@@ -1,5 +1,16 @@
import * as Yup from 'yup';
import { schemaValidator, ActivateOpeningAtKeys } from '@joystream/types/hiring';
+import { ProposalTypes } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/types/proposals';
+import { GenericFormValues } from './forms/GenericProposalForm';
+import { FormValues as SignalFormValues } from './forms/SignalForm';
+import { FormValues as RuntimeUpgradeFormValues } from './forms/RuntimeUpgradeForm';
+import { FormValues as SetCouncilParamsFormValues } from './forms/SetCouncilParamsForm';
+import { FormValues as SpendingProposalFormValues } from './forms/SpendingProposalForm';
+import { FormValues as SetContentWorkingGroupLeadFormValues } from './forms/SetContentWorkingGroupLeadForm';
+import { FormValues as SetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacityFormValues } from './forms/MintCapacityForm';
+import { FormValues as SetMaxValidatorCountFormValues } from './forms/SetMaxValidatorCountForm';
+import { FormValues as AddWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningFormValues } from './forms/AddWorkingGroupOpeningForm';
+import { FormValues as SetWorkingGroupMintCapacityFormValues } from './forms/SetWorkingGroupMintCapacityForm';
// TODO: If we really need this (currency unit) we can we make "Validation" a functiction that returns an object.
// We could then "instantialize" it in "withFormContainer" where instead of passing
@@ -66,6 +77,11 @@ const TERMINATE_ROLE_UNSTAKING_MAX = 14 * 14400; // 14 days
const LEAVE_ROLE_UNSTAKING_MAX = 14 * 14400; // 14 days
+// Set Working Group Mint Capacity
+// TODO: Discuss the actual values
+const WG_MINT_CAP_MIN = 0;
+const WG_MINT_CAP_MAX = 1000000;
function errorMessage (name: string, min?: number | string, max?: number | string, unit?: string): string {
return `${name} should be at least ${min} and no more than ${max}${unit ? ` ${unit}.` : '.'}`;
@@ -81,60 +97,33 @@ import Validation from 'path/to/validationSchema'
validationSchema: Yup.object().shape({
- description: Validation.Text.description
+ ...Validation.Text()
+type ProposalTypeKeys = typeof ProposalTypes[number];
+type OutdatedProposals = 'EvictStorageProvider' | 'SetStorageRoleParameters';
+type ValidationTypeKeys = Exclude<ProposalTypeKeys, OutdatedProposals> | 'All';
+type FormValuesByType<T extends ValidationTypeKeys> =
+ T extends 'All' ? GenericFormValues :
+ T extends 'Text' ? Omit<SignalFormValues, keyof GenericFormValues> :
+ T extends 'RuntimeUpgrade' ? Omit<RuntimeUpgradeFormValues, keyof GenericFormValues> :
+ T extends 'SetElectionParameters' ? Omit<SetCouncilParamsFormValues, keyof GenericFormValues> :
+ T extends 'Spending' ? Omit<SpendingProposalFormValues, keyof GenericFormValues> :
+ T extends 'SetLead' ? Omit<SetContentWorkingGroupLeadFormValues, keyof GenericFormValues> :
+ T extends 'SetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity' ? Omit<SetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacityFormValues, keyof GenericFormValues> :
+ T extends 'SetValidatorCount' ? Omit<SetMaxValidatorCountFormValues, keyof GenericFormValues> :
+ T extends 'AddWorkingGroupLeaderOpening' ? Omit<AddWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningFormValues, keyof GenericFormValues> :
+ T extends 'SetWorkingGroupMintCapacity' ? Omit<SetWorkingGroupMintCapacityFormValues, keyof GenericFormValues> :
+ never;
type ValidationType = {
- All: {
- title: Yup.StringSchema<string>;
- rationale: Yup.StringSchema<string>;
- };
- Text: {
- description: Yup.StringSchema<string>;
- };
- RuntimeUpgrade: {
- WASM: Yup.MixedSchema<any>;
- };
- SetElectionParameters: {
- announcingPeriod: Yup.NumberSchema<number>;
- votingPeriod: Yup.NumberSchema<number>;
- minVotingStake: Yup.NumberSchema<number>;
- revealingPeriod: Yup.NumberSchema<number>;
- minCouncilStake: Yup.NumberSchema<number>;
- newTermDuration: Yup.NumberSchema<number>;
- candidacyLimit: Yup.NumberSchema<number>;
- councilSize: Yup.NumberSchema<number>;
- };
- Spending: {
- tokens: Yup.NumberSchema<number>;
- destinationAccount: Yup.StringSchema<string>;
- };
- SetLead: {
- workingGroupLead: Yup.StringSchema<string>;
- };
- SetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity: {
- mintCapacity: Yup.NumberSchema<number>;
- };
- SetValidatorCount: {
- maxValidatorCount: Yup.NumberSchema<number>;
- };
- AddWorkingGroupLeaderOpening: (currentBlock: number) => {
- applicationsLimited: Yup.BooleanSchema<boolean>;
- activateAt: Yup.StringSchema<string>;
- activateAtBlock: Yup.NumberSchema<number>;
- maxReviewPeriodLength: Yup.NumberSchema<number>;
- maxApplications: Yup.NumberSchema<number>;
- applicationStakeRequired: Yup.BooleanSchema<boolean>;
- applicationStakeValue: Yup.NumberSchema<number>;
- roleStakeRequired: Yup.BooleanSchema<boolean>;
- roleStakeValue: Yup.NumberSchema<number>;
- terminateRoleUnstakingPeriod: Yup.NumberSchema<number>;
- leaveRoleUnstakingPeriod: Yup.NumberSchema<number>;
- humanReadableText: Yup.StringSchema<string>;
- };
+ [validationTypeK in ValidationTypeKeys]: (
+ ((...injectedParams: any) => ({ [fieldK in keyof FormValuesByType<validationTypeK>]: Yup.Schema<any>; }))
+ )
// Helpers for common validation
function minMaxInt (min: number, max: number, fieldName: string) {
@@ -146,26 +135,26 @@ function minMaxInt (min: number, max: number, fieldName: string) {
const Validation: ValidationType = {
- All: {
+ All: () => ({
title: Yup.string()
.required('Title is required!')
.max(TITLE_MAX_LENGTH, `Title should be under ${TITLE_MAX_LENGTH} characters.`),
rationale: Yup.string()
.required('Rationale is required!')
.max(RATIONALE_MAX_LENGTH, `Rationale should be under ${RATIONALE_MAX_LENGTH} characters.`)
- },
- Text: {
+ }),
+ Text: () => ({
description: Yup.string()
.required('Description is required!')
.max(DESCRIPTION_MAX_LENGTH, `Description should be under ${DESCRIPTION_MAX_LENGTH}`)
- },
- RuntimeUpgrade: {
+ }),
+ RuntimeUpgrade: () => ({
WASM: Yup.mixed()
.test('fileArrayBuffer', 'Unexpected data format, file cannot be processed.', value => typeof value.byteLength !== 'undefined')
.test('fileSizeMin', `Minimum file size is ${FILE_SIZE_BYTES_MIN} bytes.`, value => value.byteLength >= FILE_SIZE_BYTES_MIN)
.test('fileSizeMax', `Maximum file size is ${FILE_SIZE_BYTES_MAX} bytes.`, value => value.byteLength <= FILE_SIZE_BYTES_MAX)
- },
- SetElectionParameters: {
+ }),
+ SetElectionParameters: () => ({
announcingPeriod: Yup.number()
.required('All fields must be filled!')
.integer('This field must be an integer.')
@@ -236,8 +225,8 @@ const Validation: ValidationType = {
.integer('This field must be an integer.')
.min(COUNCIL_SIZE_MIN, errorMessage('The council size', COUNCIL_SIZE_MIN, COUNCIL_SIZE_MAX))
.max(COUNCIL_SIZE_MAX, errorMessage('The council size', COUNCIL_SIZE_MIN, COUNCIL_SIZE_MAX))
- },
- Spending: {
+ }),
+ Spending: () => ({
tokens: Yup.number()
.positive('The token amount should be positive.')
.integer('This field must be an integer.')
@@ -245,19 +234,19 @@ const Validation: ValidationType = {
.required('You need to specify an amount of tokens.'),
destinationAccount: Yup.string()
.required('Select a destination account!')
- },
- SetLead: {
+ }),
+ SetLead: () => ({
workingGroupLead: Yup.string().required('Select a proposed lead!')
- },
- SetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity: {
- mintCapacity: Yup.number()
+ }),
+ SetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity: () => ({
+ capacity: Yup.number()
.positive('Mint capacity should be positive.')
.integer('This field must be an integer.')
.required('You need to specify a mint capacity.')
- },
- SetValidatorCount: {
+ }),
+ SetValidatorCount: () => ({
maxValidatorCount: Yup.number()
.required('Enter the max validator count')
.integer('This field must be an integer.')
@@ -269,8 +258,9 @@ const Validation: ValidationType = {
errorMessage('The max validator count', MAX_VALIDATOR_COUNT_MIN, MAX_VALIDATOR_COUNT_MAX)
- },
+ }),
AddWorkingGroupLeaderOpening: (currentBlock: number) => ({
+ workingGroup: Yup.string(),
activateAt: Yup.string().required(),
activateAtBlock: Yup.number()
.when('activateAt', {
@@ -289,12 +279,14 @@ const Validation: ValidationType = {
then: minMaxInt(MAX_APPLICATIONS_MIN, MAX_APPLICATIONS_MAX, 'Max. number of applications')
applicationStakeRequired: Yup.boolean(),
+ applicationStakeMode: Yup.string(),
applicationStakeValue: Yup.number()
.when('applicationStakeRequired', {
is: true,
roleStakeRequired: Yup.boolean(),
+ roleStakeMode: Yup.string(),
roleStakeValue: Yup.number()
.when('roleStakeRequired', {
is: true,
@@ -332,6 +324,10 @@ const Validation: ValidationType = {
return true;
+ }),
+ SetWorkingGroupMintCapacity: () => ({
+ workingGroup: Yup.string(),
+ capacity: minMaxInt(WG_MINT_CAP_MIN, WG_MINT_CAP_MAX, 'Mint capacity')