@@ -46,8 +46,18 @@ pub enum ProposalDetails<MintedBalance, CurrencyBalance, BlockNumber, AccountId,
/// Balance for the `set content working group mint capacity` proposal
+ /// ********** Deprecated during the Nicaea release.
+ /// It is kept only for backward compatibility in the Pioneer. **********
+ /// AccountId for the `evict storage provider` proposal
+ EvictStorageProvider(AccountId),
/// Validator count for the `set validator count` proposal
+ /// ********** Deprecated during the Nicaea release.
+ /// It is kept only for backward compatibility in the Pioneer. **********
+ /// Role parameters for the `set storage role parameters` proposal
+ SetStorageRoleParameters(RoleParameters<CurrencyBalance, BlockNumber>),
impl<MintedBalance, CurrencyBalance, BlockNumber, AccountId, MemberId> Default
@@ -58,6 +68,45 @@ impl<MintedBalance, CurrencyBalance, BlockNumber, AccountId, MemberId> Default
+/// ********** Deprecated during the Nicaea release.
+/// It is kept only for backward compatibility in the Pioneer. **********
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
+pub struct RoleParameters<Balance, BlockNumber> {
+ /// Minimum balance required to stake to enter a role.
+ pub min_stake: Balance,
+ /// Minimum actors to maintain - if role is unstaking
+ /// and remaining actors would be less that this value - prevent or punish for unstaking.
+ pub min_actors: u32,
+ /// The maximum number of spots available to fill for a role.
+ pub max_actors: u32,
+ /// Fixed amount of tokens paid to actors' primary account.
+ pub reward: Balance,
+ /// Payouts are made at this block interval.
+ pub reward_period: BlockNumber,
+ /// Minimum amount of time before being able to unstake.
+ pub bonding_period: BlockNumber,
+ /// How long tokens remain locked for after unstaking.
+ pub unbonding_period: BlockNumber,
+ /// Minimum period required to be in service. unbonding before this time is highly penalized
+ pub min_service_period: BlockNumber,
+ /// "Startup" time allowed for roles that need to sync their infrastructure
+ /// with other providers before they are considered in service and punishable for
+ /// not delivering required level of service.
+ pub startup_grace_period: BlockNumber,
+ /// Small fee burned to make a request to enter role.
+ pub entry_request_fee: Balance,
/// Contains proposal config parameters. Default values are used by migration and genesis config.
pub struct ProposalsConfigParameters {
/// 'Set validator count' proposal voting period