@@ -1,35 +1,32 @@
import React from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
-import { Card, Header, Button, Icon, Message } from 'semantic-ui-react';
-import { ProposalType } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/types/proposals';
+import { Card, Header, Message, Icon } from 'semantic-ui-react';
+import { ProposalType, ParsedProposalDetails, SpecificProposalDetails, RuntimeUpgradeProposalDetails } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/types/proposals';
import { bytesToString } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/functions/misc';
import styled from 'styled-components';
-import AddressMini from '@polkadot/react-components/AddressMiniJoy';
-import TxButton from '@polkadot/joy-utils/TxButton';
-import { ProposalId, TerminateRoleParameters } from '@joystream/types/proposals';
+import AddressMini from '@polkadot/react-components/AddressMini';
+import { SemanticTxButton } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/react/components/TxButton';
+import { ProposalId, ProposalDetails } from '@joystream/types/proposals';
import { MemberId, Membership } from '@joystream/types/members';
-import ProfilePreview from '@polkadot/joy-utils/MemberProfilePreview';
+import ProfilePreview from '@polkadot/joy-utils/react/components/MemberProfilePreview';
import { useTransport, usePromise } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/react/hooks';
-import { Option, Bytes } from '@polkadot/types/';
-import { BlockNumber } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces';
+import { Option } from '@polkadot/types/';
+import { BlockNumber, Balance, AccountId } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces';
import { formatBalance } from '@polkadot/util';
-import { PromiseComponent } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/react/components';
+import PromiseComponent from '@polkadot/joy-utils/react/components/PromiseComponent';
import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown';
-import { WorkingGroupOpeningPolicyCommitment, RewardPolicy } from '@joystream/types/working-group';
-import {
- ActivateOpeningAt,
- ActivateOpeningAtKeys,
- StakingPolicy
-} from '@joystream/types/hiring';
-import { WorkingGroup, WorkingGroupKey } from '@joystream/types/common';
+import { StakingPolicy } from '@joystream/types/hiring';
+import { WorkingGroup } from '@joystream/types/common';
import { ApplicationsDetailsByOpening } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/react/components/working-groups/ApplicationDetails';
import { LeadInfoFromId } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/react/components/working-groups/LeadInfo';
import { formatReward } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/functions/format';
+import BN from 'bn.js';
+import { WorkerId } from '@joystream/types/src/working-group';
type BodyProps = {
title: string;
description: string;
- params: any[];
+ params: ParsedProposalDetails;
type: ProposalType;
iAmProposer: boolean;
proposalId: number | ProposalId;
@@ -38,13 +35,18 @@ type BodyProps = {
cancellationFee: number;
-function ProposedAddress (props: { address?: string | null }) {
- if (props.address === null || props.address === undefined) {
+function ProposedAddress (props: { accountId?: AccountId }) {
+ if (!props.accountId) {
return <>NONE</>;
return (
- <AddressMini value={props.address} isShort={false} isPadded={false} withAddress={true} style={{ padding: 0 }} />
+ <AddressMini
+ value={props.accountId.toString()}
+ isShort={false}
+ isPadded={false}
+ withAddress={true}
+ style={{ padding: 0 }} />
@@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ function ProposedMember (props: { memberId?: MemberId | number | null }) {
return (
<PromiseComponent error={error} loading={loading} message="Fetching profile...">
- { (member && !member.handle.isEmpty) ? (
+ { (member && !member.isEmpty) ? (
avatar_uri={ member.avatar_uri.toString() }
root_account={ member.root_account.toString() }
@@ -99,11 +101,11 @@ class ParsedParam {
// The methods for parsing params by Proposal type.
-const paramParsers: { [x in ProposalType]: (params: any[]) => ParsedParam[]} = {
- Text: ([content]) => [
+const paramParsers: { [k in ProposalType]: (params: SpecificProposalDetails<k>) => ParsedParam[]} = {
+ Text: content => [
new ParsedParam(
- <ReactMarkdown className='TextProposalContent' source={content} linkTarget='_blank' />,
+ <ReactMarkdown className='TextProposalContent' source={content.toString()} linkTarget='_blank' />,
@@ -111,63 +113,65 @@ const paramParsers: { [x in ProposalType]: (params: any[]) => ParsedParam[]} = {
new ParsedParam('Blake2b256 hash of WASM code', hash, true),
new ParsedParam('File size', filesize + ' bytes')
- SetElectionParameters: ([params]) => [
- new ParsedParam('Announcing period', params.announcing_period + ' blocks'),
- new ParsedParam('Voting period', params.voting_period + ' blocks'),
- new ParsedParam('Revealing period', params.revealing_period + ' blocks'),
- new ParsedParam('Council size', params.council_size + ' members'),
- new ParsedParam('Candidacy limit', params.candidacy_limit + ' members'),
- new ParsedParam('New term duration', params.new_term_duration + ' blocks'),
+ SetElectionParameters: params => [
+ new ParsedParam('Announcing period', params.announcing_period.toString() + ' blocks'),
+ new ParsedParam('Voting period', params.voting_period.toString() + ' blocks'),
+ new ParsedParam('Revealing period', params.revealing_period.toString() + ' blocks'),
+ new ParsedParam('Council size', params.council_size.toString() + ' members'),
+ new ParsedParam('Candidacy limit', params.candidacy_limit.toString() + ' members'),
+ new ParsedParam('New term duration', params.new_term_duration.toString() + ' blocks'),
new ParsedParam('Min. council stake', formatBalance(params.min_council_stake)),
new ParsedParam('Min. voting stake', formatBalance(params.min_voting_stake))
Spending: ([amount, account]) => [
- new ParsedParam('Amount', formatBalance(amount)),
- new ParsedParam('Account', <ProposedAddress address={account} />)
+ new ParsedParam('Amount', formatBalance(amount as Balance)),
+ new ParsedParam('Account', <ProposedAddress accountId={account as AccountId} />)
- SetLead: ([memberId, accountId]) => [
- new ParsedParam('Member', <ProposedMember memberId={ memberId } />),
- new ParsedParam('Account id', <ProposedAddress address={accountId} />)
+ SetLead: params => [
+ new ParsedParam('Member', <ProposedMember memberId={params.unwrapOr([])[0] as MemberId | undefined} />),
+ new ParsedParam('Account id', <ProposedAddress accountId={params.unwrapOr([])[1] as AccountId | undefined} />)
- SetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity: ([capacity]) => [
+ SetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity: capacity => [
new ParsedParam('Mint capacity', formatBalance(capacity))
- EvictStorageProvider: ([accountId]) => [
- new ParsedParam('Storage provider account', <ProposedAddress address={accountId} />)
+ EvictStorageProvider: accountId => [
+ new ParsedParam('Storage provider account', <ProposedAddress accountId={accountId} />)
- SetValidatorCount: ([count]) => [
- new ParsedParam('Validator count', count)
+ SetValidatorCount: count => [
+ new ParsedParam('Validator count', count.toString())
- SetStorageRoleParameters: ([params]) => [
+ SetStorageRoleParameters: params => [
new ParsedParam('Min. stake', formatBalance(params.min_stake)),
// "Min. actors": params.min_actors,
- new ParsedParam('Max. actors', params.max_actors),
+ new ParsedParam('Max. actors', params.max_actors.toString()),
new ParsedParam('Reward', formatBalance(params.reward)),
- new ParsedParam('Reward period', params.reward_period + ' blocks'),
+ new ParsedParam('Reward period', `${params.reward_period.toString()} blocks`),
// "Bonding period": params.bonding_period + " blocks",
- new ParsedParam('Unbonding period', params.unbonding_period + ' blocks'),
+ new ParsedParam('Unbonding period', `${params.unbonding_period.toString()} blocks`),
// "Min. service period": params.min_service_period + " blocks",
// "Startup grace period": params.startup_grace_period + " blocks",
new ParsedParam('Entry request fee', formatBalance(params.entry_request_fee))
- AddWorkingGroupLeaderOpening: ([{ activate_at, commitment, human_readable_text, working_group }]) => {
- const workingGroup = new WorkingGroup(working_group);
- const activateAt = new ActivateOpeningAt(activate_at);
- const activateAtBlock = activateAt.type === ActivateOpeningAtKeys.ExactBlock ? activateAt.value : null;
- const OPCommitment = new WorkingGroupOpeningPolicyCommitment(commitment);
+ AddWorkingGroupLeaderOpening: ({
+ activate_at: activateAt,
+ commitment,
+ human_readable_text: humanReadableText,
+ working_group: workingGroup
+ }) => {
+ const activateAtBlock = activateAt.isOfType('ExactBlock') ? activateAt.asType('ExactBlock') : null;
const {
application_staking_policy: applicationSP,
role_staking_policy: roleSP,
application_rationing_policy: rationingPolicy
- } = OPCommitment;
- let HRT = bytesToString(new Bytes(human_readable_text));
+ } = commitment;
+ let HRT = bytesToString(humanReadableText);
try { HRT = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(HRT), undefined, 4); } catch (e) { /* Do nothing */ }
const formatStake = (stake: Option<StakingPolicy>) => (
- stake.isSome ? stake.unwrap().amount_mode.type + `(${stake.unwrap().amount})` : 'NONE'
+ stake.isSome ? stake.unwrap().amount_mode.type + `(${stake.unwrap().amount.toString()})` : 'NONE'
const formatPeriod = (unstakingPeriod: Option<BlockNumber>) => (
- unstakingPeriod.unwrapOr(0) + ' blocks'
- );
+ `${unstakingPeriod.unwrapOr(new BN(0)).toString()} blocks`
+ )
return [
new ParsedParam('Working group', workingGroup.type),
new ParsedParam('Activate at', `${activateAt.type}${activateAtBlock ? `(${activateAtBlock.toString()})` : ''}`),
@@ -177,34 +181,35 @@ const paramParsers: { [x in ProposalType]: (params: any[]) => ParsedParam[]} = {
'Max. applications',
rationingPolicy.isSome ? rationingPolicy.unwrap().max_active_applicants.toNumber() : 'UNLIMITED'
+ new ParsedParam('Max. review period length', `${commitment.max_review_period_length.toString()} blocks`),
new ParsedParam(
'Terminate unstaking period (role stake)',
- formatPeriod(OPCommitment.terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period)
+ formatPeriod(commitment.terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period)
new ParsedParam(
'Exit unstaking period (role stake)',
- formatPeriod(OPCommitment.exit_role_stake_unstaking_period)
+ formatPeriod(commitment.exit_role_stake_unstaking_period)
// <required_to_prevent_sneaking>
new ParsedParam(
'Terminate unstaking period (appl. stake)',
- formatPeriod(OPCommitment.terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period)
+ formatPeriod(commitment.terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period)
new ParsedParam(
'Exit unstaking period (appl. stake)',
- formatPeriod(OPCommitment.exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period)
+ formatPeriod(commitment.exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period)
new ParsedParam(
'Appl. accepted unstaking period (appl. stake)',
- formatPeriod(OPCommitment.fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period)
+ formatPeriod(commitment.fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period)
new ParsedParam(
'Appl. failed unstaking period (role stake)',
- formatPeriod(OPCommitment.fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period)
+ formatPeriod(commitment.fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period)
new ParsedParam(
'Appl. failed unstaking period (appl. stake)',
- formatPeriod(OPCommitment.fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period)
+ formatPeriod(commitment.fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period)
new ParsedParam(
'Crowded out unstaking period (role stake)',
@@ -227,55 +232,76 @@ const paramParsers: { [x in ProposalType]: (params: any[]) => ParsedParam[]} = {
SetWorkingGroupMintCapacity: ([capacity, group]) => [
- new ParsedParam('Working group', (new WorkingGroup(group)).type),
- new ParsedParam('Mint capacity', formatBalance(capacity))
+ new ParsedParam('Working group', (group as WorkingGroup).type),
+ new ParsedParam('Mint capacity', formatBalance((capacity as Balance)))
BeginReviewWorkingGroupLeaderApplication: ([id, group]) => [
- new ParsedParam('Working group', (new WorkingGroup(group)).type),
+ new ParsedParam('Working group', (group as WorkingGroup).type),
// TODO: Adjust the link to work with multiple groups after working-groups are normalized!
- new ParsedParam('Opening id', <Link to={`/working-groups/opportunities/storageProviders/${id}`}>#{id}</Link>)
+ new ParsedParam(
+ 'Opening id',
+ <Link to={`/working-groups/opportunities/storageProviders/${id.toString()}`}>#{id.toString()}</Link>
+ )
+ ],
+ FillWorkingGroupLeaderOpening: ({
+ opening_id: openingId,
+ successful_application_id: succesfulApplicationId,
+ reward_policy: rewardPolicy,
+ working_group: workingGroup
+ }) => [
+ new ParsedParam('Working group', workingGroup.type),
+ // TODO: Adjust the link to work with multiple groups after working-groups are normalized!
+ new ParsedParam(
+ 'Opening id',
+ <Link to={`/working-groups/opportunities/storageProviders/${openingId.toString()}`}>#{openingId.toString()}</Link>),
+ new ParsedParam('Reward policy', rewardPolicy.isSome ? formatReward(rewardPolicy.unwrap(), true) : 'NONE'),
+ new ParsedParam(
+ 'Result',
+ <ApplicationsDetailsByOpening
+ openingId={openingId.toNumber()}
+ acceptedIds={[succesfulApplicationId.toNumber()]}
+ group={workingGroup.type}/>,
+ true
+ )
- FillWorkingGroupLeaderOpening: ([params]) => {
- const { opening_id, successful_application_id, reward_policy, working_group } = params;
- const rewardPolicy = reward_policy && new RewardPolicy(reward_policy);
- return [
- new ParsedParam('Working group', (new WorkingGroup(working_group)).type),
- // TODO: Adjust the link to work with multiple groups after working-groups are normalized!
- new ParsedParam('Opening id', <Link to={`/working-groups/opportunities/storageProviders/${opening_id}`}>#{opening_id}</Link>),
- new ParsedParam('Reward policy', rewardPolicy ? formatReward(rewardPolicy, true) : 'NONE'),
- new ParsedParam(
- 'Result',
- <ApplicationsDetailsByOpening
- openingId={opening_id}
- acceptedIds={[successful_application_id]}
- group={(new WorkingGroup(working_group)).type as WorkingGroupKey}/>,
- true
- )
- ];
- },
SlashWorkingGroupLeaderStake: ([leadId, amount, group]) => [
- new ParsedParam('Working group', (new WorkingGroup(group)).type),
- new ParsedParam('Slash amount', formatBalance(amount)),
- new ParsedParam('Lead', <LeadInfoFromId group={(new WorkingGroup(group).type as WorkingGroupKey)} leadId={leadId}/>, true)
+ new ParsedParam('Working group', (group as WorkingGroup).type),
+ new ParsedParam('Slash amount', formatBalance(amount as Balance)),
+ new ParsedParam(
+ 'Lead',
+ <LeadInfoFromId group={(group as WorkingGroup).type} leadId={(leadId as WorkerId).toNumber()}/>,
+ true
+ )
DecreaseWorkingGroupLeaderStake: ([leadId, amount, group]) => [
- new ParsedParam('Working group', (new WorkingGroup(group)).type),
- new ParsedParam('Decrease amount', formatBalance(amount)),
- new ParsedParam('Lead', <LeadInfoFromId group={(new WorkingGroup(group).type as WorkingGroupKey)} leadId={leadId}/>, true)
+ new ParsedParam('Working group', (group as WorkingGroup).type),
+ new ParsedParam('Decrease amount', formatBalance(amount as Balance)),
+ new ParsedParam(
+ 'Lead',
+ <LeadInfoFromId group={(group as WorkingGroup).type} leadId={(leadId as WorkerId).toNumber()}/>,
+ true
+ )
SetWorkingGroupLeaderReward: ([leadId, amount, group]) => [
- new ParsedParam('Working group', (new WorkingGroup(group)).type),
- new ParsedParam('New reward amount', formatBalance(amount)),
- new ParsedParam('Lead', <LeadInfoFromId group={(new WorkingGroup(group).type as WorkingGroupKey)} leadId={leadId}/>, true)
+ new ParsedParam('Working group', (group as WorkingGroup).type),
+ new ParsedParam('New reward amount', formatBalance(amount as Balance)),
+ new ParsedParam(
+ 'Lead',
+ <LeadInfoFromId group={(group as WorkingGroup).type} leadId={(leadId as WorkerId).toNumber()}/>,
+ true
+ )
- TerminateWorkingGroupLeaderRole: ([params]) => {
- const paramsObj = new TerminateRoleParameters(params);
- const { working_group: workingGroup, rationale, worker_id: leadId, slash } = paramsObj;
+ TerminateWorkingGroupLeaderRole: ({
+ working_group: workingGroup,
+ rationale,
+ worker_id: leadId,
+ slash
+ }) => {
return [
new ParsedParam('Working group', workingGroup.type),
new ParsedParam('Rationale', bytesToString(rationale), true),
new ParsedParam('Slash stake', slash.isTrue ? 'YES' : 'NO'),
- new ParsedParam('Lead', <LeadInfoFromId group={workingGroup.type as WorkingGroupKey} leadId={leadId.toNumber()}/>, true)
+ new ParsedParam('Lead', <LeadInfoFromId group={workingGroup.type} leadId={leadId.toNumber()}/>, true)
@@ -330,15 +356,20 @@ export default function Body ({
- params = [],
+ params,
}: BodyProps) {
- const parseParams = paramParsers[type];
- const parsedParams = parseParams(params);
+ // Assert more generic type (since TypeScript cannot possibly know the value of "type" here yet)
+ const parseParams = paramParsers[type] as (params: SpecificProposalDetails<ProposalType>) => ParsedParam[];
+ const parsedParams = parseParams(
+ type === 'RuntimeUpgrade'
+ ? params as RuntimeUpgradeProposalDetails
+ : (params as ProposalDetails).asType(type)
+ );
return (
<Card fluid>
@@ -368,17 +399,17 @@ export default function Body ({
The cancellation fee for this type of proposal is:
<b>{ cancellationFee ? formatBalance(cancellationFee) : 'NONE' }</b>
- <Button.Group color="red">
- <TxButton
- params={ [proposerId, proposalId] }
- tx={ 'proposalsEngine.cancelProposal' }
- onClick={ sendTx => { sendTx(); } }
- className={'icon left labeled'}
- >
- <Icon name="cancel" inverted />
- Withdraw proposal
- </TxButton>
- </Button.Group>
+ <SemanticTxButton
+ params={ [proposerId, proposalId] }
+ tx={ 'proposalsEngine.cancelProposal' }
+ onClick={ sendTx => { sendTx(); } }
+ icon
+ color={ 'red' }
+ labelPosition={ 'left' }
+ >
+ <Icon name="cancel" inverted />
+ Withdraw proposal
+ </SemanticTxButton>
</>) }