import Ajv from 'ajv' import inquirer, { DistinctQuestion } from 'inquirer' import _ from 'lodash' import RefParser, { JSONSchema } from '@apidevtools/json-schema-ref-parser' import chalk from 'chalk' import { BOOL_PROMPT_OPTIONS } from './prompting' type CustomPromptMethod = () => Promise type CustomPrompt = DistinctQuestion | CustomPromptMethod | { $item: CustomPrompt } | 'skip' // For the explaination of "string & { x: never }", see: // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types export type JsonSchemaCustomPrompts> = [keyof T | (string & {}) | RegExp, CustomPrompt][] export class JsonSchemaPrompter { schema: JSONSchema schemaPath: string customPropmpts?: JsonSchemaCustomPrompts ajv: Ajv.Ajv filledObject: Partial constructor( schema: JSONSchema, defaults?: Partial, customPrompts?: JsonSchemaCustomPrompts, schemaPath = '' ) { this.customPropmpts = customPrompts this.schema = schema this.schemaPath = schemaPath // allErrors prevents .validate from setting only one error when in fact there are multiple this.ajv = new Ajv({ allErrors: true }) this.filledObject = defaults || {} } private oneOfToOptions(oneOf: JSONSchema[], currentValue: any) { let defaultValue: any const choices: { name: string; value: number | string }[] = [] oneOf.forEach((pSchema, index) => { if (pSchema.description) { choices.push({ name: pSchema.description, value: index.toString() }) } else if (pSchema.type === 'object' && { choices.push({ name: `{ ${Object.keys(', ')} }`, value: index.toString() }) // Supports defaults for enum variants: if ( typeof currentValue === 'object' && currentValue !== null && Object.keys(currentValue).join(',') === Object.keys(',') ) { defaultValue = index.toString() } } else { choices.push({ name: index.toString(), value: index.toString() }) } }) return { choices, default: defaultValue } } private getCustomPrompt(propertyPath: string): CustomPrompt | undefined { const found = this.customPropmpts?.find(([pathToMatch]) => pathToMatch instanceof RegExp ? pathToMatch.test(propertyPath) : propertyPath === pathToMatch ) return found ? found[1] : undefined } private propertyDisplayName(propertyPath: string) { return } private async prompt( schema: JSONSchema, propertyPath = '', custom?: CustomPrompt, allPropsRequired = false ): Promise { const customPrompt: CustomPrompt | undefined = custom || this.getCustomPrompt(propertyPath) const propDisplayName = this.propertyDisplayName(propertyPath) const currentValue = _.get(this.filledObject, propertyPath) const type = Array.isArray(schema.type) ? schema.type[0] : schema.type if (customPrompt === 'skip') { return } // Automatically handle "null" values (useful for enum variants) if (type === 'null') { _.set(this.filledObject, propertyPath, null) return null } // Custom prompt if (typeof customPrompt === 'function') { return await this.promptWithRetry(customPrompt, propertyPath, true) } // oneOf if (schema.oneOf) { const oneOf = schema.oneOf as JSONSchema[] const options = this.oneOfToOptions(oneOf, currentValue) const choosen = await this.inquirerSinglePrompt({ message: propDisplayName, type: 'list', ...options, }) if (choosen !== options.default) { _.set(this.filledObject, propertyPath, undefined) // Clear any previous value if different variant selected } return await this.prompt(oneOf[parseInt(choosen)], propertyPath) } // object if (type === 'object' && { const value: Record = {} for (const [pName, pSchema] of Object.entries( { const objectPropertyPath = propertyPath ? `${propertyPath}.${pName}` : pName const propertyCustomPrompt = this.getCustomPrompt(objectPropertyPath) if (propertyCustomPrompt === 'skip') { continue } let confirmed = true const required = allPropsRequired || (Array.isArray(schema.required) && schema.required.includes(pName)) if (!required) { confirmed = await this.inquirerSinglePrompt({ message: `Do you want to provide optional ${chalk.greenBright(objectPropertyPath)}?`, type: 'confirm', default: _.get(this.filledObject, objectPropertyPath) !== undefined && _.get(this.filledObject, objectPropertyPath) !== null, }) } if (confirmed) { value[pName] = await this.prompt(pSchema, objectPropertyPath) } else { _.set(this.filledObject, objectPropertyPath, null) } } return value } // array if (type === 'array' && schema.items) { return await this.promptWithRetry(() => this.promptArray(schema, propertyPath), propertyPath, true) } // "primitive" values: const basicPromptOptions: DistinctQuestion = { message: propDisplayName, default: currentValue !== undefined ? currentValue : schema.default, } let additionalPromptOptions: DistinctQuestion | undefined let normalizer: (v: any) => any = (v) => v // Prompt options if (schema.enum) { additionalPromptOptions = { type: 'list', choices: schema.enum as any[] } } else if (type === 'boolean') { additionalPromptOptions = BOOL_PROMPT_OPTIONS } // Normalizers if (type === 'integer') { normalizer = (v) => (parseInt(v).toString() === v ? parseInt(v) : v) } if (type === 'number') { normalizer = (v) => (Number(v).toString() === v ? Number(v) : v) } const promptOptions = { ...basicPromptOptions, ...additionalPromptOptions, ...customPrompt } // Need to wrap in retry, because "validate" will not get called if "type" is "list" etc. return await this.promptWithRetry( async () => normalizer(await this.promptSimple(promptOptions, propertyPath, normalizer)), propertyPath ) } private setValueAndGetError(propertyPath: string, value: any, nestedErrors = false): string | null { _.set(this.filledObject as Record, propertyPath, value) this.ajv.validate(this.schema, this.filledObject) as boolean return this.ajv.errors ? this.ajv.errors .filter((e) => (nestedErrors ? e.dataPath.startsWith(`.${propertyPath}`) : e.dataPath === `.${propertyPath}`)) .map((e) => (e.dataPath.replace(`.${propertyPath}`, '') || 'This value') + ` ${e.message}`) .join(', ') : null } private async promptArray(schema: JSONSchema, propertyPath: string) { if (!schema.items) { return [] } const { maxItems = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER } = schema let currItem = 0 const result = [] while (currItem < maxItems) { const next = await this.inquirerSinglePrompt({ ...BOOL_PROMPT_OPTIONS, message: `Do you want to add another item to ${this.propertyDisplayName(propertyPath)} array?`, default: _.get(this.filledObject, `${propertyPath}[${currItem}]`) !== undefined, }) if (!next) { break } const itemSchema = Array.isArray(schema.items) ? schema.items[schema.items.length % currItem] : schema.items result.push(await this.prompt(typeof itemSchema === 'boolean' ? {} : itemSchema, `${propertyPath}[${currItem}]`)) ++currItem } return result } private async promptSimple(promptOptions: DistinctQuestion, propertyPath: string, normalize?: (v: any) => any) { const result = await this.inquirerSinglePrompt({ ...promptOptions, validate: (v) => { v = normalize ? normalize(v) : v return ( this.setValueAndGetError(propertyPath, v) || (promptOptions.validate ? promptOptions.validate(v) : true) || true ) }, }) return result } private async promptWithRetry(customMethod: CustomPromptMethod, propertyPath: string, nestedErrors = false) { let error: string | null let value: any do { value = await customMethod() error = this.setValueAndGetError(propertyPath, value, nestedErrors) if (error) { console.log('\n') console.log('Provided value:', value) console.warn(`ERROR: ${error}`) console.warn(`Try providing the input for ${propertyPath} again...`) } } while (error) return value } async getMainSchema() { return await RefParser.dereference(this.schemaPath, this.schema, {}) } async promptAll(allPropsRequired = false) { await this.prompt(await this.getMainSchema(), '', undefined, allPropsRequired) return this.filledObject as JsonResult } async promptMultipleProps

( props: PA ): Promise<{ [K in PA[number]]: Exclude }> { const result: Partial<{ [K in PA[number]]: Exclude }> = {} for (const prop of props) { result[prop] = await this.promptSingleProp(prop) } return result as { [K in PA[number]]: Exclude } } async promptSingleProp

( p: P, customPrompt?: CustomPrompt ): Promise> { const mainSchema = await this.getMainSchema() await this.prompt(![p] as JSONSchema, p, customPrompt) return this.filledObject[p] as Exclude } async inquirerSinglePrompt(question: DistinctQuestion) { const { result } = await inquirer.prompt([ { ...question, name: 'result', prefix: '', }, ]) return result } }