"The final proposal status is not yet decided, the council can still submit votes that may impact the outcome." type ProposalStatusDeciding @variant { "Related ProposalStatusUpdatedEvent" proposalStatusUpdatedEvent: ProposalStatusUpdatedEvent } "The proposal is awaiting execution until the specified trigger block, or GRACING_LIMIT blocks since start of period if no trigger was provided." type ProposalStatusGracing @variant { "Related ProposalStatusUpdatedEvent" proposalStatusUpdatedEvent: ProposalStatusUpdatedEvent } "The proposal was approved by current council, but requires further approvals to satisfy CONSTITUTIONALITY requirement. Transitions to Deciding stage when next council is elected." type ProposalStatusDormant @variant { "Related ProposalStatusUpdatedEvent" proposalStatusUpdatedEvent: ProposalStatusUpdatedEvent } "Was halted by sudo or by council through veto-proposal. " type ProposalStatusVetoed @variant { "Related ProposalDecisionMadeEvent event" proposalDecisionMadeEvent: ProposalDecisionMadeEvent } "The proposal was successfully executed" type ProposalStatusExecuted @variant { "Related ProposalExecutedEvent" proposalExecutedEvent: ProposalExecutedEvent } "The proposal executution has failed." type ProposalStatusExecutionFailed @variant { "Related ProposalExecutedEvent" proposalExecutedEvent: ProposalExecutedEvent "The runtime execution error message" errorMessage: String! } "The proposal was rejected and the associated stake was slashed." type ProposalStatusSlashed @variant { "Related ProposalDecisionMadeEvent" proposalDecisionMadeEvent: ProposalDecisionMadeEvent } "The proposal was rejected." type ProposalStatusRejected @variant { "Related ProposalDecisionMadeEvent" proposalDecisionMadeEvent: ProposalDecisionMadeEvent } "The proposal didn't recieve enough votes and the voting period has expired." type ProposalStatusExpired @variant { "Related ProposalDecisionMadeEvent" proposalDecisionMadeEvent: ProposalDecisionMadeEvent } "The proposal was cancelled by the original proposer." type ProposalStatusCancelled @variant { "The related ProposalCancelledEvent" canelledInEvent: ProposalCancelledEvent } "The proposal was canceled by the runtime (for example, due to runtime upgrade). No cancellation fee was applied." type ProposalStatusCanceledByRuntime @variant { "Related ProposalDecisionMadeEvent" proposalDecisionMadeEvent: ProposalDecisionMadeEvent } "Intermediate / pending proposal status, the final status is still to be determined" union ProposalIntermediateStatus = ProposalStatusDeciding | ProposalStatusGracing | ProposalStatusDormant "Proposal status after the voting stage has finished for the current council." union ProposalDecisionStatus = # Approved: ProposalStatusDormant | ProposalStatusGracing # Not approved: | ProposalStatusVetoed | ProposalStatusSlashed | ProposalStatusRejected | ProposalStatusExpired | ProposalStatusCancelled | ProposalStatusCanceledByRuntime "Statuses representing approved proposal post-execution result" union ProposalExecutionStatus = ProposalStatusExecuted | ProposalStatusExecutionFailed "All valid proposal statuses" union ProposalStatus = # Intermediate statuses: ProposalStatusDeciding | ProposalStatusGracing | ProposalStatusDormant # Final statuses: | ProposalStatusVetoed | ProposalStatusExecuted | ProposalStatusExecutionFailed | ProposalStatusSlashed | ProposalStatusRejected | ProposalStatusExpired | ProposalStatusCancelled | ProposalStatusCanceledByRuntime type Proposal @entity { "Proposal's runtime id" id: ID! "Proposal title" title: String! @fulltext(query: "proposalsByTitle") "Proposal description" description: String! @fulltext(query: "proposalsByDescription") "Proposal details depending on proposal type" details: ProposalDetails! "Staking account with proposal stake (in case a stake is required)" stakingAccount: String "Proposal creator" creator: Membership! "The event the proposal was created in" createdInEvent: ProposalCreatedEvent! @derivedFrom(field: "proposal") "Exact block number the proposal is supposed to be executed at (if specified)" exactExecutionBlock: Int "Proposal's discussion thread" discussionThread: ProposalDiscussionThread! @derivedFrom(field: "proposal") "How many prior councils have already approved the proposal (starts with 0)" councilApprovals: Int! "List of proposal (intermediate) status update events (to Deciding, Dormand or Gracing status)" proposalStatusUpdates: [ProposalStatusUpdatedEvent!] @derivedFrom(field: "proposal") "List of proposal votes (in form of ProposalVotedEvents)" votes: [ProposalVotedEvent!] @derivedFrom(field: "proposal") "Current proposal status" status: ProposalStatus! # Additional fileds to avoid the need for complex filtering through status variant relations: "Number of the block the current status was set at" statusSetAtBlock: Int! "Time the current status was set at (based on block timestamp)" statusSetAtTime: DateTime! } type SignalProposalDetails @variant { "Signal proposal content" text: String! } type RuntimeUpgradeProposalDetails @variant { "Runtime upgrade WASM bytecode" wasmBytecode: Bytes! } type FundingRequestDestination @entity { "Amount of funds requested" amount: BigInt! "Destination account" account: String! "The list that this funding request destination is part of" list: FundingRequestDestinationsList! } # We need to have additional intermediate FundingRequestDestinationsList entity, # because varaints don't directly support One-to-Many relationships type FundingRequestDestinationsList @entity { # Prevents "GraphQLError: Input Object type FundingRequestDestinationsListUpdateInput must define one or more fields." _phantom: Int "List of funding request destinations" destinations: [FundingRequestDestination!] @derivedFrom(field: "list") } type FundingRequestProposalDetails @variant { # Workaround for lack of direct One-to-Many relationships "Related list of funding request destinations" destinationsList: FundingRequestDestinationsList! } type SetMaxValidatorCountProposalDetails @variant { "The new (propsed) max. number of active validators" newMaxValidatorCount: Int! } type CreateWorkingGroupLeadOpeningProposalDetails @variant { "The opening metadata" metadata: WorkingGroupOpeningMetadata! "Min. application / role stake amount" stakeAmount: BigInt! "Role stake unstaking period in blocks" unstakingPeriod: Int! "Initial workers' reward per block" rewardPerBlock: BigInt! "Related working group" group: WorkingGroup! } type FillWorkingGroupLeadOpeningProposalDetails @variant { "Lead opening to to be filled" opening: WorkingGroupOpening! "Selected successful application" application: WorkingGroupApplication! } type UpdateWorkingGroupBudgetProposalDetails @variant { "Amount to increase / decrease the working group budget by (will be decudted from / appended to council budget accordingly)" amount: BigInt! "Related working group" group: WorkingGroup! } type DecreaseWorkingGroupLeadStakeProposalDetails @variant { "The lead that should be affected" lead: Worker! "Amount to decrease the stake by" amount: BigInt! } type SlashWorkingGroupLeadProposalDetails @variant { "The lead that should be affected" lead: Worker! "Amount to slash the stake by" amount: BigInt! } type SetWorkingGroupLeadRewardProposalDetails @variant { "The lead that should be affected" lead: Worker! "Lead's new (proposed) reward per block" newRewardPerBlock: BigInt! } type TerminateWorkingGroupLeadProposalDetails @variant { "Lead that's supposed to be terminated" lead: Worker! "Optionally - the amount to slash the lead's stake by" slashingAmount: BigInt } type AmendConstitutionProposalDetails @variant { "New (proposed) constitution text (md-formatted)" text: String! } type CancelWorkingGroupLeadOpeningProposalDetails @variant { "Opening to be cancelled" opening: WorkingGroupOpening! } type SetMembershipPriceProposalDetails @variant { "New (proposed) membership price" newPrice: BigInt! } type SetCouncilBudgetIncrementProposalDetails @variant { "New (proposed) amount the council budget should be increased by per each budget period" newAmount: BigInt! } type SetCouncilorRewardProposalDetails @variant { "New (proposed) council members' reward per block" newRewardPerBlock: BigInt! } type SetInitialInvitationBalanceProposalDetails @variant { "The new (proposed) initial balance credited to controller account of an invitee (locked for transaction fee payments only)" newInitialInvitationBalance: BigInt! } type SetInitialInvitationCountProposalDetails @variant { "The new (proposed) initial invitations count for paid memberships" newInitialInvitationsCount: Int! } type SetMembershipLeadInvitationQuotaProposalDetails @variant { "The new (proposed) membership working group lead invitation quota" newLeadInvitationQuota: Int! } type SetReferralCutProposalDetails @variant { "The new (proposed) percentage of tokens diverted to referrer (from referred member's membership price)." newReferralCut: Int! } type CreateBlogPostProposalDetails @variant { "Blog post title" title: String! "Blog post content (md-formatted)" body: String! } type EditBlogPostProposalDetails @variant { "The related blog post" # TODO: Change to relationship once Blog module is supported blogPost: ID! "The new blog post title (if should be updated)" newTitle: String "The new blog post body (if should be updated)" newBody: String } type LockBlogPostProposalDetails @variant { "The blog post that should be locked" # TODO: Change to relationship once Blog module is supported blogPost: ID! } type UnlockBlogPostProposalDetails @variant { "The blog post that should be unlocked" # TODO: Change to relationship once Blog module is supported blogPost: ID! } type VetoProposalDetails @variant { "Proposal to be vetoed" proposal: Proposal! } union ProposalDetails = SignalProposalDetails | RuntimeUpgradeProposalDetails | FundingRequestProposalDetails | SetMaxValidatorCountProposalDetails | CreateWorkingGroupLeadOpeningProposalDetails | FillWorkingGroupLeadOpeningProposalDetails | UpdateWorkingGroupBudgetProposalDetails | DecreaseWorkingGroupLeadStakeProposalDetails | SlashWorkingGroupLeadProposalDetails | SetWorkingGroupLeadRewardProposalDetails | TerminateWorkingGroupLeadProposalDetails | AmendConstitutionProposalDetails | CancelWorkingGroupLeadOpeningProposalDetails | SetMembershipPriceProposalDetails | SetCouncilBudgetIncrementProposalDetails | SetCouncilorRewardProposalDetails | SetInitialInvitationBalanceProposalDetails | SetInitialInvitationCountProposalDetails | SetMembershipLeadInvitationQuotaProposalDetails | SetReferralCutProposalDetails | CreateBlogPostProposalDetails | EditBlogPostProposalDetails | LockBlogPostProposalDetails | UnlockBlogPostProposalDetails | VetoProposalDetails