@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider, Keyring } from '@polkadot/api'
-import { u32, BTreeMap } from '@polkadot/types'
+import { u32, BTreeMap, BTreeSet } from '@polkadot/types'
import { IEvent, ISubmittableResult } from '@polkadot/types/types'
import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
import { AccountId, MemberId, PostId, ThreadId } from '@joystream/types/common'
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ import {
} from '@joystream/types/working-group'
+import { DataObjectId, StorageBucketId } from '@joystream/types/storage'
+import { VideoId, VideoCategoryId, AuctionParams } from '@joystream/types/content'
import { DeriveAllSections } from '@polkadot/api/util/decorate'
import { ExactDerive } from '@polkadot/api-derive'
import { ProposalId, ProposalParameters } from '@joystream/types/proposals'
@@ -148,18 +150,18 @@ export class ApiFactory {
return keys
- private createKeyPair(suriPath: string, isCustom = false): KeyringPair {
+ private createKeyPair(suriPath: string, isCustom = false, isFinalPath = false): KeyringPair {
if (isCustom) {
- const uri = `${this.miniSecret}//testing//${suriPath}`
+ const uri = isFinalPath ? suriPath : `${this.miniSecret}//testing//${suriPath}`
const pair = this.keyring.addFromUri(uri)
this.addressesToSuri.set(pair.address, uri)
return pair
- public createCustomKeyPair(customPath: string): KeyringPair {
- return this.createKeyPair(customPath, true)
+ public createCustomKeyPair(customPath: string, isFinalPath = false): KeyringPair {
+ return this.createKeyPair(customPath, true, isFinalPath)
public keyGenInfo(): KeyGenInfo {
@@ -255,6 +257,10 @@ export class Api {
return this.signAndSend(this.api.tx.sudo.sudo(tx), sudo)
+ public getKeypair(address: string | AccountId): KeyringPair {
+ return this.factory.getKeypair(address)
+ }
public enableDebugTxLogs(): void {
@@ -271,8 +277,8 @@ export class Api {
return pairs
- public createCustomKeyPair(path: string): KeyringPair {
- return this.factory.createCustomKeyPair(path)
+ public createCustomKeyPair(path: string, isFinalPath = false): KeyringPair {
+ return this.factory.createCustomKeyPair(path, isFinalPath)
public keyGenInfo(): KeyGenInfo {
@@ -806,4 +812,157 @@ export class Api {
lockIdByGroup(group: WorkingGroupModuleName): LockIdentifier {
return this.api.consts[group].stakingHandlerLockId
+ async acceptPendingDataObjects(
+ accountFrom: string,
+ workerId: WorkerId,
+ storageBucketId: StorageBucketId,
+ channelId: string,
+ dataObjectIds: string[]
+ ): Promise<ISubmittableResult> {
+ const bagId = { Dynamic: { Channel: channelId } }
+ const encodedDataObjectIds = new BTreeSet<DataObjectId>(this.api.registry, 'DataObjectId', dataObjectIds)
+ return this.sender.signAndSend(
+ this.api.tx.storage.acceptPendingDataObjects(workerId, storageBucketId, bagId, encodedDataObjectIds),
+ accountFrom
+ )
+ }
+ async issueNft(
+ accountFrom: string,
+ memberId: number,
+ videoId: number,
+ metadata = '',
+ royaltyPercentage?: number,
+ toMemberId?: number | null
+ ): Promise<ISubmittableResult> {
+ const perbillOnePercent = 10 * 1000000
+ const royalty = this.api.createType(
+ 'Option<Royalty>',
+ royaltyPercentage ? royaltyPercentage * perbillOnePercent : null
+ )
+ // TODO: find proper way to encode metadata (should they be raw string, hex string or some object?)
+ // const encodedMetadata = this.api.createType('Metadata', metadata)
+ // const encodedMetadata = this.api.createType('Metadata', metadata).toU8a() // invalid type passed to Metadata constructor
+ // const encodedMetadata = this.api.createType('Vec<u8>', metadata)
+ // const encodedMetadata = this.api.createType('Vec<u8>', 'someNonEmptyText') // decodeU8a: failed at 0x736f6d654e6f6e45… on magicNumber: u32:: MagicNumber mismatch: expected 0x6174656d, found 0x656d6f73
+ // const encodedMetadata = this.api.createType('Bytes', 'someNonEmptyText') // decodeU8a: failed at 0x736f6d654e6f6e45… on magicNumber: u32:: MagicNumber mismatch: expected 0x6174656d, found 0x656d6f73
+ // const encodedMetadata = this.api.createType('Metadata', {})
+ // const encodedMetadata = this.api.createType('Bytes', '0x') // error
+ // const encodedMetadata = this.api.createType('NFTMetadata', 'someNonEmptyText')
+ // const encodedMetadata = this.api.createType('NFTMetadata', 'someNonEmptyText').toU8a() // createType(NFTMetadata) // Vec length 604748352930462863646034177481338223 exceeds 65536
+ const encodedMetadata = this.api.createType('NFTMetadata', '').toU8a() // THIS IS OK!!! but only for empty string :-\
+ // try this later on // const encodedMetadata = this.api.createType('Vec<u8>', 'someNonEmptyText').toU8a()
+ // const encodedMetadata = this.api.createType('Vec<u8>', 'someNonEmptyText').toU8a() // throws error in QN when decoding this (but mb QN error)
+ const encodedToAccount = this.api.createType('Option<MemberId>', toMemberId || memberId)
+ const issuanceParameters = this.api.createType('NftIssuanceParameters', {
+ royalty,
+ nft_metadata: encodedMetadata,
+ non_channel_owner: encodedToAccount,
+ init_transactional_status: this.api.createType('InitTransactionalStatus', { Idle: null }),
+ })
+ return await this.sender.signAndSend(
+ this.api.tx.content.issueNft({ Member: memberId }, videoId, issuanceParameters),
+ accountFrom
+ )
+ }
+ createAuctionParameters(
+ auctionType: 'English' | 'Open',
+ startingPrice: BN,
+ minimalBidStep: BN,
+ buyNowPrice?: BN,
+ startInBlock?: BN,
+ whitelist: string[] = []
+ ): AuctionParams {
+ const encodedAuctionType =
+ auctionType === 'English'
+ ? {
+ English: {
+ extension_period: 5, // TODO - read min/max bounds from runtime and set min value here (?)
+ auction_duration: 5, // TODO - read min/max bounds from runtime and set min value here (?)
+ },
+ }
+ : {
+ Open: {
+ bid_lock_duration: 2, // TODO - read min/max bounds from runtime and set min value here (?)
+ },
+ }
+ return this.api.createType('AuctionParams', {
+ auction_type: this.api.createType('AuctionType', encodedAuctionType),
+ starting_price: this.api.createType('u128', startingPrice),
+ minimal_bid_step: this.api.createType('u128', minimalBidStep),
+ buy_now_price: this.api.createType('Option<BlockNumber>', buyNowPrice),
+ starts_at: this.api.createType('Option<BlockNumber>', startInBlock),
+ whitelist: this.api.createType('BTreeSet<StorageBucketId>', whitelist),
+ })
+ }
+ async startNftAuction(
+ accountFrom: string,
+ memberId: number,
+ videoId: number,
+ auctionParams: AuctionParams
+ ): Promise<ISubmittableResult> {
+ return await this.sender.signAndSend(
+ this.api.tx.content.startNftAuction({ Member: memberId }, videoId, auctionParams),
+ accountFrom
+ )
+ }
+ async bidInNftAuction(
+ accountFrom: string,
+ memberId: number,
+ videoId: number,
+ bidAmount: BN
+ ): Promise<ISubmittableResult> {
+ return await this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx.content.makeBid(memberId, videoId, bidAmount), accountFrom)
+ }
+ async claimWonEnglishAuction(accountFrom: string, memberId: number, videoId: number): Promise<ISubmittableResult> {
+ return await this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx.content.claimWonEnglishAuction(memberId, videoId), accountFrom)
+ }
+ async pickOpenAuctionWinner(accountFrom: string, memberId: number, videoId: number) {
+ return await this.sender.signAndSend(
+ this.api.tx.content.pickOpenAuctionWinner({ Member: memberId }, videoId),
+ accountFrom
+ )
+ }
+ async cancelOpenAuctionBid(accountFrom: string, participantId: number, videoId: number) {
+ return await this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx.content.cancelOpenAuctionBid(participantId, videoId), accountFrom)
+ }
+ async cancelNftAuction(accountFrom: string, ownerId: number, videoId: number) {
+ return await this.sender.signAndSend(
+ this.api.tx.content.cancelNftAuction({ Member: ownerId }, videoId),
+ accountFrom
+ )
+ }
+ async sellNft(accountFrom: string, videoId: number, ownerId: number, price: BN) {
+ return await this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx.content.sellNft(videoId, { Member: ownerId }, price), accountFrom)
+ }
+ async buyNft(accountFrom: string, videoId: number, participantId: number) {
+ return await this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx.content.buyNft(videoId, participantId), accountFrom)
+ }
+ async offerNft(accountFrom: string, videoId: number, ownerId: number, toMemberId: number, price: BN | null = null) {
+ return await this.sender.signAndSend(
+ this.api.tx.content.offerNft(videoId, { Member: ownerId }, toMemberId, price),
+ accountFrom
+ )
+ }
+ async acceptIncomingOffer(accountFrom: string, videoId: number) {
+ return await this.sender.signAndSend(this.api.tx.content.acceptIncomingOffer(videoId), accountFrom)
+ }