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Add runtime-proposal codex integration tests

- add integration test for the ‘set lead’ proposal
- add integration test for the ‘spending’ proposal
Shamil Gadelshin 4 năm trước cách đây
mục cha

+ 1 - 1

@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ decl_module! {
         /// Sets the capacity of the the council mint, if it doesn't exist, attempts to
         /// create a new one.
-        fn set_council_mint_capacity(origin, capacity: minting::BalanceOf<T>) {
+        pub fn set_council_mint_capacity(origin, capacity: minting::BalanceOf<T>) {
             if let Some(mint_id) = Self::council_mint() {

+ 105 - 16

@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ fn initial_test_ext() -> runtime_io::TestExternalities {
+type Balances = balances::Module<Runtime>;
 type System = system::Module<Runtime>;
 type Membership = membership::members::Module<Runtime>;
 type ProposalsEngine = proposals_engine::Module<Runtime>;
@@ -390,27 +391,26 @@ fn proposal_reset_succeeds() {
-fn text_proposal_execution_succeeds() {
-    initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
-        setup_members(7);
+struct CodexProposalTestFixture<SuccessfulCall>
+    SuccessfulCall: Fn() -> DispatchResult<proposals_codex::Error>,
+    successful_call: SuccessfulCall,
+impl<SuccessfulCall> CodexProposalTestFixture<SuccessfulCall>
+    SuccessfulCall: Fn() -> DispatchResult<proposals_codex::Error>,
+    fn call_extrinsic_and_assert(&self) {
+        setup_members(15);
-        let member_id = 1;
+        let member_id = 10;
         let account_id: [u8; 32] = [member_id; 32];
         increase_total_balance_issuance_using_account_id(account_id.clone().into(), 500000);
-        assert_eq!(
-            ProposalCodex::create_text_proposal(
-                RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.into()).into(),
-                member_id as u64,
-                b"title".to_vec(),
-                b"body".to_vec(),
-                Some(<BalanceOf<Runtime>>::from(1250u32)),
-                b"text".to_vec(),
-            ),
-            Ok(())
-        );
+        assert_eq!((self.successful_call)(), Ok(()));
         let proposal_id = 1;
@@ -440,5 +440,94 @@ fn text_proposal_execution_succeeds() {
+    }
+fn text_proposal_execution_succeeds() {
+    initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+        let member_id = 10;
+        let account_id: [u8; 32] = [member_id; 32];
+        let codex_extrinsic_test_fixture = CodexProposalTestFixture {
+            successful_call: || {
+                ProposalCodex::create_text_proposal(
+                    RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.into()).into(),
+                    member_id as u64,
+                    b"title".to_vec(),
+                    b"body".to_vec(),
+                    Some(<BalanceOf<Runtime>>::from(1250u32)),
+                    b"text".to_vec(),
+                )
+            },
+        };
+        codex_extrinsic_test_fixture.call_extrinsic_and_assert();
+    });
+fn set_lead_proposal_execution_succeeds() {
+    initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+        let member_id = 10;
+        let account_id: [u8; 32] = [member_id; 32];
+        let codex_extrinsic_test_fixture = CodexProposalTestFixture {
+            successful_call: || {
+                ProposalCodex::create_set_lead_proposal(
+                    RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone().into()).into(),
+                    member_id as u64,
+                    b"title".to_vec(),
+                    b"body".to_vec(),
+                    Some(<BalanceOf<Runtime>>::from(1250u32)),
+                    Some((member_id as u64, account_id.into())),
+                )
+            },
+        };
+        assert!(content_working_group::Module::<Runtime>::ensure_lead_is_set().is_err());
+        codex_extrinsic_test_fixture.call_extrinsic_and_assert();
+        assert!(content_working_group::Module::<Runtime>::ensure_lead_is_set().is_ok());
+    });
+fn spending_proposal_execution_succeeds() {
+    initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+        let member_id = 10;
+        let account_id: [u8; 32] = [member_id; 32];
+        let new_balance = <BalanceOf<Runtime>>::from(5555u32);
+        let target_account_id: [u8; 32] = [12; 32];
+        assert!(Council::set_council_mint_capacity(RawOrigin::Root.into(), new_balance).is_ok());
+        let codex_extrinsic_test_fixture = CodexProposalTestFixture {
+            successful_call: || {
+                ProposalCodex::create_spending_proposal(
+                    RawOrigin::Signed(account_id.clone().into()).into(),
+                    member_id as u64,
+                    b"title".to_vec(),
+                    b"body".to_vec(),
+                    Some(<BalanceOf<Runtime>>::from(1250u32)),
+                    new_balance,
+                    target_account_id.clone().into(),
+                )
+            },
+        };
+        assert_eq!(
+            Balances::free_balance::<AccountId32>(target_account_id.clone().into()),
+            0
+        );
+        codex_extrinsic_test_fixture.call_extrinsic_and_assert();
+        assert_eq!(
+            Balances::free_balance::<AccountId32>(target_account_id.into()),
+            new_balance
+        );