import React from 'react'; import { Route, Switch, RouteComponentProps } from 'react-router'; import Tabs from '@polkadot/react-components/Tabs'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import { Breadcrumb, Message } from 'semantic-ui-react'; import { I18nProps } from '@polkadot/react-components/types'; import { ProposalPreviewList, ProposalFromId, ChooseProposalType } from './Proposal'; import _ from 'lodash'; import translate from './translate'; import NotDone from './NotDone'; import { SignalForm, SpendingProposalForm, SetCouncilParamsForm, SetMaxValidatorCountForm, RuntimeUpgradeForm, AddWorkingGroupOpeningForm, SetWorkingGroupMintCapacityForm, BeginReviewLeaderApplicationsForm, FillWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningForm, DecreaseWorkingGroupLeadStakeFrom, SlashWorkingGroupLeadStakeForm, SetWorkingGroupLeadRewardForm, TerminateWorkingGroupLeaderForm } from './forms'; import { RouteProps as AppMainRouteProps } from '@polkadot/apps-routing/types'; import style from './style'; import { HistoricalProposalFromId } from './Proposal/ProposalFromId'; const ProposalsMain = styled.main`${style}`; interface Props extends AppMainRouteProps, I18nProps {} const StyledHeader = styled.header` text-align: left; .ui.breadcrumb { padding: 1.4rem 0 0 .4rem; font-size: 1.4rem; } `; function App (props: Props): React.ReactElement { const { basePath, t } = props; const tabs = [ { isRoot: true, name: 'current', text: t('Current') }, { name: 'historical', text: t('Historical'), hasParams: true } ]; return ( ) => ( <> Proposals New proposal {_.startCase(props.match.params.type)} )} /> Proposals New proposal Historical Proposals Proposals {"You're in a historical proposals view."} The data presented here comes from previous Joystream testnet chain, which means all proposals are read-only and can no longer be interacted with! } /> ); } export default translate(App);