//! # Proposals engine module //! Proposals `engine` module for the Joystream platform. Version 2. //! The main component of the proposals system. Provides methods and extrinsics to create and //! vote for proposals, inspired by Parity **Democracy module**. //! //! ## Overview //! Proposals `engine` module provides an abstract mechanism to work with proposals: creation, voting, //! execution, canceling, etc. Proposal execution demands serialized _Dispatchable_ proposal code. //! It could be any _Dispatchable_ + _Parameter_ type, but most likely, it would be serialized (via //! Parity _codec_ crate) extrisic call. A proposal stage can be described by its [status](./enum.ProposalStatus.html). //! //! ## Proposal lifecycle //! When a proposal passes [checks](./struct.Module.html#method.ensure_create_proposal_parameters_are_valid) //! for its [parameters](./struct.ProposalParameters.html) - it can be [created](./struct.Module.html#method.create_proposal). //! The newly created proposal has _Active_ status. The proposal can be voted on or canceled during its //! _voting period_. Votes can be [different](./enum.VoteKind.html). When the proposal gets enough votes //! to be slashed or approved or _voting period_ ends - the proposal becomes _Finalized_. If the proposal //! got approved and _grace period_ passed - the `engine` module tries to execute the proposal. //! The final [approved status](./enum.ApprovedProposalStatus.html) of the proposal defines //! an overall proposal outcome. //! //! ### Notes //! //! - The proposal can be [vetoed](./struct.Module.html#method.veto_proposal) //! anytime before the proposal execution by the _sudo_. //! - When the proposal is created with some stake - refunding on proposal finalization with //! different statuses should be accomplished from the external handler from the _stake module_ //! (_StakingEventsHandler_). Such a handler should call //! [refund_proposal_stake](./struct.Module.html#method.refund_proposal_stake) callback function. //! - If the _council_ got reelected during the proposal _voting period_ the external handler calls //! [reset_active_proposals](./trait.Module.html#method.reset_active_proposals) function and //! all voting results get cleared. //! //! ### Important abstract types to be implemented //! Proposals `engine` module has several abstractions to be implemented in order to work correctly. //! - _VoterOriginValidator_ - ensure valid voter identity. Voters should have permissions to vote: //! they should be council members. //! - [VotersParameters](./trait.VotersParameters.html) - defines total voter number, which is //! the council size //! - _ProposerOriginValidator_ - ensure valid proposer identity. Proposers should have permissions //! to create a proposal: they should be members of the Joystream. //! - [StakeHandlerProvider](./trait.StakeHandlerProvider.html) - defines an interface for the staking. //! //! A full list of the abstractions can be found [here](./trait.Trait.html). //! //! ### Supported extrinsics //! - [vote](./struct.Module.html#method.vote) - registers a vote for the proposal //! - [cancel_proposal](./struct.Module.html#method.cancel_proposal) - cancels the proposal (can be canceled only by owner) //! - [veto_proposal](./struct.Module.html#method.veto_proposal) - vetoes the proposal //! //! ### Public API //! - [create_proposal](./struct.Module.html#method.create_proposal) - creates proposal using provided parameters //! - [ensure_create_proposal_parameters_are_valid](./struct.Module.html#method.ensure_create_proposal_parameters_are_valid) - ensures that we can create the proposal //! - [refund_proposal_stake](./struct.Module.html#method.refund_proposal_stake) - a callback for _StakingHandlerEvents_ //! - [reset_active_proposals](./trait.Module.html#method.reset_active_proposals) - resets voting results for active proposals //! //! ## Usage //! //! ``` //! use frame_support::{decl_module, print}; //! use system::ensure_signed; //! use codec::Encode; //! use pallet_proposals_engine::{self as engine, ProposalParameters}; //! //! pub trait Trait: engine::Trait + membership::Trait {} //! //! decl_module! { //! pub struct Module for enum Call where origin: T::Origin { //! #[weight = 10_000_000] //! fn executable_proposal(origin) { //! print("executed!"); //! } //! //! #[weight = 10_000_000] //! pub fn create_spending_proposal( //! origin, //! proposer_id: T::MemberId, //! ) { //! let account_id = ensure_signed(origin)?; //! let parameters = ProposalParameters::default(); //! let title = b"Spending proposal".to_vec(); //! let description = b"We need to spend some tokens to support the working group lead." //! .to_vec(); //! let encoded_proposal_code = >::executable_proposal().encode(); //! //! >::ensure_create_proposal_parameters_are_valid( //! ¶meters, //! &title, //! &description, //! None, //! &account_id, //! )?; //! >::create_proposal( //! account_id, //! proposer_id, //! parameters, //! title, //! description, //! None, //! encoded_proposal_code //! )?; //! } //! } //! } //! # fn main() {} //! ``` // Ensure we're `no_std` when compiling for Wasm. #![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)] // Do not delete! Cannot be uncommented by default, because of Parity decl_module! issue. //#![warn(missing_docs)] use crate::types::ApprovedProposalData; use types::FinalizedProposalData; use types::ProposalStakeManager; pub use types::{ ActiveStake, ApprovedProposalStatus, FinalizationData, Proposal, ProposalDecisionStatus, ProposalParameters, ProposalStatus, VotingResults, }; pub use types::{BalanceOf, CurrencyOf, NegativeImbalance}; pub use types::{DefaultStakeHandlerProvider, StakeHandler, StakeHandlerProvider}; pub use types::{ProposalCodeDecoder, ProposalExecutable}; pub use types::{VoteKind, VotersParameters}; pub(crate) mod types; #[cfg(test)] mod tests; use codec::Decode; use frame_support::dispatch::{DispatchError, DispatchResult, UnfilteredDispatchable}; use frame_support::storage::IterableStorageMap; use frame_support::traits::{Currency, Get}; use frame_support::{ decl_error, decl_event, decl_module, decl_storage, ensure, print, Parameter, StorageDoubleMap, }; use sp_arithmetic::traits::{SaturatedConversion, Zero}; use sp_std::vec::Vec; use system::{ensure_root, RawOrigin}; use common::origin::ActorOriginValidator; type MemberId = ::MemberId; /// Proposals engine trait. pub trait Trait: system::Trait + pallet_timestamp::Trait + stake::Trait + membership::Trait + balances::Trait { /// Engine event type. type Event: From> + Into<::Event>; /// Validates proposer id and origin combination type ProposerOriginValidator: ActorOriginValidator< Self::Origin, MemberId, Self::AccountId, >; /// Validates voter id and origin combination type VoterOriginValidator: ActorOriginValidator, Self::AccountId>; /// Provides data for voting. Defines maximum voters count for the proposal. type TotalVotersCounter: VotersParameters; /// Proposal Id type type ProposalId: From + Parameter + Default + Copy; /// Provides stake logic implementation. Can be used to mock stake logic. type StakeHandlerProvider: StakeHandlerProvider; /// The fee is applied when cancel the proposal. A fee would be slashed (burned). type CancellationFee: Get>; /// The fee is applied when the proposal gets rejected. A fee would be slashed (burned). type RejectionFee: Get>; /// Defines max allowed proposal title length. type TitleMaxLength: Get; /// Defines max allowed proposal description length. type DescriptionMaxLength: Get; /// Defines max simultaneous active proposals number. type MaxActiveProposalLimit: Get; /// Proposals executable code. Can be instantiated by external module Call enum members. type DispatchableCallCode: Parameter + UnfilteredDispatchable + Default; } decl_event!( /// Proposals engine events pub enum Event where ::ProposalId, MemberId = MemberId, ::BlockNumber, ::AccountId, ::StakeId, { /// Emits on proposal creation. /// Params: /// - Member id of a proposer. /// - Id of a newly created proposal after it was saved in storage. ProposalCreated(MemberId, ProposalId), /// Emits on proposal status change. /// Params: /// - Id of a updated proposal. /// - New proposal status ProposalStatusUpdated(ProposalId, ProposalStatus), /// Emits on voting for the proposal /// Params: /// - Voter - member id of a voter. /// - Id of a proposal. /// - Kind of vote. Voted(MemberId, ProposalId, VoteKind), } ); decl_error! { /// Engine module predefined errors pub enum Error for Module{ /// Proposal cannot have an empty title" EmptyTitleProvided, /// Proposal cannot have an empty body EmptyDescriptionProvided, /// Title is too long TitleIsTooLong, /// Description is too long DescriptionIsTooLong, /// The proposal does not exist ProposalNotFound, /// Proposal is finalized already ProposalFinalized, /// The proposal have been already voted on AlreadyVoted, /// Not an author NotAuthor, /// Max active proposals number exceeded MaxActiveProposalNumberExceeded, /// Stake cannot be empty with this proposal EmptyStake, /// Stake should be empty for this proposal StakeShouldBeEmpty, /// Stake differs from the proposal requirements StakeDiffersFromRequired, /// Approval threshold cannot be zero InvalidParameterApprovalThreshold, /// Slashing threshold cannot be zero InvalidParameterSlashingThreshold, /// Require root origin in extrinsics RequireRootOrigin, /// Insufficient balance for operation. InsufficientBalance, } } // Storage for the proposals engine module decl_storage! { pub trait Store for Module as ProposalEngine{ /// Map proposal by its id. pub Proposals get(fn proposals): map hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::ProposalId => ProposalOf; /// Count of all proposals that have been created. pub ProposalCount get(fn proposal_count): u32; /// Map proposal executable code by proposal id. pub DispatchableCallCode get(fn proposal_codes): map hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::ProposalId => Vec; /// Count of active proposals. pub ActiveProposalCount get(fn active_proposal_count): u32; /// Ids of proposals that are open for voting (have not been finalized yet). pub ActiveProposalIds get(fn active_proposal_ids): map hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::ProposalId=> (); /// Ids of proposals that were approved and theirs grace period was not expired. pub PendingExecutionProposalIds get(fn pending_proposal_ids): map hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::ProposalId=> (); /// Double map for preventing duplicate votes. Should be cleaned after usage. pub VoteExistsByProposalByVoter get(fn vote_by_proposal_by_voter): double_map hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::ProposalId, hasher(blake2_128_concat) MemberId => VoteKind; /// Map proposal id by stake id. Required by StakingEventsHandler callback call pub StakesProposals get(fn stakes_proposals): map hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::StakeId => T::ProposalId; } } decl_module! { /// 'Proposal engine' substrate module pub struct Module for enum Call where origin: T::Origin { /// Predefined errors type Error = Error; /// Emits an event. Default substrate implementation. fn deposit_event() = default; /// Exports const - the fee is applied when cancel the proposal. A fee would be slashed (burned). const CancellationFee: BalanceOf = T::CancellationFee::get(); /// Exports const - the fee is applied when the proposal gets rejected. A fee would be slashed (burned). const RejectionFee: BalanceOf = T::RejectionFee::get(); /// Exports const - max allowed proposal title length. const TitleMaxLength: u32 = T::TitleMaxLength::get(); /// Exports const - max allowed proposal description length. const DescriptionMaxLength: u32 = T::DescriptionMaxLength::get(); /// Exports const - max simultaneous active proposals number. const MaxActiveProposalLimit: u32 = T::MaxActiveProposalLimit::get(); /// Vote extrinsic. Conditions: origin must allow votes. #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight pub fn vote(origin, voter_id: MemberId, proposal_id: T::ProposalId, vote: VoteKind) { T::VoterOriginValidator::ensure_actor_origin( origin, voter_id, )?; ensure!(>::contains_key(proposal_id), Error::::ProposalNotFound); let mut proposal = Self::proposals(proposal_id); ensure!(matches!(proposal.status, ProposalStatus::Active{..}), Error::::ProposalFinalized); let did_not_vote_before = !>::contains_key( proposal_id, voter_id, ); ensure!(did_not_vote_before, Error::::AlreadyVoted); proposal.voting_results.add_vote(vote.clone()); // mutation >::insert(proposal_id, proposal); >::insert(proposal_id, voter_id, vote.clone()); Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Voted(voter_id, proposal_id, vote)); } /// Cancel a proposal by its original proposer. #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight pub fn cancel_proposal(origin, proposer_id: MemberId, proposal_id: T::ProposalId) { T::ProposerOriginValidator::ensure_actor_origin( origin, proposer_id, )?; ensure!(>::contains_key(proposal_id), Error::::ProposalNotFound); let proposal = Self::proposals(proposal_id); ensure!(proposer_id == proposal.proposer_id, Error::::NotAuthor); ensure!(matches!(proposal.status, ProposalStatus::Active{..}), Error::::ProposalFinalized); // mutation Self::finalize_proposal(proposal_id, ProposalDecisionStatus::Canceled); } /// Veto a proposal. Must be root. #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight pub fn veto_proposal(origin, proposal_id: T::ProposalId) { ensure_root(origin)?; ensure!(>::contains_key(proposal_id), Error::::ProposalNotFound); let proposal = Self::proposals(proposal_id); // mutation if >::contains_key(proposal_id) { Self::veto_pending_execution_proposal(proposal_id, proposal); } else { ensure!(matches!(proposal.status, ProposalStatus::Active{..}), Error::::ProposalFinalized); Self::finalize_proposal(proposal_id, ProposalDecisionStatus::Vetoed); } } /// Block finalization. Perform voting period check, vote result tally, approved proposals /// grace period checks, and proposal execution. fn on_finalize(_n: T::BlockNumber) { let finalized_proposals = Self::get_finalized_proposals(); // mutation // Check vote results. Approved proposals with zero grace period will be // transitioned to the PendingExecution status. for proposal_data in finalized_proposals { >::insert(proposal_data.proposal_id, proposal_data.proposal); Self::finalize_proposal(proposal_data.proposal_id, proposal_data.status); } let executable_proposals = Self::get_approved_proposal_with_expired_grace_period(); // Execute approved proposals with expired grace period for approved_proosal in executable_proposals { Self::execute_proposal(approved_proosal); } } } } impl Module { /// Create proposal. Requires 'proposal origin' membership. pub fn create_proposal( account_id: T::AccountId, proposer_id: MemberId, parameters: ProposalParameters>, title: Vec, description: Vec, stake_balance: Option>, encoded_dispatchable_call_code: Vec, ) -> Result { Self::ensure_create_proposal_parameters_are_valid( ¶meters, &title, &description, stake_balance, &account_id, )?; // checks passed // mutation let next_proposal_count_value = Self::proposal_count() + 1; let new_proposal_id = next_proposal_count_value; let proposal_id = T::ProposalId::from(new_proposal_id); // Check stake_balance for value and create stake if value exists, else take None // If create_stake() returns error - return error from extrinsic let stake_id_result = stake_balance .map(|stake_amount| { ProposalStakeManager::::create_stake(stake_amount, account_id.clone()) }) .transpose()?; let mut stake_data = None; if let Some(stake_id) = stake_id_result { stake_data = Some(ActiveStake { stake_id, source_account_id: account_id, }); >::insert(stake_id, proposal_id); } let new_proposal = Proposal { created_at: Self::current_block(), parameters, title, description, proposer_id, status: ProposalStatus::Active(stake_data), voting_results: VotingResults::default(), }; >::insert(proposal_id, new_proposal); >::insert(proposal_id, encoded_dispatchable_call_code); >::insert(proposal_id, ()); ProposalCount::put(next_proposal_count_value); Self::increase_active_proposal_counter(); Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ProposalCreated(proposer_id, proposal_id)); Ok(proposal_id) } /// Performs all checks for the proposal creation: /// - title, body lengths /// - max active proposal /// - provided parameters: approval_threshold_percentage and slashing_threshold_percentage > 0 /// - provided stake balance and parameters.required_stake are valid pub fn ensure_create_proposal_parameters_are_valid( parameters: &ProposalParameters>, title: &[u8], description: &[u8], stake_balance: Option>, stake_account_id: &T::AccountId, ) -> DispatchResult { ensure!(!title.is_empty(), Error::::EmptyTitleProvided); ensure!( title.len() as u32 <= T::TitleMaxLength::get(), Error::::TitleIsTooLong ); ensure!( !description.is_empty(), Error::::EmptyDescriptionProvided ); ensure!( description.len() as u32 <= T::DescriptionMaxLength::get(), Error::::DescriptionIsTooLong ); ensure!( (Self::active_proposal_count()) < T::MaxActiveProposalLimit::get(), Error::::MaxActiveProposalNumberExceeded ); ensure!( parameters.approval_threshold_percentage > 0, Error::::InvalidParameterApprovalThreshold ); ensure!( parameters.slashing_threshold_percentage > 0, Error::::InvalidParameterSlashingThreshold ); // check stake parameters if let Some(required_stake) = parameters.required_stake { if let Some(staked_balance) = stake_balance { ensure!( required_stake == staked_balance, Error::::StakeDiffersFromRequired ); } else { return Err(Error::::EmptyStake.into()); } ensure!( types::Balances::::usable_balance(stake_account_id).saturated_into::() >= required_stake.saturated_into::(), Error::::InsufficientBalance ); } if stake_balance.is_some() && parameters.required_stake.is_none() { return Err(Error::::StakeShouldBeEmpty.into()); } Ok(()) } /// Callback from StakingEventsHandler. Refunds unstaked imbalance back to the source account. /// There can be a lot of invariant breaks in the scope of this proposal. /// Such situations are handled by adding error messages to the log. pub fn refund_proposal_stake(stake_id: T::StakeId, imbalance: NegativeImbalance) { if >::contains_key(stake_id) { let proposal_id = Self::stakes_proposals(stake_id); if >::contains_key(proposal_id) { let proposal = Self::proposals(proposal_id); if let ProposalStatus::Active(active_stake_result) = proposal.status { if let Some(active_stake) = active_stake_result { let refunding_result = CurrencyOf::::resolve_into_existing( &active_stake.source_account_id, imbalance, ); if refunding_result.is_err() { print("Broken invariant: cannot refund"); } } } else { print("Broken invariant: proposal status is not Active"); } } else { print("Broken invariant: proposal doesn't exist"); } } else { print("Broken invariant: stake doesn't exist"); } } /// Resets voting results for active proposals. /// Possible application includes new council elections. pub fn reset_active_proposals() { >::iter().for_each(|(proposal_id, _)| { >::mutate(proposal_id, |proposal| { proposal.reset_proposal(); >::remove_prefix(&proposal_id); }); }); } } impl Module { // Wrapper-function over system::block_number() fn current_block() -> T::BlockNumber { >::block_number() } // Enumerates through active proposals. Tally Voting results. // Returns proposals with finalized status and id fn get_finalized_proposals() -> Vec> { // Enumerate active proposals id and gather finalization data. // Skip proposals with unfinished voting. >::iter() .filter_map(|(proposal_id, _)| { // load current proposal let proposal = Self::proposals(proposal_id); // Calculates votes, takes in account voting period expiration. // If voting process is in progress, then decision status is None. let decision_status = proposal.define_proposal_decision_status( T::TotalVotersCounter::total_voters_count(), Self::current_block(), ); // map to FinalizedProposalData if decision for the proposal is made or return None decision_status.map(|status| FinalizedProposalData { proposal_id, proposal, status, finalized_at: Self::current_block(), }) }) .collect() // compose output vector } // Veto approved proposal during its grace period. Saves a new proposal status and removes // proposal id from the 'PendingExecutionProposalIds' fn veto_pending_execution_proposal(proposal_id: T::ProposalId, proposal: ProposalOf) { >::remove(proposal_id); let vetoed_proposal_status = ProposalStatus::finalized( ProposalDecisionStatus::Vetoed, None, None, Self::current_block(), ); >::insert( proposal_id, Proposal { status: vetoed_proposal_status, ..proposal }, ); } // Executes approved proposal code fn execute_proposal(approved_proposal: ApprovedProposal) { let proposal_code = Self::proposal_codes(approved_proposal.proposal_id); let proposal_code_result = T::DispatchableCallCode::decode(&mut &proposal_code[..]); let approved_proposal_status = match proposal_code_result { Ok(proposal_code) => { if let Err(dispatch_error) = proposal_code.dispatch_bypass_filter(T::Origin::from(RawOrigin::Root)) { ApprovedProposalStatus::failed_execution(Self::parse_dispatch_error( dispatch_error.error, )) } else { ApprovedProposalStatus::Executed } } Err(error) => ApprovedProposalStatus::failed_execution(error.what()), }; let proposal_execution_status = approved_proposal .finalisation_status_data .create_approved_proposal_status(approved_proposal_status); let mut proposal = approved_proposal.proposal; proposal.status = proposal_execution_status.clone(); >::insert(approved_proposal.proposal_id, proposal); Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ProposalStatusUpdated( approved_proposal.proposal_id, proposal_execution_status, )); >::remove(&approved_proposal.proposal_id); } // Performs all actions on proposal finalization: // - clean active proposal cache // - update proposal status fields (status, finalized_at) // - add to pending execution proposal cache if approved // - slash and unstake proposal stake if stake exists // - decrease active proposal counter // - fire an event // It prints an error message in case of an attempt to finalize the non-active proposal. fn finalize_proposal(proposal_id: T::ProposalId, decision_status: ProposalDecisionStatus) { Self::decrease_active_proposal_counter(); >::remove(&proposal_id.clone()); let mut proposal = Self::proposals(proposal_id); if let ProposalStatus::Active(active_stake) = proposal.status.clone() { if let ProposalDecisionStatus::Approved { .. } = decision_status { >::insert(proposal_id, ()); } // deal with stakes if necessary let slash_balance = Self::calculate_slash_balance(&decision_status, &proposal.parameters); let slash_and_unstake_result = Self::slash_and_unstake(active_stake.clone(), slash_balance); // create finalized proposal status with error if any let new_proposal_status = ProposalStatus::finalized( decision_status, slash_and_unstake_result.err(), active_stake, Self::current_block(), ); proposal.status = new_proposal_status.clone(); >::insert(proposal_id, proposal); Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ProposalStatusUpdated( proposal_id, new_proposal_status, )); } else { print("Broken invariant: proposal cannot be non-active during the finalisation"); } } // Slashes the stake and perform unstake only in case of existing stake fn slash_and_unstake( current_stake_data: Option>, slash_balance: BalanceOf, ) -> Result<(), &'static str> { // only if stake exists if let Some(stake_data) = current_stake_data { if !slash_balance.is_zero() { ProposalStakeManager::::slash(stake_data.stake_id, slash_balance)?; } ProposalStakeManager::::remove_stake(stake_data.stake_id)?; } Ok(()) } // Calculates required slash based on finalization ProposalDecisionStatus and proposal parameters. // Method visibility allows testing. pub(crate) fn calculate_slash_balance( decision_status: &ProposalDecisionStatus, proposal_parameters: &ProposalParameters>, ) -> types::BalanceOf { match decision_status { ProposalDecisionStatus::Rejected | ProposalDecisionStatus::Expired => { T::RejectionFee::get() } ProposalDecisionStatus::Approved { .. } | ProposalDecisionStatus::Vetoed => { BalanceOf::::zero() } ProposalDecisionStatus::Canceled => T::CancellationFee::get(), ProposalDecisionStatus::Slashed => proposal_parameters .required_stake .clone() .unwrap_or_else(BalanceOf::::zero), // stake if set or zero } } // Enumerates approved proposals and checks their grace period expiration fn get_approved_proposal_with_expired_grace_period() -> Vec> { >::iter() .filter_map(|(proposal_id, _)| { let proposal = Self::proposals(proposal_id); if proposal.is_grace_period_expired(Self::current_block()) { // this should be true, because it was tested inside is_grace_period_expired() if let ProposalStatus::Finalized(finalisation_data) = proposal.status.clone() { Some(ApprovedProposalData { proposal_id, proposal, finalisation_status_data: finalisation_data, }) } else { None } } else { None } }) .collect() } // Increases active proposal counter. fn increase_active_proposal_counter() { let next_active_proposal_count_value = Self::active_proposal_count() + 1; ActiveProposalCount::put(next_active_proposal_count_value); } // Decreases active proposal counter down to zero. Decreasing below zero has no effect. fn decrease_active_proposal_counter() { let current_active_proposal_counter = Self::active_proposal_count(); if current_active_proposal_counter > 0 { let next_active_proposal_count_value = current_active_proposal_counter - 1; ActiveProposalCount::put(next_active_proposal_count_value); }; } // Parse dispatchable execution result. fn parse_dispatch_error(error: DispatchError) -> &'static str { match error { DispatchError::BadOrigin => error.into(), DispatchError::Other(msg) => msg, DispatchError::CannotLookup => error.into(), DispatchError::Module { index: _, error: _, message: msg, } => msg.unwrap_or("Dispatch error."), } } } // Simplification of the 'FinalizedProposalData' type type FinalizedProposal = FinalizedProposalData< ::ProposalId, ::BlockNumber, MemberId, types::BalanceOf, ::StakeId, ::AccountId, >; // Simplification of the 'ApprovedProposalData' type type ApprovedProposal = ApprovedProposalData< ::ProposalId, ::BlockNumber, MemberId, types::BalanceOf, ::StakeId, ::AccountId, >; // Simplification of the 'Proposal' type type ProposalOf = Proposal< ::BlockNumber, MemberId, types::BalanceOf, ::StakeId, ::AccountId, >;