@@ -1,419 +1,38 @@
+# Joystream Distributor CLI
-Joystream distributor node CLI
+The Joystream Distributor CLI package contains a set of commands that allow:
+- running the actual distributor node,
+- performing the node operator on-chain duties (like setting the node metadata)
+- performing the distribution working group leader on-chain duties (like setting the distribution system limits, assigning distribution bags and buckets)
+**To see the list of all available commands and their flags / arguments, check out the [commands](docs/commands/index.md) documentation.**
-<!-- toc -->
-* [Usage](#usage)
-* [Commands](#commands)
-<!-- tocstop -->
-# Usage
-<!-- usage -->
-$ npm install -g @joystream/distributor-cli
-$ joystream-distributor COMMAND
-running command...
-$ joystream-distributor (-v|--version|version)
-@joystream/distributor-cli/0.1.0 linux-x64 node-v14.17.3
-$ joystream-distributor --help [COMMAND]
- $ joystream-distributor COMMAND
-<!-- usagestop -->
-# Commands
-<!-- commands -->
-* [`joystream-distributor dev:init`](#joystream-distributor-devinit)
-* [`joystream-distributor help [COMMAND]`](#joystream-distributor-help-command)
-* [`joystream-distributor leader:cancel-invitation`](#joystream-distributor-leadercancel-invitation)
-* [`joystream-distributor leader:create-bucket`](#joystream-distributor-leadercreate-bucket)
-* [`joystream-distributor leader:create-bucket-family`](#joystream-distributor-leadercreate-bucket-family)
-* [`joystream-distributor leader:delete-bucket`](#joystream-distributor-leaderdelete-bucket)
-* [`joystream-distributor leader:delete-bucket-family`](#joystream-distributor-leaderdelete-bucket-family)
-* [`joystream-distributor leader:invite-bucket-operator`](#joystream-distributor-leaderinvite-bucket-operator)
-* [`joystream-distributor leader:set-buckets-per-bag-limit`](#joystream-distributor-leaderset-buckets-per-bag-limit)
-* [`joystream-distributor leader:update-bag`](#joystream-distributor-leaderupdate-bag)
-* [`joystream-distributor leader:update-bucket-mode`](#joystream-distributor-leaderupdate-bucket-mode)
-* [`joystream-distributor leader:update-bucket-status`](#joystream-distributor-leaderupdate-bucket-status)
-* [`joystream-distributor leader:update-dynamic-bag-policy`](#joystream-distributor-leaderupdate-dynamic-bag-policy)
-* [`joystream-distributor operator:accept-invitation`](#joystream-distributor-operatoraccept-invitation)
-* [`joystream-distributor operator:set-metadata`](#joystream-distributor-operatorset-metadata)
-* [`joystream-distributor start`](#joystream-distributor-start)
+## Configuration
-## `joystream-distributor dev:init`
+### Config file
-Initialize development environment. Sets Alice as distributor working group leader.
+All the configuration values required by Joystream Distributor CLI are provided via a single configuration file (either `yml` or `json`).
- $ joystream-distributor dev:init
+The path to the configuration will be (ordered from highest to lowest priority):
+- The value of `--configPath` flag provided when running a command, _or_
+- The value of `CONFIG_PATH` environment variable, _or_
+- `config.yml` in the current working directory by default
- -c, --configPath=configPath [default: ./config.yml] Path to config JSON/YAML file (relative to current working
- directory)
+### ENV variables
- -y, --yes Answer "yes" to any prompt, skipping any manual confirmations
+All configuration values can be overriden using environment variables, which may be useful when running the distributor node as docker service.
-_See code: [src/commands/dev/init.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/dev/init.ts)_
+To determine environment variable name based on a config key, for example `intervals.cacheCleanup`, use the following formula:
+- convert `pascalCase` fieldnames to `SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE`: `intervals.cacheCleanup` => `INTERVALS.CACHE_CLEANUP`
+- replace all dots with `__`: `INTERVALS.CACHE_CLEANUP` => `INTERVALS__CACHE_CLEANUP`
-## `joystream-distributor help [COMMAND]`
+In case of arrays, the values must be provided as json string, for example `JOYSTREAM_DISTRIBUTOR__KEYS="[\"//Bob\"]`.
-display help for joystream-distributor
+For more envirnoment variable examples see the `distributor-node` service configuration in [docker-compose.yml](../docker-compose.yml).
- $ joystream-distributor help [COMMAND]
+**For detailed configuration reference, checkout the [config schema](docs/schema/definition.md) documentation.**
- COMMAND command to show help for
+## Distributor Node
- --all see all commands in CLI
-_See code: [@oclif/plugin-help](https://github.com/oclif/plugin-help/blob/v2.2.3/src/commands/help.ts)_
-## `joystream-distributor leader:cancel-invitation`
-Cancel pending distribution bucket operator invitation.
- $ joystream-distributor leader:cancel-invitation
- -B, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Distribution bucket id
- -c, --configPath=configPath [default: ./config.yml] Path to config JSON/YAML file (relative to current working
- directory)
- -f, --familyId=familyId (required) Distribution bucket family id
- -w, --workerId=workerId (required) ID of the invited operator (distribution group worker)
- -y, --yes Answer "yes" to any prompt, skipping any manual confirmations
- Requires distribution working group leader permissions.
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/cancel-invitation.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/cancel-invitation.ts)_
-## `joystream-distributor leader:create-bucket`
-Create new distribution bucket. Requires distribution working group leader permissions.
- $ joystream-distributor leader:create-bucket
- -a, --acceptingBags=(yes|no) [default: no] Whether the created bucket should accept new bags
- -c, --configPath=configPath [default: ./config.yml] Path to config JSON/YAML file (relative to current working
- directory)
- -f, --familyId=familyId (required) Distribution bucket family id
- -y, --yes Answer "yes" to any prompt, skipping any manual confirmations
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/create-bucket.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/create-bucket.ts)_
-## `joystream-distributor leader:create-bucket-family`
-Create new distribution bucket family. Requires distribution working group leader permissions.
- $ joystream-distributor leader:create-bucket-family
- -c, --configPath=configPath [default: ./config.yml] Path to config JSON/YAML file (relative to current working
- directory)
- -y, --yes Answer "yes" to any prompt, skipping any manual confirmations
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/create-bucket-family.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/create-bucket-family.ts)_
-## `joystream-distributor leader:delete-bucket`
-Delete distribution bucket. The bucket must have no operators. Requires distribution working group leader permissions.
- $ joystream-distributor leader:delete-bucket
- -B, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Distribution bucket id
- -c, --configPath=configPath [default: ./config.yml] Path to config JSON/YAML file (relative to current working
- directory)
- -f, --familyId=familyId (required) Distribution bucket family id
- -y, --yes Answer "yes" to any prompt, skipping any manual confirmations
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/delete-bucket.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/delete-bucket.ts)_
-## `joystream-distributor leader:delete-bucket-family`
-Delete distribution bucket family. Requires distribution working group leader permissions.
- $ joystream-distributor leader:delete-bucket-family
- -c, --configPath=configPath [default: ./config.yml] Path to config JSON/YAML file (relative to current working
- directory)
- -f, --familyId=familyId (required) Distribution bucket family id
- -y, --yes Answer "yes" to any prompt, skipping any manual confirmations
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/delete-bucket-family.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/delete-bucket-family.ts)_
-## `joystream-distributor leader:invite-bucket-operator`
-Invite distribution bucket operator (distribution group worker).
- $ joystream-distributor leader:invite-bucket-operator
- -B, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Distribution bucket id
- -c, --configPath=configPath [default: ./config.yml] Path to config JSON/YAML file (relative to current working
- directory)
- -f, --familyId=familyId (required) Distribution bucket family id
- -w, --workerId=workerId (required) ID of the distribution group worker to invite as bucket operator
- -y, --yes Answer "yes" to any prompt, skipping any manual confirmations
- The specified bucket must not have any operator currently.
- Requires distribution working group leader permissions.
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/invite-bucket-operator.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/invite-bucket-operator.ts)_
-## `joystream-distributor leader:set-buckets-per-bag-limit`
-Set max. distribution buckets per bag limit. Requires distribution working group leader permissions.
- $ joystream-distributor leader:set-buckets-per-bag-limit
- -c, --configPath=configPath [default: ./config.yml] Path to config JSON/YAML file (relative to current working
- directory)
- -l, --limit=limit (required) New limit value
- -y, --yes Answer "yes" to any prompt, skipping any manual confirmations
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/set-buckets-per-bag-limit.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/set-buckets-per-bag-limit.ts)_
-## `joystream-distributor leader:update-bag`
-Add/remove distribution buckets from a bag.
- $ joystream-distributor leader:update-bag
- -a, --add=add
- [default: ] ID of a bucket to add to bag
- -b, --bagId=bagId
- (required) Bag ID. Format: {bag_type}:{sub_type}:{id}.
- - Bag types: 'static', 'dynamic'
- - Sub types: 'static:council', 'static:wg', 'dynamic:member', 'dynamic:channel'
- - Id:
- - absent for 'static:council'
- - working group name for 'static:wg'
- - integer for 'dynamic:member' and 'dynamic:channel'
- Examples:
- - static:council
- - static:wg:storage
- - dynamic:member:4
- -c, --configPath=configPath
- [default: ./config.yml] Path to config JSON/YAML file (relative to current working directory)
- -f, --familyId=familyId
- (required) ID of the distribution bucket family
- -r, --remove=remove
- [default: ] ID of a bucket to remove from bag
- -y, --yes
- Answer "yes" to any prompt, skipping any manual confirmations
- $ joystream-distributor leader:update-bag -b 1 -f 1 -a 1 -a 2 -a 3 -r 4 -r 5
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/update-bag.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/update-bag.ts)_
-## `joystream-distributor leader:update-bucket-mode`
-Update distribution bucket mode ("distributing" flag). Requires distribution working group leader permissions.
- $ joystream-distributor leader:update-bucket-mode
- -B, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Distribution bucket id
- -c, --configPath=configPath [default: ./config.yml] Path to config JSON/YAML file (relative to current working
- directory)
- -d, --mode=(on|off) (required) Whether the bucket should be "on" (distributing) or "off" (not distributing)
- -f, --familyId=familyId (required) Distribution bucket family id
- -y, --yes Answer "yes" to any prompt, skipping any manual confirmations
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/update-bucket-mode.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/update-bucket-mode.ts)_
-## `joystream-distributor leader:update-bucket-status`
-Update distribution bucket status ("acceptingNewBags" flag). Requires distribution working group leader permissions.
- $ joystream-distributor leader:update-bucket-status
- -B, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Distribution bucket id
- -a, --acceptingBags=(yes|no) (required) Whether the bucket should accept new bags
- -c, --configPath=configPath [default: ./config.yml] Path to config JSON/YAML file (relative to current working
- directory)
- -f, --familyId=familyId (required) Distribution bucket family id
- -y, --yes Answer "yes" to any prompt, skipping any manual confirmations
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/update-bucket-status.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/update-bucket-status.ts)_
-## `joystream-distributor leader:update-dynamic-bag-policy`
-Update dynamic bag creation policy (number of buckets by family that should store given dynamic bag type).
- $ joystream-distributor leader:update-dynamic-bag-policy
- -c, --configPath=configPath [default: ./config.yml] Path to config JSON/YAML file (relative to current working
- directory)
- -p, --policy=policy Key-value pair of {familyId}:{numberOfBuckets}
- -t, --type=(Member|Channel) (required) Dynamic bag type
- -y, --yes Answer "yes" to any prompt, skipping any manual confirmations
- Requires distribution working group leader permissions.
- $ joystream-distributor leader:update-dynamic-bag-policy -t Member -p 1:5 -p 2:10 -p 3:5
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/update-dynamic-bag-policy.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/update-dynamic-bag-policy.ts)_
-## `joystream-distributor operator:accept-invitation`
-Accept pending distribution bucket operator invitation.
- $ joystream-distributor operator:accept-invitation
- -B, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Distribution bucket id
- -c, --configPath=configPath [default: ./config.yml] Path to config JSON/YAML file (relative to current working
- directory)
- -f, --familyId=familyId (required) Distribution bucket family id
- -w, --workerId=workerId (required) ID of the invited operator (distribution group worker)
- -y, --yes Answer "yes" to any prompt, skipping any manual confirmations
- Requires the invited distribution group worker role key.
-_See code: [src/commands/operator/accept-invitation.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/operator/accept-invitation.ts)_
-## `joystream-distributor operator:set-metadata`
-Set/update distribution bucket operator metadata.
- $ joystream-distributor operator:set-metadata
- -B, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Distribution bucket id
- -c, --configPath=configPath [default: ./config.yml] Path to config JSON/YAML file (relative to current working
- directory)
- -e, --endpoint=endpoint Root distribution node endpoint
- -f, --familyId=familyId (required) Distribution bucket family id
- -i, --input=input Path to JSON metadata file
- -w, --workerId=workerId (required) ID of the invited operator (distribution group worker)
- -y, --yes Answer "yes" to any prompt, skipping any manual confirmations
- Requires active distribution bucket operator worker role key.
-_See code: [src/commands/operator/set-metadata.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/operator/set-metadata.ts)_
-## `joystream-distributor start`
-Start the node
- $ joystream-distributor start
- -c, --configPath=configPath [default: ./config.yml] Path to config JSON/YAML file (relative to current working
- directory)
- -y, --yes Answer "yes" to any prompt, skipping any manual confirmations
-_See code: [src/commands/start.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/start.ts)_
-<!-- commandsstop -->
+**To understand how the distributor node works in detail, checkout the [node](docs/node/index.md) documentation.**