@@ -1,6 +1,21 @@
+// TODO: solve events' relations to videos and other entites that can be changed or deleted
+// TODO: solve transactionalStatus for OwnedNFT + how to set it up for first time auctioned NFT?
+// TODO: walkthrough bidding events once again and ensure all data are saved properly
import { EventContext, StoreContext, DatabaseManager } from '@joystream/hydra-common'
-import { genericEventFields } from '../common'
+import { genericEventFields, inconsistentState } from '../common'
import {
+ // entities
+ Auction,
+ AuctionType,
+ AuctionTypeEnglish,
+ AuctionTypeOpen,
+ Bid,
+ Membership,
+ OwnedNft,
+ Video,
+ // events
@@ -16,7 +31,91 @@ import {
} from 'query-node/dist/model'
+import * as joystreamTypes from '@joystream/types/augment/all/types'
import { Content } from '../generated/types'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+// definition of generic type for Hydra DatabaseManager's methods
+type EntityType<T> = {
+ new (...args: any[]): T
+async function getExistingEntity<Type extends Video | Membership>(
+ store: DatabaseManager,
+ entityType: EntityType<Type>,
+ id: string,
+ relations: string[] = []
+): Promise<Type | undefined> {
+ // load entity
+ const entity = await store.get(entityType, { where: { id } })
+ return entity
+async function getRequiredExistingEntity<Type extends Video | Membership>(
+ store: DatabaseManager,
+ entityType: EntityType<Type>,
+ id: string,
+ errorMessage: string,
+ relations: string[] = []
+): Promise<Type> {
+ const entity = await getExistingEntity(store, entityType, id, relations)
+ // ensure video exists
+ if (!entity) {
+ return inconsistentState(errorMessage, id)
+ }
+ return entity
+async function getAuctionFromVideo(
+ store: DatabaseManager,
+ videoId: string,
+ errorMessageForVideo: string,
+ errorMessageForAuction: string
+): Promise<{ video: Video; auction: Auction }> {
+ // load video
+ const video = await getRequiredExistingEntity(store, Video, videoId.toString(), errorMessageForVideo, ['auction'])
+ // get auction
+ const auction = video.auction
+ // ensure auction exists
+ if (!auction) {
+ return inconsistentState(errorMessageForAuction, videoId)
+ }
+ return {
+ video,
+ auction,
+ }
+async function getRequiredExistingEntites<Type extends Video | Membership>(
+ store: DatabaseManager,
+ entityType: EntityType<Type>,
+ ids: string[],
+ errorMessage: string
+): Promise<Type[]> {
+ // load entities
+ const entities = await store.getMany(entityType, { where: { id: ids } })
+ // assess loaded entity ids
+ const loadedEntityIds = entities.map((item) => item.id.toString())
+ // ensure all entities exists
+ if (loadedEntityIds.length !== ids.length) {
+ const missingIds = ids.filter((item) => !loadedEntityIds.includes(item))
+ return inconsistentState(errorMessage, missingIds)
+ }
+ // ensure entities are ordered as requested
+ entities.sort((a, b) => ids.indexOf(a.id.toString()) - ids.indexOf(b.id.toString()))
+ return entities
export async function contentNft_AuctionStarted({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
// common event processing
@@ -31,12 +130,73 @@ export async function contentNft_AuctionStarted({ event, store }: EventContext &
// specific event processing
+ // load video
+ const video = await getRequiredExistingEntity(
+ store,
+ Video,
+ videoId.toString(),
+ `Non-existing video's auction started`
+ )
+ // load member
+ const member = await getRequiredExistingEntity(
+ store,
+ Membership,
+ ownerId.toString(),
+ 'Non-existing member started video auction'
+ )
+ const whitelistedMembers = await getRequiredExistingEntites(
+ store,
+ Membership,
+ Array.from(auctionParams.whitelist.values()).map((item) => item.toString()),
+ 'Non-existing members whitelisted'
+ )
+ // prepare auction record
+ const auction = new Auction({
+ video,
+ initialOwner: member,
+ startingPrice: auctionParams.starting_price,
+ buyNowPrice: new BN(auctionParams.buy_now_price.toString()),
+ auctionType: createAuctionType(auctionParams.auction_type),
+ minimalBidStep: auctionParams.minimal_bid_step,
+ startsAtBlock: auctionParams.starts_at.isSome ? auctionParams.starts_at.unwrap().toNumber() : event.blockNumber,
+ isCanceled: false,
+ isCompleted: false,
+ whitelistedMembers,
+ })
+ // save auction
+ await store.save<Auction>(auction)
+// create auction type variant from raw runtime auction type
+function createAuctionType(rawAuctionType: joystreamTypes.AuctionType): typeof AuctionType {
+ // auction type `english`
+ if (rawAuctionType.isEnglish) {
+ const rawType = rawAuctionType.asEnglish
+ // prepare auction variant
+ const auctionType = new AuctionTypeEnglish()
+ auctionType.duration = rawType.auction_duration.toNumber()
+ auctionType.extensionPeriod = rawType.extension_period.toNumber()
+ return auctionType
+ }
+ // auction type `open`
+ const rawType = rawAuctionType.asOpen
+ // prepare auction variant
+ const auctionType = new AuctionTypeOpen()
+ auctionType.bidLockingTime = rawType.bid_lock_duration.toNumber()
+ return auctionType
export async function contentNft_NftIssued({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
// common event processing
- const [actor, videoId, royalty, metadata, newOwner] = new Content.NftIssuedEvent(event).params
+ const [actor, videoId, royalty, metadata, mbNewOwnerId] = new Content.NftIssuedEvent(event).params
const announcingPeriodStartedEvent = new NftIssuedEvent({
@@ -46,12 +206,30 @@ export async function contentNft_NftIssued({ event, store }: EventContext & Stor
// specific event processing
+ // load video
+ const video = await getRequiredExistingEntity(store, Video, videoId.toString(), 'Non-existing video auction started')
+ // load owner
+ const newOwner = await getExistingEntity(store, Membership, mbNewOwnerId.toString())
+ const creatorRoyalty = royalty.isSome ? royalty.unwrap().toNumber() : undefined
+ // prepare nft record
+ const ownedNft = new OwnedNft({
+ video,
+ ownerMember: newOwner,
+ creatorRoyalty,
+ metadata: metadata.toString(),
+ })
+ // save nft
+ await store.save<OwnedNft>(ownedNft)
export async function contentNft_AuctionBidMade({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
// common event processing
- const [member, video, bidAmount, extendsAuction] = new Content.AuctionBidMadeEvent(event).params
+ const [memberId, videoId, bidAmount, extendsAuction] = new Content.AuctionBidMadeEvent(event).params
const announcingPeriodStartedEvent = new AuctionBidMadeEvent({
@@ -61,12 +239,45 @@ export async function contentNft_AuctionBidMade({ event, store }: EventContext &
// specific event processing
+ // load member
+ const member = await getRequiredExistingEntity(
+ store,
+ Membership,
+ memberId.toString(),
+ 'Non-existing member bid in auction'
+ )
+ // load video and auction
+ const { video, auction } = await getAuctionFromVideo(
+ store,
+ videoId.toString(),
+ 'Non-existing video got bid',
+ 'Non-existing auction got bid canceled'
+ )
+ // prepare bid record
+ const bid = new Bid({
+ auction,
+ bidder: member,
+ amount: new BN(bidAmount.toString()),
+ createdAt: new Date(event.blockTimestamp),
+ createdInBlock: event.blockNumber,
+ isCanceled: false,
+ })
+ // save bid
+ await store.save<Bid>(bid)
+ // update last bid in auction
+ auction.lastBid = bid
+ await store.save<Auction>(auction)
export async function contentNft_AuctionBidCanceled({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
// common event processing
- const [member, video] = new Content.AuctionBidCanceledEvent(event).params
+ const [memberId, videoId] = new Content.AuctionBidCanceledEvent(event).params
const announcingPeriodStartedEvent = new AuctionBidCanceledEvent({
@@ -76,12 +287,31 @@ export async function contentNft_AuctionBidCanceled({ event, store }: EventConte
// specific event processing
+ // load video and auction
+ const { video, auction } = await getAuctionFromVideo(
+ store,
+ videoId.toString(),
+ 'Non-existing video got bid canceled',
+ 'Non-existing auction got bid canceled'
+ )
+ // ensure bid exists
+ if (!auction.lastBid) {
+ return inconsistentState('Non-existing bid got canceled', auction.id.toString())
+ }
+ // TOOD: should bid placed before `lastBid` be loaded and replaced here?
+ // update auction's last bid
+ auction.lastBid = undefined
+ // save auction
+ await store.save<Auction>(auction)
export async function contentNft_AuctionCanceled({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
// common event processing
- const [contentActor, video] = new Content.AuctionCanceledEvent(event).params
+ const [contentActor, videoId] = new Content.AuctionCanceledEvent(event).params
const announcingPeriodStartedEvent = new AuctionCanceledEvent({
@@ -91,12 +321,25 @@ export async function contentNft_AuctionCanceled({ event, store }: EventContext
// specific event processing
+ // load video and auction
+ const { video, auction } = await getAuctionFromVideo(
+ store,
+ videoId.toString(),
+ 'Non-existing video got bid canceled',
+ 'Non-existing auction got bid canceled'
+ )
+ // mark auction as canceled
+ auction.isCanceled = true
+ // save auction
+ await store.save<Auction>(auction)
export async function contentNft_EnglishAuctionCompleted({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
// common event processing
- const [member, video] = new Content.EnglishAuctionCompletedEvent(event).params
+ const [memberId, videoId] = new Content.EnglishAuctionCompletedEvent(event).params
const announcingPeriodStartedEvent = new EnglishAuctionCompletedEvent({
@@ -106,12 +349,37 @@ export async function contentNft_EnglishAuctionCompleted({ event, store }: Event
// specific event processing
+ // load member
+ const member = await getRequiredExistingEntity(
+ store,
+ Membership,
+ memberId.toString(),
+ 'Non-existing english-type auction was completed'
+ )
+ // load video and auction
+ const { video, auction } = await getAuctionFromVideo(
+ store,
+ videoId.toString(),
+ `Non-existing video's english-type auction was completed`,
+ 'Non-existing english-type auction was completed'
+ )
+ // update auction
+ auction.isCompleted = true
+ auction.winningMember = member
+ // save auction
+ await store.save<Auction>(auction)
-export async function contentNft_BidMadeCompletingAuction({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+export async function contentNft_BidMadeCompletingAuction({
+ event,
+ store,
+}: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
// common event processing
- const [member, video] = new Content.BidMadeCompletingAuctionEvent(event).params
+ const [memberId, videoId] = new Content.BidMadeCompletingAuctionEvent(event).params
const announcingPeriodStartedEvent = new BidMadeCompletingAuctionEvent({
@@ -121,6 +389,28 @@ export async function contentNft_BidMadeCompletingAuction({ event, store }: Even
// specific event processing
+ // load member
+ const member = await getRequiredExistingEntity(
+ store,
+ Membership,
+ memberId.toString(),
+ 'Non-existing auction was completed by buy-now bid'
+ )
+ // load video and auction
+ const { video, auction } = await getAuctionFromVideo(
+ store,
+ videoId.toString(),
+ `Non-existing video's auction was completed by buy-now bid`,
+ `Non-existing auction was completed by buy-now bid`
+ )
+ // update auction
+ auction.isCompleted = true
+ auction.winningMember = member
+ // save auction
+ await store.save<Auction>(auction)
export async function contentNft_OpenAuctionBidAccepted({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
@@ -136,6 +426,7 @@ export async function contentNft_OpenAuctionBidAccepted({ event, store }: EventC
// specific event processing
+ // TODO: what exactly should happen here?
export async function contentNft_OfferStarted({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
@@ -150,7 +441,6 @@ export async function contentNft_OfferStarted({ event, store }: EventContext & S
await store.save<OfferStartedEvent>(announcingPeriodStartedEvent)
// specific event processing
export async function contentNft_OfferAccepted({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
@@ -165,7 +455,6 @@ export async function contentNft_OfferAccepted({ event, store }: EventContext &
await store.save<OfferAcceptedEvent>(announcingPeriodStartedEvent)
// specific event processing
export async function contentNft_OfferCanceled({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
@@ -180,7 +469,6 @@ export async function contentNft_OfferCanceled({ event, store }: EventContext &
await store.save<OfferCanceledEvent>(announcingPeriodStartedEvent)
// specific event processing
export async function contentNft_NftSellOrderMade({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
@@ -195,7 +483,6 @@ export async function contentNft_NftSellOrderMade({ event, store }: EventContext
await store.save<NftSellOrderMadeEvent>(announcingPeriodStartedEvent)
// specific event processing
export async function contentNft_NftBought({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
@@ -210,7 +497,6 @@ export async function contentNft_NftBought({ event, store }: EventContext & Stor
await store.save<NftBoughtEvent>(announcingPeriodStartedEvent)
// specific event processing
export async function contentNft_BuyNowCanceled({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
@@ -225,5 +511,4 @@ export async function contentNft_BuyNowCanceled({ event, store }: EventContext &
await store.save<BuyNowCanceledEvent>(announcingPeriodStartedEvent)
// specific event processing