# Joystream This is the main code repository for all Joystream software. In this mono-repo you will find all the software required to run a Joystream network: The Joystream full node, runtime and all reusable substrate runtime modules that make up the Joystream runtime. In addition to all front-end apps and infrastructure servers necessary for operating the network. ## Overview The Joystream network builds on a pre-release version of [substrate v2.0](https://substrate.dev/) and adds additional functionality to support the [various roles](https://www.joystream.org/roles) that can be entered into on the platform. ## Development Tools The following tools are required for building, testing and contributing to this repo: - [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) toolchain - _required_ - [nodejs](https://nodejs.org/) v14.x - _required_ - [yarn classic](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install) package manager v1.22.x- _required_ - [docker](https://www.docker.com/get-started) and docker-compose v.1.29 or higher - _required_ - [ansible](https://www.ansible.com/) - _optional_ If you use VSCode as your code editor we recommend using the workspace [settings](devops/vscode/settings.json) for recommend eslint plugin to function properly. After cloning the repo run the following initialization scripts: ```sh # Install rust toolchain ./setup.sh # build local npm packages yarn build:packages # Build joystream/node docker image yarn build:node:docker # start a local development network yarn start ``` ## Software **Substrate blockchain** - [joystream-node](./node) - [runtime](./runtime) - [runtime modules](./runtime-modules) **Server Applications - infrastructure** - [Storage Node](./storage-node) - Media Storage Infrastructure - [Query Node](./query-node) - [Distributor Node](./distributor-node) **Front-end Applications** - [Pioneer v2](https://github.com/Joystream/pioneer) - Main UI for accessing Joystream community and governance features - [Atlas](https://github.com/Joystream/atlas) - Media Player **Tools and CLI** - [joystream-cli](./cli) - CLI for community and governance activities **Testing infrastructure** - [Network integration](./tests/network-tests) - Joystream network integration testing framework ## Running a local full node ```sh git checkout master WASM_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN=nightly-2021-02-20 cargo +nightly-2021-02-20 build --release ./target/release/joystream-node -- --pruning archive --chain testnets/joy-testnet-5.json ``` Learn more about [joystream-node](node/README.md). A step by step guide to setup a full node and validator on the Joystream testnet, can be found [here](https://github.com/Joystream/helpdesk/tree/master/roles/validators). ### Integration tests ```bash # Make sure yarn packages are built yarn build:packages # Build the test joystream-node RUNTIME_PROFILE=TESTING yarn build:node:docker # Run tests ./tests/network-tests/run-full-tests.sh ``` ### Contributing We have lots of good first [issues](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22) open to help you get started on contributing code. If you are not a developer you can still make valuable contributions by testing our software and providing feedback and opening new issues. A description of our [branching model](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/issues/638) will help you to understand where work on different software components happens, and consequently where to direct your pull requests. We rely on `eslint` for code quality of our JavaScript and TypeScript code and `prettier` for consistent formatting. For Rust we rely on `rustfmt` and `clippy`. The [husky](https://www.npmjs.com/package/husky#ci-servers) npm package is used to manage the project git-hooks. This is automatically installed and setup when you run `yarn install`. When you `git commit` and `git push` some scripts will run automatically to ensure committed code passes lint, tests, and code-style checks. During a rebase/merge you may want to skip all hooks, you can use `HUSKY_SKIP_HOOKS` environment variable. ``` HUSKY_SKIP_HOOKS=1 git rebase ... ``` ## RLS Extension in VScode or Atom Editors If you use RLS extension in your IDE, start your editor with the `BUILD_DUMMY_WASM_BINARY=1` environment set to workaround a build issue that occurs in the IDE only. `BUILD_DUMMY_WASM_BINARY=1 code ./joystream` ## Authors See the list of [contributors](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/graphs/contributors) who participated in this project. ## License All software under this project is licensed as [GPLv3](./LICENSE) unless otherwise indicated. ## Acknowledgments Thanks to the whole [Parity Tech](https://www.parity.io/) team for making substrate and helping in chat with tips, suggestions, tutorials and answering all our questions during development.