@@ -11,16 +11,18 @@ import { formatBalance, isUndefined } from '@polkadot/util';
import { classes } from './util';
import { BitLengthOption } from './constants';
import Dropdown from './Dropdown';
-import Input, { KEYS, KEYS_PRE, isCopy, isCut, isPaste, isSelectAll } from './Input';
+import Input, { KEYS, KEYS_PRE } from './Input';
import translate from './translate';
type Props = BareProps & I18nProps & {
autoFocus?: boolean,
bitLength?: BitLength,
defaultValue?: BN | string,
+ help?: React.ReactNode,
isDisabled?: boolean,
isError?: boolean,
isSi?: boolean,
+ isDecimal?: boolean,
label?: any,
maxLength?: number,
onChange?: (value?: BN) => void,
@@ -30,16 +32,15 @@ type Props = BareProps & I18nProps & {
type State = {
- defaultValue?: string,
isPreKeyDown: boolean,
isValid: boolean,
siOptions: Array<{ value: string, text: string }>,
siUnit: string,
+ value: string,
valueBN: BN
const DEFAULT_BITLENGTH = BitLengthOption.NORMAL_NUMBERS as BitLength;
class InputNumber extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
constructor (props: Props) {
@@ -47,10 +48,10 @@ class InputNumber extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
const { defaultValue, isSi, value } = this.props;
let valueBN = new BN(value || 0);
- const si = formatBalance.calcSi(valueBN.toString());
+ const si = formatBalance.findSi('-');
this.state = {
- defaultValue: isSi
+ value: isSi
? new BN(defaultValue || valueBN).div(new BN(10).pow(new BN(si.power))).toString()
: (defaultValue || valueBN).toString(),
isPreKeyDown: false,
@@ -71,32 +72,27 @@ class InputNumber extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
InputNumber.units = units;
- static getDerivedStateFromProps ({ isDisabled, isSi, defaultValue = '0' }: Props, state: State): Partial<State> | null {
+ static getDerivedStateFromProps ({ isDisabled, isSi, defaultValue = '0' }: Props): Partial<State> | null {
if (!isDisabled || !isSi) {
return null;
return {
- defaultValue: formatBalance(defaultValue, false),
+ value: formatBalance(defaultValue, false),
siUnit: formatBalance.calcSi(defaultValue.toString(), formatBalance.getDefaults().decimals).value
render () {
- const { bitLength = DEFAULT_BITLENGTH, className, defaultValue = '0', isSi, isDisabled, maxLength, style, t } = this.props;
- const { isValid } = this.state;
+ const { bitLength = DEFAULT_BITLENGTH, className, help, isSi, isDisabled, maxLength, style, t } = this.props;
+ const { isValid, value } = this.state;
const maxValueLength = this.maxValue(bitLength).toString().length - 1;
- const value = this.state.defaultValue || defaultValue;
return (
className={classes('ui--InputNumber', className)}
- defaultValue={
- isDisabled
- ? undefined
- : value
- }
+ help={help}
@@ -104,28 +100,20 @@ class InputNumber extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
+ onPaste={this.onPaste}
placeholder={t('Positive number')}
- value={
- isDisabled
- ? value
- : undefined
- }
+ value={value}
- {this.renderSiDropdown()}
+ {isSi && this.renderSiDropdown()}
private renderSiDropdown () {
- const { isSi } = this.props;
const { siOptions, siUnit } = this.state;
- if (!isSi) {
- return undefined;
- }
return (
@@ -145,51 +133,33 @@ class InputNumber extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
return value.bitLength() <= (bitLength || DEFAULT_BITLENGTH);
- private isValidKey = (event: React.KeyboardEvent<Element>, isPreKeyDown: boolean): boolean => {
- const { value: previousValue } = event.target as HTMLInputElement;
- // prevents entry of zero if initial digit is zero
- const isDuplicateZero = previousValue[0] === '0' && event.key === KEYS.ZERO;
- if (isDuplicateZero) {
- return false;
- }
- // allow cut/copy/paste combinations but not non-numeric letters (i.e. a, c, x, v) individually
- if (
- (isSelectAll(event.key, isPreKeyDown)) ||
- (isCut(event.key, isPreKeyDown)) ||
- (isCopy(event.key, isPreKeyDown)) ||
- (isPaste(event.key, isPreKeyDown))
- ) {
- return true;
- }
- if (isNaN(Number(event.key)) && !KEYS_ALLOWED.includes(event.key)) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
private isValidNumber (input: BN, bitLength: number = DEFAULT_BITLENGTH): boolean {
const maxBN = this.maxValue(bitLength);
- if (!input.lt(maxBN) || !this.isValidBitLength(input, bitLength)) {
+ if (input.lt(new BN(0)) || !input.lt(maxBN) || !this.isValidBitLength(input, bitLength)) {
return false;
return true;
+ private regex = (): RegExp => {
+ const { isDecimal, isSi } = this.props;
+ return new RegExp(
+ (isSi || isDecimal) ?
+ `^(0|[1-9]\\d*)(\\${KEYS.DECIMAL}\\d*)?$` :
+ `^(0|[1-9]\\d*)$`
+ );
+ }
private onChange = (value: string): void => {
const { bitLength, onChange } = this.props;
const { siUnit } = this.state;
try {
- const valueBN = this.applySi(siUnit, new BN(value || 0));
+ const valueBN = this.inputValueToBn(value, siUnit);
const isValid = this.isValidNumber(valueBN, bitLength);
- this.setState({ isValid, valueBN });
+ this.setState({ isValid, value, valueBN });
onChange && onChange(
@@ -206,79 +176,110 @@ class InputNumber extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
if (KEYS_PRE.includes(event.key)) {
this.setState({ isPreKeyDown: true });
+ return;
- // restrict input of certain keys
- const isValid = this.isValidKey(event, isPreKeyDown);
- if (!isValid) {
- event.preventDefault();
+ if (event.key.length === 1 && !isPreKeyDown) {
+ const { selectionStart: i, selectionEnd: j, value } = event.target as HTMLInputElement;
+ const newValue = `${
+ value.substring(0, i!)
+ }${
+ event.key
+ }${
+ value.substring(j!)
+ }`;
+ if (!this.regex().test(newValue)) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
private onKeyUp = (event: React.KeyboardEvent<Element>): void => {
- const { value: newValue } = event.target as HTMLInputElement;
- const isNewValueZero = new BN(newValue).isZero();
if (KEYS_PRE.includes(event.key)) {
this.setState({ isPreKeyDown: false });
- /* if new value equates to '0' in BN when but it's length is >=1 (i.e. '012', '00', etc)
- * then replace the input value with just '0'.
- * otherwise remove the preceding zeros from the new value (i.e. '0123' -> '123')
- * note: edge case glitch occurs if existing value is '0' and you 'hold down' and keep
- * pasting a value of '00' after it, then sometimes when you let go the
- * remaining value shown as '000' or '00000' in the UI, but it's still ok because
- * the actual BN if the user submitted would still be '0', and if they then press any key
- * the UI input value resets to '0'
- */
- if (isNewValueZero && newValue.length >= 1) {
- (event.target as HTMLInputElement).value = '0';
- } else {
- (event.target as HTMLInputElement).value = newValue.replace(/^0+/, '');
- }
- private applySi (siUnit: string, value: BN): BN {
- const { isSi } = this.props;
+ private onPaste = (event: React.ClipboardEvent<Element>): void => {
+ const { value: newValue } = event.target as HTMLInputElement;
- if (!isSi) {
- return value;
+ if (!this.regex().test(newValue)) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ return;
- const si = formatBalance.findSi(siUnit);
- const power = new BN(formatBalance.getDefaults().decimals + si.power);
- return value.mul(new BN(10).pow(power));
- }
- private applyNewSi (oldSi: string, newSi: string, value: BN): BN {
- const si = formatBalance.findSi(oldSi);
- const power = new BN(formatBalance.getDefaults().decimals + si.power);
- return this.applySi(newSi, value.div(new BN(10).pow(power)));
private selectSiUnit = (siUnit: string): void => {
this.setState((prevState: State) => {
const { bitLength, onChange } = this.props;
- const valueBN = this.applyNewSi(prevState.siUnit, siUnit, prevState.valueBN);
- const isValid = this.isValidNumber(valueBN, bitLength);
+ const isValid = this.isValidNumber(prevState.valueBN, bitLength);
+ const value = this.bnToInputValue(prevState.valueBN, siUnit);
onChange && onChange(
- ? valueBN
+ ? prevState.valueBN
: undefined
return {
- valueBN
+ value
+ private inputValueToBn = (value: string, siUnit: string): BN => {
+ const { isSi } = this.props;
+ const basePower = isSi ? formatBalance.getDefaults().decimals : 0;
+ const siPower = isSi ? formatBalance.findSi(siUnit).power : 0;
+ const isDecimalValue = value.match(/^(\d+)\.(\d+)$/);
+ if (isDecimalValue) {
+ if (siPower - isDecimalValue[2].length < -basePower) {
+ return new BN(-1);
+ }
+ const div = new BN(value.replace(/\.\d*$/, ''));
+ const mod = new BN(value.replace(/^\d+\./, ''));
+ return div
+ .mul(new BN(10).pow(new BN(basePower + siPower)))
+ .add(mod.mul(new BN(10).pow((new BN(basePower + siPower - mod.toString().length)))));
+ } else {
+ return new BN(value.replace(/[^\d]/g, ''))
+ .mul(new BN(10).pow(new BN(basePower + siPower)));
+ }
+ }
+ private bnToInputValue = (bn: BN, siUnit: string): string => {
+ const { isSi } = this.props;
+ const basePower = isSi ? formatBalance.getDefaults().decimals : 0;
+ const siPower = isSi ? formatBalance.findSi(siUnit).power : 0;
+ const base = new BN(10).pow(new BN(basePower + siPower));
+ const zero = new BN(0);
+ const div = bn.div(base);
+ const mod = bn.mod(base);
+ return `${
+ div.gt(zero) ? div.toString() : '0'
+ }${
+ mod.gt(zero) ?
+ (() => {
+ const padding = Math.max(
+ mod.toString().length,
+ base.toString().length - div.toString().length,
+ bn.toString().length - div.toString().length
+ );
+ return `.${mod.toString(10, padding).replace(/0*$/, '')}`;
+ })() :
+ ''
+ }`;
+ }
export {