@@ -5,368 +5,299 @@ import { JoyStructDecorated, JoyEnum, ChannelId, MemberId, Balance, Hash, BlockN
import { GenericAccountId as AccountId } from '@polkadot/types/generic/AccountId'
import { DataObjectId, DataObjectCreationParameters } from '../storage'
-export class CuratorId extends u64 {}
-export class CuratorGroupId extends u64 {}
-export class ChannelCategoryId extends u64 {}
-export class VideoId extends u64 {}
-export class VideoCategoryId extends u64 {}
-export class PlaylistId extends u64 {}
-export class PersonId extends u64 {}
-export class SeriesId extends u64 {}
-export class ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId extends u64 {}
-export class MaxNumber extends u32 {}
-export class IsCensored extends bool {}
-export class VideoPostId extends u64 {}
-export class ReactionId extends u64 {}
-export class CurrencyOf extends BalanceOf {}
-export class CurrencyAmount extends CurrencyOf {}
+export class CuratorId extends u64 { }
+export class CuratorGroupId extends u64 { }
+export class ChannelCategoryId extends u64 { }
+export class VideoId extends u64 { }
+export class VideoCategoryId extends u64 { }
+export class MaxNumber extends u32 { }
+export class IsCensored extends bool { }
+export class VideoPostId extends u64 { }
+export class ReactionId extends u64 { }
+export class CurrencyOf extends BalanceOf { }
+export class CurrencyAmount extends CurrencyOf { }
// NFT types
-export class Royalty extends UInt {}
-export class IsExtended extends bool {}
+export class Royalty extends UInt { }
+export class IsExtended extends bool { }
export class EnglishAuctionDetails extends JoyStructDecorated({
- extension_period: BlockNumber,
- auction_duration: BlockNumber,
-}) {}
+ extension_period: BlockNumber,
+ auction_duration: BlockNumber,
+}) { }
export class OpenAuctionDetails extends JoyStructDecorated({
- bid_lock_duration: BlockNumber,
-}) {}
+ bid_lock_duration: BlockNumber,
+}) { }
export class AuctionType extends JoyEnum({
- English: EnglishAuctionDetails,
- Open: OpenAuctionDetails,
-}) {}
+ English: EnglishAuctionDetails,
+ Open: OpenAuctionDetails,
+}) { }
export class Bid extends JoyStructDecorated({
- bidder: MemberId,
- bidder_account_id: AccountId,
- amount: Balance,
- made_at_block: BlockNumber,
-}) {}
+ bidder: MemberId,
+ bidder_account_id: AccountId,
+ amount: Balance,
+ made_at_block: BlockNumber,
+}) { }
export class Auction extends JoyStructDecorated({
- starting_price: Balance,
- buy_now_price: Option.with(Balance),
- auction_type: AuctionType,
- minimal_bid_step: Balance,
- last_bid: Option.with(Bid),
- starts_at: BlockNumber,
- whitelist: BTreeSet.with(MemberId),
-}) {}
+ starting_price: Balance,
+ buy_now_price: Option.with(Balance),
+ auction_type: AuctionType,
+ minimal_bid_step: Balance,
+ last_bid: Option.with(Bid),
+ starts_at: BlockNumber,
+ whitelist: BTreeSet.with(MemberId),
+}) { }
export class TransactionalStatus extends JoyEnum({
- Idle: Null,
- InitiatedOfferToMember: Tuple.with([MemberId, Option.with(Balance)]),
- Auction,
- BuyNow: Balance,
-}) {}
-export class NFTOwner extends JoyEnum({
- ChannelOwner: Null,
- Member: MemberId,
-}) {}
-export class OwnedNFT extends JoyStructDecorated({
- owner: NFTOwner,
- transactional_status: TransactionalStatus,
- creator_royalty: Option.with(Royalty),
-}) {}
+ Idle: Null,
+ InitiatedOfferToMember: Tuple.with([MemberId, Option.with(Balance)]),
+ Auction,
+ BuyNow: Balance,
+}) { }
+export class InitTransactionalStatus extends JoyEnum({
+ Idle: Null,
+ InitiatedOfferToMember: Tuple.with([MemberId, Option.with(Balance)]),
+ Auction: AuctionParams,
+}) { }
+export class NftOwner extends JoyEnum({
+ ChannelOwner: Null,
+ Member: MemberId,
+}) { }
+export class NftIssuanceParameters extend JoyStructDecorated({
+ royalty: Option.with(Royalty),
+ nft_metadata: Bytes,
+ non_channel_owner: Option.with(MemberId),
+ init_transactional_status: InitTransactionalStatusRecord,
+}) { }
+export class OwnedNft extends JoyStructDecorated({
+ owner: NftOwner,
+ transactional_status: TransactionalStatus,
+ creator_royalty: Option.with(Royalty),
+}) { }
export class AuctionParams extends JoyStructDecorated({
- auction_type: AuctionType,
- starting_price: Balance,
- minimal_bid_step: Balance,
- buy_now_price: Option.with(Balance),
- starts_at: Option.with(BlockNumber),
- whitelist: BTreeSet.with(MemberId),
-}) {}
+ auction_type: AuctionType,
+ starting_price: Balance,
+ minimal_bid_step: Balance,
+ buy_now_price: Option.with(Balance),
+ starts_at: Option.with(BlockNumber),
+ whitelist: BTreeSet.with(MemberId),
+}) { }
-// end of NFT types
+// end of Nft types
export class StorageAssets extends JoyStructDecorated({
- object_creation_list: Vec.with(DataObjectCreationParameters),
- expected_data_size_fee: Balance,
-}) {}
+ object_creation_list: Vec.with(DataObjectCreationParameters),
+ expected_data_size_fee: Balance,
+}) { }
export class CuratorGroup extends JoyStructDecorated({
- curators: BTreeSet.with(CuratorId),
- active: bool,
-}) {}
+ curators: BTreeSet.with(CuratorId),
+ active: bool,
+}) { }
export class ContentActor extends JoyEnum({
- Curator: Tuple.with([CuratorGroupId, CuratorId]),
- Member: MemberId,
- Lead: Null,
-}) {}
+ Curator: Tuple.with([CuratorGroupId, CuratorId]),
+ Member: MemberId,
+ Lead: Null,
+}) { }
export class ChannelOwner extends JoyEnum({
- Member: MemberId,
- Curators: CuratorGroupId,
-}) {}
+ Member: MemberId,
+ Curators: CuratorGroupId,
+}) { }
export class Channel extends JoyStructDecorated({
- owner: ChannelOwner,
- num_videos: u64,
- is_censored: bool,
- reward_account: Option.with(AccountId),
- collaborators: BTreeSet.with(MemberId),
- moderators: BTreeSet.with(MemberId),
- cumulative_payout_earned: Balance,
-}) {}
+ owner: ChannelOwner,
+ num_videos: u64,
+ is_censored: bool,
+ reward_account: Option.with(AccountId),
+ collaborators: BTreeSet.with(MemberId),
+ moderators: BTreeSet.with(MemberId),
+ cumulative_payout_earned: Balance,
+}) { }
export class ChannelCreationParameters extends JoyStructDecorated({
- assets: Option.with(StorageAssets),
- meta: Option.with(Bytes),
- reward_account: Option.with(AccountId),
- collaborators: BTreeSet.with(MemberId),
- moderators: BTreeSet.with(MemberId),
-}) {}
+ assets: Option.with(StorageAssets),
+ meta: Option.with(Bytes),
+ reward_account: Option.with(AccountId),
+ collaborators: BTreeSet.with(MemberId),
+ moderators: BTreeSet.with(MemberId),
+}) { }
export class ChannelUpdateParameters extends JoyStructDecorated({
- assets_to_upload: Option.with(StorageAssets),
- new_meta: Option.with(Bytes),
- reward_account: Option.with(Option.with(AccountId)),
- assets_to_remove: BTreeSet.with(DataObjectId),
- collaborators: Option.with(BTreeSet.with(MemberId)),
-}) {}
+ assets_to_upload: Option.with(StorageAssets),
+ new_meta: Option.with(Bytes),
+ reward_account: Option.with(Option.with(AccountId)),
+ assets_to_remove: BTreeSet.with(DataObjectId),
+ collaborators: Option.with(BTreeSet.with(MemberId)),
+}) { }
export class ChannelOwnershipTransferRequest extends JoyStructDecorated({
- channel_id: ChannelId,
- new_owner: ChannelOwner,
- payment: Balance,
- new_reward_account: Option.with(AccountId),
-}) {}
+ channel_id: ChannelId,
+ new_owner: ChannelOwner,
+ payment: Balance,
+ new_reward_account: Option.with(AccountId),
+}) { }
export class ChannelCategory extends JoyStructDecorated({
- // No runtime information is currently stored for a Category.
-}) {}
+ // No runtime information is currently stored for a Category.
+}) { }
export class ChannelCategoryCreationParameters extends JoyStructDecorated({
- meta: Bytes,
-}) {}
+ meta: Bytes,
+}) { }
export class ChannelCategoryUpdateParameters extends JoyStructDecorated({
- new_meta: Bytes,
-}) {}
+ new_meta: Bytes,
+}) { }
export class VideoCategory extends JoyStructDecorated({
- // No runtime information is currently stored for a Category.
-}) {}
+ // No runtime information is currently stored for a Category.
+}) { }
export class VideoCategoryCreationParameters extends JoyStructDecorated({
- meta: Bytes,
-}) {}
+ meta: Bytes,
+}) { }
export class VideoCategoryUpdateParameters extends JoyStructDecorated({
- new_meta: Bytes,
-}) {}
+ new_meta: Bytes,
+}) { }
export class Video extends JoyStructDecorated({
- in_channel: ChannelId,
- in_series: Option.with(SeriesId),
- is_censored: bool,
- enable_comments: bool,
- video_post_id: Option.with(VideoPostId),
- nft_status: Option.with(OwnedNFT),
-}) {}
+ in_channel: ChannelId,
+ is_censored: bool,
+ enable_comments: bool,
+ video_post_id: Option.with(VideoPostId),
+ nft_status: Option.with(OwnedNft),
+}) { }
export class VideoCreationParameters extends JoyStructDecorated({
- assets: Option.with(StorageAssets),
- meta: Option.with(Bytes),
- enable_comments: bool,
-}) {}
+ assets: Option.with(StorageAssets),
+ meta: Option.with(Bytes),
+ enable_comments: bool,
+ auto_issue_nft: Option.with(NftIssuanceParameters),
+}) { }
export class VideoUpdateParameters extends JoyStructDecorated({
- assets_to_upload: Option.with(StorageAssets),
- new_meta: Option.with(Bytes),
- assets_to_remove: BTreeSet.with(DataObjectId),
- enable_comments: Option.with(bool),
-}) {}
-export class Playlist extends JoyStructDecorated({
- in_channel: ChannelId,
-}) {}
-export class PlaylistCreationParameters extends JoyStructDecorated({
- meta: Bytes,
-}) {}
-export class PlaylistUpdateParameters extends JoyStructDecorated({
- new_meta: Bytes,
-}) {}
-export class EpisodeParemters extends JoyEnum({
- NewVideo: VideoCreationParameters,
- ExistingVideo: VideoId,
-}) {}
-export class Season extends JoyStructDecorated({
- episodes: Vec.with(VideoId),
-}) {}
-export class SeasonParameters extends JoyStructDecorated({
- assets: Option.with(StorageAssets),
- episodes: Option.with(Vec.with(Option.with(EpisodeParemters))),
- meta: Option.with(Bytes),
-}) {}
-export class Series extends JoyStructDecorated({
- in_channel: ChannelId,
- seasons: Vec.with(Season),
-}) {}
-export class SeriesParameters extends JoyStructDecorated({
- assets: Option.with(StorageAssets),
- seasons: Option.with(Vec.with(Option.with(SeasonParameters))),
- meta: Option.with(Bytes),
-}) {}
-export class PersonController extends JoyEnum({
- Member: MemberId,
- Curators: Null,
-}) {}
-export class Person extends JoyStructDecorated({
- controlled_by: PersonController,
-}) {}
-export class PersonCreationParameters extends JoyStructDecorated({
- assets: StorageAssets,
- meta: Bytes,
-}) {}
-export class PersonUpdateParameters extends JoyStructDecorated({
- assets: Option.with(StorageAssets),
- meta: Option.with(Bytes),
-}) {}
-export class PersonActor extends JoyEnum({
- Member: MemberId,
- Curator: CuratorId,
-}) {}
+ assets_to_upload: Option.with(StorageAssets),
+ new_meta: Option.with(Bytes),
+ assets_to_remove: BTreeSet.with(DataObjectId),
+ enable_comments: Option.with(bool),
+}) { }
export class VideoMigrationConfig extends JoyStructDecorated({
- current_id: VideoId,
- final_id: VideoId,
-}) {}
+ current_id: VideoId,
+ final_id: VideoId,
+}) { }
export class ChannelMigrationConfig extends JoyStructDecorated({
- current_id: ChannelId,
- final_id: ChannelId,
-}) {}
+ current_id: ChannelId,
+ final_id: ChannelId,
+}) { }
export class VideoPostType extends JoyEnum({
- Description: Null,
- Comment: VideoPostId,
-}) {}
+ Description: Null,
+ Comment: VideoPostId,
+}) { }
export class VideoPost extends JoyStructDecorated({
- author: ContentActor,
- bloat_bond: Balance,
- replies_count: VideoPostId,
- post_type: VideoPostType,
- video_reference: VideoId,
-}) {}
+ author: ContentActor,
+ bloat_bond: Balance,
+ replies_count: VideoPostId,
+ post_type: VideoPostType,
+ video_reference: VideoId,
+}) { }
export class Side extends JoyEnum({
- Left: Null,
- Right: Null,
-}) {}
+ Left: Null,
+ Right: Null,
+}) { }
export class ProofElement extends JoyStructDecorated({
- hash: Hash,
- side: Side,
-}) {}
+ hash: Hash,
+ side: Side,
+}) { }
export class VideoPostCreationParameters extends JoyStructDecorated({
- post_type: VideoPostType,
- video_reference: VideoId,
-}) {}
+ post_type: VideoPostType,
+ video_reference: VideoId,
+}) { }
export class VideoPostDeletionParameters extends JoyStructDecorated({
- witness: Option.with(Hash),
- rationale: Option.with(Bytes),
-}) {}
+ witness: Option.with(Hash),
+ rationale: Option.with(Bytes),
+}) { }
export class PullPayment extends JoyStructDecorated({
- channel_id: ChannelId,
- cumulative_payout_claimed: Balance,
- reason: Hash,
-}) {}
+ channel_id: ChannelId,
+ cumulative_payout_claimed: Balance,
+ reason: Hash,
+}) { }
-export class ModeratorSet extends BTreeSet.with(MemberId) {}
+export class ModeratorSet extends BTreeSet.with(MemberId) { }
export const contentTypes = {
- CuratorId,
- CuratorGroupId,
- CuratorGroup,
- ContentActor,
- StorageAssets,
- Channel,
- ChannelOwner,
- ChannelCategoryId,
- ChannelCategory,
- ChannelCategoryCreationParameters,
- ChannelCategoryUpdateParameters,
- ChannelCreationParameters,
- ChannelUpdateParameters,
- ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId,
- ChannelOwnershipTransferRequest,
- Video,
- VideoId,
- VideoCategoryId,
- VideoCategory,
- VideoCategoryCreationParameters,
- VideoCategoryUpdateParameters,
- VideoCreationParameters,
- VideoUpdateParameters,
- Person,
- PersonId,
- PersonController,
- PersonActor,
- PersonCreationParameters,
- PersonUpdateParameters,
- Playlist,
- PlaylistId,
- PlaylistCreationParameters,
- PlaylistUpdateParameters,
- SeriesId,
- Series,
- Season,
- SeriesParameters,
- SeasonParameters,
- EpisodeParemters,
- MaxNumber,
- IsCensored,
- VideoMigrationConfig,
- ChannelMigrationConfig,
- // Added in Olympia:
- VideoPostId,
- ReactionId,
- VideoPostType,
- VideoPost,
- Side,
- ProofElement,
- VideoPostCreationParameters,
- VideoPostDeletionParameters,
- PullPayment,
- ModeratorSet,
- // NFT
- Royalty,
- IsExtended,
- EnglishAuctionDetails,
- OpenAuctionDetails,
- AuctionType,
- Bid,
- Auction,
- TransactionalStatus,
- NFTOwner,
- OwnedNFT,
- AuctionParams,
- CurrencyOf,
- CurrencyAmount,
+ CuratorId,
+ CuratorGroupId,
+ CuratorGroup,
+ ContentActor,
+ StorageAssets,
+ Channel,
+ ChannelOwner,
+ ChannelCategoryId,
+ ChannelCategory,
+ ChannelCategoryCreationParameters,
+ ChannelCategoryUpdateParameters,
+ ChannelCreationParameters,
+ ChannelUpdateParameters,
+ Video,
+ VideoId,
+ VideoCategoryId,
+ VideoCategory,
+ VideoCategoryCreationParameters,
+ VideoCategoryUpdateParameters,
+ VideoCreationParameters,
+ VideoUpdateParameters,
+ MaxNumber,
+ IsCensored,
+ VideoMigrationConfig,
+ ChannelMigrationConfig,
+ // Added in Olympia:
+ VideoPostId,
+ ReactionId,
+ VideoPostType,
+ VideoPost,
+ Side,
+ ProofElement,
+ VideoPostCreationParameters,
+ VideoPostDeletionParameters,
+ PullPayment,
+ ModeratorSet,
+ // Nft
+ Royalty,
+ IsExtended,
+ EnglishAuctionDetails,
+ OpenAuctionDetails,
+ AuctionType,
+ Bid,
+ Auction,
+ TransactionalStatus,
+ NftOwner,
+ OwnedNft,
+ AuctionParams,
+ CurrencyOf,
+ CurrencyAmount,
+ InitTransctionalStatus,
+ NftIssuanceParameters,
export default contentTypes