@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ The repo is split into a number of packages, each representing an application. T
- [app-storage](packages/app-storage/) A simple node storage query application. Multiple queries can be queued and updates as new values become available.
- [app-toolbox](packages/app-toolbox/) Utilities to manage data.
- [app-transfer](packages/app-transfer/) A basic account management app, allowing transfer of DOTs between accounts.
-- [app-vanitygen](packages/app-vanitygen/) A toy that allows you to generate vanity addresses. Running `yarn run vanitygen --match <string>` runs the generator as a Node CLI app. (Orders of a magnitude faster due to the use of libsoldium bindings)
In addition the following libraries are also included in the repo. These are to be moved to the [@polkadot/ui](https://github.com/polkadot-js/ui/) repository once it reaches a base level of stability and usability. (At this point with the framework being tested on the apps above, it makes development easier having it close)