@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
-/* tslint:disable */
- * This file was automatically generated by json-schema-to-typescript.
- * DO NOT MODIFY IT BY HAND. Instead, modify the source JSONSchema file,
- * and run json-schema-to-typescript to regenerate this file.
- */
- * JSON schema for reference to Language entity based on runtime schema
- */
-export type LanguageReference =
- | {
- /**
- * ISO 639-1 code of the language (ie. en)
- */
- Code: string
- }
- | number
- * JSON schema for reference to Channel entity based on runtime schema
- */
-export type ChannelReference =
- | {
- /**
- * The title of the Channel
- */
- title: string
- }
- | number
- * JSON schema for reference to ContentCategory entity based on runtime schema
- */
-export type ContentCategoryReference =
- | {
- /**
- * The name of the category
- */
- Name: string
- }
- | number
- * JSON schema for reference to VideoMediaEncoding entity based on runtime schema
- */
-export type VideoMediaEncodingReference =
- | {
- /**
- * The name of the encoding format (ie. H264_mpeg4)
- */
- Name: string
- }
- | number
- * JSON schema for reference to HttpMediaLocation entity based on runtime schema
- */
-export type HttpMediaLocationReference = number
- * JSON schema for reference to JoystreamMediaLocation entity based on runtime schema
- */
-export type JoystreamMediaLocationReference =
- | {
- /**
- * Id of the data object in the Joystream runtime dataDirectory module
- */
- dataObjectId: string
- }
- | number
- * JSON schema for reference to MediaLocation entity based on runtime schema
- */
-export type MediaLocationReference = number
- * JSON schema for reference to VideoMedia entity based on runtime schema
- */
-export type VideoMediaReference = number
- * JSON schema for reference to KnownLicense entity based on runtime schema
- */
-export type KnownLicenseReference =
- | {
- /**
- * Short, commonly recognized code of the licence (ie. CC_BY_SA)
- */
- code: string
- }
- | number
- * JSON schema for reference to UserDefinedLicense entity based on runtime schema
- */
-export type UserDefinedLicenseReference = number
- * JSON schema for reference to License entity based on runtime schema
- */
-export type LicenseReference = number
- * JSON schema for entities based on Video runtime schema
- */
-export interface VideoEntity {
- /**
- * Reference to member's channel
- */
- channel:
- | {
- new: ChannelEntity
- }
- | {
- existing: ChannelReference
- }
- /**
- * Reference to a video category
- */
- category:
- | {
- new: ContentCategoryEntity
- }
- | {
- existing: ContentCategoryReference
- }
- /**
- * The title of the video
- */
- title: string
- /**
- * The description of the Video
- */
- description: string
- /**
- * Video duration in seconds
- */
- duration: number
- /**
- * Video's kippable intro duration in seconds
- */
- skippableIntroDuration?: number
- /**
- * Video thumbnail url (recommended ratio: 16:9)
- */
- thumbnailURL: string
- /**
- * Video's main langauge
- */
- language?:
- | {
- new: LanguageEntity
- }
- | {
- existing: LanguageReference
- }
- /**
- * Reference to VideoMedia
- */
- media:
- | {
- new: VideoMediaEntity
- }
- | {
- existing: VideoMediaReference
- }
- /**
- * Whether or not Video contains marketing
- */
- hasMarketing?: boolean
- /**
- * If the Video was published on other platform before beeing published on Joystream - the original publication date
- */
- publishedBeforeJoystream?: number
- /**
- * Whether the Video is supposed to be publically displayed
- */
- isPublic: boolean
- /**
- * Whether the Video has been curated (verified) by a Curator
- */
- isCurated: boolean
- /**
- * Whether the Video contains explicit material.
- */
- isExplicit: boolean
- /**
- * A License the Video is published under
- */
- license:
- | {
- new: LicenseEntity
- }
- | {
- existing: LicenseReference
- }
- * JSON schema for entities based on Channel runtime schema
- */
-export interface ChannelEntity {
- /**
- * The title of the Channel
- */
- title: string
- /**
- * The description of a Channel
- */
- description: string
- /**
- * Url for Channel's cover (background) photo. Recommended ratio: 16:9.
- */
- coverPhotoUrl: string
- /**
- * Channel's avatar photo.
- */
- avatarPhotoURL: string
- /**
- * Flag signaling whether a channel is public.
- */
- isPublic: boolean
- /**
- * Flag signaling whether a channel is curated/verified.
- */
- isCurated: boolean
- /**
- * The primary langauge of the channel's content
- */
- language?:
- | {
- new: LanguageEntity
- }
- | {
- existing: LanguageReference
- }
- * JSON schema for entities based on Language runtime schema
- */
-export interface LanguageEntity {
- /**
- * The name of the language (ie. English)
- */
- Name: string
- /**
- * ISO 639-1 code of the language (ie. en)
- */
- Code: string
- * JSON schema for entities based on ContentCategory runtime schema
- */
-export interface ContentCategoryEntity {
- /**
- * The name of the category
- */
- Name: string
- /**
- * The description of the category
- */
- Description?: string
- * JSON schema for entities based on VideoMedia runtime schema
- */
-export interface VideoMediaEntity {
- /**
- * Encoding of the video media object
- */
- encoding:
- | {
- new: VideoMediaEncodingEntity
- }
- | {
- existing: VideoMediaEncodingReference
- }
- /**
- * Video media width in pixels
- */
- pixelWidth: number
- /**
- * Video media height in pixels
- */
- pixelHeight: number
- /**
- * Video media size in bytes
- */
- size?: number
- /**
- * Location of the video media object
- */
- location:
- | {
- new: MediaLocationEntity
- }
- | {
- existing: MediaLocationReference
- }
- * JSON schema for entities based on VideoMediaEncoding runtime schema
- */
-export interface VideoMediaEncodingEntity {
- /**
- * The name of the encoding format (ie. H264_mpeg4)
- */
- Name: string
- * JSON schema for entities based on MediaLocation runtime schema
- */
-export interface MediaLocationEntity {
- /**
- * A reference to HttpMediaLocation
- */
- httpMediaLocation?:
- | {
- new: HttpMediaLocationEntity
- }
- | {
- existing: HttpMediaLocationReference
- }
- /**
- * A reference to JoystreamMediaLocation
- */
- joystreamMediaLocation?:
- | {
- new: JoystreamMediaLocationEntity
- }
- | {
- existing: JoystreamMediaLocationReference
- }
- * JSON schema for entities based on HttpMediaLocation runtime schema
- */
-export interface HttpMediaLocationEntity {
- /**
- * The http url pointing to the media
- */
- url: string
- /**
- * The port to use when connecting to the http url (defaults to 80)
- */
- port?: number
- * JSON schema for entities based on JoystreamMediaLocation runtime schema
- */
-export interface JoystreamMediaLocationEntity {
- /**
- * Id of the data object in the Joystream runtime dataDirectory module
- */
- dataObjectId: string
- * JSON schema for entities based on License runtime schema
- */
-export interface LicenseEntity {
- /**
- * Reference to a known license
- */
- knownLicense?:
- | {
- new: KnownLicenseEntity
- }
- | {
- existing: KnownLicenseReference
- }
- /**
- * Reference to user-defined license
- */
- userDefinedLicense?:
- | {
- new: UserDefinedLicenseEntity
- }
- | {
- existing: UserDefinedLicenseReference
- }
- * JSON schema for entities based on KnownLicense runtime schema
- */
-export interface KnownLicenseEntity {
- /**
- * Short, commonly recognized code of the licence (ie. CC_BY_SA)
- */
- code: string
- /**
- * Full, descriptive name of the license (ie. Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs)
- */
- name?: string
- /**
- * Short description of the license conditions
- */
- description?: string
- /**
- * An url pointing to full license content
- */
- url?: string
- * JSON schema for entities based on UserDefinedLicense runtime schema
- */
-export interface UserDefinedLicenseEntity {
- /**
- * Custom license content
- */
- content: string