@@ -257,6 +257,9 @@ type Video @entity {
"Flag signaling whether a video is censored."
isCensored: Boolean!
+ "Video nft details"
+ nft: OwnedNFT
"Whether the Video contains explicit material."
isExplicit: Boolean
@@ -287,6 +290,109 @@ type Video @entity {
isFeatured: Boolean!
+"Represents nft details"
+type OwnedNFT @entity {
+ "Member owning the nft (if any)"
+ ownerMember: Membership
+ "Curator group owning the nft (if any)"
+ ownerCuratorGroup: CuratorGroup
+ "NFT transactional status"
+ transactionalStatus: TransactionalStatus!
+ "Creator royalty"
+ creatorRoyalty: Float
+"NFT transactional state"
+union TransactionalStatus = TransactionalStatusIdle
+ | TransactionalStatusInitiatedOfferToMember
+ | TransactionalStatusAuction
+ | TransactionalStatusBuyNow
+"Represents TransactionalStatus Idle"
+variant TransactionalStatusIdle @variant {
+ "Variant needs to have at least one not null property. This value is not used."
+ dummy: Int!
+"Represents TransactionalStatus InitiatedOfferToMember"
+variant TransactionalStatusInitiatedOfferToMember @variant {
+ "Member identifier"
+ member: Int!
+ "Whether member should pay to accept offer (optional)"
+ price: Int
+"Represents TransactionalStatus Auction"
+variant TransactionalStatusAuction @variant {
+ "Member identifier"
+ auction: Auction!
+"Represents TransactionalStatus BuyNow"
+variant TransactionalStatusBuyNow @variant {
+ price: Int!
+"Represents auction data"
+type Auction @entity {
+ "Auction starting price"
+ starting_price: Int!
+ "Whether auction can be completed instantly"
+ buy_now_price: Int
+ "The type of auction"
+ auction_type: AuctionType!
+ "Minimal step between auction bids"
+ minimal_bid_step: Int!
+ "Auction last bid (if exists)"
+ last_bid: Bid
+ "Whether auction starts at some predefined time in future"
+ stats_at: Int
+ "Auction participants whitelist"
+ whitelist: [Int!]
+"Represents bid data"
+type Bid @entity {
+ "Bidder id"
+ bidder: Int!
+ "Amount bidded"
+ amount: Int!
+ "Bid time"
+ time: Int!
+"Represents various action types"
+union AuctionType = English
+ | Open
+"Represents English auction details"
+variant English @variant {
+ "English auction duration"
+ duration: Int!
+ "Auction extension time"
+ extensionTime: Int,
+"Represents Open auction details"
+variant Open @variant {
+ "Auction bid lock duration"
+ bidLockingTime: Int!
type VideoMediaMetadata @entity {
"Unique identifier"
id: ID!