name: eks-cluster runtime: nodejs description: A Pulumi program to deploy storage node to cloud environment template: config: aws:profile: default: joystream-user aws:region: default: us-east-1 wsProviderEndpointURI: description: Chain RPC endpoint default: 'wss://' isAnonymous: description: Whether you are deploying an anonymous storage node default: true isLoadBalancerReady: description: Whether the load balancer service is ready and has been assigned an IP default: false colossusPort: description: Port that is exposed for the colossus container default: 3000 storage: description: Amount of storage in gigabytes for ipfs volume default: 40 providerId: description: StorageProviderId assigned to you in working group keyFile: description: Path to JSON key export file to use as the storage provider (role account) publicURL: description: API Public URL to announce passphrase: description: Optional passphrase to use to decrypt the key-file secret: true