@@ -1,92 +1,111 @@
import BN from 'bn.js'
import { types } from '@joystream/types/'
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api'
-import { QueryableStorageMultiArg, SubmittableExtrinsic, QueryableStorageEntry } from '@polkadot/api/types'
+import { SubmittableExtrinsic, AugmentedQuery } from '@polkadot/api/types'
import { formatBalance } from '@polkadot/util'
-import { Balance, Moment, BlockNumber } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces'
+import { Balance } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces'
import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
-import { Codec, CodecArg } from '@polkadot/types/types'
-import { Option, Vec, UInt } from '@polkadot/types'
+import { Codec, Observable } from '@polkadot/types/types'
+import { UInt, Bytes } from '@polkadot/types'
import {
- CouncilInfoObj,
- CouncilInfoTuple,
- createCouncilInfoObj,
- OpeningStatus,
- GroupOpeningStage,
- GroupOpening,
- GroupApplication,
- openingPolicyUnstakingPeriodsKeys,
- UnstakingPeriods,
- StakingPolicyUnstakingPeriodKey,
+ ApplicationDetails,
+ OpeningDetails,
+ UnaugmentedApiPromise,
+ MemberDetails,
} from './Types'
import { DeriveBalancesAll } from '@polkadot/api-derive/types'
import { CLIError } from '@oclif/errors'
-import ExitCodes from './ExitCodes'
import {
- RoleStakeProfile,
- Opening as WGOpening,
- Application as WGApplication,
+ OpeningId,
+ Application,
+ ApplicationId,
+ Opening,
} from '@joystream/types/working-group'
+import { Membership, StakingAccountMemberBinding } from '@joystream/types/members'
+import { MemberId, ChannelId } from '@joystream/types/common'
import {
- Opening,
- Application,
- OpeningStage,
- ApplicationStageKeys,
- ApplicationId,
- OpeningId,
- StakingPolicy,
-} from '@joystream/types/hiring'
-import { MemberId, Membership } from '@joystream/types/members'
-import { RewardRelationship, RewardRelationshipId } from '@joystream/types/recurring-rewards'
-import { Stake, StakeId } from '@joystream/types/stake'
-import { InputValidationLengthConstraint } from '@joystream/types/common'
-import { Class, ClassId, CuratorGroup, CuratorGroupId, Entity, EntityId } from '@joystream/types/content-directory'
-import { ContentId, DataObject } from '@joystream/types/media'
-import { ServiceProviderRecord, Url } from '@joystream/types/discovery'
+ Channel,
+ Video,
+ ChannelCategoryId,
+ VideoId,
+ CuratorGroupId,
+ CuratorGroup,
+ ChannelCategory,
+ VideoCategoryId,
+ VideoCategory,
+} from '@joystream/types/content'
+import { ContentId, DataObject } from '@joystream/types/storage'
import _ from 'lodash'
+import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache, HttpLink, NormalizedCacheObject, DocumentNode } from '@apollo/client'
+import fetch from 'cross-fetch'
+import { Maybe } from './graphql/generated/schema'
+import {
+ GetMemberById,
+ GetMemberByIdQuery,
+ GetMemberByIdQueryVariables,
+ MembershipFieldsFragment,
+} from './graphql/generated/queries'
+import { GenericAccountId as AccountId } from '@polkadot/types/generic/AccountId'
export const DEFAULT_API_URI = 'ws://localhost:9944/'
-const DEFAULT_DECIMALS = new BN(12)
// Mapping of working group to api module
-export const apiModuleByGroup: { [key in WorkingGroups]: string } = {
+export const apiModuleByGroup = {
[WorkingGroups.StorageProviders]: 'storageWorkingGroup',
[WorkingGroups.Curators]: 'contentDirectoryWorkingGroup',
+ [WorkingGroups.Forum]: 'forumWorkingGroup',
+ [WorkingGroups.Membership]: 'membershipWorkingGroup',
+} as const
+export const lockIdByWorkingGroup: { [K in WorkingGroups]: string } = {
+ [WorkingGroups.StorageProviders]: '0x0606060606060606',
+ [WorkingGroups.Curators]: '0x0707070707070707',
+ [WorkingGroups.Forum]: '0x0808080808080808',
+ [WorkingGroups.Membership]: '0x0909090909090909',
// Api wrapper for handling most common api calls and allowing easy API implementation switch in the future
export default class Api {
private _api: ApiPromise
- private _cdClassesCache: [ClassId, Class][] | null = null
- private constructor(originalApi: ApiPromise) {
+ private _queryNode?: ApolloClient<NormalizedCacheObject>
+ public isDevelopment = false
+ private constructor(
+ originalApi: ApiPromise,
+ isDevelopment: boolean,
+ queryNodeClient?: ApolloClient<NormalizedCacheObject>
+ ) {
+ this.isDevelopment = isDevelopment
this._api = originalApi
+ this._queryNode = queryNodeClient
public getOriginalApi(): ApiPromise {
return this._api
- private static async initApi(
- apiUri: string = DEFAULT_API_URI,
- metadataCache: Record<string, any>
- ): Promise<ApiPromise> {
+ // Get api for use-cases where no type augmentations are desirable
+ public getUnaugmentedApi(): UnaugmentedApiPromise {
+ return (this._api as unknown) as UnaugmentedApiPromise
+ }
+ private static async initApi(apiUri: string = DEFAULT_API_URI, metadataCache: Record<string, any>) {
const wsProvider: WsProvider = new WsProvider(apiUri)
- const api = await ApiPromise.create({ provider: wsProvider, types, metadata: metadataCache })
+ const api = new ApiPromise({ provider: wsProvider, types, metadata: metadataCache })
+ await api.isReadyOrError
// Initializing some api params based on pioneer/packages/react-api/Api.tsx
- const [properties] = await Promise.all([api.rpc.system.properties()])
+ const [properties, chainType] = await Promise.all([api.rpc.system.properties(), api.rpc.system.chainType()])
- const tokenSymbol = properties.tokenSymbol.unwrapOr('DEV').toString()
- const tokenDecimals = properties.tokenDecimals.unwrapOr(DEFAULT_DECIMALS).toNumber()
+ const tokenSymbol = properties.tokenSymbol.unwrap()[0].toString()
+ const tokenDecimals = properties.tokenDecimals.unwrap()[0].toNumber()
// formatBlanace config
@@ -94,29 +113,66 @@ export default class Api {
unit: tokenSymbol,
- return api
+ return { api, properties, chainType }
- static async create(apiUri: string = DEFAULT_API_URI, metadataCache: Record<string, any>): Promise<Api> {
- const originalApi: ApiPromise = await Api.initApi(apiUri, metadataCache)
- return new Api(originalApi)
+ private static async createQueryNodeClient(uri: string) {
+ return new ApolloClient({
+ link: new HttpLink({ uri, fetch }),
+ cache: new InMemoryCache(),
+ defaultOptions: { query: { fetchPolicy: 'no-cache', errorPolicy: 'all' } },
+ })
- private queryMultiOnce(queries: Parameters<typeof ApiPromise.prototype.queryMulti>[0]): Promise<Codec[]> {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- let unsub: () => void
- this._api
- .queryMulti(queries, (res) => {
- // unsub should already be set at this point
- if (!unsub) {
- reject(new CLIError('API queryMulti issue - unsub method not set!', { exit: ExitCodes.ApiError }))
- }
- unsub()
- resolve(res)
- })
- .then((unsubscribe) => (unsub = unsubscribe))
- .catch((e) => reject(e))
- })
+ static async create(
+ metadataCache: Record<string, any>,
+ queryNodeUri?: string
+ ): Promise<Api> {
+ const { api, chainType } = await Api.initApi(apiUri, metadataCache)
+ const queryNodeClient = queryNodeUri ? await this.createQueryNodeClient(queryNodeUri) : undefined
+ return new Api(api, chainType.isDevelopment || chainType.isLocal, queryNodeClient)
+ }
+ // Query-node: get entity by unique input
+ protected async uniqueEntityQuery<
+ QueryT extends { [k: string]: Maybe<Record<string, unknown>> | undefined },
+ VariablesT extends Record<string, unknown>
+ >(
+ query: DocumentNode,
+ variables: VariablesT,
+ resultKey: keyof QueryT
+ ): Promise<Required<QueryT>[keyof QueryT] | null | undefined> {
+ if (!this._queryNode) {
+ return
+ }
+ return (await this._queryNode.query<QueryT, VariablesT>({ query, variables })).data[resultKey] || null
+ }
+ // Query-node: get entities by "non-unique" input and return first result
+ protected async firstEntityQuery<
+ QueryT extends { [k: string]: unknown[] },
+ VariablesT extends Record<string, unknown>
+ >(
+ query: DocumentNode,
+ variables: VariablesT,
+ resultKey: keyof QueryT
+ ): Promise<QueryT[keyof QueryT][number] | null | undefined> {
+ if (!this._queryNode) {
+ return
+ }
+ return (await this._queryNode.query<QueryT, VariablesT>({ query, variables })).data[resultKey][0] || null
+ }
+ // Query-node: get multiple entities
+ protected async multipleEntitiesQuery<
+ QueryT extends { [k: string]: unknown[] },
+ VariablesT extends Record<string, unknown>
+ >(query: DocumentNode, variables: VariablesT, resultKey: keyof QueryT): Promise<QueryT[keyof QueryT] | undefined> {
+ if (!this._queryNode) {
+ return
+ }
+ return (await this._queryNode.query<QueryT, VariablesT>({ query, variables })).data[resultKey]
async bestNumber(): Promise<number> {
@@ -140,27 +196,6 @@ export default class Api {
return { balances }
- async getCouncilInfo(): Promise<CouncilInfoObj> {
- const queries: { [P in keyof CouncilInfoObj]: QueryableStorageMultiArg<'promise'> } = {
- activeCouncil: this._api.query.council.activeCouncil,
- termEndsAt: this._api.query.council.termEndsAt,
- autoStart: this._api.query.councilElection.autoStart,
- newTermDuration: this._api.query.councilElection.newTermDuration,
- candidacyLimit: this._api.query.councilElection.candidacyLimit,
- councilSize: this._api.query.councilElection.councilSize,
- minCouncilStake: this._api.query.councilElection.minCouncilStake,
- minVotingStake: this._api.query.councilElection.minVotingStake,
- announcingPeriod: this._api.query.councilElection.announcingPeriod,
- votingPeriod: this._api.query.councilElection.votingPeriod,
- revealingPeriod: this._api.query.councilElection.revealingPeriod,
- round: this._api.query.councilElection.round,
- stage: this._api.query.councilElection.stage,
- }
- const results: CouncilInfoTuple = (await this.queryMultiOnce(Object.values(queries))) as CouncilInfoTuple
- return createCouncilInfoObj(...results)
- }
async estimateFee(account: KeyringPair, tx: SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'>): Promise<Balance> {
const paymentInfo = await tx.paymentInfo(account)
return paymentInfo.partialFee
@@ -174,12 +209,10 @@ export default class Api {
// TODO: This is a lot of repeated logic from "/pioneer/joy-utils/transport"
// It will be refactored to "joystream-js" soon
async entriesByIds<IDType extends UInt, ValueType extends Codec>(
- apiMethod: QueryableStorageEntry<'promise'>,
- firstKey?: CodecArg // First key in case of double maps
+ apiMethod: AugmentedQuery<'promise', (key: IDType) => Observable<ValueType>>
): Promise<[IDType, ValueType][]> {
- const entries: [IDType, ValueType][] = (await apiMethod.entries<ValueType>(firstKey)).map(([storageKey, value]) => [
- // If double-map (first key is provided), we map entries by second key
- storageKey.args[firstKey !== undefined ? 1 : 0] as IDType,
+ const entries: [IDType, ValueType][] = (await apiMethod.entries()).map(([storageKey, value]) => [
+ storageKey.args[0] as IDType,
@@ -193,7 +226,7 @@ export default class Api {
protected async blockTimestamp(height: number): Promise<Date> {
- const blockTime = (await this._api.query.timestamp.now.at(await this.blockHash(height))) as Moment
+ const blockTime = await this._api.query.timestamp.now.at(await this.blockHash(height))
return new Date(blockTime.toNumber())
@@ -203,15 +236,43 @@ export default class Api {
return this._api.query[module]
- protected async membershipById(memberId: MemberId): Promise<Membership | null> {
- const profile = (await this._api.query.members.membershipById(memberId)) as Membership
+ protected async fetchMemberQueryNodeData(memberId: MemberId): Promise<MembershipFieldsFragment | null | undefined> {
+ return this.uniqueEntityQuery<GetMemberByIdQuery, GetMemberByIdQueryVariables>(
+ GetMemberById,
+ {
+ id: memberId.toString(),
+ },
+ 'membershipByUniqueInput'
+ )
+ }
+ async memberDetails(memberId: MemberId, membership: Membership): Promise<MemberDetails> {
+ const memberData = await this.fetchMemberQueryNodeData(memberId)
- // Can't just use profile.isEmpty because profile.suspended is Bool (which isEmpty method always returns false)
- return profile.handle.isEmpty ? null : profile
+ return {
+ id: memberId,
+ name: memberData?.metadata.name,
+ handle: memberData?.handle,
+ membership,
+ }
+ }
+ protected async membershipById(memberId: MemberId): Promise<MemberDetails | null> {
+ const membership = await this._api.query.members.membershipById(memberId)
+ return membership.isEmpty ? null : await this.memberDetails(memberId, membership)
+ }
+ protected async expectedMembershipById(memberId: MemberId): Promise<MemberDetails> {
+ const member = await this.membershipById(memberId)
+ if (!member) {
+ throw new CLIError(`Expected member was not found by id: ${memberId.toString()}`)
+ }
+ return member
async groupLead(group: WorkingGroups): Promise<GroupMember | null> {
- const optLeadId = (await this.workingGroupApiQuery(group).currentLead()) as Option<WorkerId>
+ const optLeadId = await this.workingGroupApiQuery(group).currentLead()
if (!optLeadId.isSome) {
return null
@@ -220,33 +281,22 @@ export default class Api {
const leadWorkerId = optLeadId.unwrap()
const leadWorker = await this.workerByWorkerId(group, leadWorkerId.toNumber())
- return await this.parseGroupMember(leadWorkerId, leadWorker)
- }
- protected async stakeValue(stakeId: StakeId): Promise<Balance> {
- const stake = await this._api.query.stake.stakes<Stake>(stakeId)
- return stake.value
+ return await this.parseGroupMember(group, leadWorkerId, leadWorker)
- protected async workerStake(stakeProfile: RoleStakeProfile): Promise<Balance> {
- return this.stakeValue(stakeProfile.stake_id)
- }
- protected async workerReward(relationshipId: RewardRelationshipId): Promise<Reward> {
- const rewardRelationship = await this._api.query.recurringRewards.rewardRelationships<RewardRelationship>(
- relationshipId
+ protected async fetchStake(account: AccountId | string, group: WorkingGroups): Promise<Balance> {
+ return this._api.createType(
+ 'Balance',
+ new BN(
+ (await this._api.query.balances.locks(account)).find((lock) => lock.id.eq(lockIdByWorkingGroup[group]))
+ ?.amount || 0
+ )
- return {
- totalRecieved: rewardRelationship.total_reward_received,
- value: rewardRelationship.amount_per_payout,
- interval: rewardRelationship.payout_interval.unwrapOr(undefined)?.toNumber(),
- nextPaymentBlock: rewardRelationship.next_payment_at_block.unwrapOr(new BN(0)).toNumber(),
- }
- protected async parseGroupMember(id: WorkerId, worker: Worker): Promise<GroupMember> {
+ protected async parseGroupMember(group: WorkingGroups, id: WorkerId, worker: Worker): Promise<GroupMember> {
const roleAccount = worker.role_account_id
+ const stakingAccount = worker.staking_account_id
const memberId = worker.member_id
const profile = await this.membershipById(memberId)
@@ -255,19 +305,17 @@ export default class Api {
throw new Error(`Group member profile not found! (member id: ${memberId.toNumber()})`)
- let stake: Balance | undefined
- if (worker.role_stake_profile && worker.role_stake_profile.isSome) {
- stake = await this.workerStake(worker.role_stake_profile.unwrap())
- }
+ const stake = await this.fetchStake(worker.staking_account_id, group)
- let reward: Reward | undefined
- if (worker.reward_relationship && worker.reward_relationship.isSome) {
- reward = await this.workerReward(worker.reward_relationship.unwrap())
+ const reward: Reward = {
+ valuePerBlock: worker.reward_per_block.unwrapOr(undefined),
+ totalMissed: worker.missed_reward.unwrapOr(undefined),
return {
workerId: id,
+ stakingAccount,
@@ -294,14 +342,14 @@ export default class Api {
async groupMember(group: WorkingGroups, workerId: number) {
const worker = await this.workerByWorkerId(group, workerId)
- return await this.parseGroupMember(this._api.createType('WorkerId', workerId), worker)
+ return await this.parseGroupMember(group, this._api.createType('WorkerId', workerId), worker)
async groupMembers(group: WorkingGroups): Promise<GroupMember[]> {
const workerEntries = await this.groupWorkers(group)
const groupMembers: GroupMember[] = await Promise.all(
- workerEntries.map(([id, worker]) => this.parseGroupMember(id, worker))
+ workerEntries.map(([id, worker]) => this.parseGroupMember(group, id, worker))
return groupMembers.reverse() // Sort by newest
@@ -311,248 +359,202 @@ export default class Api {
return this.entriesByIds<WorkerId, Worker>(this.workingGroupApiQuery(group).workerById)
- async openingsByGroup(group: WorkingGroups): Promise<GroupOpening[]> {
- let openings: GroupOpening[] = []
- const nextId = await this.workingGroupApiQuery(group).nextOpeningId<OpeningId>()
- // This is chain specfic, but if next id is still 0, it means no openings have been added yet
- if (!nextId.eq(0)) {
- const ids = Array.from(Array(nextId.toNumber()).keys()).reverse() // Sort by newest
- openings = await Promise.all(ids.map((id) => this.groupOpening(group, id)))
- }
- return openings
- }
+ async openingsByGroup(group: WorkingGroups): Promise<OpeningDetails[]> {
+ const openings = await this.entriesByIds<OpeningId, Opening>(this.workingGroupApiQuery(group).openingById)
- protected async hiringOpeningById(id: number | OpeningId): Promise<Opening> {
- const result = await this._api.query.hiring.openingById<Opening>(id)
- return result
+ return Promise.all(openings.map(([id, opening]) => this.fetchOpeningDetails(group, opening, id.toNumber())))
- protected async hiringApplicationById(id: number | ApplicationId): Promise<Application> {
- const result = await this._api.query.hiring.applicationById<Application>(id)
- return result
- }
- async wgApplicationById(group: WorkingGroups, wgApplicationId: number): Promise<WGApplication> {
+ async applicationById(group: WorkingGroups, applicationId: number): Promise<Application> {
const nextAppId = await this.workingGroupApiQuery(group).nextApplicationId<ApplicationId>()
- if (wgApplicationId < 0 || wgApplicationId >= nextAppId.toNumber()) {
+ if (applicationId < 0 || applicationId >= nextAppId.toNumber()) {
throw new CLIError('Invalid working group application ID!')
- const result = await this.workingGroupApiQuery(group).applicationById<WGApplication>(wgApplicationId)
- return result
- }
+ const result = await this.workingGroupApiQuery(group).applicationById(applicationId)
- protected async parseApplication(wgApplicationId: number, wgApplication: WGApplication): Promise<GroupApplication> {
- const appId = wgApplication.application_id
- const application = await this.hiringApplicationById(appId)
+ if (result.isEmpty) {
+ throw new CLIError(`Application of ID=${applicationId} no longer exists!`)
+ }
- const { active_role_staking_id: roleStakingId, active_application_staking_id: appStakingId } = application
+ return result
+ }
+ protected async fetchApplicationDetails(
+ applicationId: number,
+ application: Application
+ ): Promise<ApplicationDetails> {
return {
- wgApplicationId,
- applicationId: appId.toNumber(),
- wgOpeningId: wgApplication.opening_id.toNumber(),
- member: await this.membershipById(wgApplication.member_id),
- roleAccout: wgApplication.role_account_id,
- stakes: {
- application: appStakingId.isSome ? (await this.stakeValue(appStakingId.unwrap())).toNumber() : 0,
- role: roleStakingId.isSome ? (await this.stakeValue(roleStakingId.unwrap())).toNumber() : 0,
- },
- humanReadableText: application.human_readable_text.toString(),
- stage: application.stage.type as ApplicationStageKeys,
+ applicationId,
+ member: await this.expectedMembershipById(application.member_id),
+ roleAccout: application.role_account_id,
+ rewardAccount: application.reward_account_id,
+ stakingAccount: application.staking_account_id,
+ descriptionHash: application.description_hash.toString(),
+ openingId: application.opening_id.toNumber(),
- async groupApplication(group: WorkingGroups, wgApplicationId: number): Promise<GroupApplication> {
- const wgApplication = await this.wgApplicationById(group, wgApplicationId)
- return await this.parseApplication(wgApplicationId, wgApplication)
+ async groupApplication(group: WorkingGroups, applicationId: number): Promise<ApplicationDetails> {
+ const application = await this.applicationById(group, applicationId)
+ return await this.fetchApplicationDetails(applicationId, application)
- protected async groupOpeningApplications(group: WorkingGroups, wgOpeningId: number): Promise<GroupApplication[]> {
- const wgApplicationEntries = await this.entriesByIds<ApplicationId, WGApplication>(
+ protected async groupOpeningApplications(group: WorkingGroups, openingId: number): Promise<ApplicationDetails[]> {
+ const applicationEntries = await this.entriesByIds<ApplicationId, Application>(
return Promise.all(
- wgApplicationEntries
- .filter(([, /* id */ wgApplication]) => wgApplication.opening_id.eqn(wgOpeningId))
- .map(([id, wgApplication]) => this.parseApplication(id.toNumber(), wgApplication))
+ applicationEntries
+ .filter(([, application]) => application.opening_id.eqn(openingId))
+ .map(([id, application]) => this.fetchApplicationDetails(id.toNumber(), application))
- async groupOpening(group: WorkingGroups, wgOpeningId: number): Promise<GroupOpening> {
- const nextId = ((await this.workingGroupApiQuery(group).nextOpeningId()) as OpeningId).toNumber()
+ async fetchOpening(group: WorkingGroups, openingId: number): Promise<Opening> {
+ const nextId = (await this.workingGroupApiQuery(group).nextOpeningId()).toNumber()
- if (wgOpeningId < 0 || wgOpeningId >= nextId) {
+ if (openingId < 0 || openingId >= nextId) {
throw new CLIError('Invalid working group opening ID!')
- const groupOpening = await this.workingGroupApiQuery(group).openingById<WGOpening>(wgOpeningId)
- const openingId = groupOpening.hiring_opening_id.toNumber()
- const opening = await this.hiringOpeningById(openingId)
- const applications = await this.groupOpeningApplications(group, wgOpeningId)
- const stage = await this.parseOpeningStage(opening.stage)
- const type = groupOpening.opening_type
- const { application_staking_policy: applSP, role_staking_policy: roleSP } = opening
- const stakes = {
- application: applSP.unwrapOr(undefined),
- role: roleSP.unwrapOr(undefined),
- }
+ const opening = await this.workingGroupApiQuery(group).openingById(openingId)
- const unstakingPeriod = (period: Option<BlockNumber>) => period.unwrapOr(new BN(0)).toNumber()
- const spUnstakingPeriod = (sp: Option<StakingPolicy>, key: StakingPolicyUnstakingPeriodKey) =>
- sp.isSome ? unstakingPeriod(sp.unwrap()[key]) : 0
- const unstakingPeriods: Partial<UnstakingPeriods> = {
- 'review_period_expired_application_stake_unstaking_period_length': spUnstakingPeriod(
- applSP,
- 'review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length'
- ),
- 'crowded_out_application_stake_unstaking_period_length': spUnstakingPeriod(
- applSP,
- 'crowded_out_unstaking_period_length'
- ),
- 'review_period_expired_role_stake_unstaking_period_length': spUnstakingPeriod(
- roleSP,
- 'review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length'
- ),
- 'crowded_out_role_stake_unstaking_period_length': spUnstakingPeriod(
- roleSP,
- 'crowded_out_unstaking_period_length'
- ),
+ if (opening.isEmpty) {
+ throw new CLIError(`Opening of ID=${openingId} no longer exists!`)
- openingPolicyUnstakingPeriodsKeys.forEach((key) => {
- unstakingPeriods[key] = unstakingPeriod(groupOpening.policy_commitment[key])
- })
+ return opening
+ }
+ async fetchOpeningDetails(group: WorkingGroups, opening: Opening, openingId: number): Promise<OpeningDetails> {
+ const applications = await this.groupOpeningApplications(group, openingId)
+ const type = opening.opening_type
+ const stake = {
+ unstakingPeriod: opening.stake_policy.leaving_unstaking_period.toNumber(),
+ value: opening.stake_policy.stake_amount,
+ }
return {
- wgOpeningId,
- opening,
- stage,
- stakes,
- unstakingPeriods: unstakingPeriods as UnstakingPeriods,
+ stake,
+ createdAtBlock: opening.created.toNumber(),
+ rewardPerBlock: opening.reward_per_block.unwrapOr(undefined),
- async parseOpeningStage(stage: OpeningStage): Promise<GroupOpeningStage> {
- let status: OpeningStatus | undefined, stageBlock: number | undefined, stageDate: Date | undefined
- if (stage.isOfType('WaitingToBegin')) {
- const stageData = stage.asType('WaitingToBegin')
- const currentBlockNumber = (await this._api.derive.chain.bestNumber()).toNumber()
- const expectedBlockTime = (this._api.consts.babe.expectedBlockTime as Moment).toNumber()
- status = OpeningStatus.WaitingToBegin
- stageBlock = stageData.begins_at_block.toNumber()
- stageDate = new Date(Date.now() + (stageBlock - currentBlockNumber) * expectedBlockTime)
- }
- if (stage.isOfType('Active')) {
- const stageData = stage.asType('Active')
- const substage = stageData.stage
- if (substage.isOfType('AcceptingApplications')) {
- status = OpeningStatus.AcceptingApplications
- stageBlock = substage.asType('AcceptingApplications').started_accepting_applicants_at_block.toNumber()
- }
- if (substage.isOfType('ReviewPeriod')) {
- status = OpeningStatus.InReview
- stageBlock = substage.asType('ReviewPeriod').started_review_period_at_block.toNumber()
- }
- if (substage.isOfType('Deactivated')) {
- status = substage.asType('Deactivated').cause.isOfType('Filled')
- ? OpeningStatus.Complete
- : OpeningStatus.Cancelled
- stageBlock = substage.asType('Deactivated').deactivated_at_block.toNumber()
- }
- if (stageBlock) {
- stageDate = new Date(await this.blockTimestamp(stageBlock))
- }
- }
- return {
- status: status || OpeningStatus.Unknown,
- block: stageBlock,
- date: stageDate,
- }
+ async groupOpening(group: WorkingGroups, openingId: number): Promise<OpeningDetails> {
+ const opening = await this.fetchOpening(group, openingId)
+ return this.fetchOpeningDetails(group, opening, openingId)
- async getMemberIdsByControllerAccount(address: string): Promise<MemberId[]> {
- const ids = await this._api.query.members.memberIdsByControllerAccountId<Vec<MemberId>>(address)
- return ids.toArray()
+ async allMembers(): Promise<[MemberId, Membership][]> {
+ return this.entriesByIds<MemberId, Membership>(this._api.query.members.membershipById)
- async workerExitRationaleConstraint(group: WorkingGroups): Promise<InputValidationLengthConstraint> {
- return await this.workingGroupApiQuery(group).workerExitRationaleText<InputValidationLengthConstraint>()
+ // Content directory
+ async availableChannels(): Promise<[ChannelId, Channel][]> {
+ return await this.entriesByIds<ChannelId, Channel>(this._api.query.content.channelById)
- // Content directory
- async availableClasses(useCache = true): Promise<[ClassId, Class][]> {
- return useCache && this._cdClassesCache
- ? this._cdClassesCache
- : (this._cdClassesCache = await this.entriesByIds<ClassId, Class>(this._api.query.contentDirectory.classById))
+ async availableVideos(): Promise<[VideoId, Video][]> {
+ return await this.entriesByIds<VideoId, Video>(this._api.query.content.videoById)
availableCuratorGroups(): Promise<[CuratorGroupId, CuratorGroup][]> {
- return this.entriesByIds<CuratorGroupId, CuratorGroup>(this._api.query.contentDirectory.curatorGroupById)
+ return this.entriesByIds<CuratorGroupId, CuratorGroup>(this._api.query.content.curatorGroupById)
async curatorGroupById(id: number): Promise<CuratorGroup | null> {
const exists = !!(await this._api.query.contentDirectory.curatorGroupById.size(id)).toNumber()
- return exists ? await this._api.query.contentDirectory.curatorGroupById<CuratorGroup>(id) : null
+ return exists ? await this._api.query.contentDirectory.curatorGroupById(id) : null
async nextCuratorGroupId(): Promise<number> {
- return (await this._api.query.contentDirectory.nextCuratorGroupId<CuratorGroupId>()).toNumber()
+ return (await this._api.query.contentDirectory.nextCuratorGroupId()).toNumber()
- async classById(id: number): Promise<Class | null> {
- const c = await this._api.query.contentDirectory.classById<Class>(id)
- return c.isEmpty ? null : c
+ async channelById(channelId: ChannelId | number | string): Promise<Channel> {
+ // isEmpty will not work for { MemmberId: 0 } ownership
+ const exists = !!(await this._api.query.content.channelById.size(channelId)).toNumber()
+ if (!exists) {
+ throw new CLIError(`Channel by id ${channelId.toString()} not found!`)
+ }
+ const channel = await this._api.query.content.channelById(channelId)
+ return channel
- async entitiesByClassId(classId: number): Promise<[EntityId, Entity][]> {
- const entityEntries = await this.entriesByIds<EntityId, Entity>(this._api.query.contentDirectory.entityById)
- return entityEntries.filter(([, entity]) => entity.class_id.toNumber() === classId)
+ async videosByChannelId(channelId: ChannelId | number | string): Promise<[VideoId, Video][]> {
+ const channel = await this.channelById(channelId)
+ if (channel) {
+ return Promise.all(
+ channel.videos.map(
+ async (videoId) => [videoId, await this._api.query.content.videoById<Video>(videoId)] as [VideoId, Video]
+ )
+ )
+ } else {
+ return []
+ }
- async entityById(id: number): Promise<Entity | null> {
- const exists = !!(await this._api.query.contentDirectory.entityById.size(id)).toNumber()
- return exists ? await this._api.query.contentDirectory.entityById<Entity>(id) : null
+ async videoById(videoId: VideoId | number | string): Promise<Video> {
+ const video = await this._api.query.content.videoById<Video>(videoId)
+ if (video.isEmpty) {
+ throw new CLIError(`Video by id ${videoId.toString()} not found!`)
+ }
+ return video
- async dataObjectByContentId(contentId: ContentId): Promise<DataObject | null> {
- const dataObject = await this._api.query.dataDirectory.dataObjectByContentId<Option<DataObject>>(contentId)
- return dataObject.unwrapOr(null)
+ async channelCategoryIds(): Promise<ChannelCategoryId[]> {
+ // There is currently no way to differentiate between unexisting and existing category
+ // other than fetching all existing category ids (event the .size() trick does not work, as the object is empty)
+ return (
+ await this.entriesByIds<ChannelCategoryId, ChannelCategory>(this._api.query.content.channelCategoryById)
+ ).map(([id]) => id)
- async ipnsIdentity(storageProviderId: number): Promise<string | null> {
- const accountInfo = await this._api.query.discovery.accountInfoByStorageProviderId<ServiceProviderRecord>(
- storageProviderId
+ async videoCategoryIds(): Promise<VideoCategoryId[]> {
+ // There is currently no way to differentiate between unexisting and existing category
+ // other than fetching all existing category ids (event the .size() trick does not work, as the object is empty)
+ return (await this.entriesByIds<VideoCategoryId, VideoCategory>(this._api.query.content.videoCategoryById)).map(
+ ([id]) => id
- return accountInfo.isEmpty || accountInfo.expires_at.toNumber() <= (await this.bestNumber())
- ? null
- : accountInfo.identity.toString()
+ }
+ async dataObjectsByContentIds(contentIds: ContentId[]): Promise<DataObject[]> {
+ const dataObjects = await this._api.query.dataDirectory.dataByContentId.multi<DataObject>(contentIds)
+ const notFoundIndex = dataObjects.findIndex((o) => o.isEmpty)
+ if (notFoundIndex !== -1) {
+ throw new CLIError(`DataObject not found by id ${contentIds[notFoundIndex].toString()}`)
+ }
+ return dataObjects
async getRandomBootstrapEndpoint(): Promise<string | null> {
- const endpoints = await this._api.query.discovery.bootstrapEndpoints<Vec<Url>>()
+ const endpoints = await this._api.query.discovery.bootstrapEndpoints()
const randomEndpoint = _.sample(endpoints.toArray())
return randomEndpoint ? randomEndpoint.toString() : null
- async isAnyProviderAvailable(): Promise<boolean> {
- const accounInfoEntries = await this.entriesByIds<StorageProviderId, ServiceProviderRecord>(
- this._api.query.discovery.accountInfoByStorageProviderId
- )
+ async storageProviderEndpoint(storageProviderId: StorageProviderId | number): Promise<string> {
+ const value = await this._api.query.storageWorkingGroup.workerStorage(storageProviderId)
+ return this._api.createType('Text', value).toString()
+ }
+ async allStorageProviderEndpoints(): Promise<string[]> {
+ const workerIds = (await this.groupWorkers(WorkingGroups.StorageProviders)).map(([id]) => id)
+ const workerStorages = await this._api.query.storageWorkingGroup.workerStorage.multi<Bytes>(workerIds)
+ return workerStorages.map((storage) => this._api.createType('Text', storage).toString())
+ }
- const bestNumber = await this.bestNumber()
- return !!accounInfoEntries.filter(([, info]) => info.expires_at.toNumber() > bestNumber).length
+ async stakingAccountStatus(account: string): Promise<StakingAccountMemberBinding | null> {
+ const status = await this.getOriginalApi().query.members.stakingAccountIdMemberStatus(account)
+ return status.isEmpty ? null : status