#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e SCRIPT_PATH="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" cd $SCRIPT_PATH # Basic script to be run to configure dev chain storage infrastructure. # Assumes one storage lead and distributor lead are already hired # and their identity information are stored in .env # Load the worker ids and SURIs as local variables only . .env HOST_IP=$(tests/network-tests/get-host-ip.sh) ## Colossus 1 CLI=storage-node/bin/run TRANSACTOR_KEY=$(docker run --rm --pull=always docker.io/parity/subkey:2.0.1 inspect ${COLOSSUS_1_TRANSACTOR_URI} --output-type json | jq .ss58Address -r) ${CLI} leader:update-bag-limit -l 10 --accountUri ${COLOSSUS_1_WORKER_URI} ${CLI} leader:update-voucher-limits -o 10000 -s 1000000000000 --accountUri ${COLOSSUS_1_WORKER_URI} BUCKET_ID=`${CLI} leader:create-bucket -i=${COLOSSUS_1_WORKER_ID} -a -n=10000 -s=1000000000000 --accountUri ${COLOSSUS_1_WORKER_URI}` ${CLI} operator:accept-invitation -w=${COLOSSUS_1_WORKER_ID} -i=${BUCKET_ID} -t=${TRANSACTOR_KEY} --accountUri ${COLOSSUS_1_WORKER_URI} ${CLI} leader:update-dynamic-bag-policy -n 1 -t Channel --accountUri ${COLOSSUS_1_WORKER_URI} ${CLI} leader:update-data-fee -f 10 --accountUri ${COLOSSUS_1_WORKER_URI} # Optionally - set some data fee per megabyte # The node uri should be an accessible endpoint from within a container as well as the host machine. # In production it would most likely be the reverse proxy endpoint. If not specified we # set it to the host machine address. COLOSSUS_1_NODE_URI=${COLOSSUS_1_NODE_URI:="http://${HOST_IP}:3333"} ${CLI} operator:set-metadata -w=${COLOSSUS_1_WORKER_ID} -i=${BUCKET_ID} -e="${COLOSSUS_1_NODE_URI}" --accountUri ${COLOSSUS_1_WORKER_URI} echo "Colossus 1 BUCKET_ID=${BUCKET_ID}" ## Distributor 1 export AUTO_CONFIRM=true export CONFIG_PATH=$(pwd)/distributor-node/config.yml export JOYSTREAM_DISTRIBUTOR__KEYS="[{\"suri\":\"${DISTRIBUTOR_1_ACCOUNT_URI}\"}]" CLI=distributor-node/bin/run ${CLI} leader:set-buckets-per-bag-limit -l 10 FAMILY_ID=`${CLI} leader:create-bucket-family` BUCKET_INDEX=`${CLI} leader:create-bucket -f ${FAMILY_ID} -a yes` BUCKET_ID="${FAMILY_ID}:${BUCKET_INDEX}" ${CLI} leader:update-bucket-mode -B ${BUCKET_ID} --mode on ${CLI} leader:update-dynamic-bag-policy -t Channel -p ${FAMILY_ID}:5 ${CLI} leader:invite-bucket-operator -B ${BUCKET_ID} -w ${DISTRIBUTOR_1_WORKER_ID} ${CLI} operator:accept-invitation -B ${BUCKET_ID} -w ${DISTRIBUTOR_1_WORKER_ID} # The node uri should be an accessible endpoint from within a container as well as the host machine. # In production it would most likely be the reverse proxy endpoint. If not specified we # set it to the host machine address. DISTRIBUTOR_1_NODE_URI=${DISTRIBUTOR_1_NODE_URI:="http://${HOST_IP}:3334"} ${CLI} operator:set-metadata -B ${BUCKET_ID} -w ${DISTRIBUTOR_1_WORKER_ID} -e="${DISTRIBUTOR_1_NODE_URI}" echo "Distributor 1 BUCKET_ID=${BUCKET_ID}"