## Joystream-Node - full node/validator

![ Nodes for Joystream](./validator-node-banner.svg)

The joystream-node is the main server application that connects to the network, synchronizes the blockchain with other nodes and produces blocks if configured as a validator node.

A step by step guide to setup a full node and validator on the Joystream testnet, can be found [here](https://github.com/Joystream/helpdesk/tree/master/roles/validators).

### Pre-built binaries

The latest pre-built binaries can be downloaded from the [releases](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/releases) page.
Generally these will be built from `master` branch and will pertain to the currently active testnet.

### Building from source

Clone the repository and install build tools:

git clone https://github.com/Joystream/joystream.git

cd joystream/


Compile the node and runtime:

WASM_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN=nightly-2020-05-23 cargo build --release

This produces the binary in `./target/release/joystream-node`

### Running local development chain

./target/release/joystream-node --dev

If you repeatedly need to restart a new chain,
this script will build and run a fresh new local development chain (purging existing chain data):


### Joystream Public Testnets

Use the `--chain` argument, and specify the path to the genesis `chain.json` file for that public network. The JSON "chain spec" files for Joystream public networks can be found in [../testnets/](../testnets/).

./target/release/joystream-node --chain testnets/joy-testnet-4.json

### Tests and code quality

Running unit tests:

cargo test --release --all

Running full suite of checks, tests, formatting and linting:

yarn cargo-checks

Always format your rust code with `cargo fmt` before committing:

cargo fmt --all

### Installing a release build

If you are building a tagged release from `master` branch and want to install the executable to your path follow the step below.

This will install the executable `joystream-node` to your `~/.cargo/bin` folder, which you would normally have in your `$PATH` environment.

WASM_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN=nightly-2020-05-23 cargo install joystream-node --path node/ --locked

Now you can run and connect to the testnet:

joystream-node --chain testnets/joy-testnet-4.json