number() < n {
+ <System as OnFinalize<BlockNumber>>::on_finalize(System::block_number());
+ <ProposalsEngine as OnFinalize<BlockNumber>>::on_finalize(System::block_number());
+ System::set_block_number(System::block_number() + 1);
+ <System as OnInitialize<BlockNumber>>::on_initialize(System::block_number());
+ <ProposalsEngine as OnInitialize<BlockNumber>>::on_initialize(System::block_number());
+ }
struct VoteGenerator {
proposal_id: u32,
current_account_id: AccountId32,
@@ -129,11 +162,8 @@ impl Default for DummyProposalFixture {
fn default() -> Self {
let title = b"title".to_vec();
let description = b"description".to_vec();
- let dummy_proposal = proposals_codex::Call::<Runtime>::execute_text_proposal(
- title.clone(),
- description.clone(),
- b"text".to_vec(),
- );
+ let dummy_proposal =
+ proposals_codex::Call::<Runtime>::execute_text_proposal(b"text".to_vec());
DummyProposalFixture {
parameters: ProposalParameters {
@@ -365,3 +395,335 @@ fn proposal_reset_succeeds() {
assert_eq!(CouncilManager::<Runtime>::total_voters_count(), 0);
+struct CodexProposalTestFixture<SuccessfulCall>
+ SuccessfulCall: Fn() -> DispatchResult<proposals_codex::Error>,
+ successful_call: SuccessfulCall,
+ member_id: u64,
+impl<SuccessfulCall> CodexProposalTestFixture<SuccessfulCall>
+ SuccessfulCall: Fn() -> DispatchResult<proposals_codex::Error>,
+ fn call_extrinsic_and_assert(&self) {
+ setup_members(15);
+ setup_council();
+ let account_id: [u8; 32] = [self.member_id as u8; 32];
+ increase_total_balance_issuance_using_account_id(account_id.clone().into(), 500000);
+ assert_eq!((self.successful_call)(), Ok(()));
+ let proposal_id = 1;
+ let mut vote_generator = VoteGenerator::new(proposal_id);
+ vote_generator.vote_and_assert_ok(VoteKind::Approve);
+ vote_generator.vote_and_assert_ok(VoteKind::Approve);
+ vote_generator.vote_and_assert_ok(VoteKind::Approve);
+ vote_generator.vote_and_assert_ok(VoteKind::Approve);
+ vote_generator.vote_and_assert_ok(VoteKind::Approve);
+ run_to_block(2);
+ let proposal = ProposalsEngine::proposals(proposal_id);
+ assert_eq!(
+ proposal,
+ Proposal {
+ status: ProposalStatus::approved(ApprovedProposalStatus::Executed, 1),
+ title: b"title".to_vec(),
+ description: b"body".to_vec(),
+ voting_results: VotingResults {
+ abstentions: 0,
+ approvals: 5,
+ rejections: 0,
+ slashes: 0,
+ },
+ ..proposal
+ }
+ );
+ }
+fn text_proposal_execution_succeeds() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ let member_id = 10;
+ let account_id: [u8; 32] = [member_id; 32];
+ let codex_extrinsic_test_fixture = CodexProposalTestFixture {
+ member_id: member_id as u64,
+ successful_call: || {
+ ProposalCodex::create_text_proposal(
+ RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.into()).into(),
+ member_id as u64,
+ b"title".to_vec(),
+ b"body".to_vec(),
+ Some(<BalanceOf<Runtime>>::from(1250u32)),
+ b"text".to_vec(),
+ )
+ },
+ };
+ codex_extrinsic_test_fixture.call_extrinsic_and_assert();
+ });
+fn set_lead_proposal_execution_succeeds() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ let member_id = 10;
+ let account_id: [u8; 32] = [member_id; 32];
+ let codex_extrinsic_test_fixture = CodexProposalTestFixture {
+ member_id: member_id as u64,
+ successful_call: || {
+ ProposalCodex::create_set_lead_proposal(
+ RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone().into()).into(),
+ member_id as u64,
+ b"title".to_vec(),
+ b"body".to_vec(),
+ Some(<BalanceOf<Runtime>>::from(1250u32)),
+ Some((member_id as u64, account_id.into())),
+ )
+ },
+ };
+ assert!(content_working_group::Module::<Runtime>::ensure_lead_is_set().is_err());
+ codex_extrinsic_test_fixture.call_extrinsic_and_assert();
+ assert!(content_working_group::Module::<Runtime>::ensure_lead_is_set().is_ok());
+ });
+fn spending_proposal_execution_succeeds() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ let member_id = 10;
+ let account_id: [u8; 32] = [member_id; 32];
+ let new_balance = <BalanceOf<Runtime>>::from(5555u32);
+ let target_account_id: [u8; 32] = [12; 32];
+ assert!(Council::set_council_mint_capacity(RawOrigin::Root.into(), new_balance).is_ok());
+ let codex_extrinsic_test_fixture = CodexProposalTestFixture {
+ member_id: member_id as u64,
+ successful_call: || {
+ ProposalCodex::create_spending_proposal(
+ RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone().into()).into(),
+ member_id as u64,
+ b"title".to_vec(),
+ b"body".to_vec(),
+ Some(<BalanceOf<Runtime>>::from(1250u32)),
+ new_balance,
+ target_account_id.clone().into(),
+ )
+ },
+ };
+ assert_eq!(
+ Balances::free_balance::<AccountId32>(target_account_id.clone().into()),
+ 0
+ );
+ codex_extrinsic_test_fixture.call_extrinsic_and_assert();
+ assert_eq!(
+ Balances::free_balance::<AccountId32>(target_account_id.into()),
+ new_balance
+ );
+ });
+fn set_content_working_group_mint_capacity_execution_succeeds() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ let member_id = 1;
+ let account_id: [u8; 32] = [member_id; 32];
+ let new_balance = <BalanceOf<Runtime>>::from(55u32);
+ let mint_id =
+ Mint::add_mint(0, None).expect("Failed to create a mint for the content working group");
+ <content_working_group::Mint<Runtime>>::put(mint_id);
+ assert_eq!(Mint::get_mint_capacity(mint_id), Ok(0));
+ let codex_extrinsic_test_fixture = CodexProposalTestFixture {
+ member_id: member_id as u64,
+ successful_call: || {
+ ProposalCodex::create_set_content_working_group_mint_capacity_proposal(
+ RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone().into()).into(),
+ member_id as u64,
+ b"title".to_vec(),
+ b"body".to_vec(),
+ Some(<BalanceOf<Runtime>>::from(1250u32)),
+ new_balance,
+ )
+ },
+ };
+ codex_extrinsic_test_fixture.call_extrinsic_and_assert();
+ assert_eq!(Mint::get_mint_capacity(mint_id), Ok(new_balance));
+ });
+fn set_election_parameters_proposal_execution_succeeds() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ let member_id = 1;
+ let account_id: [u8; 32] = [member_id; 32];
+ let election_parameters = ElectionParameters {
+ announcing_period: 14400,
+ voting_period: 14400,
+ revealing_period: 14400,
+ council_size: 4,
+ candidacy_limit: 25,
+ new_term_duration: 14400,
+ min_council_stake: 1,
+ min_voting_stake: 1,
+ };
+ assert_eq!(Election::announcing_period(), 0);
+ let codex_extrinsic_test_fixture = CodexProposalTestFixture {
+ member_id: member_id as u64,
+ successful_call: || {
+ ProposalCodex::create_set_election_parameters_proposal(
+ RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone().into()).into(),
+ member_id as u64,
+ b"title".to_vec(),
+ b"body".to_vec(),
+ Some(<BalanceOf<Runtime>>::from(3750u32)),
+ election_parameters,
+ )
+ },
+ };
+ codex_extrinsic_test_fixture.call_extrinsic_and_assert();
+ assert_eq!(Election::announcing_period(), 14400);
+ });
+fn evict_storage_provider_proposal_execution_succeeds() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ let member_id = 1;
+ let account_id: [u8; 32] = [member_id; 32];
+ let target_member_id = 3;
+ let target_account: [u8; 32] = [target_member_id; 32];
+ let target_account_id: AccountId32 = target_account.into();
+ <roles::actors::Parameters<Runtime>>::insert(
+ Role::StorageProvider,
+ roles::actors::RoleParameters::default(),
+ );
+ <roles::actors::AccountIdsByRole<Runtime>>::insert(
+ Role::StorageProvider,
+ vec![target_account_id.clone()],
+ );
+ <roles::actors::ActorByAccountId<Runtime>>::insert(
+ target_account_id.clone(),
+ roles::actors::Actor {
+ member_id: target_member_id as u64,
+ role: Role::StorageProvider,
+ account: target_account_id,
+ joined_at: 1,
+ },
+ );
+ let codex_extrinsic_test_fixture = CodexProposalTestFixture {
+ member_id: member_id as u64,
+ successful_call: || {
+ ProposalCodex::create_evict_storage_provider_proposal(
+ RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone().into()).into(),
+ member_id as u64,
+ b"title".to_vec(),
+ b"body".to_vec(),
+ Some(<BalanceOf<Runtime>>::from(500u32)),
+ target_account.into(),
+ )
+ },
+ };
+ codex_extrinsic_test_fixture.call_extrinsic_and_assert();
+ assert_eq!(
+ <roles::actors::AccountIdsByRole<Runtime>>::get(Role::StorageProvider),
+ Vec::new()
+ );
+ });
+fn set_storage_role_parameters_proposal_execution_succeeds() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ let member_id = 1;
+ let account_id: [u8; 32] = [member_id; 32];
+ <roles::actors::Parameters<Runtime>>::insert(
+ Role::StorageProvider,
+ RoleParameters::default(),
+ );
+ let target_role_parameters = RoleParameters {
+ startup_grace_period: 700,
+ ..RoleParameters::default()
+ };
+ let codex_extrinsic_test_fixture = CodexProposalTestFixture {
+ member_id: member_id as u64,
+ successful_call: || {
+ ProposalCodex::create_set_storage_role_parameters_proposal(
+ RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone().into()).into(),
+ member_id as u64,
+ b"title".to_vec(),
+ b"body".to_vec(),
+ Some(<BalanceOf<Runtime>>::from(1250u32)),
+ target_role_parameters.clone(),
+ )
+ },
+ };
+ codex_extrinsic_test_fixture.call_extrinsic_and_assert();
+ assert_eq!(
+ <roles::actors::Parameters<Runtime>>::get(Role::StorageProvider),
+ Some(target_role_parameters)
+ );
+ });
+fn set_validator_count_proposal_execution_succeeds() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ let member_id = 1;
+ let account_id: [u8; 32] = [member_id; 32];
+ let new_validator_count = 8;
+ assert_eq!(<staking::ValidatorCount>::get(), 0);
+ let codex_extrinsic_test_fixture = CodexProposalTestFixture {
+ member_id: member_id as u64,
+ successful_call: || {
+ ProposalCodex::create_set_validator_count_proposal(
+ RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone().into()).into(),
+ member_id as u64,
+ b"title".to_vec(),
+ b"body".to_vec(),
+ Some(<BalanceOf<Runtime>>::from(1250u32)),
+ new_validator_count,
+ )
+ },
+ };
+ codex_extrinsic_test_fixture.call_extrinsic_and_assert();
+ assert_eq!(<staking::ValidatorCount>::get(), new_validator_count);
+ });