{ "Aye {{counter}}": "Aye {{counter}}", "Cancel slashes": "Cancel slashes", "Close": "Close", "Close proposal": "Close proposal", "Council overview": "Council overview", "Current prime member, default voting": "Current prime member, default voting", "In calculating the election outcome, this prioritized vote ordering will be used to determine the final score for the candidates.": "In calculating the election outcome, this prioritized vote ordering will be used to determine the final score for the candidates.", "Motions ({{count}})": "Motions ({{count}})", "Nay {{counter}}": "Nay {{counter}}", "No candidates found": "No candidates found", "No council motions": "No council motions", "No members found": "No members found", "No runners up found": "No runners up found", "Positive number between 1 and {{memberCount}}": "Positive number between 1 and {{memberCount}}", "Propose": "Propose", "Propose a council motion": "Propose a council motion", "Propose external": "Propose external", "Propose external (majority)": "Propose external (majority)", "Propose motion": "Propose motion", "Revert": "Revert", "Revert pending slashes": "Revert pending slashes", "Select and order council candidates you wish to vote for.": "Select and order council candidates you wish to vote for.", "Select the account you wish close the proposal with.": "Select the account you wish close the proposal with.", "Select the account you wish to make the proposal with.": "Select the account you wish to make the proposal with.", "Select the account you wish to submit for candidacy.": "Select the account you wish to submit for candidacy.", "Submit candidacy": "Submit candidacy", "Submit your council candidacy": "Submit your council candidacy", "The actual proposal to make, based on the selected call and parameters thereof.": "The actual proposal to make, based on the selected call and parameters thereof.", "The bond that is reserved": "The bond that is reserved", "The bond will be reserved for the duration of your candidacy and membership.": "The bond will be reserved for the duration of your candidacy and membership.", "The council account for the proposal. The selection is filtered by the current members.": "The council account for the proposal. The selection is filtered by the current members.", "The council account for this vote. The selection is filtered by the current members.": "The council account for this vote. The selection is filtered by the current members.", "The council account that will apply the close for the current round.": "The council account that will apply the close for the current round.", "The desired threshold. Here set to a default of 50%+1, as applicable for general proposals.": "The desired threshold. Here set to a default of 50%+1, as applicable for general proposals.", "The hash of the proposal image, either already submitted or valid for the specific call.": "The hash of the proposal image, either already submitted or valid for the specific call.", "The minimum number of council votes required to approve this motion": "The minimum number of council votes required to approve this motion", "The preimage hash of the proposal": "The preimage hash of the proposal", "The proposal that is being voted on. It will pass when the threshold is reached.": "The proposal that is being voted on. It will pass when the threshold is reached.", "The proposal that will be affected. Once closed for the current voting round, it would need to be re-submitted to council for a subsequent voting round.": "The proposal that will be affected. Once closed for the current voting round, it would need to be re-submitted to council for a subsequent voting round.", "The specific eras on which there are unapplied slashes. For each era a separate proposal is to be made.": "The specific eras on which there are unapplied slashes. For each era a separate proposal is to be made.", "The unapplied slashed era to cancel.": "The unapplied slashed era to cancel.", "The value associated with this vote. The amount will be locked (not available for transfer) and used in all subsequent elections.": "The value associated with this vote. The amount will be locked (not available for transfer) and used in all subsequent elections.", "The vote to record for this proposal, either for or against.": "The vote to record for this proposal, either for or against.", "The vote will be recorded for the selected account.": "The vote will be recorded for the selected account.", "The votes for the members, runner-ups and candidates. These should be ordered based on your priority.": "The votes for the members, runner-ups and candidates. These should be ordered based on your priority.", "This account will appear in the list of candidates. With enough votes in an election, it will become either a runner-up or a council member.": "This account will appear in the list of candidates. With enough votes in an election, it will become either a runner-up or a council member.", "This account will be use to approve each candidate.": "This account will be use to approve each candidate.", "Vote": "Vote", "Vote for current candidates": "Vote for current candidates", "Vote on proposal": "Vote on proposal", "You are voting with this collective's prime account. The vote will be the default outcome in case of any abstentions.": "You are voting with this collective's prime account. The vote will be the default outcome in case of any abstentions.", "aye": "aye", "backing": "backing", "candidacy bond": "candidacy bond", "candidate account": "candidate account", "candidates": "candidates", "council candidates": "council candidates", "era {{era}}, {{count}} slashes": "era {{era}}, {{count}} slashes", "members": "members", "motions": "motions", "my ordered votes": "my ordered votes", "nay": "nay", "no unapplied slashes found": "no unapplied slashes found", "preimage hash": "preimage hash", "prime voter": "prime voter", "proposal": "proposal", "propose from account": "propose from account", "runners up": "runners up", "seats": "seats", "sending account": "sending account", "term progress": "term progress", "the era to cancel for": "the era to cancel for", "threshold": "threshold", "votes": "votes", "voting account": "voting account", "voting end": "voting end", "voting round": "voting round" }