@@ -17,9 +17,11 @@ import {
+ TransactionalStatusUpdate,
+ ContentActorLead,
// events
@@ -133,7 +135,8 @@ async function resetNftTransactionalStatusFromVideo(
store: DatabaseManager,
videoId: string,
errorMessage: string,
- newOwner?: Membership
+ blockNumber: number,
+ newOwner?: Membership,
) {
// load NFT
const nft = await store.get(OwnedNft, { where: { id: videoId.toString() } as FindConditions<OwnedNft> })
@@ -143,15 +146,13 @@ async function resetNftTransactionalStatusFromVideo(
return inconsistentState(errorMessage, videoId.toString())
- // reset transactional status
- nft.transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusIdle()
if (newOwner) {
nft.ownerMember = newOwner
- // save NFT
- await store.save<OwnedNft>(nft)
+ // reset transactional status
+ const transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusIdle()
+ await setNewNftTransactionalStatus(store, nft, transactionalStatus, blockNumber)
async function getRequiredExistingEntites<Type extends Video | Membership>(
@@ -215,13 +216,33 @@ async function convertContentActor(
return result
- // contentActor.isLead not supported (not needed) now
+ if (contentActor.isLead) {
+ return new ContentActorLead()
+ }
logger.error('Not implemented ContentActor type', { contentActor: contentActor.toString() })
throw new Error('Not-implemented ContentActor type used')
-async function finishAuction(store: DatabaseManager, videoId: number) {
+async function setNewNftTransactionalStatus(store: DatabaseManager, nft: OwnedNft, transactionalStatus: typeof TransactionalStatus, blockNumber: number) {
+ // update transactionalStatus
+ nft.transactionalStatus = transactionalStatus
+ // save NFT
+ await store.save<OwnedNft>(nft)
+ // create transactional status update record
+ const transactionalStatusUpdate = new TransactionalStatusUpdate({
+ nft,
+ transactionalStatus: nft.transactionalStatus,
+ changedAt: blockNumber,
+ })
+ // save update record
+ await store.save<TransactionalStatusUpdate>(transactionalStatusUpdate)
+async function finishAuction(store: DatabaseManager, videoId: number, blockNumber: number) {
// load video and auction
const { video, auction } = await getCurrentAuctionFromVideo(
@@ -241,11 +262,12 @@ async function finishAuction(store: DatabaseManager, videoId: number) {
// update NFT's transactional status
- await resetNftTransactionalStatusFromVideo(store, videoId.toString(), `Non-existing NFT's auction completed`, winner)
+ await resetNftTransactionalStatusFromVideo(store, videoId.toString(), `Non-existing NFT's auction completed`, blockNumber, winner)
// update auction
auction.isCompleted = true
auction.winningMember = winner
+ auction.endedAtBlock = blockNumber
// save auction
await store.save<Auction>(auction)
@@ -302,28 +324,81 @@ async function createBid(
export async function createNft(
store: DatabaseManager,
video: Video,
- ownerMember,
- creatorRoyalty: number | undefined,
- metadata: string,
- transactionalStatus: typeof TransactionalStatus
-) {
+ nftIssuanceParameters: joystreamTypes.NftIssuanceParameters,
+ blockNumber: number,
+): Promise<OwnedNft> {
+ // load owner
+ const ownerMember = nftIssuanceParameters.non_channel_owner.isSome
+ ? await getExistingEntity(store, Membership, nftIssuanceParameters.non_channel_owner.unwrap().toString())
+ : undefined
+ // calculate some values
+ const creatorRoyalty = nftIssuanceParameters.royalty.isSome ? nftIssuanceParameters.royalty.unwrap().toNumber() : undefined
+ const decodedMetadata = nftIssuanceParameters.nft_metadata.toString()
// prepare nft record
- const ownedNft = new OwnedNft({
+ const nft = new OwnedNft({
id: video.id.toString(),
video: video,
- metadata: metadata,
+ metadata: decodedMetadata,
+ // always start with Idle status to prevent egg-chicken problem between auction+nft; update it later if needed
transactionalStatus: new TransactionalStatusIdle(),
// save nft
- await store.save<OwnedNft>(ownedNft)
+ await store.save<OwnedNft>(nft)
+ // update NFT transactional status
+ const transactionalStatus = await convertTransactionalStatus(nftIssuanceParameters.init_transactional_status, store, nft, blockNumber)
+ await setNewNftTransactionalStatus(store, nft, transactionalStatus, blockNumber)
+ return nft
-function convertTransactionalStatus(
- transactionalStatus: joystreamTypes.InitTransactionalStatus
-): typeof TransactionalStatus {
+async function createAuction(
+ store: DatabaseManager,
+ nft: OwnedNft, // expects `nft.ownerMember` to be available
+ auctionParams: joystreamTypes.AuctionParams,
+ blockNumber: number
+): Promise<Auction> {
+ const whitelistedMembers = await getRequiredExistingEntites(
+ store,
+ Membership,
+ Array.from(auctionParams.whitelist.values()).map((item) => item.toString()),
+ 'Non-existing members whitelisted'
+ )
+ // prepare auction record
+ const auction = new Auction({
+ nft: nft,
+ initialOwner: nft.ownerMember,
+ startingPrice: auctionParams.starting_price,
+ buyNowPrice: new BN(auctionParams.buy_now_price.toString()),
+ auctionType: createAuctionType(auctionParams.auction_type),
+ minimalBidStep: auctionParams.minimal_bid_step,
+ startsAtBlock: auctionParams.starts_at.isSome ? auctionParams.starts_at.unwrap().toNumber() : blockNumber,
+ plannedEndAtBlock: auctionParams.auction_type.isEnglish
+ ? blockNumber + auctionParams.auction_type.asEnglish.auction_duration.toNumber()
+ : undefined,
+ isCanceled: false,
+ isCompleted: false,
+ whitelistedMembers,
+ })
+ // save auction
+ await store.save<Auction>(auction)
+ return auction
+export async function convertTransactionalStatus(
+ transactionalStatus: joystreamTypes.InitTransactionalStatus,
+ store: DatabaseManager,
+ nft: OwnedNft,
+ blockNumber: number,
+): Promise<typeof TransactionalStatus> {
if (transactionalStatus.isIdle) {
return new TransactionalStatusIdle()
@@ -339,7 +414,11 @@ function convertTransactionalStatus(
if (transactionalStatus.isAuction) {
- // TODO: auction
+ const auctionParams = transactionalStatus.asAuction
+ const status = new TransactionalStatusAuction()
+ status.auction = await createAuction(store, nft, auctionParams, blockNumber)
+ return status
logger.error('Not implemented TransactionalStatus type', { contentActor: transactionalStatus.toString() })
@@ -349,7 +428,7 @@ function convertTransactionalStatus(
export async function contentNft_AuctionStarted({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
// common event processing
- const [ownerActor, videoId, auctionParams] = new Content.AuctionStartedEvent(event).params
+ const [contentActor, videoId, auctionParams] = new Content.AuctionStartedEvent(event).params
// specific event processing
@@ -359,7 +438,7 @@ export async function contentNft_AuctionStarted({ event, store }: EventContext &
`Non-existing video's auction started`,
- ['nft']
+ ['nft', 'nft.ownerMember']
// ensure NFT has been issued
@@ -367,64 +446,21 @@ export async function contentNft_AuctionStarted({ event, store }: EventContext &
return inconsistentState('Non-existing NFT auctioned', video.id.toString())
- // member seems to be only actor that can own NFT right now
- if (!ownerActor.isMember) {
- throw new Error(`Not implemented NFT owner type "${ownerActor}"`)
- }
- const ownerId = ownerActor.asMember
- // load member
- const member = await getRequiredExistingEntity(
- store,
- Membership,
- ownerId.toString(),
- 'Non-existing member started video auction'
- )
- const whitelistedMembers = await getRequiredExistingEntites(
- store,
- Membership,
- Array.from(auctionParams.whitelist.values()).map((item) => item.toString()),
- 'Non-existing members whitelisted'
- )
- // prepare auction record
- const auction = new Auction({
- nft: video.nft,
- initialOwner: member,
- startingPrice: auctionParams.starting_price,
- buyNowPrice: new BN(auctionParams.buy_now_price.toString()),
- auctionType: createAuctionType(auctionParams.auction_type),
- minimalBidStep: auctionParams.minimal_bid_step,
- startsAtBlock: auctionParams.starts_at.isSome ? auctionParams.starts_at.unwrap().toNumber() : event.blockNumber,
- plannedEndAtBlock: auctionParams.auction_type.isEnglish
- ? event.blockNumber + auctionParams.auction_type.asEnglish.auction_duration.toNumber()
- : undefined,
- isCanceled: false,
- isCompleted: false,
- whitelistedMembers,
- })
+ const nft = video.nft
- // save auction
- await store.save<Auction>(auction)
+ const auction = await createAuction(store, nft, auctionParams, event.blockNumber)
+ // update NFT transactional status
const transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusAuction()
transactionalStatus.auctionId = auction.id
- video.nft.transactionalStatus = transactionalStatus
- // save NFT
- await store.save<OwnedNft>(video.nft)
+ await setNewNftTransactionalStatus(store, nft, transactionalStatus, event.blockNumber)
// common event processing - second
- const actor = new ContentActorMember()
- actor.member = new Membership({ id: ownerId.toString() })
const announcingPeriodStartedEvent = new AuctionStartedEvent({
- actor,
+ actor: await convertContentActor(store, contentActor),
@@ -457,7 +493,7 @@ function createAuctionType(rawAuctionType: joystreamTypes.AuctionType): typeof A
export async function contentNft_NftIssued({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
// common event processing
- const [actor, videoId, royalty, metadata, mbNewOwnerId, initTransactionalStatus] = new Content.NftIssuedEvent(
+ const [actor, videoId, nftIssuanceParameters] = new Content.NftIssuedEvent(
@@ -466,28 +502,9 @@ export async function contentNft_NftIssued({ event, store }: EventContext & Stor
// load video
const video = await getRequiredExistingEntity(store, Video, videoId.toString(), 'NFT for non-existing video issed')
- // load owner
- const newOwner = await getExistingEntity(store, Membership, mbNewOwnerId.toString())
- const creatorRoyalty = royalty.isSome ? royalty.unwrap().toNumber() : undefined
- const transactionalStatus = convertTransactionalStatus(initTransactionalStatus)
- await createNft(store, video, newOwner, creatorRoyalty, metadata.toString(), transactionalStatus)
+ // prepare and save nft record
+ const nft = await createNft(store, video, nftIssuanceParameters, event.blockNumber)
- /*
- // prepare nft record
- const ownedNft = new OwnedNft({
- id: video.id.toString(),
- video,
- ownerMember: newOwner,
- creatorRoyalty,
- metadata: metadata.toString(),
- transactionalStatus: new TransactionalStatusIdle(),
- })
- // save nft
- await store.save<OwnedNft>(ownedNft)
// common event processing - second
const announcingPeriodStartedEvent = new NftIssuedEvent({
@@ -495,9 +512,9 @@ export async function contentNft_NftIssued({ event, store }: EventContext & Stor
contentActor: await convertContentActor(store, actor),
- royalty: creatorRoyalty,
- metadata: metadata.toString(),
- newOwner,
+ royalty: nft.creatorRoyalty,
+ metadata: nft.metadata,
+ newOwner: nft.ownerMember,
await store.save<NftIssuedEvent>(announcingPeriodStartedEvent)
@@ -587,7 +604,7 @@ export async function contentNft_AuctionCanceled({ event, store }: EventContext
// update NFT's transactional status
- await resetNftTransactionalStatusFromVideo(store, videoId.toString(), `Non-existing NFT's auction canceled`)
+ await resetNftTransactionalStatusFromVideo(store, videoId.toString(), `Non-existing NFT's auction canceled`, event.blockNumber)
// mark auction as canceled
auction.isCanceled = true
@@ -615,7 +632,7 @@ export async function contentNft_EnglishAuctionCompleted({ event, store }: Event
// specific event processing
- const { winner, video } = await finishAuction(store, videoId.toNumber())
+ const { winner, video } = await finishAuction(store, videoId.toNumber(), event.blockNumber)
// common event processing - second
@@ -644,7 +661,7 @@ export async function contentNft_BidMadeCompletingAuction({
await createBid(event, store, memberId.toNumber(), videoId.toNumber())
// winish auction and transfer ownership
- const { winner: member, video } = await finishAuction(store, videoId.toNumber())
+ const { winner: member, video } = await finishAuction(store, videoId.toNumber(), event.blockNumber)
// common event processing - second
@@ -665,7 +682,7 @@ export async function contentNft_OpenAuctionBidAccepted({ event, store }: EventC
// specific event processing
- const { video } = await finishAuction(store, videoId.toNumber())
+ const { video } = await finishAuction(store, videoId.toNumber(), event.blockNumber)
// common event processing - second
@@ -694,16 +711,11 @@ export async function contentNft_OfferStarted({ event, store }: EventContext & S
'Non-existing nft was offered'
- // create offer
+ // update NFT transactional status
const transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusInitiatedOfferToMember()
transactionalStatus.memberId = memberId.toNumber()
transactionalStatus.price = price.unwrapOr(undefined)
- // update NFT
- nft.transactionalStatus = transactionalStatus
- // save NFT
- await store.save<OwnedNft>(nft)
+ await setNewNftTransactionalStatus(store, nft, transactionalStatus, event.blockNumber)
// common event processing - second
@@ -738,12 +750,8 @@ export async function contentNft_OfferAccepted({ event, store }: EventContext &
const memberId = (nft.transactionalStatus as TransactionalStatusInitiatedOfferToMember).memberId
const member = new Membership({ id: memberId.toString() })
- // update NFT
- nft.transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusIdle()
- nft.ownerMember = member
- // save NFT
- await store.save<OwnedNft>(nft)
+ // update NFT's transactional status
+ await resetNftTransactionalStatusFromVideo(store, videoId.toString(), `Non-existing NFT's offer accepted`, event.blockNumber, member)
// common event processing - second
@@ -771,11 +779,8 @@ export async function contentNft_OfferCanceled({ event, store }: EventContext &
'Non-existing nft sell offer was canceled'
- // update NFT
- nft.transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusIdle()
- // save NFT
- await store.save<OwnedNft>(nft)
+ // update NFT's transactional status
+ await resetNftTransactionalStatusFromVideo(store, videoId.toString(), `Non-existing NFT's offer canceled`, event.blockNumber)
// common event processing - second
@@ -804,15 +809,10 @@ export async function contentNft_NftSellOrderMade({ event, store }: EventContext
'Non-existing nft was offered'
- // create buy now offer
+ // update NFT transactional status
const transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusBuyNow()
transactionalStatus.price = price
- // update NFT
- nft.transactionalStatus = transactionalStatus
- // save NFT
- await store.save<OwnedNft>(nft)
+ await setNewNftTransactionalStatus(store, nft, transactionalStatus, event.blockNumber)
// common event processing - second
@@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ export async function contentNft_NftBought({ event, store }: EventContext & Stor
const winner = new Membership({ id: memberId.toString() })
// update NFT's transactional status
- await resetNftTransactionalStatusFromVideo(store, videoId.toString(), `Non-existing NFT's auction completed`, winner)
+ await resetNftTransactionalStatusFromVideo(store, videoId.toString(), `Non-existing NFT's auction completed`, event.blockNumber, winner)
// common event processing - second
@@ -875,11 +875,7 @@ export async function contentNft_BuyNowCanceled({ event, store }: EventContext &
'Non-existing nft was bought'
- // update NFT
- nft.transactionalStatus = new TransactionalStatusIdle()
- // save NFT
- await store.save<OwnedNft>(nft)
+ await resetNftTransactionalStatusFromVideo(store, videoId.toString(), `Non-existing NFT's buy-now canceled`, event.blockNumber)
// common event processing - second