{ "Create an account now.": "Create an account now.", "Initializing connection": "Initializing connection", "Select Network": "Select Network", "Waiting for authorization from the extension. Please open the installed extension and approve or reject access.": "Waiting for authorization from the extension. Please open the installed extension and approve or reject access.", "You are connecting from a secure location to an insecure WebSocket ({{wsUrl}}). Due to browser mixed-content security policies this connection type is not allowed. Change the RPC service to a secure 'wss' endpoint.": "You are connecting from a secure location to an insecure WebSocket ({{wsUrl}}). Due to browser mixed-content security policies this connection type is not allowed. Change the RPC service to a secure 'wss' endpoint.", "You are not connected to a node. Ensure that your node is running and that the Websocket endpoint is reachable.": "You are not connected to a node. Ensure that your node is running and that the Websocket endpoint is reachable.", "You don't have any accounts. Some features are currently hidden and will only become available once you have accounts.": "You don't have any accounts. Some features are currently hidden and will only become available once you have accounts.", "nav.github": "nav.github", "nav.wiki": "nav.wiki", "transfer received": "transfer received", "update on #{{index}}": "update on #{{index}}", "version {{version}}": "version {{version}}" }