/* global api, hashing, keyring, types, util, joy, window */ // run this script with: // yarn workspace api-scripts script test-transfer // // or copy and paste the code into the pioneer javascript toolbox at: // https://testnet.joystream.org/#/js // const script = async ({ api, keyring, userAddress }) => { const sudoAddress = (await api.query.sudo.key()).toString() const destination = userAddress || sudoAddress let sender if (typeof window === 'undefined') { // In node, get the keyPair if the keyring was provided sender = keyring.getPair(destination) } else { // Pioneer: let the UI Signer handle it sender = destination } // Send test transfer to self const transfer = api.tx.balances.transfer(destination, 10) await transfer.signAndSend(sender) } if (typeof module === 'undefined') { // Pioneer js-toolbox script({ api, hashing, keyring, types, util, joy }) } else { // Node module.exports = script }