# Query node This is a query-node project generated by `hydra-cli`. Experiment by modifying `schema.graphql` and the mappings in the `mappings` folder, defined in `manifest.yml`. For more information about Hydra see: https://dzhelezov.gitbook.io/hydra/ ## 1. Building the node Run ```bash # Make sure these steps are executed first: # yarn build:packages; # OR: # yarn && yarn workspace @joystream/types build && yarn workspace @joystream/metadata-protobuf build yarn workspace query-node-root build ``` This will generate event decorations for the mappings via `hydra-typegen` inside `mappings/generated` (based on the runtime metadata saved in `../chain-metadata.json`) and a graphql-server along with the TypeORM models based on `schema.graphql` inside `generated/graphql-server`. ## 2. Building the mappings In order to re-build the mappings only, without re-generating the graphql-server code and event decorations (in case there were no changes in the runtime and `schema.graphql`) you can also run: ```bash yarn workspace query-node-mappings build ``` ## 3. Initializing the database and starting the node ```bash yarn workspace query-node-root start ``` This script script will: - Bring up `joystream-node` service (if not already started) - Bring up `db` service (query node is using a PostgreSQL database to store the data) - Configure the database (`yarn workspace query-node config:dev`) - Create the database and initialize schema (`yarn workspace query-node-root db:prepare && yarn workspace query-node-root db:processor:migrate`) - Start the GraphQL server service (`docker-compose up -d graphql-server`) - Start the Hydra Processor responsible for processing the runtime events and running the mappings' functions (`docker-compose up -d processor`) ## 4. Stopping the node and removing all associated containers You can stop the query-node and remove all associated docker containers without affecting any other services by running: ```bash yarn workspace query-node-root kill ``` - Database connection settings: DB_NAME, DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_USER, DB_PASS - Chain RPC endpoint: WS_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT_URI - If non-standard types are being used by the Substrate runtime, map type definitions in the json format as an external volume Follow the links for more information about the [indexer](https://github.com/Joystream/hydra/tree/master/packages/hydra-indexer) service and [indexer-api-gateway](https://github.com/Joystream/hydra/tree/master/packages/hydra-indexer-gateway). ## GraphQL Playground assets url Query node's user interface, GraphQL Playground, is expecting to be served at `/graphql`. If you are serving the files on path like `/query/server/graphql` via some nginx proxy, aliasing, etc. you will need to provide the base url to query node server via `GRAPHQL_PLAYGROUND_CDN` environment variable. ``` # use the following when serving playground at `/query/server/graphql` GRAPHQL_PLAYGROUND_CDN="query/server" yarn workspace query-node-root query-node:start:dev ```