const { createProxyMiddleware } = require('http-proxy-middleware') const debug = require('debug')('joystream:ipfs-proxy') /* For this proxying to work correctly, ensure IPFS HTTP Gateway is configured as a path gateway: This can be done manually with the following command: $ ipfs config --json Gateway.PublicGateways '{"localhost": null }' The implicit default config is below which is not what we want! $ ipfs config --json Gateway.PublicGateways '{ "localhost": { "Paths": ["/ipfs", "/ipns"], "UseSubdomains": true } }' */ const pathFilter = function (path, req) { return path.match('^/asset/v1/') && (req.method === 'GET' || req.method === 'HEAD') } const createPathRewriter = (resolve) => { return async (_path, req) => { const hash = await resolve( return `/ipfs/${hash}` } } const createResolver = (storage) => { return async (id) => await storage.resolveContentIdWithTimeout(5000, id) } const createProxy = (storage) => { const pathRewrite = createPathRewriter(createResolver(storage)) return createProxyMiddleware(pathFilter, { // Default path to local IPFS HTTP GATEWAY target: 'http://localhost:8080/', pathRewrite, // capture redirect when IPFS HTTP Gateway is configured with 'UseDomains':true // and treat it as an error. onProxyRes: function (proxRes, _req, res) { if (proxRes.statusCode === 301) { debug('IPFS HTTP Gateway is allowing UseSubdomains. Killing stream') proxRes.destroy() // TODO: Maybe redirect - temporary to /v0/asset/contentId ? res.status(500).end() } }, }) } module.exports = { createProxy, }