@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+import { assert } from 'chai'
+import { Utils } from './utils'
+import Debugger from 'debug'
+const debug = Debugger('resources')
+export type Resources = Record<ResourceName, Resource>
+export type ResourceLocker = (resource: ResourceName, timeout?: number) => Promise<() => void>
+export class Resource {
+ private name: string
+ // the number of concurrent locks that can be acquired concurrently before the resource
+ // becomes unavailable until a lock is released.
+ private readonly concurrency: number
+ private lockCount = 0
+ constructor(key: string, concurrency?: number) {
+ this.name = key
+ this.concurrency = concurrency || 1
+ }
+ public async lock(timeoutMinutes = 1): Promise<() => void> {
+ const timeoutAt = Date.now() + timeoutMinutes * 60 * 1000
+ while (this.lockCount === this.concurrency) {
+ debug(`waiting for ${this.name}`)
+ await Utils.wait(30000)
+ if (Date.now() > timeoutAt) throw new Error(`Timeout getting resource lock: ${this.name}`)
+ }
+ debug(`acquired ${this.name}`)
+ this.lockCount++
+ // Return a function used to release the lock
+ return (() => {
+ let called = false
+ return () => {
+ if (called) return
+ called = true
+ debug(`released ${this.name}`)
+ this.lockCount--
+ }
+ })()
+ }
+export enum ResourceName {
+ Council = 'Council',
+ Proposals = 'Proposals',
+export class ResourceManager {
+ // Internal Map
+ private resources = new Map<string, Resource>()
+ private readonly locks: Resources
+ constructor() {
+ this.locks = this.createNamedResources()
+ }
+ private add(key: string, concurrency?: number): Resource {
+ assert(!this.resources.has(key))
+ this.resources.set(key, new Resource(key, concurrency))
+ return this.resources.get(key) as Resource
+ }
+ private createNamedResources(): Resources {
+ return {
+ [ResourceName.Council]: this.add(ResourceName.Council),
+ [ResourceName.Proposals]: this.add(ResourceName.Proposals, 5),
+ }
+ }
+ public createLocker(): { release: () => void; lock: ResourceLocker } {
+ const unlockers: Array<() => void> = []
+ const release = () => {
+ unlockers.forEach((unlock) => unlock())
+ }
+ return {
+ release,
+ lock: async (resource: ResourceName, timeout?: number) => {
+ const unlock = await this.locks[resource].lock(timeout)
+ unlockers.push(unlock)
+ return unlock
+ },
+ }
+ }