Selaa lähdekoodia

Merge branch 'query_node_mappings_file_split_3' into query_node_mappings

ondratra 4 vuotta sitten
1 muutettua tiedostoa jossa 834 lisäystä ja 0 poistoa
  1. 834 0

+ 834 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,834 @@
+// TODO: add logging of mapping events (entity found/not found, entity updated/deleted, etc.)
+// TODO: split file into multiple files
+// TODO: make sure assets are updated when VideoUpdateParameters have only `assets` parameter set (no `new_meta` set) - if this situation can even happend
+// TODO: check all `db.get()` and similar calls recieve a proper type argument (aka add `.toString()`, etc. to those calls)
+import { SubstrateEvent } from '@dzlzv/hydra-common'
+import { DatabaseManager } from '@dzlzv/hydra-db-utils'
+import ISO6391 from 'iso-639-1';
+// protobuf definitions
+import {
+  ChannelMetadata,
+  ChannelCategoryMetadata,
+  PublishedBeforeJoystream as PublishedBeforeJoystreamMetadata,
+  License as LicenseMetadata,
+  MediaType as MediaTypeMetadata,
+  VideoMetadata,
+  VideoCategoryMetadata,
+} from '@joystream/content-metadata-protobuf'
+import {
+  Content,
+} from '../generated/types'
+import {
+  inconsistentState,
+  prepareBlock,
+  prepareAssetDataObject,
+} from './common'
+// primary entities
+import { Block } from 'query-node/src/modules/block/block.model'
+import { CuratorGroup } from 'query-node/src/modules/curator-group/curator-group.model'
+import { Channel } from 'query-node/src/modules/channel/channel.model'
+import { ChannelCategory } from 'query-node/src/modules/channel-category/channel-category.model'
+import { Video } from 'query-node/src/modules/video/video.model'
+import { VideoCategory } from 'query-node/src/modules/video-category/video-category.model'
+// secondary entities
+import { Language } from 'query-node/src/modules/language/language.model'
+import { License } from 'query-node/src/modules/license/license.model'
+import { VideoMediaEncoding } from 'query-node/src/modules/video-media-encoding/video-media-encoding.model'
+import { VideoMediaMetadata } from 'query-node/src/modules/video-media-metadata/video-media-metadata.model'
+// Asset
+import {
+  Asset,
+  AssetUrl,
+  AssetUploadStatus,
+  AssetStorage,
+  AssetOwner,
+  AssetOwnerMember,
+} from 'query-node/src/modules/variants/variants.model'
+import {
+  AssetDataObject,
+  LiaisonJudgement
+} from 'query-node/src/modules/asset-data-object/asset-data-object.model'
+// Joystream types
+import {
+  ContentParameters,
+  NewAsset,
+} from '@joystream/types/augment'
+/////////////////// Utils //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+async function readProtobuf(
+  type: Channel | ChannelCategory | Video | VideoCategory,
+  metadata: Uint8Array,
+  assets: NewAsset[],
+  db: DatabaseManager,
+  event: SubstrateEvent,
+): Promise<Partial<typeof type>> {
+  // process channel
+  if (type instanceof Channel) {
+    const meta = ChannelMetadata.deserializeBinary(metadata)
+    const metaAsObject = meta.toObject()
+    const result = metaAsObject as any as Channel
+    // prepare cover photo asset if needed
+    if (metaAsObject.coverPhoto !== undefined) {
+      result.coverPhoto = await extractAsset(metaAsObject.coverPhoto, assets, db, event)
+    }
+    // prepare avatar photo asset if needed
+    if (metaAsObject.avatarPhoto !== undefined) {
+      result.avatarPhoto = await extractAsset(metaAsObject.avatarPhoto, assets, db, event)
+    }
+    // prepare language if needed
+    if (metaAsObject.language) {
+      result.language = await prepareLanguage(metaAsObject.language, db)
+    }
+    return result
+  }
+  // process channel category
+  if (type instanceof ChannelCategory) {
+    return ChannelCategoryMetadata.deserializeBinary(metadata).toObject()
+  }
+  // process video
+  if (type instanceof Video) {
+    const meta = VideoMetadata.deserializeBinary(metadata)
+    const metaAsObject = meta.toObject()
+    const result = metaAsObject as any as Video
+    // prepare video category if needed
+    if (metaAsObject.category !== undefined) {
+      result.category = await prepareVideoCategory(metaAsObject.category, db)
+    }
+    // prepare media meta information if needed
+    if (metaAsObject.mediaType) {
+      result.mediaMetadata = await prepareVideoMetadata(metaAsObject)
+      delete metaAsObject.mediaType
+    }
+    // prepare license if needed
+    if (metaAsObject.license) {
+      result.license = await prepareLicense(metaAsObject.license)
+    }
+    // prepare thumbnail photo asset if needed
+    if (metaAsObject.thumbnailPhoto !== undefined) {
+      result.thumbnailPhoto = await extractAsset(metaAsObject.thumbnailPhoto, assets, db, event)
+    }
+    // prepare video asset if needed
+    if ( !== undefined) {
+ = await extractAsset(, assets, db, event)
+    }
+    // prepare language if needed
+    if (metaAsObject.language) {
+      result.language = await prepareLanguage(metaAsObject.language, db)
+    }
+    // prepare information about media published somewhere else before Joystream if needed.
+    if (metaAsObject.publishedBeforeJoystream) {
+      // TODO: is ok to just ignore `isPublished?: boolean` here?
+      if ( {
+        result.publishedBeforeJoystream = new Date(
+      } else {
+        delete result.publishedBeforeJoystream
+      }
+    }
+    return result
+  }
+  // process video category
+  if (type instanceof VideoCategory) {
+    return VideoCategoryMetadata.deserializeBinary(metadata).toObject()
+  }
+  // this should never happen
+  throw `Not implemented type: ${type}`
+async function convertAsset(rawAsset: NewAsset, db: DatabaseManager, event: SubstrateEvent): Promise<typeof Asset> {
+  if (rawAsset.isUrls) {
+    const assetUrl = new AssetUrl()
+    assetUrl.urls = rawAsset.asUrls.toArray().map(item => item.toString())
+    return assetUrl
+  }
+  // !rawAsset.isUrls && rawAsset.isUpload
+  const contentParameters: ContentParameters = rawAsset.asUpload
+  const block = await prepareBlock(db, event)
+  const assetStorage = await prepareAssetDataObject(contentParameters, block)
+  return assetStorage
+async function extractAsset(
+  assetIndex: number | undefined,
+  assets: NewAsset[],
+  db: DatabaseManager,
+  event: SubstrateEvent,
+): Promise<typeof Asset | undefined> {
+  if (assetIndex === undefined) {
+    return undefined
+  }
+  if (assetIndex > assets.length) {
+    return inconsistentState()
+  }
+  return convertAsset(assets[assetIndex], db, event)
+async function prepareLanguage(languageIso: string, db: DatabaseManager): Promise<Language> {
+  const isValidIso = ISO6391.validate(languageIso);
+  if (!isValidIso) {
+    return inconsistentState()
+  }
+  const language = await db.get(Language, { where: { iso: languageIso }})
+  if (language) {
+    return language;
+  }
+  const newLanguage = new Language({
+    iso: languageIso
+  })
+  return newLanguage
+async function prepareLicense(licenseProtobuf: LicenseMetadata.AsObject): Promise<License> {
+  const license = new License(licenseProtobuf)
+  return license
+async function prepareVideoMetadata(videoProtobuf: VideoMetadata.AsObject): Promise<VideoMediaMetadata> {
+  const encoding = new VideoMediaEncoding(videoProtobuf.mediaType)
+  const videoMeta = new VideoMediaMetadata({
+    encoding,
+    pixelWidth: videoProtobuf.mediaPixelWidth,
+    pixelHeight: videoProtobuf.mediaPixelHeight,
+    size: 0, // TODO: retrieve proper file size
+  })
+  return videoMeta
+async function prepareVideoCategory(categoryId: number, db: DatabaseManager): Promise<VideoCategory> {
+  const category = await db.get(VideoCategory, { where: { id: categoryId }})
+  if (!category) {
+    return inconsistentState()
+  }
+  return category
+/////////////////// Channel ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
+export async function content_ChannelCreated(db: DatabaseManager, event: SubstrateEvent): Promise<void> {
+  // read event data
+  const {channelId, channelCreationParameters} = new Content.ChannelCreatedEvent(event).data
+  // read metadata
+  const protobufContent = await readProtobuf(
+    new Channel(),
+    channelCreationParameters.meta,
+    channelCreationParameters.assets,
+    db,
+    event,
+  )
+  // create entity
+  const channel = new Channel({
+    id: channelId,
+    isCensored: false,
+    videos: [],
+    happenedIn: await prepareBlock(db, event),
+    ...Object(protobufContent)
+  })
+  // save entity
+  await<Channel>(channel)
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
+export async function content_ChannelUpdated(
+  db: DatabaseManager,
+  event: SubstrateEvent
+) {
+  // read event data
+  const {channelId , channelUpdateParameters} = new Content.ChannelUpdatedEvent(event).data
+  // load channel
+  const channel = await db.get(Channel, { where: { id: channelId } })
+  // ensure channel exists
+  if (!channel) {
+    return inconsistentState()
+  }
+  // metadata change happened?
+  if (channelUpdateParameters.new_meta.isSome) {
+    const protobufContent = await readProtobuf(
+      new Channel(),
+      channelUpdateParameters.new_meta.unwrap(), // TODO: is there any better way to get value without unwrap?
+      channelUpdateParameters.assets.unwrapOr([]),
+      db,
+      event,
+    )
+    // update all fields read from protobuf
+    for (let [key, value] of Object(protobufContent).entries()) {
+      channel[key] = value
+    }
+  }
+  // reward account change happened?
+  if (channelUpdateParameters.reward_account.isSome) {
+    // TODO: separate to function
+    // new different reward account set
+    if (channelUpdateParameters.reward_account.unwrap().isSome) {
+      channel.rewardAccount = channelUpdateParameters.reward_account.unwrap().unwrap().toString()
+    } else { // reward account removed
+      delete channel.rewardAccount
+    }
+  }
+  // save channel
+  await<Channel>(channel)
+export async function content_ChannelAssetsRemoved(
+  db: DatabaseManager,
+  event: SubstrateEvent
+) {
+  // TODO - what should happen here?
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
+export async function content_ChannelCensored(
+  db: DatabaseManager,
+  event: SubstrateEvent
+) {
+  // read event data
+  const {channelId} = new Content.ChannelCensoredEvent(event).data
+  // load event
+  const channel = await db.get(Channel, { where: { id: channelId } })
+  // ensure channel exists
+  if (!channel) {
+    return inconsistentState()
+  }
+  // update channel
+  channel.isCensored = true;
+  // save channel
+  await<Channel>(channel)
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
+export async function content_ChannelUncensored(
+  db: DatabaseManager,
+  event: SubstrateEvent
+) {
+  // read event data
+  const {channelId} = new Content.ChannelUncensoredEvent(event).data
+  // load event
+  const channel = await db.get(Channel, { where: { id: channelId } })
+  // ensure channel exists
+  if (!channel) {
+    return inconsistentState()
+  }
+  // update channel
+  channel.isCensored = false;
+  // save channel
+  await<Channel>(channel)
+/////////////////// ChannelCategory ////////////////////////////////////////////
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
+export async function content_ChannelCategoryCreated(
+  db: DatabaseManager,
+  event: SubstrateEvent
+) {
+  // read event data
+  const {channelCategoryCreationParameters} = new Content.ChannelCategoryCreatedEvent(event).data
+  // read metadata
+  const protobufContent = await readProtobuf(
+    new ChannelCategory(),
+    channelCategoryCreationParameters.meta,
+    [],
+    db,
+    event,
+  )
+  // create new channel category
+  const channelCategory = new ChannelCategory({
+    id: event.params[0].value.toString(), // ChannelCategoryId
+    channels: [],
+    happenedIn: await prepareBlock(db, event),
+    ...Object(protobufContent)
+  })
+  // save channel
+  await<ChannelCategory>(channelCategory)
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
+export async function content_ChannelCategoryUpdated(
+  db: DatabaseManager,
+  event: SubstrateEvent
+) {
+  // read event data
+  const {channelCategoryId, channelCategoryUpdateParameters} = new Content.ChannelCategoryUpdatedEvent(event).data
+  // load channel category
+  const channelCategory = await db.get(ChannelCategory, { where: { id: channelCategoryId } })
+  // ensure channel exists
+  if (!channelCategory) {
+    return inconsistentState()
+  }
+  // read metadata
+  const protobufContent = await readProtobuf(
+    new ChannelCategory(),
+    channelCategoryUpdateParameters.new_meta,
+    [],
+    db,
+    event,
+  )
+  // update all fields read from protobuf
+  for (let [key, value] of Object(protobufContent).entries()) {
+    channelCategory[key] = value
+  }
+  // save channel category
+  await<ChannelCategory>(channelCategory)
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
+export async function content_ChannelCategoryDeleted(
+  db: DatabaseManager,
+  event: SubstrateEvent
+) {
+  // read event data
+  const {channelCategoryId} = new Content.ChannelCategoryDeletedEvent(event).data
+  // load channel category
+  const channelCategory = await db.get(ChannelCategory, { where: { id: channelCategoryId } })
+  // ensure channel category exists
+  if (!channelCategory) {
+    return inconsistentState()
+  }
+  // delete channel category
+  await db.remove<ChannelCategory>(channelCategory)
+/////////////////// VideoCategory //////////////////////////////////////////////
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
+export async function content_VideoCategoryCreated(
+  db: DatabaseManager,
+  event: SubstrateEvent
+) {
+  // read event data
+  const {videoCategoryId, videoCategoryCreationParameters} = new Content.VideoCategoryCreatedEvent(event).data
+  // read metadata
+  const protobufContent = readProtobuf(
+    new VideoCategory(),
+    videoCategoryCreationParameters.meta,
+    [],
+    db,
+    event
+  )
+  // create new video category
+  const videoCategory = new VideoCategory({
+    id: videoCategoryId.toString(), // ChannelId
+    isCensored: false,
+    videos: [],
+    happenedIn: await prepareBlock(db, event),
+    ...Object(protobufContent)
+  })
+  // save video category
+  await<VideoCategory>(videoCategory)
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
+export async function content_VideoCategoryUpdated(
+  db: DatabaseManager,
+  event: SubstrateEvent
+) {
+  // read event data
+  const {videoCategoryId, videoCategoryUpdateParameters} = new Content.VideoCategoryUpdatedEvent(event).data
+  // load video category
+  const videoCategory = await db.get(VideoCategory, { where: { id: videoCategoryId } })
+  // ensure video category exists
+  if (!videoCategory) {
+    return inconsistentState()
+  }
+  // read metadata
+  const protobufContent = await readProtobuf(
+    new VideoCategory(),
+    videoCategoryUpdateParameters.new_meta,
+    [],
+    db,
+    event,
+  )
+  // update all fields read from protobuf
+  for (let [key, value] of Object(protobufContent).entries()) {
+    videoCategory[key] = value
+  }
+  // save video category
+  await<VideoCategory>(videoCategory)
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
+export async function content_VideoCategoryDeleted(
+  db: DatabaseManager,
+  event: SubstrateEvent
+) {
+  // read event data
+  const {videoCategoryId} = new Content.VideoCategoryDeletedEvent(event).data
+  // load video category
+  const videoCategory = await db.get(VideoCategory, { where: { id: videoCategoryId } })
+  // ensure video category exists
+  if (!videoCategory) {
+    return inconsistentState()
+  }
+  // remove video category
+  await db.remove<VideoCategory>(videoCategory)
+/////////////////// Video //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
+export async function content_VideoCreated(
+  db: DatabaseManager,
+  event: SubstrateEvent
+) {
+  // read event data
+  const {channelId, videoId, videoCreationParameters} = new Content.VideoCreatedEvent(event).data
+  // read metadata
+  const protobufContent = await readProtobuf(
+    new Video(),
+    videoCreationParameters.meta,
+    videoCreationParameters.assets,
+    db,
+    event,
+  )
+  // create new video
+  const video = new Video({
+    id: videoId,
+    isCensored: false,
+    channel: channelId,
+    happenedIn: await prepareBlock(db, event),
+    ...Object(protobufContent)
+  })
+  // save video
+  await<Video>(video)
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
+export async function content_VideoUpdated(
+  db: DatabaseManager,
+  event: SubstrateEvent
+) {
+  // read event data
+  const {videoId, videoUpdateParameters} = new Content.VideoUpdatedEvent(event).data
+  // load video
+  const video = await db.get(Video, { where: { id: videoId } })
+  // ensure video exists
+  if (!video) {
+    return inconsistentState()
+  }
+  // update metadata if it changed
+  if (videoUpdateParameters.new_meta.isSome) {
+    const protobufContent = await readProtobuf(
+      new Video(),
+      videoUpdateParameters.new_meta.unwrap(), // TODO: is there any better way to get value without unwrap?
+      videoUpdateParameters.assets.unwrapOr([]),
+      db,
+      event,
+    )
+    // remember original license
+    const originalLicense = video.license
+    // update all fields read from protobuf
+    for (let [key, value] of Object(protobufContent).entries()) {
+      video[key] = value
+    }
+    // license has changed - delete old license
+    if (originalLicense && video.license != originalLicense) {
+      await db.remove<License>(originalLicense)
+    }
+  }
+  // TODO: handle situation when only assets changed
+  // save video
+  await<Video>(video)
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
+export async function content_VideoDeleted(
+  db: DatabaseManager,
+  event: SubstrateEvent
+) {
+  // read event data
+  const {videoId} = new Content.VideoDeletedEvent(event).data
+  // load video
+  const video = await db.get(Video, { where: { id: videoId } })
+  // ensure video exists
+  if (!video) {
+    return inconsistentState()
+  }
+  // remove video
+  await db.remove<Video>(video)
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
+export async function content_VideoCensored(
+  db: DatabaseManager,
+  event: SubstrateEvent
+) {
+  // read event data
+  const {videoId} = new Content.VideoCensoredEvent(event).data
+  // load video
+  const video = await db.get(Video, { where: { id: videoId } })
+  // ensure video exists
+  if (!video) {
+    return inconsistentState()
+  }
+  // update video
+  video.isCensored = true;
+  // save video
+  await<Video>(video)
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
+export async function content_VideoUncensored(
+  db: DatabaseManager,
+  event: SubstrateEvent
+) {
+  // read event data
+  const {videoId} = new Content.VideoUncensoredEvent(event).data
+  // load video
+  const video = await db.get(Video, { where: { id: videoId } })
+  // ensure video exists
+  if (!video) {
+    return inconsistentState()
+  }
+  // update video
+  video.isCensored = false;
+  // save video
+  await<Video>(video)
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
+export async function content_FeaturedVideosSet(
+  db: DatabaseManager,
+  event: SubstrateEvent
+) {
+  // read event data
+  const {videoId: videoIds} = new Content.FeaturedVideosSetEvent(event).data
+  // load old featured videos
+  const existingFeaturedVideos = await db.getMany(Video, { where: { isFeatured: true } })
+  // comparsion utility
+  const isSame = (videoIdA: string) => (videoIdB: string) => videoIdA == videoIdB
+  // calculate diff sets
+  const toRemove = existingFeaturedVideos.filter(existingFV =>
+    !videoIds
+      .map(item => item.toHex())
+      .some(isSame(
+  )
+  const toAdd = videoIds.filter(video =>
+    !existingFeaturedVideos
+      .map(item =>
+      .some(isSame(video.toHex()))
+  )
+  // mark previously featured videos as not-featured
+  for (let video of toRemove) {
+    video.isFeatured = false;
+    await<Video>(video)
+  }
+  // escape if no featured video needs to be added
+  if (!toAdd) {
+    return
+  }
+  // read videos previously not-featured videos that are meant to be featured
+  const videosToAdd = await db.getMany(Video, { where: { id: [toAdd] } })
+  if (videosToAdd.length != toAdd.length) {
+    return inconsistentState()
+  }
+  // mark previously not-featured videos as featured
+  for (let video of videosToAdd) {
+    video.isFeatured = true;
+    await<Video>(video)
+  }
+/////////////////// Curator Group //////////////////////////////////////////////
+export async function content_CuratorGroupCreated(
+  db: DatabaseManager,
+  event: SubstrateEvent
+) {
+  // read event data
+  const {curatorGroupId} = new Content.CuratorGroupCreatedEvent(event).data
+  // create new curator group
+  const curatorGroup = new CuratorGroup({
+    id: curatorGroupId.toString(),
+    curatorIds: [],
+    isActive: false, // runtime creates inactive curator groups by default
+  })
+  // save curator group
+  await<CuratorGroup>(curatorGroup)
+export async function content_CuratorGroupStatusSet(
+  db: DatabaseManager,
+  event: SubstrateEvent
+) {
+  // read event data
+  const {curatorGroupId, bool: isActive} = new Content.CuratorGroupStatusSetEvent(event).data
+  // load curator group
+  const curatorGroup = await db.get(CuratorGroup, { where: { id: curatorGroupId }})
+  // ensure curator group exists
+  if (!curatorGroup) {
+    return inconsistentState()
+  }
+  // update curator group
+  curatorGroup.isActive = isActive.isTrue
+  // save curator group
+  await<CuratorGroup>(curatorGroup)
+export async function content_CuratorAdded(
+  db: DatabaseManager,
+  event: SubstrateEvent
+) {
+  // read event data
+  const {curatorGroupId, curatorId} = new Content.CuratorAddedEvent(event).data
+  // load curator group
+  const curatorGroup = await db.get(CuratorGroup, { where: { id: curatorGroupId }})
+  // ensure curator group exists
+  if (!curatorGroup) {
+    return inconsistentState()
+  }
+  // update curator group
+  curatorGroup.curatorIds.push(curatorId)
+  // save curator group
+  await<CuratorGroup>(curatorGroup)
+export async function content_CuratorRemoved(
+  db: DatabaseManager,
+  event: SubstrateEvent
+) {
+  // read event data
+  const {curatorGroupId, curatorId} = new Content.CuratorAddedEvent(event).data
+  // load curator group
+  const curatorGroup = await db.get(CuratorGroup, { where: { id: curatorGroupId }})
+  // ensure curator group exists
+  if (!curatorGroup) {
+    return inconsistentState()
+  }
+  const curatorIndex = curatorGroup.curatorIds.indexOf(curatorId)
+  // ensure curator group exists
+  if (curatorIndex < 0) {
+    return inconsistentState()
+  }
+  // update curator group
+  curatorGroup.curatorIds.splice(curatorIndex, 1)
+  // save curator group
+  await<CuratorGroup>(curatorGroup)