name: Deploy Playground on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: gitRepo: description: 'Code repository' required: false default: '' branchName: description: 'Branch to deploy' required: false default: 'master' keyName: description: 'SSH key pair on AWS' required: false default: 'joystream-github-action-key' instanceType: description: 'AWS EC2 instance type (t2.micro, t2.large)' required: false default: 't2.micro' stackNamePrefix: description: 'Additional identifier to include in stack name' required: false default: 'playground' skipChainSetup: description: 'Optionally skip running newChainSetup script (true or false)' required: true default: 'false' # TODO: customDomain instead of # customDomain: # description: 'DNS hostname to use for deployment' # required: false # default: '' defaults: run: working-directory: devops/aws jobs: deploy-playground: name: Deploy Playground Job runs-on: ubuntu-latest env: STACK_NAME: ${{ github.event.inputs.stackNamePrefix }}-${{ github.event.inputs.branchName }}-${{ github.run_number }} steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install Ansible dependencies run: pipx inject ansible-core boto3 botocore - name: Configure AWS credentials uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1 with: aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }} aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }} aws-region: us-east-1 - name: Check if CloudFormation stack exists id: stack_exists run: | if aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${{ env.STACK_NAME }} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then echo "Stack already exists" exit 1 else echo "Stack does not exist" fi - name: Deploy to AWS CloudFormation uses: aws-actions/aws-cloudformation-github-deploy@v1 id: deploy_stack with: name: ${{ env.STACK_NAME }} template: devops/aws/cloudformation/single-instance-docker.yml no-fail-on-empty-changeset: '1' parameter-overrides: 'KeyName=${{ github.event.inputs.keyName }},EC2InstanceType=${{ github.event.inputs.instanceType }}' - name: Run playbook uses: dawidd6/action-ansible-playbook@v2 with: playbook: deploy-playground-playbook.yml directory: devops/aws requirements: requirements.yml key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }} inventory: | [all] ${{ steps.deploy_stack.outputs.PublicIp }} options: | --extra-vars "git_repo=${{ github.event.inputs.gitRepo }} \ branch_name=${{ github.event.inputs.branchName }} \ skip_chain_setup=${{ github.event.inputs.skipChainSetup }}" - name: Save the endpoints file as an artifact uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: endpoints path: devops/aws/endpoints.json - name: Delete CloudFormation Stack if any step failed # Skip if stack already existed if: failure() && steps.stack_exists.outcome != 'failure' run: | echo "Deleting ${{ env.STACK_NAME }} stack" aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name ${{ env.STACK_NAME }} echo "Waiting for ${{ env.STACK_NAME }} to be deleted..." aws cloudformation wait stack-delete-complete --stack-name ${{ env.STACK_NAME }}