import WorkingGroupsCommandBase from '../../base/WorkingGroupsCommandBase'; import { ApiMethodArg, ApiMethodNamedArgs } from '../../Types'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import { flags } from '@oclif/command'; import { apiModuleByGroup } from '../../Api'; import WorkerOpeningOptions from '../../promptOptions/addWorkerOpening'; import { setDefaults } from '../../helpers/promptOptions'; export default class WorkingGroupsCreateOpening extends WorkingGroupsCommandBase { static description = 'Create working group opening (requires lead access)'; static flags = { ...WorkingGroupsCommandBase.flags, useDraft: flags.boolean({ char: 'd', description: "Whether to create the opening from existing draft.\n"+ "If provided without --draftName - the list of choices will be displayed." }), draftName: flags.string({ char: 'n', description: 'Name of the draft to create the opening from.', dependsOn: ['useDraft'] }), createDraftOnly: flags.boolean({ char: 'c', description: 'If provided - the extrinsic will not be executed. Use this flag if you only want to create a draft.' }), skipPrompts: flags.boolean({ char: 's', description: "Whether to skip all prompts when adding from draft (will use all default values)", dependsOn: ['useDraft'], exclusive: ['createDraftOnly'] }) }; async run() { const account = await this.getRequiredSelectedAccount(); // lead-only gate await this.getRequiredLead(); const { flags } = this.parse(WorkingGroupsCreateOpening); let promptOptions = new WorkerOpeningOptions(), defaultValues: ApiMethodNamedArgs | undefined; if (flags.useDraft) { const draftName = flags.draftName || await this.promptForOpeningDraft(); defaultValues = await this.loadOpeningDraftParams(draftName); setDefaults(promptOptions, defaultValues); } if (!flags.skipPrompts) { const module = apiModuleByGroup[]; const method = 'addOpening'; let saveDraft = false, params: ApiMethodArg[]; if (flags.createDraftOnly) { params = await this.promptForExtrinsicParams(module, method, promptOptions); saveDraft = true; } else { await this.requestAccountDecoding(account); // Prompt for password params = await this.buildAndSendExtrinsic(account, module, method, promptOptions, true); saveDraft = await this.simplePrompt({ message: 'Do you wish to save this opening as draft?', type: 'confirm' }); } if (saveDraft) { const draftName = await this.promptForNewOpeningDraftName(); this.saveOpeningDraft(draftName, params); this.log(`Opening draft ${ chalk.white(draftName) } succesfully saved!`)); } } else { await this.requestAccountDecoding(account); // Prompt for password this.log(chalk.white('Sending the extrinsic...')); await this.sendExtrinsic(account, apiModuleByGroup[], 'addOpening', defaultValues!.map(v => v.value)); this.log('Opening succesfully created!')); } } }