// Auto-generated via `yarn polkadot-types-from-chain`, do not edit /* eslint-disable */ import { AnyNumber, ITuple, Observable } from '@polkadot/types/types'; import { Option, Vec } from '@polkadot/types/codec'; import { Bytes, bool, u32, u64 } from '@polkadot/types/primitive'; import { Application, ApplicationId, ApplicationOf, Category, CategoryId, ClassId, ClassOf, ContentId, CuratorGroup, CuratorGroupId, DataObject, DataObjectStorageRelationship, DataObjectStorageRelationshipId, DataObjectType, DataObjectTypeId, DiscussionPost, DiscussionThread, ElectionStage, ElectionStake, EntityController, EntityCreationVoucher, EntityId, EntityOf, HiringApplicationId, InputValidationLengthConstraint, MemberId, Membership, MemoText, Mint, MintId, Opening, OpeningId, OpeningOf, PaidMembershipTerms, PaidTermId, Post, PostId, PropertyId, ProposalDetailsOf, ProposalId, ProposalOf, Recipient, RecipientId, RewardRelationship, RewardRelationshipId, SealedVote, Seats, ServiceProviderRecord, Stake, StakeId, StorageProviderId, Thread, ThreadCounter, ThreadId, TransferableStake, Url, VoteKind, WorkerId, WorkerOf } from './all'; import { UncleEntryItem } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/authorship'; import { BabeAuthorityWeight, MaybeRandomness, NextConfigDescriptor, Randomness } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/babe'; import { AccountData, BalanceLock } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/balances'; import { AuthorityId } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/consensus'; import { SetId, StoredPendingChange, StoredState } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/grandpa'; import { AuthIndex } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/imOnline'; import { DeferredOffenceOf, Kind, OffenceDetails, OpaqueTimeSlot, ReportIdOf } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/offences'; import { AccountId, Balance, BalanceOf, BlockNumber, ExtrinsicsWeight, Hash, KeyTypeId, Moment, Perbill, Releases, ValidatorId } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/runtime'; import { Keys, SessionIndex } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/session'; import { ActiveEraInfo, ElectionResult, ElectionScore, ElectionStatus, EraIndex, EraRewardPoints, Exposure, Forcing, Nominations, RewardDestination, SlashingSpans, SpanIndex, SpanRecord, StakingLedger, UnappliedSlash, ValidatorPrefs } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/staking'; import { AccountInfo, DigestOf, EventIndex, EventRecord, LastRuntimeUpgradeInfo, Phase } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/system'; import { Multiplier } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/txpayment'; import { ApiTypes } from '@polkadot/api/types'; declare module '@polkadot/api/types/storage' { export interface AugmentedQueries { authorship: { /** * Author of current block. **/ author: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Whether uncles were already set in this block. **/ didSetUncles: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Uncles **/ uncles: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; }; babe: { /** * Current epoch authorities. **/ authorities: AugmentedQuery Observable>>>; /** * Current slot number. **/ currentSlot: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Current epoch index. **/ epochIndex: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * The slot at which the first epoch actually started. This is 0 * until the first block of the chain. **/ genesisSlot: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Temporary value (cleared at block finalization) which is `Some` * if per-block initialization has already been called for current block. **/ initialized: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * How late the current block is compared to its parent. * * This entry is populated as part of block execution and is cleaned up * on block finalization. Querying this storage entry outside of block * execution context should always yield zero. **/ lateness: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Next epoch configuration, if changed. **/ nextEpochConfig: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Next epoch randomness. **/ nextRandomness: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * The epoch randomness for the *current* epoch. * * # Security * * This MUST NOT be used for gambling, as it can be influenced by a * malicious validator in the short term. It MAY be used in many * cryptographic protocols, however, so long as one remembers that this * (like everything else on-chain) it is public. For example, it can be * used where a number is needed that cannot have been chosen by an * adversary, for purposes such as public-coin zero-knowledge proofs. **/ randomness: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Randomness under construction. * * We make a tradeoff between storage accesses and list length. * We store the under-construction randomness in segments of up to * `UNDER_CONSTRUCTION_SEGMENT_LENGTH`. * * Once a segment reaches this length, we begin the next one. * We reset all segments and return to `0` at the beginning of every * epoch. **/ segmentIndex: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * TWOX-NOTE: `SegmentIndex` is an increasing integer, so this is okay. **/ underConstruction: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; }; balances: { /** * The balance of an account. * * NOTE: This is only used in the case that this module is used to store balances. **/ account: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Any liquidity locks on some account balances. * NOTE: Should only be accessed when setting, changing and freeing a lock. **/ locks: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Storage version of the pallet. * * This is set to v2.0.0 for new networks. **/ storageVersion: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * The total units issued in the system. **/ totalIssuance: AugmentedQuery Observable>; }; contentDirectory: { /** * Map, representing ClassId -> Class relation **/ classById: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Map, representing CuratorGroupId -> CuratorGroup relation **/ curatorGroupById: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Map, representing EntityId -> Entity relation **/ entityById: AugmentedQuery Observable>; entityCreationVouchers: AugmentedQueryDoubleMap Observable>; /** * Next runtime storage values used to maintain next id value, used on creation of respective curator groups, classes and entities **/ nextClassId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; nextCuratorGroupId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; nextEntityId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Mapping of class id and its property id to the respective entity id and property value hash. **/ uniquePropertyValueHashes: AugmentedQueryDoubleMap | [ClassId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, PropertyId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array], key2: Hash | string | Uint8Array) => Observable>>; }; contentDirectoryWorkingGroup: { /** * Count of active workers. **/ activeWorkerCount: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Maps identifier to worker application on opening. **/ applicationById: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * The current lead. **/ currentLead: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Map member id by hiring application id. * Required by StakingEventsHandler callback call to refund the balance on unstaking. **/ memberIdByHiringApplicationId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * The mint currently funding the rewards for this module. **/ mint: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Next identifier value for new worker application. **/ nextApplicationId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Next identifier value for new worker opening. **/ nextOpeningId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Next identifier for new worker. **/ nextWorkerId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Maps identifier to worker opening. **/ openingById: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Opening human readable text length limits **/ openingHumanReadableText: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Worker application human readable text length limits **/ workerApplicationHumanReadableText: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Maps identifier to corresponding worker. **/ workerById: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Worker exit rationale text length limits. **/ workerExitRationaleText: AugmentedQuery Observable>; }; council: { activeCouncil: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Reward amount paid out at each PayoutInterval **/ amountPerPayout: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * The mint that funds council member rewards and spending proposals budget **/ councilMint: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * How many blocks after the reward is created, the first payout will be made **/ firstPayoutAfterRewardCreated: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Optional interval in blocks on which a reward payout will be made to each council member **/ payoutInterval: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * The reward relationships currently in place. There may not necessarily be a 1-1 correspondance with * the active council, since there are multiple ways of setting/adding/removing council members, some of which * do not involve creating a relationship. **/ rewardRelationships: AugmentedQuery Observable>; termEndsAt: AugmentedQuery Observable>; }; councilElection: { announcingPeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; applicants: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; applicantStakes: AugmentedQuery Observable>; autoStart: AugmentedQuery Observable>; candidacyLimit: AugmentedQuery Observable>; commitments: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; councilSize: AugmentedQuery Observable>; existingStakeHolders: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; minCouncilStake: AugmentedQuery Observable>; minVotingStake: AugmentedQuery Observable>; newTermDuration: AugmentedQuery Observable>; revealingPeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; round: AugmentedQuery Observable>; stage: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; transferableStakes: AugmentedQuery Observable>; votes: AugmentedQuery Observable>; votingPeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; }; dataDirectory: { /** * Maps data objects by their content id. **/ dataObjectByContentId: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * List of ids known to the system. **/ knownContentIds: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; }; dataObjectStorageRegistry: { /** * Defines first relationship id. **/ firstRelationshipId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Defines next relationship id. **/ nextRelationshipId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Mapping of Data object types **/ relationships: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Keeps a list of storage relationships per content id. **/ relationshipsByContentId: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; }; dataObjectTypeRegistry: { /** * Mapping of Data object types. **/ dataObjectTypes: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Data object type ids should start at this value. **/ firstDataObjectTypeId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Provides id counter for the data object types. **/ nextDataObjectTypeId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; }; discovery: { /** * Mapping of service providers' storage provider id to their ServiceProviderRecord **/ accountInfoByStorageProviderId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Bootstrap endpoints maintained by root **/ bootstrapEndpoints: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Lifetime of an ServiceProviderRecord record in AccountInfoByAccountId map **/ defaultLifetime: AugmentedQuery Observable>; }; forum: { /** * Map category identifier to corresponding category. **/ categoryById: AugmentedQuery Observable>; categoryDescriptionConstraint: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Input constraints * These are all forward looking, that is they are enforced on all * future calls. **/ categoryTitleConstraint: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Account of forum sudo. **/ forumSudo: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Category identifier value to be used for the next Category created. **/ nextCategoryId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Post identifier value to be used for for next post created. **/ nextPostId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Thread identifier value to be used for next Thread in threadById. **/ nextThreadId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Map post identifier to corresponding post. **/ postById: AugmentedQuery Observable>; postModerationRationaleConstraint: AugmentedQuery Observable>; postTextConstraint: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Map thread identifier to corresponding thread. **/ threadById: AugmentedQuery Observable>; threadModerationRationaleConstraint: AugmentedQuery Observable>; threadTitleConstraint: AugmentedQuery Observable>; }; grandpa: { /** * The number of changes (both in terms of keys and underlying economic responsibilities) * in the "set" of Grandpa validators from genesis. **/ currentSetId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * next block number where we can force a change. **/ nextForced: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Pending change: (signaled at, scheduled change). **/ pendingChange: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * A mapping from grandpa set ID to the index of the *most recent* session for which its * members were responsible. * * TWOX-NOTE: `SetId` is not under user control. **/ setIdSession: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * `true` if we are currently stalled. **/ stalled: AugmentedQuery Observable>>>; /** * State of the current authority set. **/ state: AugmentedQuery Observable>; }; hiring: { /** * Applications **/ applicationById: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Internal purpose of given stake, i.e. fro what application, and whether for the role or for the application. **/ applicationIdByStakingId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Identifier for next application to be added. **/ nextApplicationId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Identifier for next opening to be added. **/ nextOpeningId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Openings. **/ openingById: AugmentedQuery Observable>; }; imOnline: { /** * For each session index, we keep a mapping of `T::ValidatorId` to the * number of blocks authored by the given authority. **/ authoredBlocks: AugmentedQueryDoubleMap Observable>; /** * The block number after which it's ok to send heartbeats in current session. * * At the beginning of each session we set this to a value that should * fall roughly in the middle of the session duration. * The idea is to first wait for the validators to produce a block * in the current session, so that the heartbeat later on will not be necessary. **/ heartbeatAfter: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * The current set of keys that may issue a heartbeat. **/ keys: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * For each session index, we keep a mapping of `AuthIndex` to * `offchain::OpaqueNetworkState`. **/ receivedHeartbeats: AugmentedQueryDoubleMap Observable>>; }; members: { /** * Active Paid membership terms **/ activePaidMembershipTerms: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; maxAboutTextLength: AugmentedQuery Observable>; maxAvatarUriLength: AugmentedQuery Observable>; maxHandleLength: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Registered unique handles and their mapping to their owner **/ memberIdByHandle: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Mapping of a controller account id to vector of member ids it controls **/ memberIdsByControllerAccountId: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Mapping of a root account id to vector of member ids it controls. **/ memberIdsByRootAccountId: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Mapping of member's id to their membership profile **/ membershipById: AugmentedQuery Observable>; minHandleLength: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Is the platform is accepting new members or not **/ newMembershipsAllowed: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * MemberId to assign to next member that is added to the registry, and is also the * total number of members created. MemberIds start at Zero. **/ nextMemberId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Next paid membership terms id **/ nextPaidMembershipTermsId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Paid membership terms record **/ paidMembershipTermsById: AugmentedQuery Observable>; screeningAuthority: AugmentedQuery Observable>; }; memo: { maxMemoLength: AugmentedQuery Observable>; memo: AugmentedQuery Observable>; }; minting: { /** * Mints **/ mints: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * The number of mints created. **/ mintsCreated: AugmentedQuery Observable>; }; offences: { /** * A vector of reports of the same kind that happened at the same time slot. **/ concurrentReportsIndex: AugmentedQueryDoubleMap Observable>>; /** * Deferred reports that have been rejected by the offence handler and need to be submitted * at a later time. **/ deferredOffences: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * The primary structure that holds all offence records keyed by report identifiers. **/ reports: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Enumerates all reports of a kind along with the time they happened. * * All reports are sorted by the time of offence. * * Note that the actual type of this mapping is `Vec`, this is because values of * different types are not supported at the moment so we are doing the manual serialization. **/ reportsByKindIndex: AugmentedQuery Observable>; }; proposalsCodex: { /** * Grace period for the 'add working group opening' proposal **/ addWorkingGroupOpeningProposalGracePeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Voting period for the 'add working group opening' proposal **/ addWorkingGroupOpeningProposalVotingPeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Grace period for the 'begin review working group leader applications' proposal **/ beginReviewWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationsProposalGracePeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Voting period for the 'begin review working group leader applications' proposal **/ beginReviewWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationsProposalVotingPeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Grace period for the 'decrease working group leader stake' proposal **/ decreaseWorkingGroupLeaderStakeProposalGracePeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Voting period for the 'decrease working group leader stake' proposal **/ decreaseWorkingGroupLeaderStakeProposalVotingPeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Grace period for the 'fill working group leader opening' proposal **/ fillWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningProposalGracePeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Voting period for the 'fill working group leader opening' proposal **/ fillWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningProposalVotingPeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Map proposal id to proposal details **/ proposalDetailsByProposalId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Grace period for the 'runtime upgrade' proposal **/ runtimeUpgradeProposalGracePeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Voting period for the 'runtime upgrade' proposal **/ runtimeUpgradeProposalVotingPeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Grace period for the 'set election parameters' proposal **/ setElectionParametersProposalGracePeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Voting period for the 'set election parameters' proposal **/ setElectionParametersProposalVotingPeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Grace period for the 'set validator count' proposal **/ setValidatorCountProposalGracePeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Voting period for the 'set validator count' proposal **/ setValidatorCountProposalVotingPeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Grace period for the 'set working group leader reward' proposal **/ setWorkingGroupLeaderRewardProposalGracePeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Voting period for the 'set working group leader reward' proposal **/ setWorkingGroupLeaderRewardProposalVotingPeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Grace period for the 'set working group mint capacity' proposal **/ setWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposalGracePeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Voting period for the 'set working group mint capacity' proposal **/ setWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposalVotingPeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Grace period for the 'slash working group leader stake' proposal **/ slashWorkingGroupLeaderStakeProposalGracePeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Voting period for the 'slash working group leader stake' proposal **/ slashWorkingGroupLeaderStakeProposalVotingPeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Grace period for the 'spending' proposal **/ spendingProposalGracePeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Voting period for the 'spending' proposal **/ spendingProposalVotingPeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Grace period for the 'terminate working group leader role' proposal **/ terminateWorkingGroupLeaderRoleProposalGracePeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Voting period for the 'terminate working group leader role' proposal **/ terminateWorkingGroupLeaderRoleProposalVotingPeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Grace period for the 'text' proposal **/ textProposalGracePeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Voting period for the 'text' proposal **/ textProposalVotingPeriod: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Map proposal id to its discussion thread id **/ threadIdByProposalId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; }; proposalsDiscussion: { /** * Last author thread counter (part of the antispam mechanism) **/ lastThreadAuthorCounter: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Count of all posts that have been created. **/ postCount: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Map thread id and post id to corresponding post. **/ postThreadIdByPostId: AugmentedQueryDoubleMap Observable>; /** * Map thread identifier to corresponding thread. **/ threadById: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Count of all threads that have been created. **/ threadCount: AugmentedQuery Observable>; }; proposalsEngine: { /** * Count of active proposals. **/ activeProposalCount: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Ids of proposals that are open for voting (have not been finalized yet). **/ activeProposalIds: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Map proposal executable code by proposal id. **/ dispatchableCallCode: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Ids of proposals that were approved and theirs grace period was not expired. **/ pendingExecutionProposalIds: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Count of all proposals that have been created. **/ proposalCount: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Map proposal by its id. **/ proposals: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Map proposal id by stake id. Required by StakingEventsHandler callback call **/ stakesProposals: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Double map for preventing duplicate votes. Should be cleaned after usage. **/ voteExistsByProposalByVoter: AugmentedQueryDoubleMap Observable>; }; randomnessCollectiveFlip: { /** * Series of block headers from the last 81 blocks that acts as random seed material. This * is arranged as a ring buffer with `block_number % 81` being the index into the `Vec` of * the oldest hash. **/ randomMaterial: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; }; recurringRewards: { recipients: AugmentedQuery Observable>; recipientsCreated: AugmentedQuery Observable>; rewardRelationships: AugmentedQuery Observable>; rewardRelationshipsCreated: AugmentedQuery Observable>; }; session: { /** * Current index of the session. **/ currentIndex: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Indices of disabled validators. * * The set is cleared when `on_session_ending` returns a new set of identities. **/ disabledValidators: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * The owner of a key. The key is the `KeyTypeId` + the encoded key. **/ keyOwner: AugmentedQuery | [KeyTypeId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, Bytes | string | Uint8Array]) => Observable>>; /** * The next session keys for a validator. **/ nextKeys: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * True if the underlying economic identities or weighting behind the validators * has changed in the queued validator set. **/ queuedChanged: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * The queued keys for the next session. When the next session begins, these keys * will be used to determine the validator's session keys. **/ queuedKeys: AugmentedQuery Observable>>>; /** * The current set of validators. **/ validators: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; }; stake: { /** * Maps identifiers to a stake. **/ stakes: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Identifier value for next stake, and count of total stakes created (not necessarily the number of current * stakes in the Stakes map as stakes can be removed.) **/ stakesCreated: AugmentedQuery Observable>; }; staking: { /** * The active era information, it holds index and start. * * The active era is the era currently rewarded. * Validator set of this era must be equal to `SessionInterface::validators`. **/ activeEra: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Map from all locked "stash" accounts to the controller account. **/ bonded: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * A mapping from still-bonded eras to the first session index of that era. * * Must contains information for eras for the range: * `[active_era - bounding_duration; active_era]` **/ bondedEras: AugmentedQuery Observable>>>; /** * The amount of currency given to reporters of a slash event which was * canceled by extraordinary circumstances (e.g. governance). **/ canceledSlashPayout: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * The current era index. * * This is the latest planned era, depending on how the Session pallet queues the validator * set, it might be active or not. **/ currentEra: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * The earliest era for which we have a pending, unapplied slash. **/ earliestUnappliedSlash: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Flag to control the execution of the offchain election. When `Open(_)`, we accept * solutions to be submitted. **/ eraElectionStatus: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Rewards for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras. * If reward hasn't been set or has been removed then 0 reward is returned. **/ erasRewardPoints: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Exposure of validator at era. * * This is keyed first by the era index to allow bulk deletion and then the stash account. * * Is it removed after `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras. * If stakers hasn't been set or has been removed then empty exposure is returned. **/ erasStakers: AugmentedQueryDoubleMap Observable>; /** * Clipped Exposure of validator at era. * * This is similar to [`ErasStakers`] but number of nominators exposed is reduced to the * `T::MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator` biggest stakers. * (Note: the field `total` and `own` of the exposure remains unchanged). * This is used to limit the i/o cost for the nominator payout. * * This is keyed fist by the era index to allow bulk deletion and then the stash account. * * Is it removed after `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras. * If stakers hasn't been set or has been removed then empty exposure is returned. **/ erasStakersClipped: AugmentedQueryDoubleMap Observable>; /** * The session index at which the era start for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras. **/ erasStartSessionIndex: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * The total amount staked for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras. * If total hasn't been set or has been removed then 0 stake is returned. **/ erasTotalStake: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Similar to `ErasStakers`, this holds the preferences of validators. * * This is keyed first by the era index to allow bulk deletion and then the stash account. * * Is it removed after `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras. **/ erasValidatorPrefs: AugmentedQueryDoubleMap Observable>; /** * The total validator era payout for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras. * * Eras that haven't finished yet or has been removed doesn't have reward. **/ erasValidatorReward: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Mode of era forcing. **/ forceEra: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Number of eras to keep in history. * * Information is kept for eras in `[current_era - history_depth; current_era]`. * * Must be more than the number of eras delayed by session otherwise. I.e. active era must * always be in history. I.e. `active_era > current_era - history_depth` must be * guaranteed. **/ historyDepth: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Any validators that may never be slashed or forcibly kicked. It's a Vec since they're * easy to initialize and the performance hit is minimal (we expect no more than four * invulnerables) and restricted to testnets. **/ invulnerables: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * True if the current **planned** session is final. Note that this does not take era * forcing into account. **/ isCurrentSessionFinal: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Map from all (unlocked) "controller" accounts to the info regarding the staking. **/ ledger: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Minimum number of staking participants before emergency conditions are imposed. **/ minimumValidatorCount: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * The map from nominator stash key to the set of stash keys of all validators to nominate. **/ nominators: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * All slashing events on nominators, mapped by era to the highest slash value of the era. **/ nominatorSlashInEra: AugmentedQueryDoubleMap Observable>>; /** * Where the reward payment should be made. Keyed by stash. **/ payee: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * The next validator set. At the end of an era, if this is available (potentially from the * result of an offchain worker), it is immediately used. Otherwise, the on-chain election * is executed. **/ queuedElected: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * The score of the current [`QueuedElected`]. **/ queuedScore: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Slashing spans for stash accounts. **/ slashingSpans: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * The percentage of the slash that is distributed to reporters. * * The rest of the slashed value is handled by the `Slash`. **/ slashRewardFraction: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Snapshot of nominators at the beginning of the current election window. This should only * have a value when [`EraElectionStatus`] == `ElectionStatus::Open(_)`. **/ snapshotNominators: AugmentedQuery Observable>>>; /** * Snapshot of validators at the beginning of the current election window. This should only * have a value when [`EraElectionStatus`] == `ElectionStatus::Open(_)`. **/ snapshotValidators: AugmentedQuery Observable>>>; /** * Records information about the maximum slash of a stash within a slashing span, * as well as how much reward has been paid out. **/ spanSlash: AugmentedQuery | [AccountId | string | Uint8Array, SpanIndex | AnyNumber | Uint8Array]) => Observable>; /** * True if network has been upgraded to this version. * Storage version of the pallet. * * This is set to v3.0.0 for new networks. **/ storageVersion: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * All unapplied slashes that are queued for later. **/ unappliedSlashes: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * The ideal number of staking participants. **/ validatorCount: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * The map from (wannabe) validator stash key to the preferences of that validator. **/ validators: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * All slashing events on validators, mapped by era to the highest slash proportion * and slash value of the era. **/ validatorSlashInEra: AugmentedQueryDoubleMap Observable>>>; }; storageWorkingGroup: { /** * Count of active workers. **/ activeWorkerCount: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Maps identifier to worker application on opening. **/ applicationById: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * The current lead. **/ currentLead: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Map member id by hiring application id. * Required by StakingEventsHandler callback call to refund the balance on unstaking. **/ memberIdByHiringApplicationId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * The mint currently funding the rewards for this module. **/ mint: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Next identifier value for new worker application. **/ nextApplicationId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Next identifier value for new worker opening. **/ nextOpeningId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Next identifier for new worker. **/ nextWorkerId: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Maps identifier to worker opening. **/ openingById: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Opening human readable text length limits **/ openingHumanReadableText: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Worker application human readable text length limits **/ workerApplicationHumanReadableText: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Maps identifier to corresponding worker. **/ workerById: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Worker exit rationale text length limits. **/ workerExitRationaleText: AugmentedQuery Observable>; }; sudo: { /** * The `AccountId` of the sudo key. **/ key: AugmentedQuery Observable>; }; system: { /** * The full account information for a particular account ID. **/ account: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Total length (in bytes) for all extrinsics put together, for the current block. **/ allExtrinsicsLen: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Map of block numbers to block hashes. **/ blockHash: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * The current weight for the block. **/ blockWeight: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Digest of the current block, also part of the block header. **/ digest: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * The number of events in the `Events` list. **/ eventCount: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Events deposited for the current block. **/ events: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Mapping between a topic (represented by T::Hash) and a vector of indexes * of events in the `>` list. * * All topic vectors have deterministic storage locations depending on the topic. This * allows light-clients to leverage the changes trie storage tracking mechanism and * in case of changes fetch the list of events of interest. * * The value has the type `(T::BlockNumber, EventIndex)` because if we used only just * the `EventIndex` then in case if the topic has the same contents on the next block * no notification will be triggered thus the event might be lost. **/ eventTopics: AugmentedQuery Observable>>>; /** * The execution phase of the block. **/ executionPhase: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Total extrinsics count for the current block. **/ extrinsicCount: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * Extrinsics data for the current block (maps an extrinsic's index to its data). **/ extrinsicData: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Extrinsics root of the current block, also part of the block header. **/ extrinsicsRoot: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Stores the `spec_version` and `spec_name` of when the last runtime upgrade happened. **/ lastRuntimeUpgrade: AugmentedQuery Observable>>; /** * The current block number being processed. Set by `execute_block`. **/ number: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Hash of the previous block. **/ parentHash: AugmentedQuery Observable>; }; timestamp: { /** * Did the timestamp get updated in this block? **/ didUpdate: AugmentedQuery Observable>; /** * Current time for the current block. **/ now: AugmentedQuery Observable>; }; transactionPayment: { nextFeeMultiplier: AugmentedQuery Observable>; storageVersion: AugmentedQuery Observable>; }; } export interface QueryableStorage extends AugmentedQueries { } }