import BN from 'bn.js'; import { ElectionStage, Seat } from '@joystream/types/council'; import { Option, Text } from '@polkadot/types'; import { Constructor } from '@polkadot/types/types'; import { Struct, Vec } from '@polkadot/types/codec'; import { u32 } from '@polkadot/types/primitive'; import { BlockNumber, Balance, AccountId } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces'; import { DerivedBalances } from '@polkadot/api-derive/types'; import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'; import { WorkerId } from '@joystream/types/working-group'; import { Profile, MemberId } from '@joystream/types/members'; import { GenericJoyStreamRoleSchema, JobSpecifics, ApplicationDetails, QuestionSections, QuestionSection, QuestionsFields, QuestionField, EntryInMembershipModuke, HiringProcess, AdditionalRolehiringProcessDetails, CreatorDetails } from '@joystream/types/hiring/schemas/role.schema.typings'; import ajv from 'ajv'; import { Opening, StakingPolicy, ApplicationStageKeys } from '@joystream/types/hiring'; // KeyringPair type extended with mandatory "" // It's used for accounts/keys management within CLI. // If not provided in the account json file, the value is set to "Unnamed Account" export type NamedKeyringPair = KeyringPair & { meta: { name: string } } // Summary of the account information fetched from the api for "account:current" purposes (currently just balances) export type AccountSummary = { balances: DerivedBalances } // Object/Tuple containing council/councilElection information (council:info). // The tuple is useful, because that's how api.queryMulti returns the results. export type CouncilInfoTuple = Parameters; export type CouncilInfoObj = ReturnType; // This function allows us to easily transform the tuple into the object // and simplifies the creation of consitent Object and Tuple types (seen above). export function createCouncilInfoObj( activeCouncil: Seat[], termEndsAt: BlockNumber, autoStart: Boolean, newTermDuration: BN, candidacyLimit: BN, councilSize: BN, minCouncilStake: Balance, minVotingStake: Balance, announcingPeriod: BlockNumber, votingPeriod: BlockNumber, revealingPeriod: BlockNumber, round: BN, stage: Option ) { return { activeCouncil, termEndsAt, autoStart, newTermDuration, candidacyLimit, councilSize, minCouncilStake, minVotingStake, announcingPeriod, votingPeriod, revealingPeriod, round, stage }; } // Object with "name" and "value" properties, used for rendering simple CLI tables like: // Total balance: 100 JOY // Free calance: 50 JOY export type NameValueObj = { name: string, value: string }; // Working groups related types export enum WorkingGroups { StorageProviders = 'storageProviders' } // In contrast to Pioneer, currently only StorageProviders group is available in CLI export const AvailableGroups: readonly WorkingGroups[] = [ WorkingGroups.StorageProviders ] as const; // Compound working group types export type GroupMember = { workerId: WorkerId; memberId: MemberId; roleAccount: AccountId; profile: Profile; stake: Balance; earned: Balance; } export type GroupApplication = { wgApplicationId: number; applicationId: number; member: Profile | null; roleAccout: AccountId; stakes: { application: number; role: number; }, humanReadableText: string; stage: ApplicationStageKeys; } export enum OpeningStatus { WaitingToBegin = 'WaitingToBegin', AcceptingApplications = 'AcceptingApplications', InReview = 'InReview', Complete = 'Complete', Cancelled = 'Cancelled', Unknown = 'Unknown' } export type GroupOpeningStage = { status: OpeningStatus; block?: number; date?: Date; } export type GroupOpeningStakes = { application?: StakingPolicy; role?: StakingPolicy; } export type GroupOpening = { wgOpeningId: number; openingId: number; stage: GroupOpeningStage; opening: Opening; stakes: GroupOpeningStakes; applications: GroupApplication[]; } // Some helper structs for generating human_readable_text in working group opening extrinsic // Note those types are not part of the runtime etc., we just use them to simplify prompting for values // (since there exists functionality that handles that for substrate types like: Struct, Vec etc.) interface WithJSONable { toJSON: () => T; } export class HRTJobSpecificsStruct extends Struct implements WithJSONable { constructor (value?: JobSpecifics) { super({ title: "Text", description: "Text", }, value); } get title(): string { return (this.get('title') as Text).toString(); } get description(): string { return (this.get('description') as Text).toString(); } toJSON(): JobSpecifics { const { title, description } = this; return { title, description }; } } export class HRTEntryInMembershipModukeStruct extends Struct implements WithJSONable { constructor (value?: EntryInMembershipModuke) { super({ handle: "Text", }, value); } get handle(): string { return (this.get('handle') as Text).toString(); } toJSON(): EntryInMembershipModuke { const { handle } = this; return { handle }; } } export class HRTCreatorDetailsStruct extends Struct implements WithJSONable { constructor (value?: CreatorDetails) { super({ membership: HRTEntryInMembershipModukeStruct, }, value); } get membership(): EntryInMembershipModuke { return (this.get('membership') as HRTEntryInMembershipModukeStruct).toJSON(); } toJSON(): CreatorDetails { const { membership } = this; return { membership }; } } export class HRTHiringProcessStruct extends Struct implements WithJSONable { constructor (value?: HiringProcess) { super({ details: "Vec", }, value); } get details(): AdditionalRolehiringProcessDetails { return (this.get('details') as Vec).toArray().map(v => v.toString()); } toJSON(): HiringProcess { const { details } = this; return { details }; } } export class HRTQuestionFieldStruct extends Struct implements WithJSONable { constructor (value?: QuestionField) { super({ title: "Text", type: "Text" }, value); } get title(): string { return (this.get('title') as Text).toString(); } get type(): string { return (this.get('type') as Text).toString(); } toJSON(): QuestionField { const { title, type } = this; return { title, type }; } } class HRTQuestionsFieldsVec extends Vec.with(HRTQuestionFieldStruct) implements WithJSONable { toJSON(): QuestionsFields { return this.toArray().map(v => v.toJSON()); } } export class HRTQuestionSectionStruct extends Struct implements WithJSONable { constructor (value?: QuestionSection) { super({ title: "Text", questions: HRTQuestionsFieldsVec }, value); } get title(): string { return (this.get('title') as Text).toString(); } get questions(): QuestionsFields { return (this.get('questions') as HRTQuestionsFieldsVec).toJSON(); } toJSON(): QuestionSection { const { title, questions } = this; return { title, questions }; } } export class HRTQuestionSectionsVec extends Vec.with(HRTQuestionSectionStruct) implements WithJSONable { toJSON(): QuestionSections { return this.toArray().map(v => v.toJSON()); } }; export class HRTApplicationDetailsStruct extends Struct implements WithJSONable { constructor (value?: ApplicationDetails) { super({ sections: HRTQuestionSectionsVec }, value); } get sections(): QuestionSections { return (this.get('sections') as HRTQuestionSectionsVec).toJSON(); } toJSON(): ApplicationDetails { const { sections } = this; return { sections }; } } export class HRTStruct extends Struct implements WithJSONable { constructor (value?: GenericJoyStreamRoleSchema) { super({ version: "u32", headline: "Text", job: HRTJobSpecificsStruct, application: HRTApplicationDetailsStruct, reward: "Text", creator: HRTCreatorDetailsStruct, process: HRTHiringProcessStruct }, value); } get version(): number { return (this.get('version') as u32).toNumber(); } get headline(): string { return (this.get('headline') as Text).toString(); } get job(): JobSpecifics { return (this.get('job') as HRTJobSpecificsStruct).toJSON(); } get application(): ApplicationDetails { return (this.get('application') as HRTApplicationDetailsStruct).toJSON(); } get reward(): string { return (this.get('reward') as Text).toString(); } get creator(): CreatorDetails { return (this.get('creator') as HRTCreatorDetailsStruct).toJSON(); } get process(): HiringProcess { return (this.get('process') as HRTHiringProcessStruct).toJSON(); } toJSON(): GenericJoyStreamRoleSchema { const { version, headline, job, application, reward, creator, process } = this; return { version, headline, job, application, reward, creator, process }; } }; // A mapping of argName to json struct and schemaValidator // It is used to map arguments of type "Bytes" that are in fact a json string // (and can be validated against a schema) export type JSONArgsMapping = { [argName: string]: { struct: Constructor, schemaValidator: ajv.ValidateFunction } };