@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+import { DerivedPropertiesManager } from '../classes'
+import { IExecutor, IListener, IChangePair } from '../interfaces'
+import { DatabaseManager } from '@joystream/hydra-common'
+import { Channel, ChannelCategory, Video, VideoCategory, StorageDataObject } from 'query-node/dist/model'
+import { videoRelationsForCountersBare } from '../../content/utils'
+export type IVideoDerivedEntites = 'channel' | 'channel.category' | 'category'
+export type IAvcChange = 1 | -1 | [1 | -1, IVideoDerivedEntites[]]
+export type IAvcChannelChange = number
+ Decides if video is considered active.
+function isVideoActive(video: Video): boolean {
+ return !!video.isPublic && !video.isCensored && !!video.thumbnailPhoto?.isAccepted && !!video.media?.isAccepted
+ Compares original and updated videos and calculates if video active status changed.
+function hasVideoChanged(
+ oldValue: Video | undefined,
+ newValue: Video | undefined
+): IChangePair<IAvcChange> | undefined {
+ // at least one video should always exists but due to TS type limitations
+ // (can't define at least one-of-two parameters required) this safety condition needs to be here
+ if (!oldValue && !newValue) {
+ return undefined
+ }
+ // video is being created?
+ if (!oldValue) {
+ return {
+ old: undefined,
+ new: (Number(isVideoActive(newValue as Video)) as IAvcChange) || undefined,
+ }
+ }
+ // video is being deleted?
+ if (!newValue) {
+ return {
+ old: (-Number(isVideoActive(oldValue)) as IAvcChange) || undefined,
+ new: undefined,
+ }
+ }
+ // calculate active status
+ const originalState = isVideoActive(oldValue)
+ const newState = isVideoActive(newValue)
+ // escape if no change and video is not active
+ if (originalState === newState && !newState) {
+ return undefined
+ }
+ // active status stays unchanged but relation(s) changed, return list of changed relations
+ if (originalState === newState) {
+ return {
+ old: [
+ -1,
+ [
+ oldValue.channel && oldValue.channel.id !== newValue.channel?.id && 'channel',
+ oldValue.channel?.category &&
+ oldValue.channel.category?.id !== newValue.channel?.category?.id &&
+ 'channel.category',
+ oldValue.category && oldValue.category.id !== newValue.category?.id && 'category',
+ ].filter((item) => item) as IVideoDerivedEntites[],
+ ],
+ new: [
+ 1,
+ [
+ newValue.channel && oldValue.channel?.id !== newValue.channel.id && 'channel',
+ newValue.channel?.category &&
+ oldValue.channel?.category?.id !== newValue.channel.category?.id &&
+ 'channel.category',
+ newValue.category && oldValue.category?.id !== newValue.category.id && 'category',
+ ].filter((item) => item) as IVideoDerivedEntites[],
+ ],
+ }
+ }
+ // calculate change
+ const change = Number(newState) - Number(originalState)
+ return {
+ old: (-change as IAvcChange) || undefined,
+ new: (change as IAvcChange) || undefined,
+ }
+ Listener for video events.
+class VideoUpdateListener implements IListener<Video, IAvcChange> {
+ getRelationDependencies(): string[] {
+ return ['thumbnailPhoto', 'media']
+ }
+ hasValueChanged(oldValue: Video | undefined, newValue: Video): IChangePair<IAvcChange> | undefined
+ hasValueChanged(oldValue: Video, newValue: Video | undefined): IChangePair<IAvcChange> | undefined
+ hasValueChanged(oldValue: Video, newValue: Video): IChangePair<IAvcChange> | undefined {
+ return hasVideoChanged(oldValue, newValue)
+ }
+ Listener for channel's category update.
+class ChannelsCategoryChangeListener implements IListener<Channel, IAvcChannelChange> {
+ getRelationDependencies(): string[] {
+ return ['category']
+ }
+ hasValueChanged(oldValue: Channel | undefined, newValue: Channel): IChangePair<IAvcChannelChange> | undefined
+ hasValueChanged(oldValue: Channel, newValue: Channel | undefined): IChangePair<IAvcChannelChange> | undefined
+ hasValueChanged(oldValue: Channel, newValue: Channel): IChangePair<IAvcChannelChange> | undefined {
+ return {
+ old: -oldValue?.activeVideosCounter || undefined,
+ new: newValue?.activeVideosCounter || undefined,
+ }
+ }
+ Listener for thumbnail photo events.
+class StorageDataObjectChangeListener_ThumbnailPhoto implements IListener<StorageDataObject, IAvcChange> {
+ getRelationDependencies(): string[] {
+ return [
+ 'videoThumbnail',
+ 'videoThumbnail.thumbnailPhoto',
+ 'videoThumbnail.media',
+ 'videoThumbnail.category',
+ 'videoThumbnail.channel',
+ 'videoThumbnail.channel.category',
+ ]
+ }
+ hasValueChanged(
+ oldValue: StorageDataObject | undefined,
+ newValue: StorageDataObject
+ ): IChangePair<IAvcChange> | undefined
+ hasValueChanged(
+ oldValue: StorageDataObject,
+ newValue: StorageDataObject | undefined
+ ): IChangePair<IAvcChange> | undefined
+ hasValueChanged(oldValue: StorageDataObject, newValue: StorageDataObject): IChangePair<IAvcChange> | undefined {
+ const oldVideo = oldValue?.videoThumbnail
+ const newVideo = newValue?.videoThumbnail
+ return hasVideoChanged(oldVideo, newVideo)
+ }
+ Listener for media events.
+class StorageDataObjectChangeListener_Media implements IListener<StorageDataObject, IAvcChange> {
+ getRelationDependencies(): string[] {
+ return [
+ 'videoMedia',
+ 'videoMedia.thumbnailPhoto',
+ 'videoMedia.media',
+ 'videoMedia.category',
+ 'videoMedia.channel',
+ 'videoMedia.channel.category',
+ ]
+ }
+ hasValueChanged(
+ oldValue: StorageDataObject | undefined,
+ newValue: StorageDataObject
+ ): IChangePair<IAvcChange> | undefined
+ hasValueChanged(
+ oldValue: StorageDataObject,
+ newValue: StorageDataObject | undefined
+ ): IChangePair<IAvcChange> | undefined
+ hasValueChanged(oldValue: StorageDataObject, newValue: StorageDataObject): IChangePair<IAvcChange> | undefined {
+ const oldVideo = oldValue?.videoMedia
+ const newVideo = newValue?.videoMedia
+ return hasVideoChanged(oldVideo as Video, newVideo as Video)
+ }
+ Adapter for generalizing AVC executor.
+interface IAvcExecutorAdapter<Entity> {
+ (item: Entity): Video
+ Active video counter executor reflecting changes to channels, channel cateories, or video categories.
+class ActiveVideoCounterExecutor<
+ Entity extends Video | StorageDataObject,
+ DerivedEntity extends VideoCategory | Channel | ChannelCategory = VideoCategory | Channel | ChannelCategory
+> implements IExecutor<Entity, IAvcChange, DerivedEntity> {
+ private adapter: IAvcExecutorAdapter<Entity>
+ constructor(adapter: IAvcExecutorAdapter<Entity>) {
+ this.adapter = adapter
+ }
+ async loadDerivedEntities(store: DatabaseManager, entity: Entity): Promise<DerivedEntity[]> {
+ // TODO: find way to reliably decide if channel, etc. are loaded and throw error if not
+ const targetEntity = this.adapter(entity)
+ // this expects entity has loaded channel, channel category, and video category
+ return [targetEntity.channel, targetEntity.channel?.category, targetEntity.category].filter(
+ (item) => item
+ ) as DerivedEntity[]
+ }
+ async saveDerivedEntities(store: DatabaseManager, entities: DerivedEntity[]): Promise<void> {
+ await Promise.all(entities.map((entity) => store.save(entity)))
+ }
+ updateOldValue(entity: DerivedEntity, change: IAvcChange): DerivedEntity {
+ entity = this.updateValueCommon(entity, change)
+ return entity
+ }
+ updateNewValue(entity: DerivedEntity, change: IAvcChange): DerivedEntity {
+ entity = this.updateValueCommon(entity, change)
+ return entity
+ }
+ private updateValueCommon(entity: DerivedEntity, change: IAvcChange): DerivedEntity {
+ if (typeof change === 'number') {
+ entity.activeVideosCounter += change
+ return entity
+ }
+ const [counterChange, entitiesToChange] = change
+ const shouldChange =
+ false ||
+ (entity instanceof Channel && entitiesToChange.includes('channel')) ||
+ (entity instanceof ChannelCategory && entitiesToChange.includes('channel.category')) ||
+ (entity instanceof VideoCategory && entitiesToChange.includes('category'))
+ if (shouldChange) {
+ entity.activeVideosCounter += counterChange
+ }
+ return entity
+ }
+ Executor reflecting changes to channel's category.
+class ChannelCategoryActiveVideoCounterExecutor implements IExecutor<Channel, IAvcChannelChange, ChannelCategory> {
+ async loadDerivedEntities(store: DatabaseManager, channel: Channel): Promise<ChannelCategory[]> {
+ // TODO: find way to reliably decide if channel, etc. are loaded and throw error if not
+ // this expects entity has category
+ return [channel.category].filter((item) => item) as ChannelCategory[]
+ }
+ async saveDerivedEntities(store: DatabaseManager, [entity]: ChannelCategory[]): Promise<void> {
+ await store.save(entity)
+ }
+ updateOldValue(entity: ChannelCategory, change: IAvcChannelChange): ChannelCategory {
+ entity.activeVideosCounter += change
+ return entity
+ }
+ updateNewValue(entity: ChannelCategory, change: IAvcChannelChange): ChannelCategory {
+ entity.activeVideosCounter += change
+ return entity
+ }
+export function createVideoManager(store: DatabaseManager): DerivedPropertiesManager<Video, IAvcChange> {
+ const manager = new DerivedPropertiesManager<Video, IAvcChange>(store, Video, videoRelationsForCountersBare)
+ // listen to video change
+ const listener = new VideoUpdateListener()
+ const executors = [new ActiveVideoCounterExecutor<Video>((video) => video)]
+ manager.registerListener(listener, executors)
+ return manager
+export function createChannelManager(store: DatabaseManager): DerivedPropertiesManager<Channel, IAvcChannelChange> {
+ const manager = new DerivedPropertiesManager<Channel, IAvcChannelChange>(store, Channel)
+ // listen to change of channel's category
+ const channelListener = new ChannelsCategoryChangeListener()
+ const channelExecutors = [new ChannelCategoryActiveVideoCounterExecutor()]
+ manager.registerListener(channelListener, channelExecutors)
+ return manager
+export function createStorageDataObjectManager(
+ store: DatabaseManager
+): DerivedPropertiesManager<StorageDataObject, IAvcChange> {
+ const manager = new DerivedPropertiesManager<StorageDataObject, IAvcChange>(store, StorageDataObject)
+ // listen to change of channel's category
+ const storageDataObjectListener1 = new StorageDataObjectChangeListener_ThumbnailPhoto()
+ const storageDataObjectListener2 = new StorageDataObjectChangeListener_Media()
+ const storageDataObjectExecutors = (adapter) => [new ActiveVideoCounterExecutor<StorageDataObject>(adapter)]
+ manager.registerListener(
+ storageDataObjectListener1,
+ storageDataObjectExecutors((storageDataObject) => storageDataObject.videoThumbnail)
+ )
+ manager.registerListener(
+ storageDataObjectListener2,
+ storageDataObjectExecutors((storageDataObject) => storageDataObject.videoMedia)
+ )
+ return manager